BigFatDaddy ago

I don't visit Voat, this is my internet home away from home.

ShaneK ago

I just happened on this site on popurls and thought it looked like a new version of reddit. I come to check yall out. so far so good. This thread is dope.

Lots_O_Coffee ago

I like the fact that they don't censor shit on here. I understand banning for harassment. I fucking hate instabanhammers for dissenting view points. Not every GodDamn opposing view is racist! Except on here a lot are. And they should be able to say what's on their fucking mind! Also the fact that lurkers can't down voat.

middle_path ago

Wow, this doesn't seem biased at all. Very ironic making a thread like this. I am sharing my opinion and you have a problem with it. Who's subverting who now?

Crensch ago

HAHAHAHA, "biased".

"Hey guise, I don't like what you post here, can we has useless shit instead?"

Maybe you don't understand the word "subverting", but defending the status quo, and the most reasonable function of this website - also what makes it unique - isn't "subverting" anything. Fucking moron.

middle_path ago

You're right. This post wasn't totally loaded against me. My bad.

Crensch ago

I come here because I'd get banned from almost literally everywhere else on the net for talking about the economic, cultural, and literal war against whites and white countries. I come here to present my ideas on the subjects, and ponder alternative viewpoints or opinions presented. I come here because just occasionally, someone will call me out for being wrong, and I'll learn something.

I come here because there's actually useful shit posted here. News I need to be made aware of, and history/political shit I need to learn.

elitch2 ago

Where else would I find so many niggerfaggotkikes in one place?