14058823? ago

What the FUCK is wrong with sending cash to a cause you believe in??? WTF!!

14059914? ago

Do you have a postal address for voat, I am afraid that I do not im just an anon

14058615? ago

We need daily updates on voats money and wallet then maybe you lazy goat herder fags will get up off your asses and do something.

14056785? ago

I got a 1070Ti more then happy to mine to help cover costs. Never done it before, if I can help let me know.

14057978? ago

Hero offer! Been trying to get sombre traction with mining myself

14054779? ago

How is a VOAT supporter able to support when there is no Pay Pal and I don't use Bitcoin, is there merchandise that can be acquired? All that is available now is to Up Vote Posts that are worthy of a vote, and Pray for a Successful Campaign against Deep State, Cabal, Crooked Politicians, Pedophiles, Human and Drug Traffickers.

14057972? ago

Welcome to the world where the cabal really is after you. We used to have PP & a shop they forced us to close

14046359? ago

Please STICKY Link a detailed description (for the Newbies) of how you acquire BTC (it takes Newbies 11 days to buy it), then how to send it to you in a Wallet. I promise you Newbies have no clue about BTC, Coinbase, Bitrix, Binance, BTC Cash, Ether, Litecoin, etc. If you want to get funded, you must explain to the newbies how to pay you in Crypto. Thanks.

14046877? ago

Good advice I cant edit so I will do a follow up + to say thanks ye guys threw in a few bucks to keep the lights on, appreciated.

14045150? ago

Just sent $. Pretty easy. verification by coinbase and coinbase address appear pretty tight. WWG1WGA

14044624? ago

Are you a Nigerian Prince? I think I got your email.

14043150? ago

It could be me, but I've been trying to get on Coinbase for the last hour. No dice.

14041780? ago

where so buy bitcoin. Also why not sell merch and just accept bitcoin payment for it?

14041755? ago

The owner of voat said nothing because PAYTRIOTs have already been described. Fuck you, Fuck QRV...if VOAT goes down Q can point us towards a spot that can handle their business. Again, fuck you

14042267? ago

Voat owner said it 12 days ago when the first of the Q people were integrating - https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711

14041656? ago

Man we need to use social media and advertise the hell out of voat and beg for donations at this point. Putt how broke are we?

14041450? ago

How we know where the money goes?

14041302? ago

Would a BTC transaction be possible using a reloadable prepaid Visa card?

14040620? ago

This is a scam people!!! Do not send BTC to some random anon!

14046901? ago

No it isn't. The wallet address was verified by Putt

14039837? ago

I have been clicking on your advertising link to get rates and info for weeks. Please update an alternative way to reach you for ads.

14039557? ago

Set up a PO box!

14039165? ago

Sent like 10-15 bucks, all I had in my wallet atm.

14038840? ago

I'd contribute if I knew how .... is there a tool with somewhere plz ?

14038811? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'I'm the real @NeonRevolt and I'd like to address the shill campaign against me here' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @14038800:

Ok, Neon is with the cabal because he sells t-shirt to pay his server traffic, but when VOAT ask for money its ok?


This notification (#1070) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

14038798? ago

@lostandfound what's desperately needed is a guide for beginners using cryptocurrency. What ones you accept, etc. I can guarantee, 99.9% of us don't even know how or where to start. I've started looking I into it, but it's not easy.

14038738? ago

Than you for letting us know.

14038441? ago

how about setting up a patreon account. it is all donations for the content you provide. its what the twitch streamers and youtube channels get started. it is a donation platform. and that is all. no business anything from what i understand. not sure how anon it would be but you call it the VOAT patreon. pretty general i guess.


14038298? ago

It's free cause MOS sponsors it.

14038242? ago

God the Q anon supporters had to flee reddit and now they and we might have to flee voat? This is our home. There's no where else.

14038182? ago

Well i'm telling everyone on here we need an angel and to donate and to get the boss and the owner on the line and we keep telling him to hire. Is Atko going to have to appear again real soon? We are broke do something.

14038134? ago

I'm a Boomer. Listen up VOAT assholes under the age of 35. All Boomers aren't dumb when it comes to technology. A few of us were in on major developments of it in the 70s, 80s and 90s. Myself included. So your insults are stupid.

Not sure I trust the people behind Bitcoin. But I'll send you fuckers some coin because I believe in equitable energy exchanges. Money, no matter what kind = energy. Energy expended keeping this platform afloat is worth using Bitcoin.

So all you complainers who want to write checks or use Paypal cause it's easy, learn something new and give Bitcoin. Your new brain synapsis will love you for it!

14038870? ago

Well that's easier said than done. Where does one start? Which coin do they accept? How to get started would be helpful, so, stop complaining? Be for real. You're doing just fine in that department.

14041273? ago

I just started a few months ago. Coinbase is good because they guarentee your money if THEY are hacked, NOT IF YOU ARE. YouTube is the best place to start. Learn about Coinbase (one of many crypto currency exchanges), what a wallet is, how to create passwords, how to store them. Crypto currency is inevitable in my humble opinion. Just like digital banking was inevitable. Imagine the first generation to put away cash and mostly used checks, It was the boomers. I'm a gen-X and crossed from checks to online banking. This is similar, with more risks, no one will be able to help you get your money back if you copramized your passwords, or get hacked. Hope this helps. Good Luck.

14040133? ago

Instead of enduring the constant insults reading through this post, head over to youtube and search for "how to use coinbase" it's not too hard, it allows easy transfer of USD, and it helps to get your acct. set up early for any required verification.

14056027? ago

Thanks, I'll do that!

14039765? ago

You have all the information you need by carefully reading this thread. Scroll up and down and learn. Check out the scam warnings and decide if this is true. It's great exercise for the mind. The answers are right here. Once you do, you'll find out sending Bitcoin to this site is easy. It's your choice to learn.

14037715? ago

Just sent some coin. Put it to good use please

14037648? ago

So no LTC accepted?

14038095? ago

Not board owner, just another anon, but I've never seen an LTC address here. Consider ShapeShift?

14038889? ago

Donate link at bottom of pages.

14037130? ago

Basically voat needs and angel ask for an angel now.

14037108? ago

Well get puttitout on the horn now! And goats donate some bitcoin to him and this site or we fold and i cant live without voat i need you goats. Puttitout make choices and sacrifices and ask for help or this place is going to fold get it together and swallow your ego and pride.

14036651? ago

I have a friend that does merchandise. I don't do crypto, but I might be willing to front some cash to get Merch to sell.

14036600? ago

I guess we are seeing what it really costs to run a website that isn't secretly backed by the intelligence industry.

14036595? ago

Guys, address 3NZvuAk3Csf1UP1KCmzN9dhiXTwvhTgr9k is less than two weeks old. This smells like a scam.



14036982? ago

No scam. This is the site admin's address. https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711

14043687? ago

Thanks, I couldn't find any direct evidence that the wallet address was legit. Easy way to scam a bunch of people in a hurry. PuttItOut should really make it globally available so there's no chance for confusion.

14044071? ago

I agree, but from what I hear, he's conflicted about something regarding receiving donations. I don't know if it's taxes, or some other legality, but I don't think that he wanted to permanently display his address for some reason. I suppose one of us could always message him.

14036587? ago

Although I understand fund raising and web site stats, remember the members here did not want us here and saw us as not worthy of being on there site, and now we are asked to pinch in for the funding they needed before we came. No sir. Not good form. I will leave before I fund someone who looks down on me and my belief in bringing back the country I grew up in for future generations to enjoy.

14037085? ago

Old goat here, since alpha phase. I know I don't look down on you. We believe in freedom of speech here, so we don't shut anyone up (not even the dicks). Don't take the silence of the majority to mean that we agree with anyone who doesn't want to MAGA. I for one, would love to MAGA, and I consider you my kin if you do.

14037343? ago

Thank you sir.

14036262? ago

Give us an address and I will gladly help out as I have many other truthers/alt news sites.

I will say that I have been most unwelcomed and silenced with down votes on this site in a very nasty way. Your old timers at VOAT don't seem to like the Q followers who have enthusiastically tried to help America out of the plight we ALL find ouselves in. I was at Reddit for the very reason I am now at VOAT, because that is where Q wants us. If tomorrow Q asked us to go to anyplace else, that is where I would go, period. It is not a reflection of anything or anyone at VOAT. It is a matter of being able to get information directly from Q, be able to discuss and take action. I am an America First kind of person.

You need resources because of our presence here so yes I will help. I have a bitcoin account at Coinbase. I am real uncomfortable sending money that way. Give me an address and the check is in the mail, doxing myself to people who have been very nasty to me, because I was not aware of your sensitivities and site rules. I will help you same as I will help those other Americans that hate everything Patriots stand for.

14042932? ago

God bless your maturity. Thank you mate. God help the other dick swingers...

14037187? ago

Voat has lost its payment processing ability because bankers can't handle free speech.

If you feel uneasy making a donation, imagine how the board owner would feel with his address broadcast to the internet. I'd give him a day or two until some antifa arrive. There's no way a mailing address could be used!

You can, however, send BTC to the address shown on this post: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711

14037728? ago

I just now sent you $100.00 in bitcoin.

14037952? ago

God bless you, Patriot!

14038175? ago

I confirmed just now, I put in 100.00 and 99.80 is what transferred. Rounding I suppose. Glad to help.

14036226? ago

He cashed out.

14036198? ago

How does one make a donation? I dont see any buttons to donate on the web page. I am happy to donate, just tell me how. Thanks on all you do web master!

14036242? ago

I am just an anon I have no affiliation with owners or admins.

Go to coinbase.com setup an account put a few dollars in there and send money wherever you like! Think a few other goars around here posted more detailed instructions but I am on the move hope that helps!

14036171? ago

Need official confirm that is legit voat btc account. Then will send asap

14036208? ago

My bad posted as comment but its been sunk down now. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2740725/14033220

Gotta improve my ebegging skills

14045100? ago

Sent some over. Thanks. Checking out the address it's gotten over $1200 so far today!!

14035986? ago

Adding BCH address may help a bit

14036074? ago

I am not aware of any other payment methods other than BTC I am afraid but thanks, also I am just anon no affiliation with site owners / admins

14035645? ago

There hasn't been any updates on how the site is financed. At this point i'm guessing CIA?

14035844? ago

We got the hosting costs down to a fraction of what it was before and the remaining funds were eeeked out as far as possible, it could well be CIA but I don't think Q would have sent you here knowing that. MI .... perhaps but to be fair given we very nearly shut down a few times in the last 12 months if there has been an angel its been in the last few days only and I am not aware of that. So I will operate that if that account stays empty for too long this all stops, thats all I know.

14035801? ago

This site is financed by the users, and the guy who runs the board. I've been here since the alpha, and I've donated several times, as have many others. Payment processing was cut by banks because they don't like what the site stands for (freedom of speech). Owner posted address earlier, on the day everyone was migrating over, and the server was being crushed under the load: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711 So, we know the BTC address is legit. I just sent a few bucks myself.

14035619? ago

Why would Q knowingly choose a broke platform?

14035779? ago

Why would Q choose a site that's being strangled to death by the cabal?

Because it's doing enough right to be attacked by the cabal

14035765? ago

Because there are no other platforms (save 8chan) that would allow uncucked Q talk

14035881? ago

You believe On all of the internet there's one place to talk freely?

Why not funnel money from the Govt to maintain an old site under the radar w reliable servers

14035587? ago

How about contacting my e mail on a secured line with donating info. ??

14035796? ago

I am just an anon and I cannot provide you with any further information here, but thanks patriot.

14035751? ago

VOAT's owner had their payment processing cut off long ago. Donation info is legit, however. See previous post where owner provided BTC address, on the day everyone was migrating over, and the server was being crushed under the load: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711

14035528? ago

So how do we know this is a legit ask from a legit owner?

14035689? ago

That's actually a good question as an older goat I know that puttitout is a site owner but I guess theres little to actually prove that. Best I can do here is a notice for a few months ago when costs and time required to keep the site alive were getting to much for Putt and he asked whether we should keep going or not. https://voat.co/v/announcements/2580890 - I hope this satisfies this question, if not let me know and I will keep on digging!

14035489? ago

Edit: False alarm. it does appear to be the same bitcoin address provided by Putt previously! Not a scam!

Hello? This announcement can’t be found anywhere else! This is a scam!

It’s not on any other part of voat

Beware paytriots


14035722? ago

I am neither a site admin nor an owner, I am just another anon posting into the newest most active sub on the site for assistance. The BTC walled mentioned above is publicly view able and is confirmed by the site owner Putt here - https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711

14035748? ago

Thank you! I edited my comment.

The bitcoin addresses do match!

14035575? ago

NO SCAM! Owner posted address earlier, on the day everyone was migrating over, and the server was being crushed under the load: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711

14035699? ago

I edited my comment

14036428? ago


14035624? ago

Oh, it is the same link. Shit. Thank you!

14035420? ago

I agree,post a P.O. box and I will donate.

14035237? ago

This should be stickied

14035412? ago

I agree but given the nature of this site, none of the proponents can be seen to ask for money. Site owner gets a lot of legal cover as this does not turn a profit but we can help with costs, if he starts asking or supporting requests for funding then I imagine that cover will dry up pretty quick. The sub admins if they are MI or even just Neon then they also cannot be seen to support this kind of ebegging that I am currently doing.

14035202? ago

I've just sent a donation. God bless VOAT, and God bless The United States of America!

14035262? ago

Awesome a true patriot! thanks on behalf of those who cannot thank you directly.

14035098? ago

I'm too retarded to use crypto.

14035247? ago

That's ok we were all retarded once.

14035023? ago

Could you get a few more crypto addresses? You need Ethereum ( MyEtherWallet.com ), Litecoin (Litecoin.org ), and Digibyte ( Digibyte.io ). If you need help with this just DM or email me. I’d be honored to help.

14035067? ago

I am just another anon - no affiliation with the site owners but this is a good suggestion and thanks for offering the help. +1

14035311? ago

Just let me know. I can walk them through it step by step. Tell them to sign up for these crypto exchanges immediately though: Bittrex.com, Uphold.com, and especially GEMINI.com cause it will take some time to get verified.

14034912? ago

Please open a PayPal acct or something besides btc. I don't do btc.

14036470? ago

Get used to BTC, and other cryptocurrencies. The time is quickly approaching when free people will have no other option.

14034979? ago

Cabal has closed off all these options to us, they are trying to suffocate us

14034733? ago

So, VOAT can only take BTC? Is that what you are saying. Have all processors been cut? You have a huge education program with the Newbies, then. This goat recognized it as a wallet address. However, the majority are clueless (newbies). Someone needs to bring them up to speed on BTC (coinbase yech - but it is prob their only portal) bitrix binance and other ways they can fund VOAT. So that it is? Cryto only? Wow the deep state is deep.

14035149? ago

Yes, BTC only at the moment. Voat used to have a merchandise store but it had to be shut down since it lost all payment processors. Putt also tried paid advertisements but, again, getting paid quickly turned into a headache. Now it's just the BTC address. I think it's possible he hasn't needed significant donations beyond what was already donated during the fundraising campaign and what gets dropped from time to time. He could just be transferring the money and paying for the website costs separately. Or he's just paying out of pocket which would be a hardship on most people. Although, even if he can make ends meet now, more and more users are coming to Voat and with that migration comes added cost. I'd like for Putt to be more transparent on the subject but he is not the type to beg for money unless the website is in danger of going under rapidly (less than a month for example). I do think he should bring back advertising and explain paying in BTC to the new users.

14035022? ago

Point taken, I guess I took a few elements for granted when I posted this. Gotta work on my ebegging it's my first time and I have no tits to assist me here

14034686? ago

Just donated another chunk of BTC to help the cause!


14035041? ago

Fucking HERO - save this post and ping me if there's anything we can do to help you.

14035172? ago

This is beyond important, especially during this final phase... people are willing to spend $4/day on a cup of coffee everyday @ Starcucks... but not willing to contribute 50% of that amount to protect their 1st amendment and uproot global corruption that poses an existential threat.

People's priorities are beyond twisted.

14039825? ago

Speak for yourself! I buy McDonald's frappes

14040478? ago

Now THAT is a justifiable expense... make sure you wipe your mouth with the Constitution each time you finish one.

14042877? ago

Why thank you

14034668? ago

This had better not be a scam. 0.015 BTC sent.

14035395? ago

Thanks for that.

But why send b4 confirming the address is legit?

14319429? ago

Not sure how you would do that. I did get a link to something that rated for scamminess, but I don't know where it is. Seems like a gap in the wallet software that this is not part of the transfer set up process.

14036555? ago

I too like to live dangerously!

14035010? ago

No scam, I like this place too much to risk getting the boot heres the public ledger for transactions for what its worth - https://bitcoinwhoswho.com/address/3NZvuAk3Csf1UP1KCmzN9dhiXTwvhTgr9k

14321229? ago

Thanks for that.

14034613? ago

The last time I sent funds, I got a reply. "Thank you for donating to Gabara's Wish Foundation."

14034630? ago

I love voat

14034548? ago

We need Elon Musk ! @k_digi {music starts} {"send me a soverign fund...... riiiiight now.... right nowowowowow...."}

14034545? ago

How about: The Check is in the Snail mail

14034734? ago

That would be cool. Just need an address, they need to get a PO Box.

14034541? ago

what is wrong with a go fund me?

14034718? ago

The problem is the payment processors, so even with a go fund me, there is no way to accept payments.

14035211? ago

Can you explain this? How can a person not be able to accept payments? Do they not legally want to be accepting payments? My daughter pays people for commissions all over the world through paypal. No one has ever had payment processors issues.

14048830? ago

Exactly what they all said. Places like PayPal and the organizations that process MasterCard/Visa etc can cut off their services to places they deem unacceptable.

Sometimes they fear some type of legal action or think the merchant is doing something illegal, but most of the time, its a political decision. PayPal cut off their service to Alex Jones and his InfoWars store.

Its just another effort by the big corps to hit the pockets of anyone who isn't in lock step with their agenda. When that happens, the only way for places to accept payment from subscribers is cash-in-the-mail or crypto-currency.

14038250? ago

Same thing happened with Wikileaks. Its done to lots of people these days.

14035659? ago

Your daughter isn't running a free speech message board

It's not that uncommon for processors to decide they won't deal with people for political reasons

14035750? ago

So people want to be undetectable? Is this what you are saying?

14035948? ago

That said, if I was Putt I'd want to be undetectable, he's not exactly popular among SJW's and their leaders, an we all know how they love to persecute folk just for having opposing views

14035869? ago

Nope what I'm saying is Paypal et al kicked Voat into touch because of wrongthink

14034536? ago

I will try to earn to use. Thanks for letting us know.

14034514? ago

Sent all the bitcoin I had, only a few bucks, will get more and send later. How about some VOAT/QRV coffee mugs or t-shirts? I'd sure buy those.

14034423? ago

Before you donates is this going to support site? Seems like fuckery. MI doesn't need our cash.

14034487? ago

Neither does God but the donation plate still fills

14034479? ago

I could only pray this was MI, it's not, its a college project that's spiraled out of control

14034358? ago

I would certainly be willing to give a small amount. A lot of us would actually IMO. But, it has to remain anonymous and the use of cryptocurrency is quite complicated for most of us. So you have to find a way...

14034313? ago

What about selling items, like t-shirts or mugs with a VOAT QRV on it?

14034268? ago

What about a gofundme? Seems everyone else is using them these days for much more trivial things.

14034233? ago

What is the monthly cost @lostandfound ?

14034443? ago

I am taking a flying guess here, I know that before we modified the code and the hosting it was circa 7-8k usd per month. I would estimate that we have brought that down into the sub 1k range now but again I am guessing here. So we're not looking for a mountain of cash just a reasonable few bucks to keep us alive.

14036502? ago

Wow, I had no idea it could cost even 1k a month! I will be sending funds. You guys should really look into accepting the anonymous coins like Dash, Pivx, Monero, etc. Bitcoin is very traceable.

14034231? ago

I agree, that renting a mailbox at the post office, or any PostNet/Mailboxes ETC. store is the best way at avoiding payment sites. I don't use Ebay because of too many bad experiences, and will never have a paypal or patreon account opened. So, yes, we are willing to help, but it starts with the owners giving us a viable option.

14034041? ago

What if you sold merchandise on amazon or ebay?

14034110? ago

If I knew where to send the money at the end that would be great, though I have a funny feeling as soon as anything appears on amazon or ebay it will implode fairly quickly as has been out experiences in the past.

Cabal hates voat

14034003? ago

I dont have bitcoin any longer. Can we send a check in snail mail?

14033969? ago

If all forms of payment processing have been closed outside Bitcoin, they should open a P.O. Box and let people send cash or money orders.

14046733? ago

Everything is tracked. Not that it matters. Post Office photos every letter that passes through the system now. Thank you 9/11 Thank you Patriot Act 1 and 2. Maybe someday we will get out country back.

14049791? ago

& you don't think btc/crypto is tracked?

The only anon transactions are barter or bullion changing hands

14036086? ago

or a bomb, or anthrax...

14034795? ago

I am more than willing to contribute but I looked at that bitcoin process and it's not for me. There must be some other way!

14037260? ago

Jesus Christ boomers are retarded. Open an account with coinbase. Put in your debit card. Buy bitcoin. Send bitcoin to address. It’s the easiest thing you can do. Learn how to use technology. Faggot.

14047827? ago

who are you calling faggot faggot? I followed your rather simplistic directions and guess what? This nigger now has a new coin base account so fuck off ass wipe...the only problem now is the address that was posted is giving me shit saying it is not valid. Is there a email address this old turd can use that might help me to toss a few shekels to our buddies? To all those pussys here, face your fucking fears and they will become nothing....

14047354? ago

I am using the address via coinbase and getting an invalid address message

14041782? ago

They'd rather put cash in birthday cards to get stolen by sheboons

14039668? ago

Hey Fag.....quit putting down others who want to contribute! Just not in your way. Put your dick back in your pants and quit swingin' it!!!!

14041902? ago

Fuck you this is VOAT

14042743? ago

Fuck you more. This is Voat

14049765? ago

Fuck you infinity - this is home now

14049860? ago


14039481? ago

Why would anyone entrust their debit card to coinbase? Not going to happen. If you want help, give an address to send checks to. You can always get a mail forwarding address to protect your real address. Much safer for everyone.

14049736? ago


I got Ag on it

14041856? ago

It isn't for Timmy's birthday, you dumb cunt

14039195? ago

Yeah, you missed the part where you have to wait a week, verify your account, transfer money, get raped on the transfer fee, wait for another week or two for the transaction, THEN send the BTC. It has fucking retardedly high obstacles to overcome to get into.

14038748? ago

I am a senior software enterprise architect with 30 years of experience socializing your existence. Fuck you and your bit coin faggot

14039710? ago

I'm with you, brother. I helped build the internet as we know it today, and I find bitcoin to be unintelligible and less trustworthy than Facebook.

14041886? ago

Way to prove yourself a rank fucking idiot who stopped paying attention a long time ago. DOX yourself all over social media but too afraid to trust crypto. Fuck off moron

14042130? ago

lol, I've never had a social media account and I don't exist on the web.

14037825? ago

Fuck you. Fuck Bitcoin.

14037578? ago

Specious faggot logic. Fuck off, smartypants. "Easy"..."Learn how...". Shaming people into the crypto world is such an intelligent strategy. Your mother's egg should have had better choices in sperm, than the one with your face on it.

14041510? ago

Shaming is good

14041838? ago

Lack of shaming is what is destroying our civilization.

14037424? ago

We taught you to tie your shoes. Ingrate.

14037958? ago

You also gave us 2 Bush puppets. Thanks. When I was 18 I volunteered for Ron Paul. What did you do? Canvass for a puppet globalist and then eagerly vote for him? Good job.

14039171? ago

Elections are rigged. This country is and has been controlled for over a hundred years. Get a grip. R or D makes little difference, the Deep State gets what it wants. The War Machine gets what it wants. The Jew gets what it wants.

14041814? ago

Fuck off. Boomers took everything they wanted and mortgaged it into the future generations' problems. Now they just groan about entitlement of millennials while collecting pensions supported by people who will never get one

14053865? ago

Found the shill

14056772? ago

Ha! In the thread for begging on VOAT's behalf?

14045813? ago

No the Boomers had the Dream that was sold to them ripped away and sold to China and Middle east

Not their Fault....just as it wasn't anyone's fault they voted for Obama

You were Sold Dream and They Lied


And start getting mad at "them"

14033941? ago

What about using ebay? You could sell handmade VOAT "Thanks For Funding Us" letters (your cost = $0.05) and sell it now for $35.00. We could buy them to help fund the site. It's not perfect, but I think more people would do that than would do anything with cryptocurrency.

Also, if I own a business how do I advertise on VOAT? You can't throw your hands up in defeat. Hell I can mail a check and a graphic to a local newspaper and they will run my ad - why can't I do the same on VOAT?

14040572? ago

set up a gofund me or any other way for us to contribute. I am ready to help out as I'm sure many others are. I just dont have BTC.

14040364? ago

Make it a downloadable document and we'll still buy it.

14038277? ago

Why not have the mods sent a nice letter of appreciation to Martin Geddes who's promoting Q on his company website, stating the site needs funding - if he'd be willing to support? http://www.martingeddes.com/wwg1wga-the-greatest-communications-event-in-history/

14036784? ago

Ebay owns Paypal. Paypal cut Voat off years ago and stole thousands in donations. Fuck ebay.

14037992? ago

No, PayPal is a standalone business. eBay stopped owning them in 2015. In fact, at the beginning of this year they signed a new agreement to partner with a different payment service called Ayden in 2020.

14036247? ago

I'm sure paypal would LOVE to allow voat on their ebay platform and definitely wouldn't lock Voat's paypal account and steal all of their money after it has accumulated a nice sum of cash no SIREEE

14038801? ago

Yeah. Good point!

14036352? ago

PayPal has already removed its service from Voat.

14037554? ago

I only use paypal to buy firearms related accessories just because paypal is so anti gun.

14036454? ago

You know, I'm noticing something common constantly happening with companies who use paypal. I can't really put my finger on it though.

14036700? ago

more like companies who are financial partners to visa and mastercard

14034909? ago

@puttitout doesnt want to -make- money on voat, because then it becomes a business, and becomes actionable under the law. (as far as i'm aware)

14035177? ago

Bingo, this guy gets it. Correct if this ever becomes a profit making venture then there will be trouble. That's not to say we cannot help keep the costs of this operation covered to ensure peace of mind and ease of life for putt at the same time. If it was a 100% total no no then he would not have provided the address and would probably just close the site.

14034385? ago

Great idea for those of us not involved in the crypto world!

14036417? ago

I am mining crypto already.

14056776? ago

I got a 1070 Ti more then happy to mine to pay if someone tell me what to do

14081339? ago

I use EthOs dedicated miner, 1070FE's You can point the miner at what ever coin you want, but I mine etherium. Simple Rig set up

14034065? ago

I like your enthusiasm I am not sure of a PO box or physical address to send any money on! We used to have out local knitting community make little goats and sell them on the store.

14046976? ago

I miss those. I still wear my voat shirt.

14039435? ago

I would buy a goat. That's epic.

14038294? ago

This, and the T-shirt drives, never really made substantial money. Also logistics nightmare.

14036957? ago

If the site owner advertises it I will buy one for $50.

14040081? ago

I hope you can understand the complications of someone making a profit from this site. We just want to keep the lights on.

14045451? ago


Goat Swag is the way to pay the Bill's and maybe with the "profit" make a public slush fund the Goats can vote on what to spend it on or donate to.

We can do this Ladies and Gentleman.

Ps I also really want a knitted voat goat? What was the going rate $52

14037580? ago

I bid $51

14034408? ago

I would totally buy a tiny goat or two. Bring that back!

14034611? ago

@Needlestack this is your moment.

14033924? ago

Can I be an advertiser on this site?

14034927? ago

Not currently. Check here for updates: https://store.voat.co

14035464? ago

We got banned by PayPal before it was cool. Still have my prized voat tee shirt, but doubt we'll see any more any time soon.

14033921? ago

If this operator/staff/community needs coins and this is a legit mention of the fact, many of us will donate, sure. I don't know how to use crypto-currency so let me satisfy myself the need is real, the mechanism is real and then learn how to contribute...

Q or some supporter with abilities might oughta set up something we can all easily throw monies into, a tip jar or account. In fact, one of the wealthy persons of interest in all this might establish something to make sure it rolls along smoothly, Don Jr. or someone who can write the check painlessly.

We are the citizens, the honest taxpayers who DO pay all the bills, we pay the freight for every program and giveaway our double-damned government runs, every dime that gets paid gets paid because WE honest taxpayers do pay our bills. We even pay so that monies can be freely given away to our enemies, such is our willingness to pay our fair share. Thanks for mentioning it, check will be in the mail.

I don't really wanna use crypto, would that not be contributing to black market, semi-illegal conspiracies...? I DO hope someone with skilz figures out a way for us to donate safely.


14039324? ago

If Trump wanted to support alt tech he would have done so instead of pissing away his first two years lobbing billions of dollars of missiles at Syria, handing billions to Israel, and passing a MASSIVE "defense" budget (when have we ever fought a "defensive" war. Not in over a hundred years).

No wall.

No prison for Hillary.

No funding of alt tech startups to give us a place to speak freely, alt search, alt video, etc. Instead he spends tax money on the intelligence forming a Q program to get more people to vote for him. Your tax dollars. Used by the current administration. To manipulate you into voting for them again. Think about how fucked that is.

14042821? ago

Full k you. You know nothing Jon Snow

14046214? ago

Yes, trust the plan WWJD1QFU eat shit Q faggots gtfo voat go back to 4chan

14046267? ago

Blah, blah, blah......

14047638? ago

www.4chan.com www.4chan.co www.4chan.net ...something like that. Go for it.

14039828? ago

Pay attention, Congress does the budget, not POTUS.

WHO besides Trump has dared attack facebook and google, twatter and all the rest...? If you cared about America half as much as you hate Israel it would help. I bet you know how Israel budgets...but not America.

How fooked is that?


14046189? ago

QNigger, he "won" with a massive defense budget. That was supposed to be a 9million-D chessmate that got us a wall. It could have also gotten us fair access to information, elections, all sorts of shit. Pay attention: National Security Shit.

Do you understand this now?

14050370? ago

It's on its way Trust the plan

Will be built post-midterm by army Corp unit out of Ohio (anons correct state?) - the unit has a Red Castle insignia

14053871? ago

Post-Midterm... as long as you cast the Right vote! Right, qtard? ...because he's not a base pandering swamp cretin like the rest of them. He's someone who follows through with most of his campaign promises, right? Put down the bong.

14038905? ago

And it's fiat currency! That's not to say it isn't a viable investment until it is no longer a viable investment. Many have made a ton on it. I heard Clif High say he had enough money from Cryptos that he doesn't really need to work any longer! My biggest concern is that the government or any entity can decide at any point in time, not to accept it or allow it any longer. So, I buy silver.

14039118? ago

Silver...? Shucks, I've been buying MAGA hats and ammo...maybe I should branch out some. WWG1WGA

14050174? ago

Yea. silver is on sale right now for Patriots

MAGA hats & lead are just as good/better hedge (I guess I'm not the only one that gets joy from giving MAGA hats to patriots!)

14034389? ago

Bitcoin is legit. They call it conspiracy to scare everyone. Another MSM tactic. You can go to https://localbitcoins.com/ You can find people with 100% ratings. You can use your local currency, to send money to them and localbitcoins will act as the intermediary to make sure both parties are happy with the transaction.

14035055? ago

I don't use bitcoin currently, although at one time i did get a small value of it, (I must look down the back of that sofa) and i really like the theoretical independence, non central aspect. So i also run a small box 24/7 and takes 10W only, which is a full blockchain node, adding a small slice of independence to the bitcoin process.

14035051? ago

I don't see how it can possibly be legit, heck aren't the NorKs 'mining' it as fast as they can...? Anyhow, I don't really care, but does some company like the one you mention, localbitcoins, charge a fee for that? Do they have a physical address? I asked my IT guy, some time ago when discussing his bitcoins...if he paid taxes on profits or claimed losses, he laughed and said no.

I'll find a way to send money tho, but it needs to be made simple, donation tip jar or simple account we can mail a check.

14035356? ago

Go read the whitepaper on how blockchain functions. That's the backbone of all crypto.

It basically prevents people from double spending and counterfeiting.

It's legit to the biggest code and math nerds.

14035579? ago

Yeah, thanks, I have read some things for a while now, certain folks keep telling me to invest but it looks wrong to me...and nothing prevents it from disappearing as seems to happen, wild ups and downs and no real 'there' there.

But if legit banks take it then it can be used...I know some businesses do take it but they cannot show you one , because it doesn't really exist does it!!! Except in cyber-space of course.

14050239? ago

Not just that - all transactions are tracked...gov/tyrant's wet dream come true...

14060167? ago

Well, in today's world I reckon everything is tracked. That's good and bad, the usual yin/yang. Without such wonders Q would not be in possession of all that we hope Q possesses.

Now if we can just get to the finish line...


14035284? ago

It's decentralised, meaning anybody can mine it. Anybody can use it. You don't need permission to set up an account. You can pay tax on it if you want. Bitcoin is legit. There's no regulation saying you cant use bitcoin. Localbitcoin change the Seller a fee. Buyers dont get charged. If you're from America, coinbase.com is easy to use as well, that's legit. They make money on the exchange rate.

I use bitcoin for my company. I just treated it like cash. I had to pay people overseas. Instead of paying the banks, I used that localbitcoin site, and the dollars I sent to them, they gave me bitcoin. I then sent bitcoin overseas and they sold it on localbitcoin for their rupees. All I did on my side was use the dollars and ignore the bitcoin part. It's like how you send dollars to the bank, and they convert it to rupees, it's same concept.

Voat just needs to run their ads properly. I clicked on an ad, and the website never loaded. I wanted to see what that superhero website was, but it never loaded. They should do ads like google. Put text based ads here and there. I know I don't mind.

14035495? ago

Don't think VOAT has any real ads, those are old ones which exist as a joke, I think. VOAT was disenfranchised, think that's the story, could not accept payment...censorship at work.

Ok, so the sites, say coinbase, allow one to just use a card or such, and then they handle the exchanges charging 'whatever' fees to the vendor or recipient? That's how credit charges our company, we pay fees for the privilege of them handling it....getting expensive too. So all you have to do is give the address and pay the amount and it is done? How are guarantees of completion made, how do you know the monies went where you thought, it would be anonymous and no product exchanges hands after all.

14048603? ago

Yes then it's done. You can track their wallet, and you should see your transfer into theirs: https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/3NZvuAk3Csf1UP1KCmzN9dhiXTwvhTgr9k It's all public for anyone to view

14034000? ago

Thanks for your reply, he did when you first joined - https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711

But there's certain legal complications at the moment with actively going out and asking for money, so I am going to take one for the team here and give ebegging a go :o

Not sure of a physical address to even send anything to if we had a cheque

14102301? ago

14034328? ago

Well, as it happens a guy we use for our IT needs claims he trades in bitcoin, I'll ask him to send something and then pay him cash, he may well be in here somewhere anyhow.

I saw where someone was discussing how they didn't want to ask for cash, and it was mentioned that 'monies would come'. I thought that might have been a cryptic suggestion that finances were arranged, donor or what-have-you.

We'll gladly tithe, most of us, as soon as we know how. Don Jr. can open a bank account...something! Heck open a James Wood Fights Censorship account, give him the publicity and VOAT money for servers. Something can be done, this is America, money isn't supposed to be a problem. The IT friend I mentioned told me once that banks are starting to accept bitcoin, if that is true they have to allow 'us' to set up an account, we can pay them and they put it right in there.


14034531? ago

I hope you are right, IMO /v/QRV cannot ask for donations for two reasons a. neonrevolt mess b. if this is MI then there's a few complications with them asking for money in general. I think that putt cannot ask for donations as so long as this is not a profit making enterprise he gets some leeway in terms of the legality of whats going on here.

I could be totally wrong I just don't want to see one of the last bastions of free speech on the web sent to the old goat farm on the hill.

14033909? ago

Hire a Jew to figure out a better business model cause you ain't getting my shekels.

14036575? ago

Then go right back to reddit!

14036846? ago

Make me.

14033888? ago

Sent 10 USD a few weeks ago. I’ll send some more.

14033881? ago

Is there some other way to pay?

I don't do BTC <insert tiresome but inevitable insults here> but would be glad to contribute if there is another way.

14034117? ago

<insert tiresome but inevitable insults here>

Fucking retard crypto is simple

14050474? ago

If I were ever going to buy crypto, it would have been when it was under a penny.. Didn't for all those years, not starting now (going to pay those I know that invest in crypto to be intermediary before you call me a cheapass)

14048374? ago

For the most part, a lot of us don't deal in crypto merely because there was never a need. Until today, I haven't run across a service that required payment in cypto. Its like not bothering to have a PP account until you want to buy/donate and they only accept PP.

14039732? ago

You're a fuckin retard. Put your swingin dick back in your pants.

14038995? ago

You have to admit - there is a learning curve. I have gone through the learning curve and still don't do it. Why? Because one day I heard a negative story about Coinbase taking someone's coins. And, then there are a few countries that no longer allow it. I buy silver instead. I can keep that in a safe place and it will always be valuable and the no one will likely take it from me. Although, yes, anything is possible.

14050490? ago

Keep on stacking Patriot - it's on sale this month!

14075138? ago

Ain't that the truth!

14034172? ago


14035143? ago

Snew: An open-source parody client for reddit that attempts to undo reddit's pervasive censorship r/all - snew go1dfish https://snew.github.io/r/all

14033875? ago

Quite honestly. VOATS owner should put up a page with his cryptocurrency wallet addresses then link that on VOATS main page. There are too many scammers out there and this would help avoid confusion.

Those of you who don't know crypto can be taught to help maximize donations.

14034227? ago

he already did. @PuttItOut has recently posted his receiving address.

14033744? ago

I must be part Jew cause I never donate.

Figure out a way to survive without my shekels.

14033590? ago

Does the owner have a trustworthy family member with a Paypal account. As a QRV subscriber, I would be happy to send money monthly to offset costs as I am sure many QRV subs would.

14033933? ago

Sending bitcoin is very easy. For simplicity just go to coinbase.com buy 20 bucks worth of bitcoin and then send it to his wallet.

14034549? ago


14033767? ago

sending a money order wouldn't work?

14034068? ago

what fucking year is it

14039758? ago

The year for you to stop swingin your tiny dick!

14034158? ago

it doesn't matter what year it is if you're fucking stuck inside your fucking box!

14034207? ago

triggered Qoomer doesn't understand crypto ^

14034294? ago

triggered ^^^dipshit^^^ doesn't understand, period.

14034336? ago

zoinks, you really are pissed, scoob

14034103? ago

cash in hand is cash in hand

14034256? ago

crypto is instantaneous and can be used immediately to pay for remote servers.

No real trail if done w/ anoncoins too.

14033726? ago

I would hate to think of the site owners family having to become involved in this whole mess. We used to have a voat merch store but again any and all payment processors have declined to work with Voat.

14039044? ago

Yep. I heard someplace that all of the payment processors are owned by globalist companies. Scary shit. They can just turn you off at any point in time. Thank God for DJT!

14033587? ago

not one shekel.

14033586? ago

just gonna get a bunch of skeptical bullshit (and should). Give the people something real.

14033563? ago

I have faith the mods will kill this, if fake. If not, and it is true... Q, it may be time for those with the means to stand in the gap.

14033703? ago

Well here's the site owner advising of the BTC address - https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711 and the wallet is public so you can check the balance. I tagged myself @lostandfound in the op so if this is fake I'm in for a world of hurt.

14033531? ago

Scam? Anyway, cash in an envelope is the only way to proceed. You'd have to enable that.

14034163? ago

cash in an envelope is the only way to proceed.

listen, mongoloid, crypto is 1000x safer than that and simpler too. your tiny peabrain may not understand crypto, but the rest of the adults here understand the 21st century economy, Qoomer.

14037217? ago

"adult" form of what exactly? The synthetic entropy techniques enabling PKI and underlying crypto currency are vulnerable along at least 3 attack vectors. As I type, Sir Michael Atiyah is presenting his purported proof of the Riemann hypothesis in Heidlberg, Germany. That proof helps an attack along one of the vectors though I had expected that type of progress to be done by a much younger mathematician. In fact it is not impossible that PKI is already broken but it would be a deeply held secret because of the advantage it would give to the holder.

14033502? ago

Just sent 50 bitcoins.

14034293? ago

Whats up, fellow Qoomers?

I just sent all the extra Bitcoins I found under the couch cushions! you can too!

14039234? ago

I found 20! I had no idea I had that many. This couch is like my washer/dryer!

14033567? ago

Match me!

14033494? ago

@puttitout, Can you [or have you] made accounts and wallets for 10 or so of the most popular cryptocurrencies and make a new donation page that is just links to those addresses?

If you don't want to be bothered with that, you can do the same thing with addresses from a cryptocurrency exchange site when you can have addresses for a plethora of alt coins all auto converted to BTC.

I'm sure you know how to do all of this, but if you don't have the time i'd be happy to help out. Hit me up.

14034199? ago

Simple to do a multiwallet with Exodus.

14035331? ago

Use Abra. Can either link a bank account or use credit card to load the wallet, purchase bitcoin, then send it to the wallet address above.

14034798? ago

There are several services that can do it, I didn't list any as to not look "shilly"

14034992? ago

Yeah I get that.

I guess Shapeshift would be best. Just accept any altcoin to your preferred crypto through it,

14035758? ago

Yeah, worth the fee not to have to maintain 30+ wallets.

14033455? ago

Money magish, give what you take, take what you give. I don't do it obviously or I wouldn't be too broke other than to offer the advice does work thou.

14033386? ago

Well, new user clicked donations at the bottom of the page. Donations not possible, so what do you suggest? :/

14033437? ago

If you're savvy in bit coin, you can direct transfer them to the Wallet listed up there. Albeit I would want some confirmation that is indeed the wallet of someone associated with Voat. @Puttitout could probably confirm that.

14033383? ago

Dear Sir, Here we have history in the making. The second American Revolution. I would love to show my son VOAT was all in the middle of this. Can I buy a Cap/Hat to show that I was part of the STORM that took out the DS/Soros and made USA free again? Thank You

14033765? ago

We used to have voat merch for sale but we are no longer able to accept payments under most normal circumstances. BTC transaction is the only way I am aware of to get funding to voat.

14034470? ago

Lol set up a Voat Etsy store

14033392? ago

PS: It would worth more if the Board Owner signs it.

14033343? ago

This is complete bullshit. Good luck trying to get money out of me. I hope everyone knows this is complete faggotry

14036632? ago

shut up faggot

14033368? ago

In what way? It's a genuine appeal for a genuine reason. I like it here and have contributed what I could, now there's a shit load of people here also calling it home. Is there more information you would like me to provide?

14033788? ago

There is nothing genuine about your faggotry. Blow it out your asshole.

14033923? ago

Can you explain what has allowed you to unlock this level of complex advanced faggotry? I could only hope through years of training and ass stretching to actually be able to have this much up my own ass at once. Please tell me your secrets oh great one!

14033274? ago

i blame theawakening faggots being freeloaders.

14033513? ago

This is an infantile statement from a basement dweller if I ever saw one. "Theawakening" crowd would be your largest ever donors IMO. They own the basements.

14033600? ago

I mean most of them are already retired, so they'll only be able to donate from their pension

14035056? ago

I guess you don't understand about comfortable boomers who would be happy to give to support freedom.

14035242? ago

I'd have been happier if your generation didn't destroy america in the first place

14035977? ago

It's that kind of thinking that leads to the white guilt movement and to some expecting reparation payments for slavery. We aren't all a bunch of leftist subversives.

14036598? ago

whites have nothing to feel guilty for, your generation how ever has much to atone for

14034641? ago

My pension far exceeds your income.

14034663? ago

only because your generation destroyed the economy and let a bunch of filthy third worlders into the country

14034751? ago

Yup. Gotta teach you how to be men somehow.

14034817? ago

the boomers only taught women of my generation to be men, thanks for feminism

14034915? ago

You're welcome. I also got laid last night and years ago might have shagged your mother or grandmother.

It was good fun. Sucks to be you, but I don't actually like you. My kids are set. They will be your master and there's not much you can realistically do to change it.

14034964? ago

too bad they'll have nowhere to live because boomers destroyed the housing market and let our inner cities become warzones

14035094? ago

Are you retarded? We have enough land between us to easily equal more than 250 of your peers, combined. Our land assets, they used to be called holdings, are a fraction of our resources. You're getting none of it. You're essentially a peasant.

We are the new aristocracy and there's fuck all you're ever going to be able to do about it. Your borders mean nothing to us, nor do many of your rules. You're ineffectual and impotent. Sucks to be you, but those of us who played the game wisely are going to be fine - for many generations.

No, no I'm not Jewish. Also, seeing as I'm here...

gives you the finger

Enjoy your Ramen and be grateful you're getting it.

14035231? ago

Your borders mean nothing to us, nor do many of your rules.

I am aware that US border and laws meant nothing to your generation

14035433? ago

Yeah, even a third grade student should be able to figure it out. If you're trying to use that declaration as a demonstration of your intellect, you're failing.

That's too bad. We did our best to offer you an education. You're the most literate you've ever been. You have access to more than any generation before you. If you were smart, you'd play the game. What we really did is make it much easier for people to get on board. No, not with the American Dream, but with access to, and control of, resources and to do so on a grand scale. That you can't think is partially the fault of my generation. For some reason, we took critical thinking from the high school curriculum. I admit, that was a bad idea.

14035527? ago

We did our best to offer you an education.

that's another thing the boomers destroyed the US education system, in their effort to make it more fair to women learning and critical thinking have been replaced with simple memorization

14037436? ago

Failing to learn in today's environment is your own failing. There's more information available, at no cost, than ever before - and the numbers bear this out. You're the best educated generation - ever.

That doesn't make you the smartest.

14037517? ago

the best educated generation

again "education" doesn't mean much these days because of what your generation did to our school system or allowed our universities to turn into, you should be ashamed of yourselves

14037605? ago

Oh, how wrong you are. You couldn't be more wrong.

No, education means everything - but only if you're smart enough to apply it. Your lack of aptitude is the fault of genomic distribution and you can't blame that on me. It's not my generation's fault that you're an idiot. That's on you - and you still have time to change it. You won't, but that's because you're an idiot. What you should be doing is saying, "Thank you, sir." Then you should go read a book.

14037657? ago

the modern US education system you boomers created doesn't actually educate, you understand so little about the world today yet say so much

14038018? ago

It does, indeed. Your failure to take advantage of this is not my fault.

I have numbers to prove my point. You have higher numeracy and literacy in a variety of topics than you have ever had.

You're problem seems to be that you think education fixes stupidity. It doesn't. That'd be why you're a peasant and why we got away with raping the planet one last time. Smart people of your generation figure it out. You have more, per capita, millionaires in your generation than you had in the previous generations at those same age groups.

Again, I point out that you're not that bright - and that's not my fault. Maybe you should have taken those AP tests we offered you?

14033543? ago

megalomania does not befit faggots, faggot

14033220? ago

Edit : link to site owner confirming the BTC address https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711

14049810? ago

To the top with this anons!

14036244? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread, from @14036208, refers to this:

My bad posted as comment but its been sunk down now. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2740725/14033220

Gotta improve my ebegging skills

This notification (#1041) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

14035216? ago

Holy Shit you guys are actually sending over a few bits! Qcumbers are alright in my books.

  • Godspeed Patriots & thanks from the goats

14039906? ago

I tried going to Voat's donation section but there's no bitcoin wallet there. Likewise there's no daily donation counter like on reddit.

I get him having his pride and not wanting hand-outs; but shouldn't he at least put his Wallet address there for donations? Not that I'm implicating you - but can't any old person claim their wallet is the wallet for Voat?

14040056? ago

Yeah apologies for that I tried to edit my OP with the site owners link for BTC = it can be found here - https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715711. I posted this as a comment but its sunk down a bit now!

14040119? ago

Right on, thanks!

14038039? ago

I'm a Boomer. Listen up VOAT assholes under the age of 35. All Boomers aren't dumb when it comes to technology. A few of us were in on major developments of it in the 70s, 80s and 90s. Myself included. So your insults are stupid.

Not sure I trust the people behind Bitcoin. But I'll send you fuckers some coin because I believe in equitable energy exchanges. Money, no matter what kind = energy. Energy expended keeping this platform afloat is worth using Bitcoin.

14034563? ago

Christ me wife is a marketer - I will get killed thanks for that , would edit OP but its anon so it wont let me!

14034691? ago

I am your wife anon.

14034961? ago

Waifu! I always knew there was more to that 88 tattooed on your ankle

Drunken weekend in cancoon my ear

14035597? ago

Drunken weekend in cancoon my ear

I can't tell if this is some sort of Alcoholic beverage, in which case I don't think imbiding it through your ear is best, or if it's a really kinky sex act involving the use of your ear. Either way.
