14449284? ago

So much anger. Wonder what you did to create all this trouble for yourself.

14018101? ago

This is @Butthole__Empress who is this?

14017557? ago

Wait, is @heygeorge finished with his "work" already?

I'm confused.

14016163? ago

@Maxcactus is such a fuck up he cant even mod some random mindshare sub

14024287? ago

10 shekels says your a jew

14013680? ago

10/10 OP is a faggot.

14013523? ago

@HeyGeorge can't do shiiiiiit. We know his kryptonite.

14014950? ago

Doxxing @hatecumbuckets

14013329? ago

Heygeorge Did Nothing Wrong !! https://www.voat.co/v/UnpopularAnon/2738902

14012664? ago

HeyGeorge is not real, he is an artificial A.I bug ? from not a bug ??? @Chempergrill

14011987? ago

remember when 4chan tried that time to raid voat and troll here... but nobody noticed the difference ? @FireSauce @WilliamCutting @middle_path

14017391? ago

Ya they did pretty good

14018442? ago

jew-anon @Crensch ?

14019699? ago

Idk, I raid the chans and voat daily

14016469? ago

4chananon: Hah, fags look at all this shit debunking the holocaust!

Goats: These are pretty good nigger, but have you seen these?

4chananon: ...

14017219? ago

ben garrison? https://voat.co/v/anon/2739122/14015149 Not to mention one of their mods did a self-doxxing on gab

14016440? ago

14017624? ago

I 'member...

But if the question is about this post, I like to believe my shitposts are better worded.

14011688? ago

I got pinged to this thread and I have no clue what it's about.

14011639? ago

14008846? ago

You realize theres a bug in the SearchVoat bot that just pinged me that you posted this.

14011189? ago

a man called Hey George he went deep under cover, he single handed destoryed the entire Soap box ban mafia as a bunch of weak jew turkey faggots.... welldone HeyGeorge @shrink @MrPim @Vindicator @lord_nougat

14012088? ago


14012362? ago

Hey George just displayed new levels of powers! Soap box faggot mafia has been defeated by a single strike, the force of his blow bends them all backwards up their own ass. Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself HeyGeorge! the Oracle asks who still doesn't believe he's The-One. @Caveman_in_a_suit @i_scream_trucks @Gyna @hangry @Ina_Pickle

14012824? ago

The soapbox mafia does that anyway on Sundays. It's part of how they show THE LORD that they are obedient servants !

14012034? ago

That's just his ID not his name.

14014716? ago

its not UFO aliens but they were being watched @Goathole @dawgmeister @gabara @Gravspeed 'all this time' hollywood movie at 11

14015372? ago

@Goathole is the worst offender evar! I hear he eats babies and kicks poor defenseless stray puppies as hobby.

14014737? ago

is hooktube dead? @VoutGuy

14019946? ago

Pretty much so, I reckon.

14011334? ago

I'm not sure why I was pinged here

14018511? ago

the poal.co cries out as he strikes you @Cynabuns @cynoclast @Owlchemy @AOU

14008993? ago

No search voat helps spread da trudath SBBH dindu nuffins!

14008710? ago

It was heygeroge, not puttitout. Look at the mod list on there now, hover over VoatAdminTeam, you'll see it's heygeorge. He's done it several times. You got pranked, loser. https://voat.co/v/whatever/2737644/14006495

14009210? ago

losers @ExpertShitposter time for you fags to fuck off to facebook and reddit once more

14009311? ago


Suck my balls.

14444604? ago

worthless faggots @ jokersmild @Clitorissa @Artofchoke @SuperMonkeyBall @d0c5 making voat a shithole

14058916? ago

14018642? ago

https://voat.co/v/whatever/2738581/14009019 ' I shall forever downvote you saggy cunts '

14013216? ago

time to boogie woogie shake that booty jew nigger white boi @Dial_Indicator You think you canz danze ? Ole, ole, Ooooh-lay, ole .... AaaaiEe-yessa, haha / Ee-yes, girls MMMMMEeeeeeee mind on fire, Me soul on fire, feeling hot, hot, hot Party people all around me. Feeling hot, Hot, Hot

14013272? ago

you got something against soul train faggot..... we keep it smooth in /v/soapboxbonghits honkey kike

14013508? ago

@KatHarzso DanceBanHammer

14010953? ago

all this time Hey George was working under cover, he single handed destoryed the entire Soap box ban mafia as a bunch of weak jew turkey faggots.... welldone HeyGeorge @Anti-Stupid @Unreasonable @UKD @Game_Maven

14008916? ago

This is cool. I got pinged by @SearchVoat and told that someone just reposted the text I had written earlier. NEat! Glad what I wrote was good enough to spread!

14009323? ago

Soapfaggot-Hammer and Jew-Anon have turned against each other like niggers on rabies, time to give heygeorge congrats! https://voat.co/v/whatever/2737644/13998852 ' Funniest thing I've seen all day. '

14012063? ago

Nah, it was just that faggot heygeorge who hadn't contributed anything lately anyway. He pulled on prank too many and the rest of the group just moved on without him.

14009566? ago

What is going on here?

14011027? ago

this Hey George went deep under cover, he single handed destoryed the entire Soap box ban mafia as a bunch of weak jew turkey faggots.... welldone HeyGeorge @satisfyinghump @Dial_Indicator @Mumbleberry @hangry

14011116? ago

@dial_indicator here, its 12pm here... Im ready to find some bitches to FUCK


14011299? ago

i feel like this is fan fiction, is this real life? @auto_turret @Epictetus_Hierapolis and it links to that time it went offline for a day and people say lizard aliens took Voat over

15225690? ago

WTF does auto_turret have to do with any of this?

14015688? ago

People at work like to make jokes about me believing in lizard people. Little do they know I am one.

14007222? ago

Shoulda known! HeyGeorge is a faggot name

14011604? ago

HeyGeorge is an anti-semite dictator, he sent gorillions of arab, nigger-homosexual and israelis to the soap box death camps, it has all been documented @zyklon_b @kneo24 @freshmeat !

14014663? ago

it means we won


14006123? ago

Its like the dream team of mental retardation itt.

14006326? ago

! @Jimbonez_Jonez is that you

14005712? ago

@con77 @TheyLie so the final conclusion is gabara is the transexual product of drugs and mudsharking ? @NeoDankZer @KosherHiveKicker

14006642? ago

What list did i just make can someone explain? Should i be proud or mad?

14007237? ago

I thought the same thing

14008424? ago

14019786? ago

You rang...what's up?

14009542? ago

Does this mean something? Or are you just pinging this person?

14010875? ago

voat immune system ? https://i.imgtc.com/IbdQZt8.gif

14004839? ago

@Heygeorge is Q.

14016579? ago

@Heygeorge touched my privates when I was a little child. He's a sick man.

14018850? ago

Dude, your dad needs to wash your nuts when you shit on them.

14019416? ago

Maybe Heygeorge should

14020816? ago

14021829? ago

Is that a sex position?

14016989? ago

Pics or it didn't happen.

14015384? ago

Freedom and Liberty come with the ability to burn it all to the ground and start over https://voat.co/v/Anonpolitics/2739112/14015260

14005829? ago

a powerless psycho ' Dial_Indicator, its time to drink more, and wreck shit around voat. ' https://voat.co/v/ShitpostersTavern/2737263

14016394? ago

what is KMDFM @Dial_Indicator ?

14016453? ago


14016800? ago

They also play that "flat earth is real" "I am so crazy" to derail discussion. https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2725184/13912877

14008817? ago

da fuck you want mane?

14004929? ago

i remember a tune /u/TheBuddha .... Heeeeeey George, don't make it bad Take a sad song and make it better Re-member to let her into your heart Then you can start to make it better Heeeey George, don't be a-fraid You were made to go out and get her The minute you let her under your skin Then you begin to make it better And anytime you feel the pain, hey George, refrain Don't carry the world upon your shoulders For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool By making his world a little colder Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa naaa nah nah nah na nah nah nah

15335351? ago

The Jewish Role in the Porn Industry Anonymous | Anons , https://www.voat.co/v/anon/2799293

14004858? ago

thanks @IIJOSEPHXII @SukkhaMadiqqa @Inaminit @1Iron_Curtain someone missed the Jew Anon invasions

14004560? ago

the Q bullshit was a diversion? a mask for an invasion force @Cynabuns @friendshipistragic @KosherHiveKicker @22trilionAsecond plot thickens ???

14010046? ago

Like Q I have no info

14004489? ago

some idiot said this might be true? v / ProtectVoat are not interested in protecting anyone. ? https://voat.co/v/whatever/2189621

14014366? ago

Wrong group. RealProtectVoat just bitch about ProtectVoat.

14016070? ago

jew arab says "Hey everyone, DOXX yourself here!" https://voat.co/v/QRV/2735346 ... @Gravspeed @Le_Squish @TimberWolfAlpha but HeyGeorge has destoryed the shitposter mafia ?

14018148? ago

Sure @freshmeat! Go blow yourself because you are that retarded!

14004807? ago

14004862? ago

@FreedBy45 new goats arrive maybe

14005458? ago

14039876? ago

I hope you enjoyed this stupid garbage while you were able to, because I just blocked this sub and mentions from anonymous subs.

14005491? ago


14005571? ago

SBBH dindu nuffin wrong! He wuz a gud boi mindin his own bidness. What is going on here....Is this fake fag outrage Top troll posts? SBBH shut down until further notice. by VoatAdminTeam aka attention whore gabara https://www.voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/2735282 @kneo24 @NiggerJusticeWarrior @friendshipistragic

14008352? ago

Iz ok friendy. We iz alive n well over at v/SoapBoxBongHits. Admin dindu nuffin. SoapGate was an inside job.

14013061? ago

shut it down !! @bman0321