This week @tango_whisky_blunt gets the troll award for telling Putt to go back to Reddit LOL (
submitted 6.4 years ago by BUTTHOLE__EMPRESS
BUTTHOLE__EMPRESS 6.4 years ago
We will be reviving the Troll awards.
Second place goes to Puttitout for his Q-Drop Troll lol
Memorexem 6.4 years ago
That's funny. My Does it irk anybody else that this place is TrollOlympics and not TrOllympics?
Although, I guess that second one could be wise misinterpreted...
We will be reviving the Troll awards.
Second place goes to Puttitout for his Q-Drop Troll lol
Memorexem ago
That's funny. My Does it irk anybody else that this place is TrollOlympics and not TrOllympics?
Although, I guess that second one could be wise misinterpreted...