Vindicator ago

Putt is a trickster :-)

Olimpia8 ago

LOL...tango whisky blunt...or bravo...LOL

FukushimaWaterpark ago

Haha should have lurked before he leaped .

sinkingfeeling ago

Wow, that’s one uninformed asshole. I’m pretty new here and after poking around a bit, even I know who Putt is, and he’s anything but “new here”. Lol.

digitalentity1497 ago

It brought tears to my eyes XD

itsFine ago

Entitled asshat niggerfaggots trying to tell Putt what’s what. Idiots.

ding0bait ago

actually chuckled.

sguevar ago

Hahahaha now this was priceless. Awesome catch.

TalkingAboutThings ago

Lol. The faggot went back and editted his post as a lame-ass attempt at damage control.

Vindicator ago

That's why I immortalized it with a screenshot. 😎

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

@tango_whisky_blunt it reminds me of a drunk guy picking up my buddies skateboard. We tried to warn him. He came down hard in front of a crowd inside of 5 seconds. Everyone laughed, he broke his bones.

Lmao. My sides.

Neral ago

This "Putt" get's a lot of upvotes whenever he posts... Maybe we should report him for upvote farming! XD

Nadeshda ago

I laughed last night as just after this I checked my front page and this submission was neatly under Teran’s post thanking the boss man for running the site so smoothly under the current huge influx... just lol man...

reichnarok ago

Yeah using the word "problematic" is a huge red flag that you're a flaming homosexual SJW kike.

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

It's like finding a membrane protein on the wrong side of the cell, you know it's cancerous.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'PuttitOut overlooking Asgard' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @o0shad0o:


This notification (#736) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

Libertybelle777 ago

Welcome All, God Fearing, Freedom Loving Patriots!!!

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Just Putting it out there.' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @o0shad0o:


This notification (#733) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

This is on a par with something just as embarrassing that I witnessed in 2001 when I was working in law enforcement (yeah I know). A new woman joined our team and she was arrogant and over confident from day one. A few days into her new job, the Director General (only one of the most senior law enforcement figures in the country) came wandering into our office. New woman looks him up and down and says........"And you are....?" She never ever managed to live it down.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Hahaha, how to make an absolute TOOL of yourself.

Vindicator ago

Heh. Nice!

dawgmeister ago

This one's for the redditfags.


Upvote Upvote

Manipulate the algorithm

Upvote Upvote

Automated hidden system


Upvote Upvote

Abrogate the competition

Upvote Upvote

Now allocate your best opinion


Upvoat Upvoat

Acclimate to pessimism

Upvoat Upvoat

Castigate the nepotism


Upvoat Upvoat

Don't denigrate my mannerism

Upvoat Upvoat

Appreciate the aphorism


Get it?

DietCokehead1 ago

Reddit SJW faggot doesn't know who he's talking to

Lord_Mari ago

Can we still call Putt a niggerfaggot?

Simonsaysgoat ago

Lmao, its funny how this guy is probably arguing,with someone right,now while we laugh at his existance and he has no idea.

freshmeat ago


Cute post but your words mean jack shit because SBBH already destroyed the credibility of your platform. Bit of a hypocrite to accuse these guys of it on one weekend when they have been doing it for 3+ years.

TranniesEverywhere ago

Marry band of trannies

gabara ago

It was heygeroge, not puttitout. Look at the mod list on there now, hover over VoatAdminTeam, you'll see it's heygeorge. He's done it several times. You got pranked, loser.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'All this time Heygeorge was working undercover all this time to take down Soap Box Bong Faggot Gabara! Even the Q zombies see its time to Go back to reddit you tranny faggots!' was posted in v/AnonTalk and includes this reply from @14008710:

It was heygeroge, not puttitout. Look at the mod list on there now, hover over VoatAdminTeam, you'll see it's heygeorge. He's done it several times. You got pranked, loser.

This notification (#774) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

green_man ago

Hey goys, upgoat me! I need internet points on your platform so I can downgoat people. Trust me goys, I'm totally not going to abuse it. Fucking reddit nigger kikes.

Runwithscissors ago

Might as well suck dick for upvotes you faggot.

GoldPill419 ago

Fuck I love this man

adaya ago

So rad.

dan_k ago

fucking rekt!

Keneo77 ago

Wow, that's the best fail I've seen in a long time.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'This week @tango_whisky_blunt gets the troll award for telling Putt to go back to Reddit LOL' was posted in v/TrollOlympics by @BUTTHOLE__EMPRESS and refers to this submission.

This notification (#721) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

Pumbadog ago

Best thread of all time...

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Can a person pass out from laughing too much? I almost wet myself.

Vindicator ago

This was definitely the gift that keeps on giving. I've been laughing about it all night.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I woke the whole house laughing.

Limpfronthole ago

But I was somebody where I used to be

Shartdownunder ago

Fucking crack up.

Beta_Ray_Bill ago


CRKT_M16Z ago

Gone for several hours and I come back to this?! Dude, @Vindicator, this is the fucking funniest thing I've seen all day. Thanks for saving it us. :D

Vindicator ago

My pleasure. You never know what you'll find in the comment tree. :-)

Vindicator ago

Glad to be of service. And to think this gem was deep in the comment tree and might never have seen the light of day. :-)

RET03 ago

One must tread carefully when in new territory....;)

idk ago

Have my babies Putt.

Simonbelmont27 ago

This is awesome lol

Gyna ago

Whiskey_tango_blunt should ditch that account and start a new one with the name @newaroundhere!! Own that shit!!!

Vindicator ago

He can take my screenshot for his profile pic. :-)

DishingShitLikeA ago

Bruh. Fuck it. Why not?

Gyna ago

Even better 😂

gazillions ago

Well that was like watching Trudeau trying to negotiate a trade agreement.

theoldones ago

"hello, i'm the manager"



Laurentius_the_pyro ago


The best part of the Qtards drama is getting the sick puttitout bantz.

HateCumbuckets ago

This is amazing. An actual laugh out load. Not just a snort. Although I may have done that too...

Vindicator ago

Yeah. I cackled like a hyena. Still cracking up and shaking my head.

TheAntichrist ago

It's good to be the king.

thelma ago


BlockMe ago

Ah, so.

Better luck next time. The Qtards seem like good fodder; slightly better than the pizzagaters.

knije_tahou ago

Holy shit, reality isn't real anymore

Gorillion ago

Literally only has scripted meme responses to any challenges. The Chans were right about the NPC plague.

Jaegerjaques ago

It's like all his actions and behaviors are completely dictated by his conditioning. Too bad the programming makes these guys total fuckheads. Wonder if it's possible to condition people to be based independent thinkers.

Vindicator ago

Yep. Haze them on Voat. Probably why Q sent them

Grunge ago

That's about as epic fail as epic fail can get.

BlockMe ago


Calrootpeg ago


MaunaLoona ago

I can't tell if this is serious or a mockery of the qtards.

BlockMe ago

Every stampede there's a surge of village idiots.

Nadeshda ago

Lol, okay... done!

DrShivaQ ago

Please upvote so I can post a video of Posobiec being confronted in person about the Microchip 9:41 timestamp fakes

Vindicator ago

Voat is allergic to people asking for upvotes. You gotta earn them by contributing to the conversation. Asking for them has the opposite effect.

Looking forward to your video when you get the 10 CCP, though! :-)

d-_-bored-_-b ago


wt1984yb ago

Hahahahaha! What a little fag!

Professorballs ago

Fucking classic. On par with calling moot a newfag.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Except moot actually is a noob.

RockmanRaiden ago

This is Amalek level shit right here. He would have done this ironically though.

sbt2160p ago

I miss Amalek.

DishingShitLikeA ago


RockmanRaiden ago

I hate these newfaggots so much.

ViperCarbz ago

Fags gona nigger.

Jaegerjaques ago

The fuck is with these tards coming in acting like they own the place? There's not enough ovens for these underhanded, sneaky vote manipulating vermin.

45321200 ago

The great thing about ovens, they're reusable.

middle_path ago

Their audacity and sense of entitlement is really astounding. Seems like a bunch of teenagers.

voatuser1128 ago

How many goddamn verses are they going to create? Just create one and be done with it.

TheUltimateQuakerII ago

But then the Reddit fags won't have their power tripping

SaveTheChildren ago

Its the way trannies act. Huge sense of entitlement. Think they own everything.

SeanBox ago

They think they own everything but the correct genitals.

MrWicked ago

Worse.....they are boomers

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

They're 50- to 70-year olds?

MrWicked ago


barraccuda ago

Rip my sides

ThoseFeels ago

😭 holy heaven that is side splitting! Putt is a patient man.

auto_turret ago

Still gotta wonder.. he''s being really patient, while Voat has the biggest influx of users ever without a single server hiccup. Haven't seen a decent explanation for how the roof hasn't blown off the place yet, while every other migration came with major website issues.

Not saying something fishy is going on, but that whole topic has yet to be putt to rest..

MrWicked ago

The first night they migrated it crashed a few times on me. Never lasted longer than a minute though.

auto_turret ago

At any rate, I'm happy the roof didn't cave in, the floor didn't give way..

I'm sad, however, about the RIP v/all situation.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

I would imagine the upgrades and port that was done a few months ago probably helped quite a bit.

auto_turret ago

I suppose that's true. However, the conspiracy part of my brain argues this timeline of events seems very coincidental.. as if done in preparation for what was known to come.

I'm sure this topic will be discussed at length in the days/months/weeks to come, Putt will post a sticky explaining all, and we'll all live happily ever niggerfaggot.

Vindicator ago

Every time I think about it, I laugh my ass off all over again. @PuttItOut should get Putt Points.

@Pieceseeker, did you catch this epic Putt Down?

ThoseFeels ago

Putt Down! Bahhhahah

Shishamo ago

He'll feel that in the morning.

SeanBox ago

@tango_whiskey_blunt ...are you new?

Astupidname69 ago

His account is ten days old

@tango_whisky_blunt is definitely a subversive kike.

xenoPsychologist ago

hes one of the somalians.

Fagtardicus ago

look at me, im the oldfag now

xenoPsychologist ago

yes, precisely.

SeanBox ago


xenoPsychologist ago

they arent even pirates. they are more like rapefugees. so hide yo kids, hide you wife, etc.

holdenon ago

NeW 2 VoaT senD VoteZ! plz

MrPim ago

Holyshit that's hilarious

nrlftw ago

Ok I’m kinda new. And no I don’t get it.

Vindicator ago

If you want to know who's who around here, lurk people's Comment History. You'll figure it out pretty quickly. :-) That's how I learned after the pizzagate migration. It's all part of the fun.

meowmix56 ago

That is Q's voat account

Vindicator ago

Which one? Putt, or Whisky? ;-)

sbt2160p ago

That new guy just called Voat’s administrator a faggot who should go back to reddit.

Native ago

Come on man don't give away the secret!

HateCumbuckets ago

I have a bridge for sale, if you're interested?

Dismal_Swamp ago

Fuck off with that bridge. I'm already trying to sell him a unicorn farm in Arizona.

HateCumbuckets ago

But my bridge is the only way in to your unicorn farm.

Nadeshda ago

He is the board operator, get it? :)

Native ago

Shhhh...don't tell him anything Goats!

8_billion_eaters ago mouth. ...insert foot. ...delete account.

InaPickle ago

I feel like this happened to Atko once years ago. Hilarious.

elitch2 ago


That is exactly how much this post made me laugh.

Fucking newfags.

NeedleStack ago

Ever since 2016 the only people I've ever heard say the word "problematic" were SJWs. And I'm pretty sure that's what I'm looking at here.

andrew_white_forever ago

You can always say 'problematical', which will instead make you look like an ultra nerd.

freshmeat ago

i didnt know you were back, hope you are doing good :P

NeedleStack ago

Hiiii! Thank you!

ARsandOutdoors ago

I'm with you on that. "problematic" is literal "le reddit" speak. Glad to see your back btw! Hope all is well with the fam

NeedleStack ago

Hello (!) and thank you!

Reverse-Flash ago

I beg to differ.That's one of my top 1000 words.

lord_nougat ago

How problematic of you!

Reverse-Flash ago

I find your line of reasoning to be somewhat problematical in nature.

lord_nougat ago

You're ableism ablesplaining bigotry cisgender derailing is danger and problematic!

Ugh. That's about as much as SJW glossary as I can stand right now. It's not as funny when I'm not drunk. Why did I think it was a good idea to quit drinking again?!

TheAntiZealot ago

Problematic (adjective): that which is at odds with progressive or social justice ideology, regardless of truth value. This glossary would be considered highly problematic.

This shit is golden!

Reverse-Flash ago

Get high. It will be funny again.

lord_nougat ago

Good thinking!

I should hire you. I need a good ideas man who can come up with sensible solutions on the fly like that! You could be, like, my attourney or something!

TheAntiZealot ago

I agree, It's definitely in my top 10,000.

Fambida ago

Absolutely in my top 100,000. I store it in the vault with my shekels.

Jaegerjaques ago

Same here, must've used it at least twice in my entire lifetime.

Octocopter ago

Holy fuck that is one for the scrapbooks.

lordbastiat ago

Is it bad if I use people of color a lot

MrWicked ago

Funniest thing I've seen all day.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'All this time Heygeorge was working undercover all this time to take down Soap Box Bong Faggot Gabara! Even the Q zombies see its time to Go back to reddit you tranny faggots!' was posted in v/AnonTalk and includes this reply from @14009323:

Soapfaggot-Hammer and Jew-Anon have turned against each other like niggers on rabies, time to give heygeorge congrats! ' Funniest thing I've seen all day. '

This notification (#785) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

TheCool ago

You must have low standards for humor, then.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

Hey! You've got a new best. Congrats man. That's more than double the amount of voats on my best-performing comment.

KekistanEmperor ago

Go away JohnB. Nobody likes you.

Optional_Reading ago

Fuck off faggot

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

@atko would agree that putt got killed

DishingShitLikeA ago

At this point what difference does it make?

Vindicator ago

Wow. Negative 3000 CCP. You gotta work hard to get your ass in that kind of crack.

djsumdog ago

I think it's a troll account. Still, pretty impressive CCP.

Fili ago

Maybe it's just been a boring day.

DishingShitLikeA ago

You don't know what you're talking about.

Game_Maven ago

Link to thread.

o0shad0o ago

Poor guy is now at -249 CCP; he might as well just drop the nick and start over.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

God damn yes, I must updoot putt for the three-thousandth time.

matthew-- ago

I'm glad that he's being active again. That really inspires faith in the platform.

SexMachine ago

Did Putt finally break up with that tranny "girlfriend"?

Dear Putt,
If it was born with a penis, it is not a girl.

matthew-- ago

Two X chromosones mate, no more, no less.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


SovereignHavoc ago

Good man. Now I can save the actual post!

MadWorld ago

Pubiclouse ago

Putt is GOAT

jiews ago

Pretty sure he's voat.

flapjack_charlie ago

The Voluptuousest Of All Time.

ARsandOutdoors ago