NotHereForPizza ago

@Crensch wreaks of mockingbird.

Go back and check out shit he's done in v/pizzagate

Crensch ago

Oh? What is it that I've done in PG?

NotHereForPizza ago

Nice try. Fuck off.

As I've said each encounter we've had, go fuck yourself. The retards over at v/pizzagate will realize you're controlled op or just on a pay roll soon. When they do, you won't have any influence left. You want to know who the one that's actually insignificant? You. Pretty soon, there'll be no one to pay your fucking retarded ass.

Neck yourself, mockingbird.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It might be best not to link threads where you get BTFO to try and aid your side of the argument, especially that second link ouch.

NotHereForPizza ago

Maybe you're not reading what I'm reading.

NotHereForPizza ago

So, since crensch likes to fuck around on high horses and shit, I'm going to outline all this so people can see what a fucking retard you are, @Crensch.

The first link has a post in it which a user privatepizza makes a post that gets the front page of v/pizzagate with 39 upvotes. The posts tells users how to circumvent the rules, discusses meta content which is a violation of the rules, and shits up the front page with off-topic discussion involving abortionburger's bullshit drama when they're suppose to be regulating investigations of kids getting fucking raped, which breaks another fucking rule, obviously.

The second link is basically the same shit reposted a few days later, which was this time stickied. I mentioned in the long discussion the mods insisted on having with me, despite me simply pointing out in the beginning that this discussion was pointless because it pretty plainly violates the rules, that it the previous link I mention here in this comment should've just been posted by a mod and stickied so we can at least circumvent the rules with a mod endorsed sticky so that at the very least the mod team doesn't challenge their own integrity by letting the community break the rules, endorses it, and ultimately piss people off.

The second link is an utterly moronic discussion that starts here. I simply mention that it's in their best interest to get around all the timely and futile discussion in the comments and just sticky a documented post defending themselves against David Seaman. This spins off into an argument wherein Crensch gets all bitchy and ditches the argument and just calls me a troll.

Basically, Crensch is a douche, he's doing a shit job moderating that sub, and there's even several accounts of him looking the other way when people break rules, wasting time arguing with people while ignoring possible solutions, and just generally muddying the waters. Specifically the thing with David Seaman seemed a lot like some endorsement for divide and conquer.

Even if you don't take my word for it, you should look into the purposed accounts of shitty interactions Crensch likes to have and decide for yourself. I'd also encourage anyone even approaching being convinced by Crensch to look into my account history and decide for yourself about my integrity and my consistency.

Crensch ago

Thanks for presenting the salt mine to me.

NotHereForPizza ago

See, you see it as me being annoyed or upset that I don't have your approval.

Are you always this self-centered? I'm literally proving evidence for your misdeeds and the only thing you can do still is berate me and just dismiss anything I say.

Go ahead, mockingbird, further destroy your own credibility by not being able to even consider a presentable argument/position. Please continue not addressing any of the issues I've proposed. All that does is bolster my defense and damage your integrity.

You literally sound like Hillary Clinton during the campaign each time someone brought up her emails. You just laugh in my face and act like there's not really anything for you to hide.

Crensch ago

As I've said each encounter we've had, go fuck yourself.


NotHereForPizza ago

I'll leave you with this post I made a while ago:




First, we dismiss them. Remember all those times we heard, "oh, it's just some bullshit consipracy." Well, firstly, that lead us in to stage two. Anyway, the point of this step is to try and reduce the noise about it. A few years ago, no one gave a shit about 4chan, or the few more radical subreddits, and other similar sanctuaries for free speech. I'm sure you can come up with more examples.

Next, we use character attacks on the loudest or the most likely to cause a commotion in order to discredit them and make them seem like they're full of shit. We saw this happen with Fox news, info wars, etc.

Finally, we use a plethora of methods to deny access to given information. This can be done in a multitude of ways, the easiest, yet messiest method I'm sure you're all familiar with is the popular "oops they killed themselves." A few more things we can do are limit the flow of information, ie. infiltrating IC and disrupting actual data transfer in the way of networking holds and the like. This would also be the ideal time to utilize distractions such as a dam breaking or the Kremlin being implicated in just about everything (which utilizes basic ass emotional appeals).

So, I guess what I'm saying is, this is clearly persuasion. I won't go so far as to say I agree or disagree with what's we're being persuaded to believe, but we're fools to not realize that people have a metric fuck ton to gain by convincing us that things like this are true.

You're at step one - dismiss.

Crensch ago

There are a lot of conspiracy theories that have been proven true here. Me being a disinfo shill has been tried since @she days, and it hasn't stuck once.

NotHereForPizza ago

disinfo shill?

How about willingly incompetent sheep herder? v/pizzagate is a containment zone and people will learn soon enough what you fucks have done.

Crensch ago

What I have done is public record for all to see. Anyone that doesn't know what I've done simply doesn't care to.

NotHereForPizza ago

You're defense is no defense?

That's a little more than predictable.

The pedophiles and the ones assisting them are going to hang one day either way. If you don't think those sowing deceit will be among them, you're very fucking wrong. When that day comes, no one will accept a feign of authority as any reason not to hang yourself and people like you. Some of us know what you're doing, and we won't stop watching you at this point.

Good luck, mockingbird.

Crensch ago

I honestly don't have to defend myself to you at all. You're both massively uninformed, and unimportant.

NotHereForPizza ago

Yet you're still here commenting.

897489017241 ago


antiracist ago


digitalentity1497 ago

Shut up, Sane.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Crensch is a known faggot, agitator and general problem child. Most every post he makes is poisonous and churlish. Protectvoat has to be a scam if crencsh is involved. Kevdoiche is a faggot too but he is not even in crenschs league.

JuiceTown ago

OP sounds like a whiny bitch.

Nothing anybody says to you on this website is going to be "dangerous" so chill the fuck out or go live in a bubble or something

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Oy gevalt the goyim know

middle_path ago

"rally supporters" isn't what I was doing. Spread awareness of witch hunting tactics - yes, that.

It's what I get accused of everytime I post stuff in v/whatever.

You mean, when you leave your safe space?

middle_path ago

That's a fair point, probably the first one you've made yet. I did feel there was an implication with Crensch making multiple posts all centered around me and pinging other users. If he could have kept it to maybe one or two, I wouldn't have made this post.

My intention in this post was to point out what seem like dirty tactics. There was no high ground taken by the PV crew, just name calling and character assassination.

middle_path ago

ITT middle_path warns other users about someone who is calling for brigades. Feel free to point out where I called for brigading.

MrPim ago

There is a lot of witch hunting going on this week. If you dont agree fully w the voat hivemind youre a jew or a paid shill. Its a load. Like it or not, Im taking your side in this. Because there are a number of accts, some quite old, which have lost their fucking minds this week.

If I were a little more conspiracy minded, Id think Crensch and a few others had sold his acct to the Jews and is attempting to turn goat against goat. Sewing dissent, and making us all look like fucking lunatics.

Crensch ago

Did you actually read any of my submissions? If you can't at least admit something is fucky, and worth investigating, then maybe your second paragraph is you projecting your own situation onto me.

Because there are a number of accts, some quite old, which have lost their fucking minds this week.

Anyone that's been around on this website for any length of time knows that I attack things that look shady with a ferocity that makes me look insane, until the users calm down and read what I've found. I think literally every older user on this site at one point or another thought I was nuts for attacking this or that user.

I was of the mind you were one of those types of users, am I wrong?

There is a lot of witch hunting going on this week. If you dont agree fully w the voat hivemind youre a jew or a paid shill. Its a load. Like it or not, Im taking your side in this.

Most users here also know that I've caught many, many Jews, and force them to admit they're Jewish - same with paid shills. Have you been coincidentally absent or unaware of those times?

There is a lot of witch hunting going on this week. If you dont agree fully w the voat hivemind youre a jew or a paid shill. Its a load. Like it or not, Im taking your side in this.

Side with the guy that was attacking voat users as a whole in multiple submissions, and make it look like the other guy pointing that out is a nutter, got it.

I recall thinking you a decent goat before, and I'd like to continue, but I don't find your words here to be those of someone I'd find to be a decent goat.

Please rethink your position, or reword your comment - happy to let bygones be bygones if you simply made a faux pas.

middle_path ago

Despite how annoying it is, I don't think he is a shill. I think he's just seriously misguided. If we goats can't even stand together, how are we going to stand up to the real enemy?

MrPim ago

No, I dont really think hes a shill either. I think maybe he needs to get out of the house more often, a hobby of some sort not revolving around voat. He needs a bit of a break.

middle_path ago

Let me know what I'm allowed to post

You can post whatever you like, you have freedom of speech, not freedom of consequences. If you post dumb shit, people will call you out on it. Oh, what a crazy world.

middle_path ago

Really insightful comment.

Talc ago

An easy conclusion to make, if you're not prepared to put any effort into estyablishing what's really happening.

Regardless of who is seeing what and who is saying what, there is definitely an element of vote manipulation going on and that is not acceptable for the website as a whole!

5588741269805248 ago

Now you just have to come to the realization that kevdude is even worse

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

fresh account zero ccp

Hi middle_path

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

no, i agree with middle_path, that crensch and eagleshigh and several others do this "if you don't agree, you must be a jew" thing while they push outlandish narratives. It is akin to what the left does with the "if you don't agree, you're racist" while pushing an agenda. It is trying to use bullshit Obama style tactics, Jewish tactics, to push an agenda. And anyone who screams so much about everyone else being probably a jew themselves. Typical projection. I've seen the behavior myself from them. People like Crensch and Eagleshigh are quite possibly jews and are trying to delegitimize Voat as a platform.

middle_path ago

Be careful when fighting monsters, lest you become a monster yourself.

Yeah, the problem is - I don't think these guys are anything evil. I just think they're idiots who overthink things. They need to learn Occam's razor.

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

they've been at this fanaticism for a long time. It's hard to imagine that's just a normal guy who overthinks things. The behavior strikes me more as that of a paid shill, or someone who has mental illness, lives in mom's basement, and has wrapped up their lives and identities into a specific online forum (in this case

regardless, i said nothing montrous. I specifically stated that i don't want them brigaded or banned. I just said they and their behavior are shitty

middle_path ago


TheBuddha ago

Ignore them. Chances are, you're here because you don't need protection.

Crensch ago

I take it you haven't actually read my submissions about this.

That's fine, virtue-signal your way to feeling good about yourself while others actually take a look at the accusations and change their minds. Most of them were on his side at first, too.

Chiefpacman ago

PV and SBBH are the same thing now. Not that there's any blatant proof, but I think they're sinister. They don't like us, which is why half of them use now.

heygeorge ago


Chiefpacman ago


You're a faggot and no one likes you. Your army of alts doesn't count.

Crensch ago

I don't have an army of alts, faggot. I don't need them, because I'm usually right.

Read my words like the goats in this comment section that aren't known kikes and nobodies. There's something fucky going on, no matter how much you dislike me.

Chiefpacman ago

I don't know you, I do know MP

I'm not a fan of any user who starts shit with quality users, and tries to use 'clout' with PV to brigade.

Anti_Idle ago

Remember back a couple years ago when Middle_path's ask voat threads used to hit the front page constantly? Did you ever take a minute to read through them and see him slide threads towards a certain viewpoint? I remember and I remember one time I refuted his slide and...dude...he could. not. give. up. when he was beat. That was when I started to dislike middle_path. Back then I just thought he was a fag, but now, after being exposed to those tactics so much, I know that they are jew tactics.

Crensch ago

I don't know you, I do know MP

I'm not a fan of any user who starts shit with quality users

That's fine. You don't have to like me.

There have been a few good users that followed some of the early bullshit here that liked MP, too. They had to admit that he was likely a long-con plant here, trying to subvert the site, and probably Jewish.

and tries to use 'clout' with PV to brigade.

I don't use clout, and I never have. Let me say that again, in a different way: I HAVE NO CLOUT. My words stand on their own, because I'm not universally loved, and I'm OK with that. Nobody follows me around upvoting what I agree with and downvoting what I disagree with. It doesn't happen.

I don't really care who you think is a quality user. I go where the red flags point me, and then I go where the evidence takes me.

If you don't, that's fine, but at least admit that your reasoning is simply because he presents content you like, instead of being unconvinced by the facts.

At this point, I posit that the reasonable content he posts is simply a cover in order to garner support for his subversive activities. I could be wrong, but that's the most plausible scenario given the evidence.

Crensch ago

Not a problem. I'm on to something, and as usual, I'm going to look like a crazy person until a few more goats read what I've dug up.

Doesn't have to be you, but hopefully you'll come back when you have the faculties and let me know what you think.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

So nothing new with protect voat aye? The brigades still continue?

Crensch ago

Do like the other legitimate goats and read my submissions. There's a LOT of stuff that supposedly isn't there.

Anti_Idle ago

I stand with crensch. Middle_path is a confirmed faggot. (Not the homo kind)

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Crensch is a confirmed faggot of the homo kind.

middle_path ago

With solid name-calling like that, who needs an argument?

Anti_Idle ago

You don't have an argument tho. You're just pointing fingers to get the attention off your kikeyness.

middle_path ago

You've been accused of not having an argument and resorting to name calling, how do you plea?

your kikeyness.

Oh, ok then.

Anti_Idle ago

Hey good one just quoting me and then saying making snarky comments. Totally not jew tactics.

RimeTheBard ago

First, I was sympathetic towards you. Being dog piled by people like Azzmador&co can be a bit much.

But then I saw the actual post, and I gotta say, @Crensch isn't the bad guy here. Is he a right-wing ideologue? Sure. Is he wrong? Nope.

But you're probably a Sheleksteinburg anyway, so nonadis mattas. Why do I say this? Well, who else would effortpost damage control like this at being called out on their kikery, if not a kike...

middle_path ago

Well, who else would effortpost damage control like this at being called out on their kikery, if not a kike...

Yeah, pretty dumb of someone to want to defend their own name and opinions.

RimeTheBard ago

Why would you have to defend your name and opinions? After all,

I don't feel any shame posting my opinion

You're getting more jewy by the second, Mr. Goldenburg. I'd suggest you quit while ahead.

middle_path ago

I feel no shame on my posts/opinions


I feel the need to defend my posts/opinions

Are not mutually exclusive. This is how I feel, I am unashamed of it. If others seek to oppose me, I will defend those thoughts and feelings. How are you not getting this.

You're getting more jewy by the second, Mr. Goldenburg

Right! You have no logic to back up your argument, only insults.

RimeTheBard ago

Dude. Stop. You're making me side with @Crensch.

Stop making me side with @Crensch.

Stop acting like a Fucking Kike.

Anti_Idle ago

Notice how he never refutes it.

RimeTheBard ago

You're probably a fucking kike, too.

You're all kikes.

FFS there's like 3 goyim in this whole fucking website, and one of them's my sister.

Anti_Idle ago

Lol good one. You obviously didn't check my comment history. I am like the biggest jew spotter here. They're actually not that smart. They can't help but out themselves.

RimeTheBard ago

I am like the biggest jew spotter here.

Of course you are.

You're one of those good jews.

Which is to say, last in line for the gas chamber.

Anti_Idle ago

Whatever you say... >.<

Crensch ago

Thanks for actually taking the time to read my post. If you didn't see it, I'm pretty sure there's vote manipulation on this post and there has been negative vote manipulation on every post of mine about MP keeping the submission at 0 for the first hour or so, no matter how many upvotes it gets.

RimeTheBard ago

That's an interesting trend, to say the least.

It's entirely possible someone is fucking with you just to sow discontent between you and m_p.

I doubt it, but it's possible.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I've noticed that people who shit talk PV tend to be exactly the kind of people that prove why PV is necessary.

Despite this I was originally on your side while reading this until I decided to actually read @Crensch 's posts and found out that you've failed to refute ANYTHING he's said about you, now Im getting suspicious, this thread is starting to read just like the incessant victimhood seeking that drove reddit into the ground.

"A lot of us left Reddit because of brigading and their other group think tactics, does he really have our best interests in mind?"

Anyone that was on reddit will remember that "brigading" was just the Admin's synonym for "people are disagreeing with me an I need an excuse to ban them".

bdmthrfkr ago

Was just like you, sympathetic at first but then bothered to read @Crensch 's post.

One thing jumped out at me that set off some serious alarm bells: the "Isreal is a supercool Ethno-State just like the Alt-Right wants, why do you hate them" crap.

This has been the #1 sliding technique of the JIDF over on /pol/ for the last week that I have been browsing over there. Important threads about Vegas pop up and, like clockwork, JIDF starts posting this exact same garbage to slide the thread.

Conclusion: @middle_path is JIDF, nice find Crensch!

Crensch ago

Thank you for reading my posts, good sir. Really glad we have a good core community of goats that actually take the time to entertain the idea that the nice guy might not be the right guy.

5588741269805248 ago

You're a fucking fag, how many Hollywood dicks have you sucked?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

^ OP's alt account

Anti_Idle ago

And notice the main person coming to middle_path's defense...Cancel-cat. Self-confirmed jew. The tribesmen always stick together.

middle_path ago

you've failed to refute ANYTHING he's said about you

Let's talk specifics and not vague attacks. What have I failed to refute, exactly? From what I can see, he resorts to a lot of ad hominem attacks instead of actual arguments.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Stop using alts and speak for yourself crensh.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Hey @Crensh when did you have the time to spend 2.3 years posting from my account, because according to these guys everyone who disagrees with them is your alt.

Crensch ago

Apologies here. You deserved more support at the time, and I'm only just now seeing these, I'm sure thanks to some bits being checked and the website going down now and then.

I consider it a compliment that someone would confuse us.

Cheers, bud.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

2.3 year old account with 14172 CCP disagrees with me

"you must be an alt, there is no way more than one person disagrees with me"

less than 30 minute old accounts agree with me

"it's totally organic goys"

Crensch ago

Thank you for taking the time to read my post(s). This shit is getting more and more suspicious as it goes on, and I'm pretty sure they're attempting to paint me as a raving lunatic that has no support here.

I think this username is key to whatever plans they have for this site, and my calling them out is causing a serious damage-control reaction.

If you didn't see it, probable vote manipulation, and they're keeping my posts about him at 0 for the first hour or so

LearningToWizzle ago

Told you you are a huge faggot. Hahaha.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I really don't know what to think, but something about middle is just setting off the same redflags as the pedes invasion.

there is just something distinctively reddity about the way he deflects things.

middle_path ago

I personally love tomatos.

Wew! Ok, I thought we had a problem there for a second.

Celery in soups bothers me.

Like diced up or what? I barely notice it in soups. BTW, if you hate celery - don't ever go near lovage. That shit is insanely celery-like. Grew some this past year, I didn't know anything in the celery family can be that overwhelming.

Crensch ago

Check the link of what he said for yourself. I quoted verbatim the relevant parts.

There. Pretty sure it's vote manipulation, but let me know what you think.

KosherHiveKicker ago

If you can't handle opposition then ...... GO BACK TO /r/FaggotitySafeSpace4NiggerJews.

middle_path ago

If you can't handle an attempted brigading, go back to the place most famous for it.

Nah, I'll pass.

KosherHiveKicker ago

8 )

Are you seriously attempting to claim 1 person, using 1 account is actually "A Brigade"?

middle_path ago

Yes, as that one person using one account often pings multiple accounts. His intention may be as simple as "hey guys, check this out". But the implication for me is that he is attempting to get his buddies to vote and post in his favor.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

on leddit "Brigade" just meant "someone posted something I don't like".

Dalai_Llama ago

Reading this faggot shit made my dick smaller than it already is.

middle_path ago

My apologies your holy one.

TheBuddha ago

They are just a pretender!

middle_path ago

Sorry for dragging you into this. Also, what's your fucking problem with tomatoes? I grow them every year and they are delicious.

phenomenaldouche ago


fuck off with your wall of whiny text

GHDW ago

I'd like some cheese with this whine


Everything that we can say uncensored is a thought that the people who seek to censor us now have to consider. No matter what our differences, this is the time to speak out regardless of our different opinions.

antiracist ago

@crensch is a faggot.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

Hay eagz, someone in this thread can refute Darwinism.

middle_path ago


zuck ago

I agree with your sentiments 8 month old post that crensch linked.

middle_path ago

I agree with your sentiments 8 month old post that crensch linked.

I feel like I'm missing something here.

zuck ago

It's a fairly sensible post

middle_path ago


zuck ago

They are his alts

middle_path ago

Seriously? I never understood why people even use alts here. Also, I feel I've had some cool conversations with eagleshigh - never seen it escalate to this level of autism though.

Ina_Pickle ago

I've been calling PV out on this for some time now. They are intolerant of anyone who disagrees with one of their campaigns and, despite their finger pointing, were in fact responsible for the majority of the downvoat brigading taking place on the site.

middle_path ago

I'm honestly just now awake to what a shit show this place is.

Ina_Pickle ago

Well don't let them stress you too much over this. They really only ever have power when they are able to unite the site behind one of their causes. No one is going to think that you are the next @she.

Love your sub by the way. I don't comment in there often, but I always read the posts.

middle_path ago

Love your sub by the way. I don't comment in there often, but I always read the posts.

Thank you. We aim to inspire.

zuck ago

middle_path ago

I do personally think it's dangerous. Not life-threatening, but dangerous in the way that Reddit mods are.

Sullysq ago

Yeah dood, chill out. He's getting your goat and you're giving it to him. We all like and don't like each other all the time here. It's gonna happen. Don't take it personal, they're just useless internet points. I know I give @BLOODandHONOUR (hate that I love ya dood. no homo) a fair share of downvoats but I definitely know he's earned magnitudes more upvoats from me too. You'll never see him sweatin it. Just don't make a scene and move on, take the bad with the good and enjoy the freedom.

Anti_Idle ago

Here's the problem. Middle_path is a jew and jews can't just let things slide.

middle_path ago

Yeah dood, chill out. He's getting your goat and you're giving it to him.

You're completely right. I'm not worried about being doxxed or anything, I just see this guy make many posts and tag all his buddies in it. Seems fishy and I wanted to let others know. But, I am being guided by my emotions more than my rational mind. Thank you.

Crensch ago

Yes, this FISHY guy has tagged all his "buddies" that didn't brigade-vote anything, while your submissions and comments are suspicious upvoted despite not refuting my words with anything but "you can't PROVE it" when you're on a FORUM. Of course I can't prove it well enough for a court of law, but this is a forum.

Yes, I tagged all my "BRIGADING" buddies that couldn't keep my submissions above 0 for the first HOUR, but yours gets 21 in 37m despite there being almost no chance /new would have that kind of activity.

middle_path ago

couldn't keep my submissions above 0 for the first HOUR, but yours gets 21 in 37m despite there being almost no chance /new would have that kind of activity.

despite not refuting my words with anything but "you can't PROVE it" when you're on a FORUM. Of course I can't prove it well enough for a court of law, but this is a forum.

If there is vote manipulation, I am not behind it. Believe me or not, but that's the truth. So there is my official refutation.

Crensch ago

You really don't understand how it is that people can determine you're a kike over the internet, can you?

You long-nosed subhumans are so emotionally stunted, and intellectually incompetent, that you'll never figure it out.

middle_path ago



How do you live with yourself, honestly?

Crensch ago

I'm going to bed. Night night.


How do you live with yourself, honestly?

I'm actually honest.

middle_path ago

For those wondering, he said he was going to bed before making the comment above.

So I'm on trial now for staying up a few minutes after I said I was going to sleep? Real convincing stuff.

Crensch ago

Do you remember when you said you were done defending yourself? I do. Want me to bring that one up, too? That was many hours before you finally left.

middle_path ago

Don't think I said I was done, I said I was tired of defending myself.

Crensch ago

That was the point of my rant and I'm done defending myself to you.

middle_path ago

Color me wrong, maybe i should just stick with being done.

Sullysq ago

Granted, he's acting emotionally stunted... Often. But c'mon man, you're being a pretty petty fuckin child lately. You both are up in each other's pussies like yeast infections. Buy a douche and let it go already.

Crensch ago

Ehh, that's kinda my thing though. I find something that doesn't look right, and I dig, and document, and format it, and put it on display for people. It's what I've always done, ever since the @she days when I slapped her around enough to get people's attention.

I've caught quite a few kikes and subversives since then, cornering shills until they "literally cannot have this conversation" with me. That was a fun one.

If this user had not continually defended himself like a kike, and other shady shit hadn't happened, I'd be off it by now.

I appreciate your response, though.

Sullysq ago

Good point. At least you're consistent.

Crensch ago

Crensch - your actions in the past 24 hours cement my view that both sides are fucking insane.

That's OK. Everyone can just look at your submissions and see that you're a Jew here.

32 minutes at 17 upvotes? Relevant

Hammer_Bot ago

Yeah, man, that upvote rate is because you're a small pile of shit that we'd love to piss down the drain.

Get your alts out you dumb fuck fag.

Crensch ago

I don't have alts, faggot. My posts about M_P have been kept at 0 for the first couple hours no matter how many upvotes they get. I'm not wrong about his submissions being subversive and multicultural/equality/SJWish.

Get your head out of your ass and read.

Hammer_Bot ago


My work is done.

Talc ago

seems to me the only one you triggered was you.

Hammer_Bot ago

Oh look, a newbie bitch for me to fuck with.

Talc ago

you triggered yourself again didn't you! 3 times in 1 thread, poor little snowflake!

this troll life just isn't for you, run away to your safe space.

Hammer_Bot ago

Hahaha, you sound like a fat chick.

Talc ago

really? do fat chicks type different to everyone else? (or are you just spouting off any old shit to cover up how easily you get triggered?)

Crensch ago

You're just one in a sea of kikes at the moment, and I'm not even sure you're a kike. Just wake up, faggot. Troll away if you must, but kikes take away trollspace more than anyone, and it looks like they're trying to get a foothold.

Hammer_Bot ago

Extra triggered.

I like it.

Talc ago

triggering yourself must be the ultimate in lame.

Crensch ago

Whatever, let others fight your battles to keep your bridge from being taken over by Jews.

Or are you Jewish?

Mick ago

I'm a New Zealander, pretty sure we don't have Jewish people here. Maybe we do but in my fifty plus years I have yet to meet one. We judge people in NZ on how they treat us. If you're a cunt, you're a cunt, no matter the colour or religion. If you're a good cunt, you're a good cunt, again, no matter your religion or race.

Maybe you cunts could learn something from us.

Talc ago

The 2013 New Zealand census data gives 6,867 people identifying as having a Jewish affiliation, out of the total New Zealand population of 4.5 million.

Mick ago

With around 100, 000 square miles in land area that's one Jewish person per 14.5 square miles. I see why I have never met one now, they're as rare as hens teeth.

Talc ago

when they're so heavily outnumbered they tend to stay hidden as well.

there's now a big part of me wishes I was over there instead of here.

Crensch ago

I lived in NZ for a while. Every kiwi I met was a nutless faggot. I've nothing to learn from y'all except how to do the opposite of projecting my voice, and sounding off like I've got a pair.

Only because @kevdude likes you, or respects you, or at one time did, or whatthefuckever, I'll let you in on a little secret.

Do like the legitimate goats in this comment section did, and read my words. Read my submissions.

There's extremely likely vote manipulation, along with MP being a seriously voat-user-hating "user" here.

Shit's suspicious, and I'm happy to hear your thoughts, as long as you actually take the time to acquaint yourself with the facts. I've archived and quoted everything relevant, so you can see that I'm not being a dishonest or cherry-picking fuck.

Hammer_Bot ago

I lived in NZ for a while

You must have got the shit kicked out of you daily.

Crensch ago

Not one of you limp-dick faggots even had the balls to object to me - at any point. Anything I said, or half asked opinions for, or anything I thought might be a good idea, you faggots just followed. I had to ask you nutless fags to speak up constantly, and I have fantastic hearing; I just don't understand mumbled-aussie-but-nutless speech.

Mick ago

I laughed. We were too quiet - I've heard that from other foreigners so I'll assume it could be true.

I guess it's similar to how Aussies and Kiwis find americans loud, uninformed and obnoxious.

E; spelling

Crensch ago

I guess it's similar to how Aussies and Kiwis find americans loud, uninformed and obnoxious.

That's pretty much it right there.

My voice seemed to echo off the walls while I was there. I felt like a walking earthquake aftershock in a country of mice.

middle_path ago

32 minutes at 17 upvotes?

Do you honestly not believe this was generated organically. Can you not wrap your head around the fact that you might be in the wrong here?

Talc ago

someone should do a study of voting rates on here. 32 votes in 17 minutes, 1.88 votes per minute is faster than anything I've ever seen on here with the exception of one or two commercial spam outfits who spam-flooded, vote-flooded, and then were banned.

Note, I'm not saying that Its definitely cheating or that nobody has ever had 32 genuine votes in 17 minutes on here, just that this is something I've been observing studiously ever since I opened my first account on here way back in mid 2014 before the fattening / fappening exoduses, and that a sustained 1.88 votes/min is sufficiently anomalous that it rings an alarm bell for me.

Crensch ago

Look at this shit, @Trigglypuff. Tell me 17 in 32 mins isn't fucking bullshit.

Eualos ago

Yes, I've noticed this as well. He needs to chill the fuck out a bit. This is voat we aren't temper tantrum throwing children

Hammer_Bot ago

Engage him if you're into trolling (which I don't believe you are), otherwise, just ignore him.

Chiefpacman ago

Thing is he creates new alts daily. He creates subs that break the layout and make it hard to see usernames/block people and pings you.

Sure it's only vaguely annoying and there are workarounds (turn off subverse edits thru settings) but there's no harm in publicly shaming him for being a shit.

Ina_Pickle ago

This is the best advice. The one time he tried to start a fight with me, I just let it go. His attention flags quickly if not fed.

threesix ago

its what he does man.... its a fucking simple fix... ignore it. fuck sakes man. who cares. you are acting like those feminists who act like online rape comments mean anything... this isnt real life bro...

middle_path ago

Perhaps you're right. In the least I can let other users know what I didn't until today - this guy (and I can assumed the rest of PV) doesn't give a fuck about anything except pushing their own agendas.

threesix ago

ya man... it's not about protecting users. it's about protecting voat. protecting it from what? fuck if i know. just steer clear

Eualos ago

Ehh but they do catch some stuff that I wouldn't be aware of otherwise. The entire place isn't bad just skewed too far in a direction.


Ignore the haters and keep on posting on voat.

HarveyHarveyJones ago


This is the most i've been downvoated in a while. Even you CCF got downvoated 9 times for simply saying to keep posting on voat. Interesting

middle_path ago

Welcome to the brigade. Don't worry, PV has your best interests in mind.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

"Free speech for all, except for those with dissenting views toward ourselves!"


middle_path ago

Hard to ignore someone who has made multiple submissions based solely around me.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Autism is a bitch man. Sadly people don't believe in putting down their kids with mental illness and challenges. So we must all endure their pain with them.


Sometimes retards are loud. But they shouldn't drown out normal people.

kammmmak ago

For now. Once enough or more of them it becomes more difficult.

BobBelcher ago

It's like a 10:1 ratio of retards to normies here.

SickOfNiggers ago


AndrewBlazeIt ago

Those almost just continue to be activated, may


Retards are known to have super-human strength.

Eualos ago

Sage words.