Kingofcolumbia12 ago

Tunnels have exhaust fans.

Crensch ago


Ok, sleeper account that can't read the fucking article:

The train's crew, suspecting a failure in a hose supplying air for the brakes, inspected the exterior of the 16 cars. While they worked, smoke filled the first three cars, where the school group was seated.

Where were those fans, eh?

97 people for 45 minutes with "fans"


Tick tock, merchant.

Kingofcolumbia12 ago

In the tunnel. All tunnels have exhaust fans in case there are accidents and cars are stopped in the tunnel. There might have been fumes in the train, but there was fresh air being pulled in all around them.

Crensch ago

1) I'm not convinced.

2) If you prove the existence of the fans, I'm not convinced that they'd do jack shit for the inside of the cars.

3) 97 people in 45 minutes with the cars full of exhaust.


Keep at it, Rabbi.

Kingofcolumbia12 ago

I propose an experiment to prove your point. Rent or barrow a diesel truck or car. Get a dryer vent hose, secure around the tail pipe and vent it in to the cabin. Turn the vehicle on and rev the engine to 4000rpm. Hold it there for 20min. Make sure the windows are closed and air conditioning is off. Let me know how you feel afterwards.

Crensch ago

Voluntarily making myself sick to prove a Jew wrong? Nah.

I'll do that to the Jews before I gas them for real.

projection ago

Another one for the file thank you.

Dylan_Klebold ago

Yep, sounds like some bullshit. But OP is still a pedo.

Crensch ago

Dylan_Klebold ago

Why have you claimed my wife is a pedo so much? Projection?

EyeOfHorus ago

Sometimes I think Dylan is a Crensch sockpuppet because Dylan is always setting himself up for such huge falls. Could Crensch ask for a weaker opponent than Dylan? Like controlled opposition. He's too stupid to be real.

Or I'm over thinking this and Dylan is just retarded.

Crensch ago

Because she's Jewish.

Dylan_Klebold ago

Doesn't make her a pedophile.

Dylan_Klebold ago

Well, that's the talmud, and my wife is non practicing.

Crensch ago

It's a genetic thing. The words just excuse the behaviours.

Dylan_Klebold ago

My wife is not a pedo. She has sex with me, and I am 39. She is 38. Where is the pedo?

Dylan_Klebold ago

My wife is not a pedo. She has sex with me, so she clearly prefers to have non-pedo sex.