neomadic ago

Good to see that someone else gets it.

middle_path ago

Remember goyim, take everything I say literally all the time.

Crensch ago

Remember goyim, (((we are your friends, and we would never try and subvert your country in order to genocide tens of millions of you))).

Pres_Jack_Tunney ago

Lol. What the fuck was that?

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I would prefer this to working in some fucking office building for the rest of my goddamned life.

Burn it all the fuck down.

Crensch ago

It's one thing to prefer the homesteading and off-the-grid shit, it's another to chimp out, live in straw huts, and race-mix. Whites are better than all of that, and could still utilize technology beyond bows and arrows while not being part of the kike system.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

wow, that's fucking disgusting. middle_path showing his true colors. filthy kike.

William_Wallace ago

Whites will lead human kind to a greater future. Living in the past is for browns.

Crensch ago

From the sidebar of /v/ThePath

Welcome to ThePath. My only goal with this subverse is to have people think for themselves. We cover a broad range of topics, but I will not allow dogmatic agenda pushing.

Crensch ago

Bonus: White woman with nigger baby, and white kids playing with nigglets.

@middle_path is the user in question