smallpond ago

You seem to have some sad personal problem with 'shaming' don't you? You sound like the SJWs people love to hate around here.

How about you harden up? In a place of free speech, users should be more than capable of dealing with people who are trying to 'shame' them. You certainly have no qualms trying to shame the people you view as enemies in your sad, paranoid personal universe.

Some (many) people have opinions that differ from yours, and they think you're pathetic. How about you just deal with it and respond in person rather than continually throwing little SRS hissy-fits?

Disclaimer: If we’re conversing, I will soon fall silent. I may want to continue, but because many users are unpopular here and have less than 100 CCP, we are temporarily banned as soon as we make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech, but I'm grateful for recent comments stating an intention to improve things.

Crensch ago

They really do seem to have a very specific way of identifying themselves to those that know what to look for. All it takes from there is a little digging.

He's one of the few Jews that outright said he wasn't Jewish, but I don't think I believe him anyway.

Crensch ago

Maybe it's just me, but that's nail-in-coffin material for this faggot. I couldn't help but think he was playing the long-con kike game, and it looks like that's the case.

He's not just liberal, he's bought into the equality/multicultural bullshit that is pure kikery.

What's your take on it?

middle_path ago

Thanks for the plug to v/thepath!

FelonyVoaterFraud ago

These people are so angry because they love to be. They stop short of realizing that their reasons for hating the Jews all point to Christianity being the answer. If they realize it, they don't want to embrace it. It is much easier to simply be mad at the Jews (the "den of vipers" and "synagogue of Satan") than it is to inwardly examine and realize all the ways that they themselves are serving Satan.

This is not true of every single person here, but the majority are atheists or (whether they will admit it or not) believe in Christ but have not been born again.

The Jewish question is something that deserves to be talked about, but it would be done much more effectively and calmly if everyone was in the truth (Jesus Christ). It is not up to us to seek vengeance upon the Jews, God will give them their just desserts.

Anyway, i just wanted to say that you are brave to wade through this minefield. On another note, of course we have talked before and you are searching for truth and have a mind for it. I pray that one day you will come to Christ. I know it seems simple, but truly God wants to be in a relationship with Him. He didn't want to create a maze and tons of hurdles for us to jump through. All I can do is wish you the best on your journey.

middle_path ago

Thanks man. For what it's worth I have accepted Christ, he just not the only one I follow.

FelonyVoaterFraud ago

Sorry dude, but it just doesn't work that way. You can listen to what He said and take His advice, but to choose not to accept His sacrifice is like a slap in the face.

Wish you well

middle_path ago

but to choose not to accept His sacrifice is like a slap in the face.

Sorry if I offend you. I just can't accept Christ and only Christ. The Buddha and Lao Tzu have too much wisdom for me to ignore, as to many hermetic teachers. I appreciate and respect Christ - I truly do, but not just him.

FelonyVoaterFraud ago

Nah you don't offend me.

Buddha and Lao Tzu can't forgive your sins, but I don't think I'm saying anything you don't know already

middle_path ago

Yeah, I know. I don't agree with the philosophy of sin. I don't think a loving god would ever punish us to eternal hellfire for being mislead. I know you don't agree, I just can't follow the logic.

Tallest_Skil ago

Wow, this doesn't seem biased at all.

A big problem I’ve found in outing paid shills is that there is very, very rarely any difference between actually paid professional shills and ‘just a liberal’. Liberals WILL NOT substantiate their claims. Ever. They just don’t do it. We’ve gotten to the point where you have to be extremely careful about what you say to a liberal even in the beginning, because otherwise they won’t even ENUMERATE their own claims. That’s right: a liberal will REFUSE to even state what he believes because there’s some tiny little part of him that KNOWS–deep down–that he’s wrong. But “wrong” does not exist to a liberal, and certainly a viewpoint which is liberal could never be “wrong”. How do we know this?

Liberals have a new wish every time their latest wish is granted. Conservatives should make them spell out their principles and ideals. Instead of doing this, conservatives allow liberals to pursue incremental goals without revealing their ultimate destination. So, thanks to the negligence of their opponents, liberals control the terms of every debate by always demanding ‘more’ while never defining ‘enough.’ The predictable result is that they always get more, and it's never enough. – Joseph Sobran

Since a liberal viewpoint could never be “wrong”, to so much as LIST the things he believes opens them up to scrutiny. And how DARE you scrutinize a liberal! How do we know this? Their masters say so.

Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial. – Ariel Sharon

Under scrutiny, a belief may be found to be “wrong” in a way that even a liberal can’t ignore. Oh, sure, he could–AND WILL–keep repeating said belief LONG after it is proven wrong. But the responses he will get after being proven wrong differ from those from before. The responses after cause him to have emotions. Bad ones. They make him feel like he might not be the bastion of moral superiority he knows he is. The responses aren’t what he wants. So the emotion he feels is bad. But bad emotions are bad; the things that cause them are bad. Therefore being told he is wrong–which causes bad emotions–is bad, therefore he avoids being told he is wrong by never saying what he believes (so he can never be scrutinized and proven wrong), therefore he is never wrong. “I AM LIBERAL, HEAR ME SHAME!”

I am sharing my opinion

I’ll restate here that liberals do not believe that truth exists, therefore all opinions are valid, therefore he’s indignant that anyone would ever be questioning what he has said (because it’s true–because ‘wrong’ doesn’t exist to him; please see the above for the “rationale” on his part).

and you have a problem with it.

Whenever you see a liberal say this, you need to understand it as, “I have a problem with your questioning of what I have said, because what I said is the word of god.” REMINDER: LIBERALS ACCUSE YOU OF WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO YOU.

Who's subverting who now?

He is, to us. Pathetic.

ExpertShitposter ago

You're overthinking it. He isn't shaming anyone, just venting. Some people don't have the capacity to handle politics all day long. Especially when they feel powerless to stop the bullshit of this world. Another thing is that some people are black pillers and no longer believe in governments and political solutions. I'm one of them as you can see from my comment in that thread.

One problem of voat is that people come here for political discussions because they get censored elsewhere, but when its time to talk cars, bikes, guns, travel, sex, video games, wrenching, etc, they run back to reddit because they don't get enough upvotes in small subs here. And that's fucking gay.

Crensch ago

You're overthinking it.

I was wondering that until I found his subverse, and the race-mixing chimpout comic. Now I'm pretty sure I'm not.

He isn't shaming anyone, just venting.

Ehh, I could see that, but I've been here long enough to not just believe tumors benign.

Some people don't have the capacity to handle politics all day long. Especially when they feel powerless to stop the bullshit of this world.

I can completely understand that. What I cannot understand is complaining about one of the only places to read and discuss politics not giving a shit about stuff that can be discussed anywhere. It's about upvoats for him, very obviously.

Another thing is that some people are black pillers and no longer believe in governments and political solutions. I'm one of them as you can see from my comment in that thread.

Blackpillers have good reasons to be blackpilled. I find no fault there.

One problem of voat is that people come here for political discussions because they get censored elsewhere, but when its time to talk cars, bikes, guns, travel, sex, video games, wrenching, etc, they run back to reddit because they don't get enough upvotes in small subs here. And that's fucking gay.

It is, indeed. @Empress' traditionalwives probably started with low upvote counts, but she persisted. Pro-gun subverses are the same. There was a decent homesteading subverse a while back if I'm not mistaken.

These things CAN be discussed here, but getting people to give a shit when their political and economic world are on fire requires work, which kikes are allergic to.

I wrote this in response to MP

  • You value populated subs

  • You hate the political stuff

  • Users both populate subs, and post political stuff

  • You whine about what users post

... and he whines about what users upvoat.

10775780? ago

True- v/traditionalwives got blasted every time I posted something for the first couple of weeks. Down votes on everything.

Crensch ago

Not sure if anyone ever gave you credit for persisting, but you deserve it.

10775882? ago

Thank you. <3

KeksMex ago

The escape the rat race comic is laughable. Like we'll all be happier sitting around naked in mud huts. I think they tried that in Apefrica.

middle_path ago

How does no one get that it's just a funny comic?

KeksMex ago

Explain why it's funny please. I don't see it at all.

middle_path ago

It's absurdist humor. A bunch of people trash their place of work and live like primitives in its skeleton. It's fine if you don't find it funny, but there is zero intent behind me posting it other than humor.

KeksMex ago


jewshekelstein1488 ago

yeah i definitely misjudged him. i thought he was just some harmless naive hippie. nope, he's a fucking degenerate kike that needs to be holocausted with extreme prejudice. "the whole burnt offering". you hear me @middle_path? that's going to be you motherfucker.

FelonyVoaterFraud ago

"Harmless naive hippies" don't exist. They believe that there are no intrinsic differences between adherents to different religions. We should pray for him.

But I will say, I pray that you are secure in your salvation. I was just talking with @savethechildren about the same thing. I'm not trying to group you two together (he is something else sometimes) but I see so much hate spilling from so-called Christians around here. Yes, Christ was harsh and honest but there is a difference here. Anyway, may God bless you.

SaveTheChildren ago

You're such a faggot lol. Being Christian isn't about not swearing.

Tallest_Skil ago

I was just scrolling through the comments on his submission and came across this… Now, it looks like bots upvoting each other, but the context is probably not related to his submission itself.

Crensch ago

Whoah, that's pretty huge. Where's that?

Tallest_Skil ago

A couple of “show more”s down in the comments on the link you’re talking about. If you’re sorting by best, that is.

Crensch ago

Thanks. Yeah, that's possibly putt material.

con77 ago

wheres my fucking check???

Crensch ago

What check?

con77 ago


Obama_BinLadin ago

Yay, I made some idiots list!

Crensch ago

You just responded more or less against MP's kikery on a submission. Thought you'd want to be aware of this information. I'll leave you out of future pings if you'd prefer.

Obama_BinLadin ago

Oops, I meant boo I made some nice man's list? I'm confused.

CapinBoredface ago

Why am I tagged in this? I don't give a fuck what people want voat to be like or what voat is like. This is a website that I have zero loyalty to.

Crensch ago

You responded to him in this original post. Thought it was information users should be made aware of. I'll leave you out of future pings.

10775637? ago

What? How?

Crensch ago

You responded to his original submission. Thought you'd like to know what OP there was about.

10776113? ago

I read some more, get it now, just got a very different impression from getting a PM titled: "Subversive usernames attempting to shame goats into not posting political content. Paid/shill downvoats and manufactured consent likely" with my name listed. If you had added "Pinging people I think could be interested in this debate" or similar, I think there'd be less confusion. Just FYI, all good.

I'm glad you are vigilant, keep that up. In this instance, I'll say @ExpertShitposter expressed my view (and I feel damn dirty for agreeing with a SBBHer, but hey). I think @Middle_path is a guy who is lucky enough to live somewhere monocultural or with less dangerous levels of multikult, and while I see your points, his thread did produce some good talking points from us in the middle of the disaster, which we can all benefit from.

He also runs the fine sub v/JustGrowIt, so he puts in work giving voaters a more rounded experience (which I think we could benefit from), and inspires me to move out of the city and become more self-sustaining, so think he earned some leeway here. He is still on my list of good guys, along with you, I hope you both have a nice weekend.

ExpertShitposter ago

feel damn dirty for agreeing with a SBBHer

Humor me in regards to this statement.

10776926? ago

I can give you the short version: SBBH/SDBH/MicksHut/reddit users enter Voat.

ExpertShitposter ago

Implying SBBH/SDBH/MicksHut has anything to do with redditors.

Implying mildly retarded isn't desirable.

Implying i am not 00x agent, and that you will not get killed in your sleep tonight.

Implying implications.

Crensch ago

I appreciate you responding. Sorry for the miscommunication.

goatboy ago

Eat a bag of dicks, Bitch!

Crensch ago

Sorry, did you mean that for middlepath or me? I won't ping you anymore if you'd prefer - figured this was kinda important, and you seemed like a good goat to make aware of this kind of thing.

goatboy ago

Oh, my bad. Keep up the good work.

Crensch ago

Not a problem at all, fellow goat! Just wanted to be sure what's what!

MannKepetry ago

it kinda is obsessive. voat is a general topic website yet 50% of the topics are about jews do this jews do that. its annoying.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I'm with you, I get annoyed by a lot of things on here that I emphatically disagree with. But I still don't think it's my place (or anyone's really) to tone police or shame people into submission for having different beliefs or talking about things I don't like to see. The ability to speak freely and engage in the free exchange of ideas is incredibly valuable and what makes this place great. I wouldn't ever want to hurt that freedom, through over-moderation or shame or harassment or drama or flame wars or by any other means.

MannKepetry ago

i wouldnt want overmoderation as well but complaining is ok. i wasnt referring to op . this was just a general statement

MannKepetry ago

4 replys in 10 minutes in an otherwise empty thread. respect.

MannKepetry ago

thanks, i guess?

jewshekelstein1488 ago

you should be annoyed about how they are actively working to subvert and destroy western civilization, not about us talking about it. it's like we're saying hey dude, the building is on fire! and you're more concerned with the 'annoying' warning then the fact that you are fucking burning alive. get some perspective.

MannKepetry ago

what is destroying western civilisation is capitalism and neo fashism.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

you are right on the first point. jews have outhustled us and taken control without firing a shot. they run all the major banks media and corporations. unretrained capitalism leads to corruption and ruin. that is why we need national socialism. as for your second point, you've got it backwards. the so-called fascists aka "nazis" are the ones who want to kick out the kikes and stop white genocide.

MannKepetry ago

nazis are the ones who started the last big white genocide

jewshekelstein1488 ago

i don't even.

so um, care to explain how? this should be good.

MannKepetry ago

read any book about WW2

DeadFox ago

Make sure the authors name ends with -stein or -berg for maximim accuracy.

MannKepetry ago

i didn't know /u/jewshekelstein1488 wrote a book. he appeared like he didnt even know what a book is.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

many. without looking it up do you know the origin of the term "nazi"?

MannKepetry ago

an admirer or member of the nsdap or foreign country equivalents

jewshekelstein1488 ago

no. i asked for the origin of the term, not what it means.

MannKepetry ago

its the first 2 letters of the party.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

the term "nazi" is a pejorative term that was invented by a jew with the intent of making the nsdap look infantile and foolish. it later took on more of a negative connotation and was carefully and purposely honed into a weapon by jewish propagandists who were hell bent on getting america to enter the war. it was never used by the nsdap and to refer to them as "nazis" betrays an obvious historical bias and ignorance on your part. so before you lecture me about history or ww2 you might want to take some time to acquaint yourself with the actual meaning of the terms you so carelessly throw around because it makes you look a bit foolish.

MannKepetry ago

göbbels himself used the term in a title of one of his texts

jewshekelstein1488 ago


MannKepetry ago

only later the nazis decided that they dont like the term and that it hurts their feelings.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

bzzt. fake news. try again shlomo.

see this page:

Another Nazi myth has been exposed by Professor Rex Curry. The myth cites a book entitled "The Nazi-Sozi Questions and Answers" (or Der Nazi-Sozi by Dr. Jospeh Goebbels) as "proof" that German National Socialists referred to themselves as "Nazis."

The book is cited by people who have never actually looked at the publication. The term "Nazi-Sozi" only appears on the cover of that publication, and never appears within the interior text where the terms "National Socialist" and "Socialist" are used by Goebbels throughout to describe the German National Socialists. Goebbels did not write the cover’s use of the phrase "Nazi-Sozi." It is not even clear when that cover phrase was created. Goebbels did not use the term "Nazi" nor "Nazi-Sozi" a single time within that publication.

english translation which proves the word "nazi" never appears in the text:

MannKepetry ago

well, you could look at the book in the citations of wikipedia for other examples. the site you posted only references itself.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

i asked you for a source and you gave me a wikipedia article in german. i don't read or speak german but i translated it. your source agrees with me about nazi being a pejorative and that national socialists didn't use it. except for the one sentence and reference #8 which appears to refer to a biography to which i do not have access. and the term nazi does not appear anywhere in the text in question (der-nazi-sozi). meanwhile my source refutes your claim and is consistent with information i have read from other sources (and your own to a large extent). so i would say the burden of proof is on you. find the biography your source refers to and show me what it says about this. or show me where goebbels wrote or said something to indicate he approved of the use of the term "nazi" or where he used it in any other context whatsoever.

MannKepetry ago

then it got translated incorrectly because it says they adopted the term for a brief period of time. other source

jewshekelstein1488 ago

your source is "respected"? you imply my source is bad and dismiss dr rex curry as an "american fascist", as opposed to what, the jews who wrote the history books after ww2? sorry shlomo but i don't have any respect for your sources than you for mine so forgive me if i don't just take your word for it. your latest "source" still further proves my point about your bias. it confirms the term "nazi" was created as a derogatory word against the nsdap. it only says they briefly adopted the term as a "spite word" and then dropped it, without even explaining exactly what that term "spite word" means and no source is even given for this claim. and even if i am to accept that claim at face value (which i do not) it implies a certain context wherein the term was only used sarcastically or satirically in an attempt to take power away from the critics. but again no information is given about when or how it may have been used, by whom, for how long, and no sources are given. besides that, the very book you cite as your so-called proof uses the term "nazi" throughout to describe the nsdap and its members even though it admits that term is a pejorative indicating the book and its authors are also heavily biased.. that would be like if i took a so-called history book that used the term nigger spic kike constantly and claimed it was an impartial neutral historical record. no reasonable person would take that seriously.

MannKepetry ago

what is the problem with the pejorative term? nobody claimed the it wasnt created as such and used as such. only that it was used by the nazis themselves for a brief period which they thought was a bad idea later. calling a nazi nazi isnt making any source less respectable because this is a commonly accepted term and doesnt imply anything that is not the case.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

it's a problem because the term "nazi" was weaponized to mean pure evil to the point of it being almost a pavlovian response. it has been indoctrinated to most people since birth and when you say that word it's like a light turns on and people lose their ability for critical reasoning. and anyone who isn't familiar with the history and the nuance is never going to be willing to listen. it's a tool that is used to serve a particular agenda and anyone who intentionally uses that word while also knowing what i've just written betrays both an implicit and explicit bias. and to insinuate that the nsdap willingly used that term is a crude and transparent attempt to further tar them with a bad reputation and make it that much more difficult to have an honest and factual discussion about what their beliefs actually were and what really happened in ww2. and i think you are the type of person who fancies yourself to be wise and well educated largely because you have read a lot of books but i will caution you because while i agree reading books is important you also need to be careful which books and authors you trust. this is because history is written by the victor and there are a lot of liars and misrepsentations and revisioning in general, and about ww2 germany in particular.

Crensch ago

Oh, I bet he has perspective. ((()))

jewshekelstein1488 ago

yep. the kikes are coming out of the woodwork lately. they must have seen @middle_path 's jew bat signal.

Crensch ago

Maybe because it's one of the only places on the net where those things CAN be discussed?

10 months, 17SCP 159CCP

xyzzy ago

But the other 50% is about muslims, so it's kinda balanced.