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Crensch ago

Seems like you're a kike pushing race-mixing and wanting to shut down political speech here.

Seems relevant to mention that to users in order to protect voat.

middle_path ago

People can make their own assumptions based on my own posts, you're giving it a spin. Seems like something a jew would do.

Pinging all the users you did seems to be a clear example of a call to brigade. I'm not getting comments and downvotes on older posts I've made.

And honestly, the comic as a joke. It has no meaning, it's just a picture. There is no political statement, but you seem to see what you want.

Hope you and your friends have had fun fighting a false enemy.

Crensch ago

People can make their own assumptions based on my own posts, you're giving it a spin.

I'm linking directly to the source material, and quoting you verbatim.

Seems like something a jew would do.

Seems like something a Jew would accuse someone linking to the source material and quoting verbatim of.

Pinging all the users you did seems to be a clear example of a call to brigade. I'm not getting comments and downvotes on older posts I've made.

Users need to know that you're a subversive kike.

And honestly, the comic as a joke. It has no meaning, it's just a picture. There is no political statement, but you seem to see what you want.

I see a Jew backpedaling.

Hope you and your friends have had fun fighting a false enemy.

Sounds like something a Jew would say.

middle_path ago

It's not backpedaling if I never once claimed the comic had a meaning.

This is rediculous, man. Is this really that important to you? Is it really so impossible that I just have a different opinion on things?

Crensch ago

It's not backpedaling if I never once claimed the comic had a meaning.

But posted in a subverse where you specifically outlaw narrative pushing, so you push your own. Sounds like you don't want to take agency for your actions.

This is rediculous, man. Is this really that important to you?

The fact that a faggot like you shames Voat for talking politics, and posts kike-narrative shit? Yeah, it's kind of important to notice when JEWS start infiltrating.

Is it really so impossible that I just have a different opinion on things?

Not at all. If you'd just posted opinions without shaming Voat about "more important things in life", I'd not have dug around in your history and posting and found you to be a kike, but you stupid, overemotional JEWS just can't help yourselves, can you?

middle_path ago

But posted in a subverse where you specifically outlaw narrative pushing, so you push your own.

Once again, I claimed nothing about this comic. Link me when I said what narrative I was pushing and I will gladly concede.

The fact that a faggot like you shames Voat for talking politics, and posts kike-narrative shit?

I didn't shame voat, I asked if anyone was tired of discussing the same topics constantly and admitted that I do.

Crensch ago

Once again, I claimed nothing about this comic. Link me when I said what narrative I was pushing and I will gladly concede.

It doesn't work like that, faggot. It doesn't take a kike announcing what narrative he's pushing to figure out what narrative he's pushing. Jesus you keep looking more and more like a Jew the more you respond to me.

I didn't shame voat, I asked if anyone was tired of discussing the same topics constantly and admitted that I do.

Your words were shaming language directed at users. It wasn't "I'm really tired of seeing this stuff on Voat, is anyone else tired of seeing it?" which in and of itself is nigger-tier shit, but you took it a step further declaring:

There is so much more to life.


why we're always so obsessed

middle_path ago

You're a very paranoid person and i feel bad for you, honestly. You'll probably never see me as a non-jew, but if you think I'm the enemy - you haven't been paying attention.

Crensch ago

You're a very paranoid person and i feel bad for you, honestly.

More shaming language, and Edit2.

You'll probably never see me as a non-jew, but if you think I'm the enemy - you haven't been paying attention.

(((Israel is our greatest ally)))

Are you a Jew, middle_path?

middle_path ago

I am not a jew. I am white, my hair is dirty blonde and I have blue eyes.

I'm sure you'll find reason to not believe me, but it's the honest truth.

Crensch ago

Then you sure as shit act like one.

middle_path ago

In your eyes, undoubtedly. In mine, no - not at all.

I think you see what you want to see.

Crensch ago

I think I see behaviours and patterns, and am rarely wrong about someone at the very least attempting to subvert this site. I'm almost always right about that person being a Jew, too.

I could indeed be wrong about you being a Jew, but you walk, quack, and look like one.

middle_path ago

Dude, I've been here for this long. I'm not trying to subvert a damn thing. I just get sick of the same conversation constantly. I mostly visit two websites - voat and 4chan and both talk about the same things constantly. It's tiresome. And for what it's worth - I do think other topics are more important. I think the connection to the divine, personal health, and philosophy are much more important than the​ divisive and polarized topics like race, politics, and jews vs semites always are.

I came here looking for an internet hangout. My niche subverse has been well received and I love that. I know I can get "other" content from other websites, but I want it from voaters. That was the point of my rant and I'm done defending myself to you.

Crensch ago

I think the connection to the divine, personal health, and philosophy are much more important than the​ divisive and polarized topics like race, politics, and jews vs semites always are.

There won't be any of that in the near future if the JQ and political shit doesn't hit the fan wherever it can. Go quietly into the night if you want, but attacking Voaters (that's what you were doing whether you want to admit it or not) for realizing this, and continuing to discuss taboo topics is a great way to make yourself look like a fucking kike.

Honestly, you owe Voat an apology for shaming them for posting and upvoating what they're interested in.

That was the point of my rant and I'm done defending myself to you.

I don't care. You wouldn't have been on my radar without having said:

There is so much more to life.

"shame on you for not discussing IMPORTANT things"

why we're always so obsessed

"shame on you for being OBSESSED with the politics that could Bolshevik-genocide your people"

... but now you're on my radar as a likely long-con kike, and I'll be waiting for the next time you start using kike tactics in order to make your oh-so-innocent points.

You might be an OK dude, and this might be a huge misunderstanding, but all you've managed to do by defending yourself is make yourself look like a Jew.