Whitemail ago

There aren't many Jews here.

Crensch ago

Where's that?

Whitemail ago

Southern fly over country.

The second blackest state in the country. Too many niggers.

Crensch ago

Jews are attracted to loose shekels and tame goyim. Southern fly-over country tends to not have these particular resources.

Whitemail ago

It's hard to sell anti-racism to people who know too much about niggers from experience with them.

Crensch ago

Indeed it is.

Cheesebooger ago

You damn right its logical. and stinky!

JonReed ago

The obsession with young boys is totally out of left field. Can't wrap my mind around that for a couple of big reasons:

It's a child

It's gay

Crensch ago

That's what I thought about the sandnigger invaders raping boys, but apparently those sand-cult subhumans don't much care as long as it's a wet hole.

yewotm8 ago

The problem is you're viewing Judaism as a religion, rather than an ethnicity. Nobody cares what's in their book. They certainly don't. This is akin to saying the problem with immigration is "Islam" rather than the fact that all of the muslims they bring in happen to be sandniggers.

Crensch ago

The problem is you're viewing Judaism as a religion, rather than an ethnicity.

No, I'm not.

Nobody cares what's in their book.

They do, and have for a thousand years.

They certainly don't.

I don't think you can support that.

This is akin to saying the problem with immigration is "Islam" rather than the fact that all of the muslims they bring in happen to be sandniggers.

Not at all. Pointing out cancerous ideology doesn't mean I'm giving a pass to their shit genetics.

Penfold ago

Sanhedrin 59a

To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

Unreasonable ago

Ok. There's also a passage that states if a Goy reads aloud certain passages from the Talmud they should be violently attacked and murdered.

We should print out those passages and put 'em on signs.....

Cicero992 ago

The Bible allows slavery, does it not? I've met many good Christians who are against slavery, despite being devout Christians, so why cannot Jews think the same way?

Crensch ago

The Bible allows slavery, does it not?

It sure does!

I've met many good Christians who are against slavery, despite being devout Christians, so why cannot Jews think the same way?

Because Christians for the most part don't actually read their book, and attend positive-affirmation "church services". Jews are very specifically required to know their book inside and out.

In addition to demonstrating proficiency in Hebrew, the student must demonstrate a commitment to Judaism through participation in Jewish services, activities, and holidays.


There is no similar thing for Christians. One simply labels oneself a Christian, and boom.

Conversion to Judaism (Hebrew: גיור‎, giyur) is a religious act when, after a period of study and immersion into Jewish life overseen by a rabbi, a religious panel formally determines that a non-Jewish person has met the requirements for conversion to Judaism by demonstrating a sincere commitment to Jewish beliefs and practices and acceptance of the Jewish community, culture, and history.[1] A formal conversion is also sometimes undertaken by individuals whose Jewish ancestry is questioned, even if they were raised Jewish, but may not actually be considered Jews according to traditional Jewish law.[2]


Nothing. At all. Like. This.

haveanupgoat ago

I don't know about other Christian churches, but ours requires us each to go through Confirmation class, where we learn and study all the doctrines our church believes, including memorizing and reciting selections of them before the congregation. During this class they are checked against the Bible passages defending them (or from whence they came, more like). We have to know the ins and outs of the Holy Sacraments (Baptism and The Lord's Supper). During the Confirmation ceremony (during a church service, usually in the spring) we publicly announce that we believe the doctrines that the Bible teaches, and will follow them all the days of our lives. After that we are considered adult members of the church and allowed to partake of Holy Communion. We are required to partake in these studies because of the passage in 1 Corinthians 11:28-30:

"28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.

29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.

30 For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep."

Crensch ago

I don't know about other Christian churches, but ours requires us each to go through Confirmation class, where we learn and study all the doctrines our church believes, including memorizing and reciting selections of them before the congregation.

Never even heard of one like that.

In fact, I don't believe you at all.

haveanupgoat ago

I'm a WELS Lutheran. We're pretty much the most stringent of the Lutheran churches. We also practice closed communion meaning we will not commune or pray with those that do not share our beliefs.

You can believe me or not. I know I did it. I lived through it. Still a communing member.

Crensch ago

We're pretty much the most stringent of the Lutheran churches.

So here's the thing. I now believe you, but if you were responding as a counterpoint, this information more or less cuts your point off at the knees.

The point of bringing up the difference between christian churches and Jewish temple or whateverthefuck they call them, is that one is a very specific, very close-knit group, and one is not.

Your Lutheran church is very specific, and very close-knit. There's a good possibility that you have some reason to delineate between your church/faith and the general Christianity. You've now helped me point out to the user above that Jews are not like "Christians" as a whole, but more like your sect.

I'm pretty sure you can say that your sect isn't like most Christian churches. You probably take pride in your adherence to your rituals and standards.

I'm sure you know that most don't; you've probably even joked about it with your friends and family.

So let's bring this back around to the point above:

Your MOST STRINGENT sect of a proudly separate-from-the-mainstream branch of Christianity is similar to Judaism. So how different on things in the bible are your churchgoing friends and family allowed to be? Or rather, how different would they dare to be?

where we learn and study all the doctrines our church believes, including memorizing and reciting selections of them before the congregation.

Would something like an obvious loophole/thinly-veiled suggestion allowing/sanctioning sex with underage children be something your congregation would somehow skip, miss, fail to recognize, or participate in?

What if it were in your book?

we publicly announce that we believe the doctrines that the Bible teaches, and will follow them all the days of our lives. After that we are considered adult members of the church and allowed to partake of Holy Communion.

Here's the link again to the actual writing there: https://imgoat.com/uploads/5771bce93e/37946.jpg

Just under the underlined words is the real paydirt.

What would happen if that were in your book?

haveanupgoat ago

Sorry I didn't answer your final question.

If that were in our book, then we certainly couldn't call ourselves Christians. No matter what humans call themselves, or what they believe, the Nature of God does not change.

Crensch ago

Sorry I didn't answer your final question.

Not a problem at all, bud.

If that were in our book, then we certainly couldn't call ourselves Christians. No matter what humans call themselves, or what they believe, the Nature of God does not change.

I get the sentiment, but what if it was?

haveanupgoat ago

I'm sure it would come up time and time again in discussion. Another thing we are told is this in 1Thessalonians 5: 21-22 ~ "21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 22 Abstain from all appearance of evil." Child rape is clearly evil.

One thing we've always been encouraged to do is search out the answer for our questions in Scripture. Ask ourselves if it agrees with other parts of Scripture. Allowing the raping of a child doesn't fit in with what we know to be the nature of God.

One thing you're doing here is trying to compare apples to oranges. Christians believe the Bible to be God-breathed. (There is a great article here for the meaning of that.) The Jews know it too. That's why they hate it.

The first five books of the Bible are the Pentateuch, which include all the laws the Jews were supposed to follow. If I'm not mistaken, those books are attributed to Moses, whether he wrote them himself or dictated them, is unknown for sure. The Jews will "follow" that, but the Jewish leaders wrote the Talmud as answers to all the questions on how to get around those rules. It's a book teeming with evil. This is what they read aloud in their synagogues. The Jews have never made it a secret that they will turn their back on God every chance they get. The Old Testament is record of all the times they did it. I mean, they couldn't even follow God long enough for Moses to get back down the mountain before they melted down all their gold and Moses' own brother had it turned into the golden calf.

I'm not sure how to answer your question other than that. I couldn't even wrap my head around the possibility of that being in the Bible because it's clearly not from God.

John 10:27-28 says:

27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

Basically that's saying "Those that love Me will know when I'm talking to them."

Also, I just want to say, I understand the culty idea you get and the comparison you want to draw there, but make no mistake. I hold no love for the Jews. They killed my Lord. They are NOT my brother. I don't understand all this garbage either about missions to Israel. What Israel is trying to do to retake Jerusalem/make their nation again...it goes against what the Bible says. They will not have a king with an earthly kingdom. Unless they finally confess that their king is Satan.

Crensch ago

I'm sure it would come up time and time again in discussion. Another thing we are told is this in 1Thessalonians 5: 21-22 ~ "21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 22 Abstain from all appearance of evil." Child rape is clearly evil.

Allow me to introduce to you the Euthyphro dilemma. Basically:

"Is what is morally good commanded by God because it is morally good, or is it morally good because it is commanded by God?"

Or another way of putting it;

"Is child rape evil because your god said it was, or is it evil because it's morally evil?"

If it is the former, then if your god sanctioned it, it would not be evil. If it is the latter, then why do you need a god to tell you it is morally evil?

Sorry for the tangent there, but I've been debating theists for over a decade, and the bible quotes bring out the best/worst in me.

One thing we've always been encouraged to do is search out the answer for our questions in Scripture. Ask ourselves if it agrees with other parts of Scripture. Allowing the raping of a child doesn't fit in with what we know to be the nature of God.

Do Lutherans use a specific version of the bible, or some other book like the Catholics do?

The first five books of the Bible are the Pentateuch, which include all the laws the Jews were supposed to follow. If I'm not mistaken, those books are attributed to Moses, whether he wrote them himself or dictated them, is unknown for sure. The Jews will "follow" that, but the Jewish leaders wrote the Talmud as answers to all the questions on how to get around those rules. It's a book teeming with evil. This is what they read aloud in their synagogues. The Jews have never made it a secret that they will turn their back on God every chance they get. The Old Testament is record of all the times they did it. I mean, they couldn't even follow God long enough for Moses to get back down the mountain before they melted down all their gold and Moses' own brother had it turned into the golden calf.

I'm inclined to believe the entire thing was a lie, save that it might be a parable about Jews that was toned-down over the years.

I'm not sure how to answer your question other than that. I couldn't even wrap my head around the possibility of that being in the Bible because it's clearly not from God.

I'm not entirely convinced it isn't in your bible, and I'm not entirely convinced that the Jews care if it is or isn't.

Basically that's saying "Those that love Me will know when I'm talking to them."

And yet, there's no criteria given. Is it supposed to be some kind of gut feeling?

I do believe you've just normalized schizophrenia.

Also, I just want to say, I understand the culty idea you get and the comparison you want to draw there, but make no mistake. I hold no love for the Jews. They killed my Lord. They are NOT my brother.

I wouldn't dream of thinking such a thing. There IS a parallel there, but I've mentioned many times recently that I consider almost every bat-shit Christian a brother in arms at this point. We can fight amongst ourselves after the Jews and a couple other races are dealt with permanently.

I don't understand all this garbage either about missions to Israel. What Israel is trying to do to retake Jerusalem/make their nation again...it goes against what the Bible says. They will not have a king with an earthly kingdom. Unless they finally confess that their king is Satan.

Not gonna walk down that path with you, but our goals appear to be aligned enough.

Cheers, btw. Good to have a real conversation now and then.

haveanupgoat ago

And yet, there's no criteria given. Is it supposed to be some kind of gut feeling? I do believe you've just normalized schizophrenia.

I never should've tried paraphrasing the Bible. That was wrong of me. Here is the entire passage It should speak for itself.

I get the sentiment, but what if it was?

As I said earlier, then we certainly couldn't call ourselves Christians.

As for the Euthyphro dilemma, it's a mind bender for sure. Unfortunately I don't have the wherewithal to debate it anymore tonight.

I'm not entirely convinced it isn't in your bible, and I'm not entirely convinced that the Jews care if it is or isn't.

It isn't. They don't.

Do Lutherans use a specific version of the bible, or some other book like the Catholics do?

The Catholics include books other than the 66 canonical books, Lutherans stick with the 66. Now, there are many different translations or varying degrees of correctness. Our synod had been using the NIV, but are moving away from it due to errors and what the leaders and pastors of the synod believe were poor translations. They are in the process of translating their own version now. Personally I find myself preferring the KJV in recent years.

Crensch ago

I never should've tried paraphrasing the Bible. That was wrong of me. Here is the entire passage It should speak for itself.

No problem there. I believe I understand the context to mean that because you are familiar with X, and not Y, you will follow X. I don't believe I have a problem there.

As I said earlier, then we certainly couldn't call ourselves Christians.

Your argument is with the above, "it is not X, therefore it is not of us". I can accept that.

As for the Euthyphro dilemma, it's a mind bender for sure. Unfortunately I don't have the wherewithal to debate it anymore tonight.

No problem at all.

It isn't. They don't.

Jews are a disgusting bunch, to be sure.

Our synod had been using the NIV, but are moving away from it due to errors and what the leaders and pastors of the synod believe were poor translations. They are in the process of translating their own version now. Personally I find myself preferring the KJV in recent years.

That's good information, thanks!

Crensch ago


Not that I truly believe you're not a shill/sockpuppet, but on the unlikely off-chance that you're not, the above might help you understand the difference.

Cicero992 ago

Huh. TIL. I'd disagree with the bit about Christians not actually reading the Bible, though.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Are you a christian?

How many times have you read the bible?

Cicero992 ago

My family is Christian so kind of, I was Christian. I don't keep a record of how many times I've read the Bible.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

I'd wager you've read it zero times, and had a sunday school or preacher go over Genesis, Exodus, Kings1+2, Samuel1+2, Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Jeremiah, 4 Gospels, Corinthians1+2, and Revelation.

Cicero992 ago

You can wager whatever the fuck you want, but you'll be wrong.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

So you've read every book in the Bible?

Edit: a letter

Crensch ago

That last part is a combination of personal experience, and the fact that reading the bible is generally how atheists that were christian become atheist.

VoutGuy ago

UP TO? wtf

Cheesebooger ago

Anytime I encounter a jew I make it a mission to piss them off and ruin their day. The last ones I saw eating at a restaurant. As I walked by their table I ripped a horrendous fart. Fuck these savages. They don't deserve to live amongst us white folk.

weezkitty ago

Disgusting document BUT the random jew you see out on the street probably isn't actually a child rapist.

Cheesebooger ago

Just because there are a couple of non-venomous snakes in a poisonous snake den doesn't change anything.

Crensch ago

BUT the random jew you see out on the street probably isn't actually a child rapist.

I'm pretty sure you're mistaken.

1473916381 ago

This guy is an FBI agent posing as a Nazi. They can legally lie to you and if you agree with them, they can throw you in jail for being a Nazi or in the KKK which is a federal offense.

Stay frosty, keep your head on a swivel. The real kike is the Rothschilds. He is on a mission to kill random jews so he can claim victim hood for also being a Jew that's being persecuted and start killing white people for being Nazis like in the Nuremberg trials. The Rothschilds/Illuminati funded the Nazis and Hitler.

Crensch ago

they can throw you in jail for being a Nazi or in the KKK which is a federal offense.


I'm in the US. Neither of those things is a federal offense. Not that either one of them would describe me, since they're both sissies in comparison to an outfit I'd identify with.

1473916381 ago

You're right, I just looked it up, not illegal to organize or be a member of the kkk but non violent things like cross burning, inciting violence, which we constantly joke about killing all Jews, is illegal and I'm pretty sure there are tons of CIA and FBI agents trying to catch us slip, stay safe, we're in this for the long game!

Crensch ago

but non violent things like cross burning, inciting violence, which we constantly joke about killing all Jews, is illegal


Still wrong.

and I'm pretty sure there are tons of CIA and FBI agents trying to catch us slip, stay safe, we're in this for the long game!

I know what I'm about.

1473916381 ago

I think you're a cop which means you can say anything and lie to me and get away with any hate crime or intimidation laws while I myself am held to a different standard.... You don't think it's illegal for me to burn a cross or incite violence? Nah, I won't risk it, you're baiting me, you're a fed.

weezkitty ago

Do you have evidence of this? I could believe that Jewish pedophile rings do exist. And given how many Jews there are in Government, I could believe that it is being covered up. I just don't see it as plausible for "peasants" to be engaging in casual pedophilia. Jewish or not. Of course Rabbis etc are the exception. For some reason, religious leaders from all different religions seem to have a thing for preying on children. Which is really fucking disturbing

Crensch ago

Evidence? No. Enough information to believe that the more reasonable guess is that almost all of them are? Yes. Do I have it all available for you right now? No.

My "evidence" is random pieces of info about the kikes that coalesce into a conclusion that basically suggests that I'm pretty sure you're mistaken.

weezkitty ago

You're free to draw your own conclusions. My conclusions are not as extreme

Crensch ago

My conclusions are not as extreme

That really depends on the information you have available to you, doesn't it? To my mind, your conclusion is pretty extreme.

goship ago

What, really?

I'm no fan of jewish tricks, but this seems far-fetched. What is the quote from Talmud, and where does it say that?

White-Supremacist ago

Islam identifies jews as mortal enemies.

https://youtu.be/iFDe5kUUyT0 We are enslaved by you know who.

suckone ago

Nah, it just states that the Torah doesn't mention any laws on Sodomy of people under those respective ages.

BlockMe ago

sanhedrin 54b

suckone ago

Your source is just using an commentary from Geonim which is just an interpretation of the laws from the Torah. Jews don't believe their law or anything like that. Geonim was just pointing out that the Torah just never mentioned what to do in that case. Not that it's okay.

Unreasonable ago

So if you don't believe your laws, then what do you believe?

Rellik88 ago

Nice try Merchant.

Crensch ago

Username 21 minutes old - 0 CCP 0 SCP Here to CORRECT THE RECORD on kikes.

Jews don't believe their law or anything like that.





And they all have taken advantage of it

freedumbz ago

I saw two coming out of a banks regional branch the other day. I couldn't help but think "silly jews, you don't belong outside!"

Muh-Shugana ago

There have actually been a few whistle-blowers over the years that have pointed out that each and every jewish child is systematically raped by both their parents as well as their peers, in order to continue some sort of religious ritual 'cycle'.

This is most likely the biggest reason why they are all the way they are.

That and subjecting themselves to nigh-constant studying the Talmud as the only truth above all other truths.

TypicalVoaters ago

This is literally the most retarded thing I have seen all day.

Cheesebooger ago

I remember someone close to Bob Saget writing about how after his baby daughter was born he walked around holding her asking everyone if they wanted to be the first to stick their finger in her asshole. Kikes are demonic cancer

JesusRules ago

Metzitzah b'peh - Religious Ceremony or Peadophilia


BeHereNow ago

First, people who would do that or allow some other man to do that to their sons should have their heads examined, they are clearly insane.

Second, that said, there is no way on Earth every Jew molests their children. Give me a break. I have known plenty of Jews in my life, and just no. This is ridiculous.

In the orthodox whackadoo community there is definitely child rape stuff going on, probably as bad as the Catholic Church gay rape shit that went on for decades. It is fucking sick and the whistleblowers have been punished. All true. It needs to be stopped and people need to go to jail big time.

That said, the majority of American Jews who are mainly secular (Jewish in family holidays and eating crappy foods) do not rape their own children. Most all of them are as freaked out by the orthodox nutters as the rest of us.

Crensch ago

That said, the majority of American Jews who are mainly secular (Jewish in family holidays and eating crappy foods) do not rape their own children. Most all of them are as freaked out by the orthodox nutters as the rest of us.

I've been looking for someone that could convince me of this, but every damn time all that winds up happening is they say something, or point me to a source that reinforces my belief that they're all disgusting, degenerate, goy-hating kikes.

JesusRules ago

they invented pizzagate 4000 years ago