DoctorMisterHoppe ago

YES. I'm fucking sick of constantly hearing about politics. I can't understand how anyone has the energy to be constantly outraged about this crap.

killer7 ago

Yes. Problem is that reddit needs to be more hostile towards its visitors to drive other crowds here as well.

middle_path ago

Worth the click! I love Zappa and agree with him on a lot of stuff, this is definitely one of them.

neomadic ago

I can't stand the guy's music but he's definitely got a lot of solid ideas.

middle_path ago

You should give Joe's Garage (the album) a listen. It's a funny rock opera. His style is a little hard to like, I understand that. But he is fucking weird and I love it.

neomadic ago

I had an obsessed roomate at one point. Pretty sure I've heard it. I appreciate his talent but it just didn't musically jive with me. Weird Al hits me the same way. It's been a few years though so I'll check it out again.

SocialJusticePanda ago

I just want to ship them all to Israel then nuke Israel. After that I'd have a coke.

New_years_day ago

Jesus Christ, I've been saying this. This type of shit is making me not want to use Voat.

This shit may indeed be being pushed by leftist and shill, but real people are falling for it hook, line, and sinker.


This is the place that blew Pizzagate wide the fuck open, get your shit together VOAT!!!!!!!

This is when we need you at full attention on real issues. Leave the NFL shit to low IQ and test neck beards and faggots.

Pissant ago

Why are we so obsessed with our culture being subverted, our society under siege, and our way of life being threatened in historical way?

Because we aren't niggers amd actually care about our future and the world our children will inherit?

There's only a few places you can have these discussions and not be censored, that's why a lot of us are here.

presuicided ago

be me

12yo almost high schooler.

friend at school tells me about wanking

decide to try it

play with dick for hour at home but figure its broken

Next day talk to friend, tell him I failed

Friend says I should try again but this time to go faster and faster


go home, repeat process but actively go faster

have first non-accidental orgasm - feelsgoodman

Fast forward 2 years. Now 14 turning 15. Friends all talking about grills, calling each other faggots (not knowing what means)

Realise that I never think about grils when jerking off

start living more like a normie, blending in.

show fake interest in girls and try to hide it

go to school and say stupid shit to girls so they would reject me

Have deep emotional crisis due to lack of understanding

Try to watch some porn (we just got 384kbps line at home)

Find porn online, but not turned on by any of it.

Figure porn doesn't work for me

Accidentally find some pictures of sexy boys

Start to panick moar. What was a hunch became reality.

Dip toes in darkweb

Find shit I never dreamed of

Find some cp

still 14 me figures its fine if im into boys slightly younger and lives life

Fast forward to 15 - age of attraction doesn't change.

Fast forward to 16 aoa doesn't change.

Fast forward to 18, aoa still doesn't change.

mfw 18yo me realises I'm the thing your parents warn you about

Go to college, hook up with straight chicks, some guys

Find out that sex is boring and empty

can't even keep it hard if I don't think about sucking a beautiful boy boner.

Fast forward to 26, live life every day celebrating that I haven't killed myself yet.

Just wish I had someone more established to guide me through my sexuality at that age, so I could have made peace with the little regard society will have for my kind.

middle_path ago

That's an interesting story, but what's the relation to my post?

presuicided ago

You wanted something else to talk about. Here is something that fucks my life up every day.

middle_path ago

Oh, ok. That's an unfortunate fact. So basically you're attracted to younger girls?

presuicided ago

Boys. (Exclusively) Attracted to underage boys. Want to see them in the throes of ecstasy.

middle_path ago

Aw man, that's gross. I get that's what you're into. Ever just tried to find a petite twink instead?

presuicided ago

Aw man, that's gross.

Why? I mean I get how it could seem gross, but what makes that act gross to you?

Ever just tried to find a petite twink instead?

Actually yes. The dimensions are all wrong. Size is really not something you can pretend to get over. Oh and lastly, they don't release any liquid at that age.

middle_path ago

I find it gross because I'm not homosexual and the thought of damaging a child in that way disgusts me. You might call it love, but children aren't responsible enough to make decisions on sex. Most people who have sex at a young age end up with a litany of mental issues down the line.

We're you sexually active as a child, perhaps with an older man?

presuicided ago

Research on this issue is suppressed. Go and try to write a paper that doesn't find sexual interaction with children non-harmful and you will see yourself stripped of your career. Nobody is willing to take the bullet. There is plenty of research material available on the subject if you are willing to look. As for damage, I disagree with that statement entirely. The only damage done to a child is society turning the child into a victim, by constantly repeating that they are damaged.

We're you sexually active as a child, perhaps with an older man?

No, because if I was I probably wouldn't have wondered wtf is wrong with me my entire high school and adult life.

middle_path ago

Look, man. I have a son. If some adult ever tried to have sex with him, I would kill that person. Don't care about your pedo feelings. Touch a kid and you're dead.

presuicided ago

You think I would walk up to your kid and try to groom him? Morality and virtuosity doesn't belong to you. You think you are the first person with that sentiment? You think that just because you fit the normal model all other perspectives are irrelevant? I don't care if you care about my pedo feelings. I care about the feelings of the millions of kids currently in my situation, who probably will kill themselves. Those that can't even turn to the gay community for support. Maybe you can call it natural selection, but at the end of the day, the way you treat us is the reason there are violent child rapists in the world. I came to this forum, because people here are not as braindead as the leftists when it comes to logic and reason, but it seems that understanding is in short supply on both sides. Just because I would probably give your son a blowjob granted the opportunity, doesn't mean I would mutilate or physically harm him for life. I came here to spread awareness of this issue, whether you want to be aware of it or not.

middle_path ago

I respect your right to say as you please, but everything you're saying to me is absolutely disgusting.

presuicided ago

Luckily this will get buried under all the hatred in this thread.

Nathan_Explosion ago

No. That's why I come here! I want to be able to hate what I don't like (kikes, niggers and women that don't live their lives in a way that pleases me specifically, whether I know them personally or not) and love what I do like (the preservation of my race, guns, boycotts of mainstream services and entertainment) without some cuck concern trolling for (((shekels))) and daring to question my supreme and judicious paragraphs! There is nothing else worth talking about, but good goy, your $0.05 has deposited into your account, so take it and keep paying for (((cable))) and excess calories. The preferred browsing mode here is white text on a nigger background for a reason, because white (Jews are not white), is all that matters. Niggerfaggot.

auto_turret ago

ITT: Folks bashing Voat's userbase with 2 year old accounts with hardly any activity until now.


goatboy ago

We're being exterminated. We need to stay vigilant.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

and wonders why

Because you're a niggerfaggot kike sjw dressed as a muslim who can't into Trump?

Apathy ago

Your problem is using voat as your #1 site. If you diversify your internet usage, you won't run into this shit.

DoomMantia ago

Yes. The solution: don't scroll through /v/all, it's absolute garbage.

boekanier ago

No, can't get enough of it.

ExpertShitposter ago

I make sure not to spend more than 20 seconds per day in v/all for this precise reason. Had i paid attention to every single bad thing happening around the world, and that's' 90% of voats content, i would have became a suicide bomber by now.

One trick i employ is to just look at the "top 5 posts" box in the sidebar, and then move on.

Shitposting subs are where people go to hang out and chitchat about life. Also maybe some niche subs like selfhelp, memberberries and music subs. Tho memberberies are also infested by politics freaks.

middle_path ago

I do love the shitposting subs.

Saufsoldat ago

The top comments here will tell you why that's just not going to happen. Too many people think that it's literally all there is to life, because they have no life and hating certain groups on voat makes them feel accepted.

BlacklistedEvola ago


RightEdge ago

It does seem like there are some out here who simply cannot abide someone who disagrees with them. I've been called a "nigger", "jew boot licker", "faggot" and a number of other things... I'm not black, I'm not jewish and I don't lick jews boots, I'm not homosexual or any of the other things that have been flung at me. I chalk it up to immaturity. The first thing some children do when confronted with something they disagree with is start calling someone names. Fortunately for me, I can handle all of this crap. I've been through a hell of a lot worse than simply being called names.

NigtaviousJackscoonz ago

I think about tits, good music and the painful deaths of my enemies most days, it’s joyous.

Tallest_Skil ago

I'm sick of HAVING to.

So you know what to do to fix this problem. Everyone who talks about it does. Keep working toward the goal of eliminating the reason we have to talk about these things, and perhaps one day your children will be able to live in peace.

OpenCommunity ago

I sort of wish I didn't see it everywhere I looked. I'm on Voat because of reddit censorship, but I still sub there and recreate a new screen name several times a week, as my content is apparently so offensive that my accounts get suspended daily.

I wish I just didn't care and could accept the bullshit being shoveled down my throat. But I cannot sit back and silently let this shit go by without at least speaking up. There are very few forms of entertainment left that I can use to distract myself.. I see it everywhere. I feel like the guy from "They Live"

DaJahn ago

Because talking about said things is verbotten just about anywhere else, you only have censor-happy fuckwits to thank for that

presuicided ago

Welcome to the life of a boylover. Enjoy it while you have it, you won't get to experience this kind of social hatred towards your kind forever.

Schreiber ago

Ok, let's talk about chemistry and physics and biology and mathematics, etc.

But hey, there are other forums more suited for that..

Fucking idiot.

thetruthoftensux ago

I know I don't really even think about these topics out side of the occasional snarky reply to the really stupid rants I read.

This shit don't exist for most people off line unless they're mental.

Samsquamch ago

I see this submission took off a little more than last time I tried submitting something similar, maybe we are changing!

NonyaBidness ago

The signal to noise ratio on the internet is almost intolerable, which is the point. They want us to give up trying to find a signal. Everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted... everything that can be used to spread propaganda will be used to spread propaganda.

Hopefully the decentralized, encrypted, web replacements will somehow offer refuge.

con77 ago

youre right. Its past time to start slaughtering these leftist pigs

GenghisSean ago

I for one am. I enjoy reading technology and gaming articles that aren't focused on the same stuff that floods v/all.

LearningToWizzle ago

I've been on the fence. The comments on this post are helping me move on.

yuripie ago

then you shouldnt filter any subverse that only post about those you mentioned and your v/all will look new

middle_path ago

Except I did that and I'm still flooded with this stuff.

unabashed_centrist ago

Yes...I've deleted several times over it. I even remade an account over at the other place. The smaller communities I was a member of before are unchanged and just as much fun as ever. The larger ones,'s awful. Every comment thread has someone bashing on Trump or white people in general, and half of the site looks like a graveyard...which is I assume anything right of Chomsky. It's no way to have a conversation - you can't even have a centrist point of view on most of the site. Strict moderation in any sub with over, say, 40k people.

I've found the only way I can do this whole internet thing and not lose my mind is to stay true to myself. Veering too far to any one side is a recipe for disaster.

physicscat ago


Obama_BinLadin ago

You're welcome to go elsewhere. But you aren't. And you're making posts. Hmmmmmmmmm.

whatisbestinlife ago

do you mean freedom for the white man? no. never.

Lobotomy ago

As soon as all of that stops being a problem, I'll stop talking about it, even though, yes, it does get tiresome.

AssKing ago

i agree. people(including me) need to post more fun normie shit

Jeckle ago

Have the kikes been gassed? Is there race war now?

HarveyHarveyJones ago

I like your quote. I always usually say something like "During quarrels I always sit on the fence and watch the shit-show commence."

killer7 ago

Kind of.

River_Otter ago

If you are tired of it, it is because all of these things are concerns of this world, run by Mastema.

There is another world, but faith is the key, and few find it.

River_Otter ago

How's that, "I am God", working out for you?

middle_path ago

Never insinuated that.

FuckBitchesGetMaga ago

Voat’s potential versus what it is presents a disappointing disparity. I recommend other forums too. I like a lot of the offbeat boards of 8chan.

middle_path ago

I have /fringe/as a guilty pleasure. What boards do you like? I always had trouble finding a good board.

FuckBitchesGetMaga ago

My favorite is probably /girlfeet/ but I'm aware that's a bit of a niche interest.

corsairio ago

I've pretty much unsubscribed from all the political subverses.

EDIT: I also very much dislike the the vulgarness of right wing discourse, but not as much as I dislike the content of the left.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Me too fellow gentile.

Time to watch some tv, get a BIG glass of tap water and eat some GMO popcorn. Us goys sure do love reality tv and watching the late night comedians for the daily news.

Eualos ago

Yes it's fucking tiring

Inaminit ago

Well... If it's not to your liking, perhaps you should waste your time elsewhere.

middle_path ago

Yeah, why try to improve something?

Inaminit ago

Nothing to improve except yourself...

woadowl ago

not necessarily tired of talking about it, because it's occuring constantly and there has to be a push back. if you don't fight back, they'll keep hitting you.

when i first came to voat, there was a variety of subjects i learned, that i was uninformed. the timing was good with president trump being elected, and some of the things i learned related to the world around us as it happened. now that i'm more informed, i simply don't need to say quite as much, or ask as many questions. so, my silence isn't ignorance, but being informed, i now move on to things i'm learning about.

superesper ago

This is one of the only places, and the only place with this format, that you can talk about those things openly. If I want to read or talk about those things, I come to Voat. If I want to read, talk, watch a video, or whatever else, about other things, I go to sites that are good for that.

Poopapocalypse ago

What else do you want to talk about? What interests you?

middle_path ago

Gardening, nature, philosophy, paranormal, etc.

Anti_Idle ago

Fuck no.

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

Voat ain't to blame but i'm fucking sick of it.

Agile ago

Its what matters so no

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

I never get tired of talking about all the horrible shit the Jews are doing to the world

ArsCortica ago

It's not so much that the general bias bothers me. It's that you can post anything from animal pics on /v/aww to discussing cooking that at least one goat will invariably make a comment that boils down to "Hurr, muh niggers/libruls/mudslims/womyn/SJWs/whatever else, durr."

Plus, you could post an article about a breakthrough in quantum science that would affect all human beings on earth and it would get 25 upvotes. Post an article about a nigger taking a shit in the street, and you have yourself 300+ upvotes and 127 comments.

DoomMantia ago

Absolutely this. I don't mind that the most popular content is political circlejerking, but at least leave the other types of content be.

middle_path ago

Sounds like a bunch of nigger talk to me. /S

Uncle_Slob ago

"How do you do, fellow non-jews?"

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

No one is forcing your subversive faggot ass to stay here. You have been a subtle shill for 2 years and now you want to focus the attention away from politics right when hollywood is about to go down, and a possible war with N Korea.


MetalAegis ago

I don't get tired of talking about it, but I get tired of repeating myself.

Uncle_Tractor ago

Yes, but we have no choice. Those topics are the excuses the powers that be use to roll back our rights, limit our freedom, and undermine our democracies -- in general, to undo the Enlightenment. Torture, censorship, random wars in the ME, fracturing our communities, destroying the nuclear family by driving a wedge between men and women (fuck you, feminism), etc.

This is not a left vs right thing (I'm a lefty), this is liberalism vs authoritarianism.

abattoirdaydream ago

Oh my, look at the time. It sure has gotten late. I think we should all head to bed now. Some sleep would do us good.

Err...I mean fuck you.

knightwarrior41 ago

pure autism plain and simple.i dont give a fuck about any of these topics since i have no control over the situation in which we as americans are currently in.

there's also a cult of personality that is around voat about trump that is similar to the one on the left had for obama and michael.

its quite funny really, it reminds me as a kid how people used to idolize fidel castro and put the blame all on the embargo or even his brother raul or the communist matter the color and language people havent changed at all

middle_path ago

But who would do it?

whatisbestinlife ago

Yes. Militant masculine fascism now.

Jay_Mac ago

I'm tired of being on the defensive. I thought Charlottesville was going to be a turning point and we would start pushing the narratives. Obviously that didn't pan out.

Moabman ago

Make a post about something else then. Don't bring your idiotic concern trolling reddit problems over here

middle_path ago

I most only make non-political posts.

super_jackoff_style ago

I'm just here for the beer and the bitches.

middle_path ago

Surprising amount of bitches here.

Octoclops ago

That's because being an alpha will get your ass banned on half the internet now.

Ask_Lucifer ago

Knowing is half the battle.

Sorry for the cliché but it's true.

It's because things are getting worse and the direct cause of this are the people that are getting more powerful and influential.

Subtenko ago

Yea but its the MSM and other that bring it up, so we comment about it or yell at them more....

twee ago

It's why I've started posting other stuff to lighten up the mood. Like reading the comics at the end of the newspaper

















Traveler ago

Whatever happened to talking about the NSA spying on us?



Hammer_Bot ago

I'm just wondering if anyone else scrolls v/all and wonders why we're always so obsessed with the same damn topics day in and day out

I do indeed.

Trumpocrat2020 ago

We could talk about corn...

middle_path ago

You growing some? My corn did terrible this year.

Trumpocrat2020 ago

No but alot of my neighbors have super large corn gardens so I see it around alot...

slope ago

You are right, so right. I feel this too.

If only those things were able to be addressed openly on every website, they would not be concentrated where discussion is allowed.

gl7 ago

Because most topics affect people in real life, and sensored at many places?

Grunge ago

Yes good goy, back to watching the circus.

SarahBesta ago

I'm The Antichrist.

chags ago

And I thought all that Damien movies were bullshit...

SarahBesta ago

Fooled ya.

middle_path ago

Good to have you on board.

SarahBesta ago

Thank you.

TH3_1D10T ago

Fucking yes.

dias17se ago

Maybe your lucky enough to live in a place safe, but some of us are being invaded

middle_path ago

Where do you live and how are you being invaded?

registereduser1 ago

Hey redditfag, crench and his buddies are gonna shut you down. Just remember, you were warned and chose to be a dick.

middle_path ago

Just remember, you were warned and chose to be a dick.

Boy oh boy, I'm such a dick for expressing my opinions on a free speech platform! Don't call the cyber police, please!

registereduser1 ago

You're the one censoring people asshole. People who tried to warn you about the shit you now want to cry about.

Now those you were warned about, but chose to do nothing about, will see you to the door.

What goes around comes around bitch.

middle_path ago

Shaking in my fucking boots right now.

KosherHiveKicker ago

If only the fucking Kikes would back off pushing the false narrative of "White Privilege", cease the constant attempts to push "White Guilt" at every opportunity, ................ then perhaps we could stop calling them out on it.

NeedleStack ago

During the election I was more active in politics but lately I've been trying to post more in niche subs to help flesh out the nonpolitical areas of voat. Help create more variety, you know?

We need more people posting in niche subs though!

If anyone is curious what cool niche subs are out there to post to check out my user profile page and scroll down to the list of subs I'm subscribed to (and help mod).

middle_path ago

You know I always have love for you and everything you do around here.

CommiePatrol ago

Sometimes I just want to talk about something funny, and not see niggers or fatasses.

Goatnonymous ago

Yes and no. I only discuss this shit on voat and with a select few in real life. My non internet life is full of diverse and rich conversation.

No not that kind of diversity.

nigger_plz ago

Jesus fucking Christ didn't you do this introspection bullshit a few months ago?

middle_path ago

It's not like anything has changed.

22jam22 ago

Yes take an up goat.

hypercat ago

This is why voat is not my main source of information. It is one of many. It is the only one that focuses on these subjects and not censored. You can't post anything remotely anti LGBT, race, religion, on facebook, twitter, instagram, reddit, or any other site because it's non PC, even comedians have to watch their dirty jokes. So, I come here to see that there are thousands of people who have different opinions.

heroinwinsagain ago

Jews claim to be a race. Also have a bigger card than the race card and own and control america.

CrudOMatic ago

When you have the left's narrative rammed down your throat and any expression of the opposite view will get you censored and banhammered, then these views will be expressed constantly in the places that are uncensored.

Be proud - Voat, like the chins, is a red pill factory because of it.

BumbleTummy ago


But as these topics and people are now affecting and infringing on nearly every aspect of my life, it's hard to just stick your head in the sand.

Chiefpacman ago

How's life

middle_path ago

Pretty good actually. Starting a new job on Monday, working out more, my family is finally getting over a nasty cold that lasted weeks. Garden is half-prepped for next year. How's your life?

Chiefpacman ago

Why the new job?

Pretty good, packing the truck up right now. Colorado bound this weekend

middle_path ago

I'm sick of the restaurant industry. I need more money/time with my family. My new job provides both.

Chiefpacman ago

FUCK working at restaurants. Pay varies too much, holidays are hard, and the average restaurant employee is a burnout.

Glad you're moving on/have more free time.

middle_path ago

Yeah, it's a racket. I love fine dining, but I don't want to move to the city to do it. I also see where the industry would take me in 10-20 years and don't like it.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Honestly, not at all. I don't participate in it all that much but I like the idea of other people feeling that they can do so.

bourbonexpert ago

I understand the sentiment. I really do. But leftists and the (((media))) come up another story everyday. It’s non stop

And voat is the only place that allows freedom to discuss it in long form.

rwbj ago

Yip. There's a very simple problem. What gets seen is largely decided by the sickos that browse /v/all/new. If you don't get those initial upvotes to get your post onto /v/all temporarily then nobody ever sees it and dies without notice. The problem is it seems like it's almost exclusively political types that browse /v/all/new.

At this point I wish Voat had a way to subscribe to users. Most subs on this site are pretty dead, but there are still users like @owlchemy submitting an absolute ton of awesome stuff. The problem is that most of it doesn't pass the /v/all/new test, so it's dead on arrival. I actually had no clue how much he's submitting since very little of it shows up on my front page for some reason, even though I'm subscribed to the subs he's submitting to.

Owlchemy ago

Actually, thanks for the good comment, but everything goes in the queue at v/all/new. It's only when ya filter down to v/front or v/hot that you don't see every entry posted. I'm not sure what the lure of even viewing the site like that is, but it seems popular. But again, I appreciate the mention and you and the many others are actually the reason I post what I do, so there's other things of interest on Voat, it's nice to see some get it. In fact, we have many like me ... and we seem to get more every so often, which is great. But hey, freedom of speech is what it is, and I appreciate that here so to me you'll always have that larger contingent that thinks because you can say something, you have to blast your ideology to the world. That's their right ... and they do show their hand (or lack of it - LOL) when doing so, so at least there's that.

middle_path ago

I would really like to see projects people are working on. That's one thing I miss about reddit. "here, check out this X I made!" I can be cooking, gardening, wood working, etc. I love to see people's creative potential.

Voopin__Voopin ago

/v/diy is purdy good


/v/justgrowit but the owner's a fag ;)

edit: posting an update on my garden shortly

Naught405 ago

think about the nature of those ideas. they are absolutely taboo in normal society. this prevents people from talking and thinking about them and working through all the implications and nuances through discussion. so there will always be people who are being exposed to it here for the first time and will enthusiastically engage.

ErrantCognition ago

I wouldn't care as much except that it doesn't matter how benign the topic it is, some how jews and niggers will seep into it. There's so much more to Voat than what's on the front page. Unfortunately, most subs fall in the "I don't post because no one else does" pit.

BrimstoneBrute ago

"There's no truth in the news and there's no news in the truth." - Old Soviet proverb

I've been trying to limit the time I spend on Voat because it's the same conversation. Hell, it's the same on a lot of the internet, if it's not /pol/ talking about jews up to their usual tricks, it's someone whining about Trump. Lately I've really come to understand the second part of the quote above. Just try taking a break from Voat and come back when you're ready to see those topics again.

Pissant ago

Do you disagree that Jews are up to their usual tricks?

I mean, pointing out that one group of people seems to control the majority of our media and have their hands in every major industry on the face of our planet seems to be of more substance than complaining about your democratically elected president -- but I guess I'm just another racist scumbag who lies even though he has proof for every accusation he makes...

There's plenty of news in the truth, you just don't think it's truth.

BrimstoneBrute ago

The Jews are always up to their usual tricks, yes. There's a clear pattern to it and you can predict the extent of their reach, corruption and perversion. We also know all the news is on their side, so even if one or two scandals pop up and a couple of scapegoats get punished, overall nothing changes but it grabs everyone's attention and outrage for a little while. Even if they pull out a false flag, it seems like a big event but for (((them))) it's just another stepping stone. Nothing changes overall, it's just a continuation of where Zionism is taking us all. That's what I mean when there's no news in the truth. It'd take nothing short of a revolution to change that.

Pissant ago

I feel that's a tad nihilistic? There are cycles, and archetypes for situations, predictable behavior that ends up repeating itself throughout the generations because yeah we're human -- but we need to analyze these events either way.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

tbh this is the point of different boards on imageboard websites, when you get tired of /pol/ you can go to /v/ or where ever, I think this was also the idea behind "sets" here but everyone still just uses v/all

middle_path ago

Can I customize a set yet?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

don't know

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I wanna talk about dinosaurs!

playitagainsam ago

Did you know dinos are made of proteins so strong only an acidic asteroid could break them apart? /v/FakeDinoFacts

DoomMantia ago

That sub is hilarious at times.

Durm ago

Hopped on Reddit for the first time in 8 months and first 8 pages or so were only maybe 3-4% posts political. It was not like that before when I left. Is like an inversion.

Durm ago

Down-voat away. Show me how I'm wrong and I'll be happy to concede.

BloatedVoatGoat ago

When all you see is cuckery from almost all other media its nice to see the perspectives here well represented. Take a trip, break, nap when needed but don't forget the stuff thats going that is mostly forgotten elsewhere. Also vet what you read for yourself before you buy it because its here, there is shitposting like all boards to wade through.

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

Don't forget, we also talk about niggers a lot.

FuckTheVirileAether ago

No one is talking about anything "all the time" and no one is forcing you to talk about any of those subjects ever.

Go outside and build something if you want something different.

anon_poaster ago

We need more discussions about the Jewish (((Ziogarchy))), and how it threatens the whole world.

Dougal_McHaggis ago

Yes it's boring.

manxman ago

For crying out loud YES!!!

Let's talk about anything but the bullshit that has taken this country by storm!

SmokeCigarettes ago

Actually, those are some od my favorite topics and it just so happena that Voat is a great place to discuss those things. Check out /v/fatpeoplehate for something refreshing.

Bananazz ago

Just close your eyes. See? It's all gone! Plus I wouldn't be surprised if lots of the posts are spam from bots or spammers in general.

voatusernamevoat ago

Concern trolling.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I dont talk about it all the time. I also enjoy posts on voat that dont involve these things. Its worth noting that just because we have the freedom to speak here doesn't mean we have to just obsess over the bad shit. The stuff we cant talk about anywhere else.

elitch2 ago

Just take a break now and then. I do media fasts where I don't voat or listen to the radio. I go mp3's and gardening, bike rides, play with the kids, just fucking unplug once in a while.

I'm sick of talking about all this shite while the machine grinds on as well. Plant a victory garden.

middle_path ago

Plant a victory garden.

Been working on my fall garden/prepping for spring garden lately. But that's a given.

kcamstar ago

No..... we need to keep talking about it until the Jews and Niggers back down.

MrKequc ago

It quickly became obvious we were dealing with mental disease. It is exhausting because breaking through these mental barriers, put there through years or in some cases decades of indoctrination feels impossible.

Every day it seems to get worse. Where proponents against Trump become more and more extreme, more and more intense and crazy. Next month there is apparently a new civil war and last week we saw one of these mentally ill commit mass murder.

I'd love to stop talking about these topics but these topics are what separate us from literal devastation and destruction of our culture and the civilisation left for us by our ancestors.

digitalentity1497 ago

You are free to edit your subscriptions and block subs/users that makes you tired. It's the beauty of Voat.

middle_path ago

I agree. I blocked the hate subs, v/news, v/politics, and many other politically driven subs. But it's on every populated sub.

Crensch ago

I blocked the hate subs, v/news, v/politics, and many other politically driven subs. But it's on every populated sub.


Your lack of awareness is hilarious.

@Cheesebooger @jewshekelstein1488 @kevdude

middle_path ago

Quick! I need reinforcements. Better ping my friends to harass you too.

Cheesebooger ago

It isn't about harassing you. Its about laughing at you and what you're trying to do here. You are a crying bitch. Why? Because we talk about jews and niggers. That says a lot about you. If you don't like it then....hit the road, jack

middle_path ago

Who said I don't want nationalism? I just don't want to talk about it all the time.

Chiefpacman ago

They're all faggots stroking eachothers egos, as you know.

Sad to see kevdude go down that path.

Cheesebooger ago

You really should be careful who you throw rocks at

jewshekelstein1488 ago

it's not harassment dude. we're just having a laugh at your expense. :^)

Crensch ago

I thought it was fucking hilarious and wanted to share. "There is no safe space for my opinions in any populated sub, CHANGE THE WEBSITE FOR ME" while the USERS THAT POPULATE THE SUBS post the shit he hates. Kek.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

hahahaha. i just love all the downgoats i got for calling him out. i got more in that one thread than my entire time on the site to date. so much butthurt. he's literally crying over lockeproposal and highly_paid_orgy_pro of all people. fucking degenerate. and i'm pretty fucking sure he's a kike at this point. he shows all the signs. definitely going in the oven crispy. better safe than sorry i always say.

Crensch ago

Yeah, he's whining about me pinging you and a few others on that hilarious comment, but he's got his ADL buddies making sure to downvoat us.

Cheesebooger ago

A bunch of those jew fuckers downvote me all the time for wrong think. They are panicking

KeksMex ago

Nope. Until we correct the issues in our society we need to focus on jews, JSWs and Islam. They are cancers and ignoring them will be the end of the West.

Greenzero86 ago

Indeed. Cancer hardly ever relents, so why should we?

Cheesebooger ago

Oy vey, as a white man I think we should stop talking truth about jews and niggers. -Jonah Shmecklebergstein

1Sorry_SOB ago

As a fellow white man I agree. Let's talk about the new and exciting super hero blockbuster movie coming next week. And have you see that new network show called "He my Feces". It's hilarious what blonde girls will do for money!

foknazzis ago

Weaponized Internet. Welcome to the machine. I spend less and less time here every day eventually I'll have filled my life with worthwhile hobbies and not participating in the CIA PYSOPS that is going on here and on reddit.

oddjob ago

Yea, I try posting things to v\Baseball but they rarely get more than 9 upvotes. I seriously wonder how many people here even have hobbies outside of identifying (((jews))).

Pissant ago

Baseball is a very boring sport. There's almost as much action in Golfing.

I guess that I only feel that way because I also think that Jewish influence in every major industry as well as biased hiring of Jewish people within Jewish majority companies is a problem?

There are various hobby subverses that are fairly active; people just don't like your hobbies.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

I seriously wonder how many people here even have hobbies outside of identifying (((jews))).

There are many users around here that spout crazy stuff about the jews, just to make the truth about jews in hollywood and banking seem like BS.

If you're wondering why theres always tons more of those guys posting than regular people, its because they're not authentic users.

NaziAnimeGirlFanClub ago

tbh I block a lot of subs to cut down on the noise (and porn, and shit posts). I still get plenty of those topics from broad subs like whatever, but it's not nearly as repetitive as the unfiltered v/all

Crensch ago

There is so much more to life.

No, there really isn't.

Peace activists only gain ground when there's already peace, and they have nothing better to do with their lives than piss around with /v/justgrowit-tier subverses.

We are in a cultural and economic war for survival, and you want to complain about one of the only places on the internet where this shit gets discussed?

rEddit, instagram, pinterest, imgur, twitter, kikebook, tumblr, blogspot, Jewtube... literally anywhere else on the internet you can talk about your completely irrelevant bullshit, but let's complain about the one place where useful information can be discussed without getting censored.

You might have been here 2 years, but you certainly don't belong.

middle_path ago

You might have been here 2 years, but you certainly don't belong.

Says the faggot who has to ping 3 other users any time he gets a debate with someone.

Crensch ago

Oh, that was for the hilarity of the situation. You were whining about the shit you hate getting posted in populated subs.

  • You value populated subs

  • You hate the political stuff

  • Users both populate subs, and post political stuff

  • You whine about what users post

Hi - fucking - larious.

registereduser1 ago

Tried to warn you assholes about him and the rest of PV, you did nothing. Why you crying now/

middle_path ago

Holy Christ, you're still here? Weren't you the one I banned from v/JustGrowIt for posting shit?

registereduser1 ago

Compost asshole. Redditfag. Eat a dick.

mightnotbearobot ago

This is the most cringe thing I've read on here.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

/v/justgrowit-tier subverses.

Name one. JGI is GOAT

Crensch ago

My point being that you can find this shit literally anywhere else on the net. OP complaining about the politics just shows how much he doesn't fucking belong.

Mercury_Eunomia ago

That's why I post about the coming market crash.

Post your plants, figgit.

yarbellsm8 ago

I just said that yesterday. It's been two straight years of shitty fucking politics, I feel like a prison inmate politican on the yard.

Crensch ago

It's been two straight years of shitty fucking politics

3 month old account

yarbellsm8 ago

I have nine accounts

AndrewBlazeIt ago

The whole reason all those things are major issues is because people plugged their ears and refused to discuss them for too damn long.

Maybe if I ignore the bloody cough, the lung cancer will go away all on its own!

Not Trump, but all the other ones.

WhiteRonin ago

Lots of Yes answers but few posts. Lol

I've been trying to post other stuff but nobody is interested. Almost nothing on the Santa Rosa fire.

People post topics that will generate points ... Such is life.

Pissant ago

I mean, to be fair, wildfires aren't that provocative?

WhiteRonin ago

True but ... It is a change.

Crensch ago

People post topics they're interested in, and that get conversations going. Nobody cares about the points.

WhiteRonin ago

Agree on first part.

The second part, many of us don't but lots do which is why you see the same content posted days later .

jewshekelstein1488 ago

i never knew crensch was so based. this was a pleasant surprise. keep up the good work and 1488.

Crensch ago

i never knew crensch was so based. this was a pleasant surprise.


keep up the good work and 1488.


jewshekelstein1488 ago


priva ago

Yeah really tired of "alt-right stuff" or whatever it is called. I don't want to censor it, but I have pretty much lost all interest to browse Voat.

LazarusLong ago

No no, you don't understand...its the jews, always.

redpilledblackguy ago

More talk of martial arts would be nice.

Belisarius505 ago


middle_path ago

Nice. I did Tae Kwon Do for 3 years. Lately I've wanted to learn some Qigong or Aikido. What are you into?

Pres_Jack_Tunney ago

You learned takesonesdough for 3 years and you want to learn Akido? Might as well take up ballet. I'm not trying to be a dick either. Tae kwon do is somewhat affective in real fights, but Akido and Qigong are straight garbage in any practical situation. Qigong is basically yoga, and Steven Segal is an Akido master. Please tell me you don't want to learn these for self defense purposes?

middle_path ago

Please tell me you don't want to learn these for self defense purposes?

No, jeez no. I want to learn them for spiritual purposes and helping with stress.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

I practiced Aikido for almost 5 years before I moved on. It's fun, but not at all practical in the street. I found Krav Maga to be much more realistic.

redpilledblackguy ago

I'm a Judoka. Hoping to add Kickboxing and FMA to be well rounded. PM me, I'd like to hear your martial arts journey.

iloveguns ago

Judoka Kike-Fu?

olinneserpona ago


redpilledblackguy ago

The fuck?

iloveguns ago

I made a bad play on words. Judoka... Jewdoka... Kung-Fu... Kike-Fu. Low effort, low impact, but I stand behind it.

redpilledblackguy ago

Ah I see.

WhiteRonin ago

I've done those for a bit. Great stuff for when your body no longer is in it's 20s.

middle_path ago

Go back to reddit you fucking cuck degenerate lefty fuck /s

Seriously, you hit the nail on the head. I remember when @LockeProposal left and it hurts - he ran the coolest sub and posted content everyday. Then the echo chamber came by and loaded his sub with all this anti-jew rhetoric. We also lost HPOP, but I'm not sure why she left - I know she expressed some sentiment being annoyed by Voat's polarity.

There's no middle ground here and to me that's a shame.

Hey man, I'm here. I'm the resident fence sitter to most people here. I go to Reddit and get called a conservative asshole (happened yesterday actually) and I come here and get called a liberal communist cuck nigger. Someone here once told me if I sit on the fence I'll get hit by rocks from both sides. I say if both sides are throwing rocks, why would I want to join either?

Celestial_teapot ago

Same here...

This is my first time on Voat in 6 months. I'll keep my username, and keep checking in to see if things are getting better. There are other things to talk about besides politics. Really.

Pissant ago

I say if both sides are throwing rocks, why would I want to join either?

Because the world your ancestors fought for is being sold out from under you?

I mean hey, why care about anything, right?

Honestly though man, if you don't understand why people on the right are "throwing rocks" at people on the left then you're not paying much attention and you don't deserve Voat. It's funny how my reaction to this thread has changed rapidly after reading your various comments in here. Obviously no one is throwing phsyical rocks, what you're getting upset about are mere words. Sticks and stones may break your bones but if you get upset over words you're a queer. Your mock outrage at being offended for not having any real beliefs, it's childish. You're on a website that has a significant amount of people who can't share their opinions anywhere else and now you're choosing to spend your time ridiculing us for being a circlejerk? We've been banned from every other website that, if you wanted, you could be on sharing your opinions and having a great time; we can't. So why do you need to come here and attack us? Like holy shit, you got called a conservative on Reddit? Do you need a fucking tissue? Why does that even bother you? Honestly though, the amount of shit that's been flung at me -- if I were you I'd be fucking comatose in a corner rocking back and forth trying to understand why the internet is so cruel.

Grow up.

We don't owe you anything, I respect that you put in effort for v/justgrowit but Voat as a whole owes you nothing.

middle_path ago

You made an awful lot of assumptions in this thread and don't seem to understand the point I was making with my rock throwing analogy.

Pissant ago

Alright, well what was your point? What assumptions did I make?

I don't think people are throwing rocks at those in the center, I think those in the center are simply caught between two very different ideologies and both sides have a "If you're not with us you're against us" mentality and in so far is it relates to "the right" I agree. For every person who remains silent the left appears more and more legitimate. Cultural marxism is a cancer and we require every intelligent person to speak out against it or we will lose our culture. Many people here feel this is a very serious topic, that's why there's so much discussion about it.

Again, I agree that we could use more content, more subjects being discussed, but I don't like the narrative that we're some sort of circlejerk because it's not currently happening.

Pissant ago

You miss HPOP?

Buttplug jokes and trying to sell their products is the diversity you want on Voat?

middle_path ago

So you just going through and replying to every post I made in this thread?

Pissant ago

Oh, the narcissism is real... I responded to quite a few comments in this thread. It's how I use Voat, communicating with people via the comments section.

middle_path ago

I just notice it on my end, not sure if that's narcissistic.

Pissant ago

Well, I guess I can see why you would think that I'm following you around -- I did respond to a few of your comments, but I also responded to several other people. I claimed narcissism because instead of taking a few seconds to check if I was indeed just following you around you chose to assume I was just following you around and run with it via that comment.

If there's a large comment section with tons of responses, and you've made several responses yourself, it's not crazy that someone might organically respond to your various comments without it being anything more than that.

albatrosv14 ago

''I go to Reddit and get called a conservative asshole (happened yesterday actually) and I come here and get called a liberal communist cuck nigger''

Fabricated identity wars are real.

''If ever left and right would join, it would become an unstoppable force. Hence, we have to divide it''. I remember that kind of quote, somewhere.

Chiefpacman ago

You know of ?

Locke posts there now.

middle_path ago

Damn that website hurts my eyes.

Chiefpacman ago

They have a dark mode

middle_path ago

Oh, nice.

Chiefpacman ago

Yeah haha

jewshekelstein1488 ago

LP was a lefty snowflake sjw and while i agree his content was excellent it was his choice to become overtly political and throw a tempertantrum and rage quit. HPOP was a fucking degenerate and will not be missed.

your problem in my estimation is you fancy yourself a "moderate". you have this naive ideal that everyone can play nice and find a happy middle ground and get along and sing kumbaya. we are way, way past that point now and things are only going to get worse. and to be honest you seem like a nice enough person and i have no desire to make you an enemy but if you choose to ignore our struggle and say shit like "white culture doesn't exist" that is what you are going to be. it's entirely your choice.

middle_path ago

you have this naive ideal that everyone can play nice and find a happy middle ground and get along and sing kumbaya. we are way, way past that point now and things are only going to get worse.

That's a bit overblown from what I actually believe. I know there are struggles in the world, but I also think people are pitted against each other by the deep state/government/Illuminati/whatever when we don't need to be. See a rise of lefty loonies and an equal amount of righty uptighties will always follow. TPTB will always know how to make the people hate each other rather than the real enemy.

Schreiber ago

No, you are an idiot.

Every country outside of white nations are already controlled by right wing nationalist. The struggles only exist in white nations you dumb fuck. I'm not a racist bigot or a white supremacist (I'm not even white), I just want to stop libtardation because it is pure evil. Government letting their own citizens get raped and murdered for the sake of virtue signaling is too much for my conscience.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

we agree that you believe that, but i promise you it's not how the real world is. you're going to have an unpleasant awakening some day. i only pray it comes while you still have time to save yourself and those you care about. there isn't a lot of time left.

middle_path ago

This doom and gloom attitude is ridiculous, IMO. You don't know "the real world" and better than I do or your next door neighbor. Quit acting like some enlightened being, the world is just a mass of data and we subjectively make models of the world using that data. Your model includes making a lot of assumptions about how I view the world.

you're going to have an unpleasant awakening some day.

Funny thing is, If I posted anonymously about my beliefs, I would probably fall more into the conservative category. But I understand that the left v right is not the best way to approach the world. Negating the views of half your nation outright is just silly.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

did you watch the video i asked you to? i am pretty sure you didn't because i happen to know the running time. watch it and then come back to me with your criticism and i will listen and respond.

i already said we have more in common than otherwise. you aren't telling me anything i don't already know.

middle_path ago

Sorry, dude. That video is like 40+ minutes long. I don't care about this topic enough to waste 2/3 of an hour on it.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

so you care enough that you've already wasted half a day arguing about it and you made a whole post about it but you can't take 40 minutes to watch an entertaining and educational video that just might teach you something new and enable you to find common ground with someone you've just spent hours debating with? see this is why we can't take people like you seriously. damn, i'm a fucking idiot for reaching out a hand and thinking i could get through to you. every. fucking. time.

middle_path ago

but you can't take 40 minutes to watch an entertaining and educational video that just might teach you something new and enable you to find common ground with someone you've just spent hours debating with?

Who's to say we don't already have common ground? Also in the half day I spent arguing I have also cleared brush, cleaned, laundry, played a video game, journaled, worked out, and stretched. If I watch the video that's all I can do and I'm making dinner right now.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

so watch it when you have some spare down time. or next time you need to take a shit. quit making excuses. this is important.

middle_path ago

Why is it so important that I watch this video particularly? What does it say that Voat or 4chan have not already taught me?

jewshekelstein1488 ago

because if you watch it then i know specifically what information you've seen and we have a common point to debate and discuss. right now i have no idea what your background or experience is so i have to make assumptions and give you extra leeway. specificaly i want to know if you are being earnest and are just naive because you haven't seen what i've seen or if you are just a shill wasting my time. and tbh i'm > < this close to just writing you off and going full 1488. so i guess if you don't give a fuck just don't reply and we can leave it there because i'm not going to fucking beg you.

middle_path ago

You've already begged me enough to watch it. I'm about a minute and a half in and most of the editing seems unnecessary filler. I'm going to stick it through as much as I can. But please know I have been earnest. I think it's also important for you to know I've been on 4chans pol basically since they've been around. I've been exposed to just about all of it and I still haven't seen the desire to follow the group think there.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

if you've been on /pol/ that long and are still this stubborn then it's unlikely there's anything i can say that will change your mind but i tried.

middle_path ago

I don't think it's stubbornness. I think it's that I have never seen an extremist political movement ever last very long. The live fast and die young.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

the fourth reich will last for 1000 years.

middle_path ago

Funny as shit if you believe that.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

i assure you i am deadly fucking serious.

middle_path ago

Then I no longer have a reason to take you seriously. You earnestly believe this prophetic bullshit. The 3rd riech barely lasted a decade.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

you can't kill an idea friend. i would have thought you filthy degenerate kikes would have learned that by now. see you on rope day!

middle_path ago

Christ on a cracker.

WitnesstheSalt ago

Our rocks are more aerodynamic. If you're going to experience violence, at least take solace in the quality violence.

10766199? ago

Yes, I am, but we got in this situation because those topics weren't discussed as regressives ran amok. Look forward to a time when the traitors been taken care of and the loons get the mental help they need, then the rest of us can go back to developing forwards.

GetWithThePogrom ago

Jews using Marxism to destroy our race and country is the most important thing to talk about.

AnarchicAlpaca ago

Just a side note: at the very top they all work together, for each other. Getting jew tunnel vision will offset the bigger picture.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Jews using Marxism to destroy our race and country is the most important thing to talk about.

You can talk about normie stuff every where else.

How many places allow you to discuss the JQ?

shmuklidooha ago

Voat, Gab and the dark web.

csicskageci ago

And My Posting Career but quite frankly the typical Voat/MPC view of it is entirely retarded. There is no JQ because there are no jews, pretty much. Most of them are secularized and adapted to the secular liberal progressive intellectual elite who descended from liberal protestantism. The difference between jew Chomsky and nonjew Lincoln was merely that the former took the views of the later to their logical conclusion. So there is a progressive question, liberal question, not jewish question. In fact it is jewish nationalists who hate jewish liberals the most as they are trying hard to undermine Israel. In fact people on Voat are so retarded about it that thinkl they open borders for Israel as a slogan is a good joke. In reality it is exactly want jewish libs like Soros want.

Crensch ago

There is no JQ because there are no jews, pretty much. Most of them are secularized and adapted to the secular liberal progressive intellectual elite who descended from liberal protestantism.

Jewish lies from a 2 month old account with 2scp and 29ccp. Fuck off, Moshe.

csicskageci ago

what is that very special jewish sauce that somehow makes someone like Adam Sandler different from a random generic urban rootless cosmopolitcan liberal white dude?

Crensch ago

Inbred kike DNA, obviously. Nepotic in-group-preferring traitor parasites to their host country.

middle_path ago

Sure, it needs to be made clear. But most are all on the same page about it. At this point, it's just a circle jerk.

Pissant ago

It's not a circle jerk because when I initially arrived here I was not aware of a lot of these things. I was actually pretty anti-racist when I showed up a couple years back. ( this is not my first account, you might even recognize my old one, I gave you advice on storing potatoes one time )

I've spent a lot of time thinking about this. Am I just weak minded, and go with whatever is popular? That's a legitimate question to ask, how does ones world views change so drastically over such a short period of time? I don't think it was all Voat, I've experienced a lot of the globalist agenda first hand working alongside foreign workers shipped in enmasse to replace my fellow citizens in the agriculture industry.

I was also anti-Trump initially and it was mostly because of Voat fact checking my accusations against Trump that I ended up supporting him. When people made it very clear that the majority of what I "knew" about Trump was only known to me because the Media had been assassinating his character. I would choose points to criticize Trump over and people would counter with objective truths and proof to back it up. I was time and time again proven to be wrong, and instead of covering my ears and fucking off to Reddit I accepted that I was wrong.

In regards to racism, at this point I feel that racism is the cultural norm across all phenotypes. Every ethnicity is racist. Every. Single. One. White people are by a large margin the least racist of all ethnicities, although how do you even define white at this point. Let's just say of European descent.

This may appear to be a circle jerk but it's not. There are so many various opinions here on Voat. The truth is this is one of the few places you can actually disagree with people and argue without being banned for being offensive. This is one of the few places on the Internet that isn't a circlejerk. Nearly every other website is... I came here initially because I was censored elsewhere, not for talking about Jews, or Niggers, or anything even controversial. I just asked questions about stuff that people didn't want there being discussions about. That was enough to get me shadowbanned from Plebbit. So I came here, tried to ignore the v/niggers crowd, and just enjoyed that there was an alternative platform that vowed to never censor their users.

Anyways, if nothing else, you are proof that this website is not a Circlejerk. I mean yeah, you get heavily downvoated when you make childish accusations like that we're a circlejerk but the thread itself is highly upvoated. People are engaging you via comments. You also contribute content that is very far outside of any "circlejerking" via your v/JustGrowIt

middle_path ago

This was actually a very insightful post. I really appreciate it. For what it's worth, my post has been taken to an extreme that "we should not be talking about this stuff" which is absolutely not how I feel. I'm simply saying that 95% of the content posted either in submissions or comments deals with one of the topics mentioned in my original question. I think it's fantastic we talk about this stuff, really I do. Our freedoms on this website are not to be taken advantage of. I got a thread locked down on Reddit yesterday for simply asking the question "what's wrong with socialism?" - spoiler alert, I got down voted into oblivion.

But, like my sub, I like to discuss other things too. I understand why Voat is the way it is - I truly do. I'm just a little bored of the content. I spent the past decade on 4chan and 2 years on Voat - I've discussed these issues to death. Just ready to talk about other things.

Am I just weak minded, and go with whatever is popular? That's a legitimate question to ask, how does ones world views change so drastically over such a short period of time?

It's very brave of you to show this sort of introspection and conscientiousness. Always question yourself - it's the only way you will truly learn. Thanks for the post, stranger! And I need to start storing my potatoes in the ground ;)

Pissant ago

I've discussed these issues to death. Just ready to talk about other things.

Fair enough man, I understand where you're coming from. I just don't understand the need to use terms like circlejerk and more or less insult Voat as a whole over it. That's when my tone changed in my responses anyways. Also, not that it really matters, but I noticed someone downvoated your comment here; wasn't me.

Tallest_Skil ago

what’s wrong with socialism? I got downvoted into oblivion

It’s called LURK THE FUCK MORE. You’re not here to be spoon fed; you’re here to learn of your own volition. You talk about having an open mind; go have one, or at least have a fucking POINT more than “what’s wrong with x” when you bring something up.

middle_path ago

oops. I actually asked "what's wrong with nationalism?" I feel stupid now, not sure why I wrote socialism.

Fagtardicus ago

if you feel that way then voat doesnt have much else to teach you, voat is pretty much just a rehabilitation service for any normie that happens to get a bit too curious, what with the upvote/downvote cancer.

albatrosv14 ago

+20 | -25.


middle_path ago

You're a fan of mob rule I see.

bourbonexpert ago

Circle jerk? My good man my fellow goat you are incorrect in that assumption.

There’s only two websites, maybe three that I can think of that allows for freedom of expression without censorship and without being banned. Voat is one of them.

If Facebook Twitter or read it aloud for actual free discussion they’re probably would be about 50% less of what you’re seeing on this website. But I was the way the world turns the liberal media doesn’t allow for that.

In fact I will go as far to say that we are very lucky and should be donating and thankful to the fine people of this website that allow us to speak our minds without being banned or down voted into oblivion.

And of the three or four websites that allow for actual freedom, I believe this website is the best laid out. I find 4Chan, and 8Chan, I find those formats confusing I don’t quite get it. And gab only allows 160 characters or so.

This website allows for longform intellectual discussion about subjects that the mainstream media and liberals do not want us talking about.

Voat is like a small city of about 10,000 people. We all know each other. We all recognize common user handles. While I’m certainly not a celebrity I do take pride in knowing that I’ve got some really great friends on this website that recognize my username and will upload and comment and complement.

Racists and hearing the words nigger, faggot and Jew and other controversial subjects, (they’re not really controversial it’s just that the MSM won’t let us talk about it )

Thats the cost of free speech. Take it or leave it.

Good day sir or ma’am

SexMachine ago

Check out my lowest rated comments. One of them was for defending the skinny that shot and killed that blonde haired woman. This was before it was known he was a diversity hire though.

Also, sort by new on v/all.

The stuff that makes it to the top is just the stuff many agree on.

Durm ago

It reminds me of a video game where lots of normal people have left.

And its not that the tone changed so much as that the ratio of what's left over has changed and that group becomes more dominant and extremely visible. Probably more exaggerated considering this is a voating system based site.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Telling the truth about an intentional, and constant assault is NO "circle-jerk".

lexsird ago

I understand what you are saying. Don't let the month old agent provocateur trolls make you feel like a pussy. Some of them are here trying to grow weeds so they can justify a paycheck. Pity the low rent operative fucks that they are. I digress.

Sure there is tons of things to check out. I'm big into bushcraft at the moment for a hobby. For a hobby I mean what I daydream about doing. I watch 'how to make a bed' out of trees and twigs and shit and then go sleep like a baby at night on my comfy bed in a warm apartment. I'm not out freezing my balls off. I did when I was young, in the military and in arctic warfare training as a fucking leg. My old candy ass is ruined by 'teepee living'.

My point is, find something that you like to fuck with. This is the damn internet and you can surely find something to do with your time after this turns boring as fuck or just plain depressing. I'm here a lot because fuck a bunch of commie pinko cocksucker Netflix. I told the sons of bitches if they ran that 'Dear White People' faggotry that I would bounce and never come back. They did. I told them to fuck off over the phone. I told them I was a big fan and had supported them since they fucking started. Now they were going to shit all over that by being political. Fuck you. I'm gone.

I'm sick of video games because the commie cunts have made those PC too. The video game world can go suck a big giant fucking cock and I've enjoyed them since Pong. Thanks you commie cunts! There's yet another reason to fucking murder every last one of them on the damn planet. Right? I'm ready. Someone kick this mother fucker off. I digress.

I can't go to a bar because cops just circle them hoping for a DUI arrest. The women in them are fucking retarded as hell anyway and whores. I'd go to church but they all want to suck Jew cock and if I say shit about jews I'm fucked, so fuck that.

My prayer of "Dear Jesus, could you do something about these jews?" wouldn't get an amen I'm sure. I digress.

So it's fishing, hunting and camping for me for something to do. I've got to get rid of this fucking car and get a pickup truck. See, there's tons of shit to do with your damn time. You've just got to get the fuck off your ass and go do something.

Alwaysmakingprogress ago

Always remember, when someone asks "What would Jesus do?" ... driving out the jews with whips is an option on the table.

lexsird ago

If Jews are God's children, I feel sorry for him. He got rooked on that deal. You see, there's some inspiration for parents with fucking monster children, even God has problems with his 'kids'. Notice how he mellowed out after he had one of his own? I'm really not trying to burn in hell here. Just saying...

shrink ago

I approve of your wit, sparky. If the kikes are God's "Chosen" then he's a pretty shitty judge of character.

lexsird ago

I don't think there was much choice in it. They had free will installed, then got the 'knowledge of good and evil' hack/mod and shit went downhill from there. Free will is a motherfucker, it takes balls to install that.

shrink ago

A circle jerk? So if a mob of people are constantly assaulting your house and you're talking to your family about defending it, you're just going to listen to them one of of the mob people says "stop talking about defense or us assaulting your house, it's just a circle jerk at this point" because it's 'all' your family talks about? It's imminent, it's pertinent, it's important, and it's vital. Yes, it gets exhausting seeing and talking about the same thing day in and day out, but until the problem is fixed there is literally no other choice outside of pretending the problem no longer exists and getting wiped out.

You want to talk about a circle jerk, try throwing your fucking tears at the MSM, all mainstream social media sites and websites in general, universities, high school education, and/or the overton window. People with our points of view are the last people you should be bitching about if you actually care about a circle jerk.

shakin_my_head ago

Middle_Path is just mad and parroting

bourbonexpert ago

^ this.

I wish voat would allow “follow”option

middle_path ago

You seem to imply the alt-right is the only group being attacked. As a moderate - I can tell you everyone fucking hates me.

Tallest_Skil ago

as a moderate

So you're a liberal. Go fuck yourself with a rake, you milquetoast piece of shit. Your apathy is the reason for the evil in the world.

sept ago

So you're a moderate

Like, moderate regarding 1st and 2nd amendment for instance, like "yes, but..." ?

Like what ?

Freedom of speech minus hate speech is a moderate stance regarding freedom of speech ?


Moderate nazi ? Moderate communist ?

Moderate muslim ?

Right in the middle so it has a bit of everything but not too much because maybe it could be dangerous who knows ?

middle_path ago

I'm a moderate meaning I don't follow party lines. I support the second and first amendment unwaveringly.

greenfascist ago

A moderate Democrat is a radical left at this point. Liberals get the bullet too remember

sept ago

So you're not a moderate when it comes to the support of the 1st and 2nd

What does it mean to be a "moderate" ?

Like when facing an bifurcation you never choose one path or the other you always go straight into the tree right in the middle of both ?

middle_path ago

That's such a rediculous assumption. No, I start in the middle, listen to both sides and see which makes more sense. A republican will almost always agree with a republican. A liberal with a liberal. I agree with both on different issues and never automatically jump to one or the other. Also the world has a lot more grey than people assume, but the internet in general seems to think you're either a nazi or a commie.

sept ago

It still doesn't render the word moderate more meaningful

So you're basically in between liberals and republicans ? You agree with both on certain topics ?

That's what being a moderate is to you ?


Like you adhere to no party line, but your political spectrum ranges from republicans to liberals

You a republiral or a liberican, basically


You might get worst of both worlds you know, with that bipartisan middle ground stuff, like some fucking gridlock idiocy

middle_path ago

I don't think you understand my philosophy and I certainly don't understand the desire to be polarized.

sept ago

When you're the one citing liberals and republicans, and nothing else

To me both are completely irrelevant

It's like choosing between semi automatic riffle and bolt action riffle while what you actually need is freaking helicopter

middle_path ago

It's like choosing between semi automatic rifle and bolt action rifle while what you actually need is freaking helicopter

So you're saying I need to be more of an extremist?

I'm only citing Republican and Democrats because those are the only political parties that have any say in this country.

sept ago

I'm saying you'll get more of the same by picking more of the same that's all

For sure doing so isn't "extremism"

It's outright insanity

There won't be any meaningful change coming from both sides, they control the government

And you were citing liberals and republicans btw, not democrats and republicans

middle_path ago

And you were citing liberals and republicans btw, not democrats and republicans

That was my mistake, I meant R & D and L & C.

There won't be any meaningful change coming from both sides

I couldn't agree more. Progress always comes from the fringes, never the establishment.

common_sense ago

What the fuck are you even saying dude. He said nothing about the 1st or 2nd amendment. Do you even know what a moderate is? Because they don't say any of the things you are implying.

sept ago

A moderate to me is some1 who doesn't stand for anything in particular

What's a moderate libertarian ? Or a moderate communist ? Or a moderate nazi ? Or a moderate republican ?

It's a fake, it's not the real deal, it's a "half of it" basically, it's cherry picking

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

adjective: average in amount, intensity, quality, or degree.

noun: a person who holds moderate views, especially in politics.

verb: make or become less extreme, intense, rigorous, or violent.

A "moderate" could be a person who isn't prepared to kill all the jews in their territory. The person who IS prepared could easily be described as "non-moderate". "Extremist", even. If you're not pegged to one side or the other, you're moderate to some degree.

And yeah, some who say that are just wishy-washy and have no grasp of their own views.

sept ago

There's a difference between radical and extremist, regarding political semantics

extremist is basically a label to disqualify opposition, radical doesn't necessarily carry the negative connotation

But then you have the "radicalized people blah" "radical islam"


What's radical islam ?

Well by western standards it simply is the full application of islam and its principles, without compromise

Moderate islam is islam without the bits that are... "Problematic"


There's no radical or moderate islam, you have islam and lack of islam

The terms extremism or extremist are almost always exonymic—i.e., applied by others to a group rather than by a group labeling itself. Rather than labeling themselves extremist, those labeled as such might describe themselves as, for example, political radicals. There is no political party that calls itself "right-wing extremist" or "left-wing extremist", and there is no sect of any religion that calls itself "extremist" or which calls its doctrine "extremism".

The term extremist is used to describe groups and individuals who have become radicalized, in some way, even though the term radical originally meant to go to the root of a (social) problem. The term radical is not normally regarded as pejorative (except perhaps in the United States of America) and, unlike the term extremist, it is sometimes used by groups in their description of themselves.

The term extremist is often used in reference to those who use or advocate violence against the will of society at large, but it is also used by some to describe those who advocate or use violence to enforce the will of the social body, such as a government or a majority constituency. Those described as extremists would in general refuse to accept the view that what they practice or advocate constitutes violence and they would instead refer to it as acts of "resistance," militant action or the use of force. The word violence cannot be regarded as value-neutral. Ideology and methodology often become inextricably linked under the single term extremism.

The notion that there is a philosophy which can be described as extremism is considered by some to be suspect. Within sociology, several academics who track (and are critical of) extreme right-wing groups have objected to the term extremist, which was popularized by centrist sociologists in the 1960s and 1970s. As Jerome Himmelstein states: "At best this characterization tells us nothing substantive about the people it labels; at worst it paints a false picture." (Himmelstein, p. 7). The act of labeling a person, group or action as extremist is sometimes claimed to be a technique to further a political goal—especially by governments seeking to defend the status quo, or political centrists. In any event, the term extremist—like the word violence—cannot be regarded as value-neutral.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I think you said it. The term "extremist" creates distance from a different position, which isn't necessarily an unbiased one. "Extremely different from my (obviously correct) views, and therefore very bad and wrong."

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

No, he's right. Moderates normally capitulate, because putting your foot down is seen as the radical position, not the moderate position. Moderates engage in a the folly of trying to meet lefties half-way, when those lefties are hell-bent on total control.

common_sense ago

Both sides are hell-bent on total control, that's kind of the point of politics.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Playing the 'both sides' coin at this point is an intellectually disingenuous cop-out. Because the alt-right doesn't control megacorporations like Amazon and Alphabet, nor the banking combines.

jewshekelstein1488 ago


middle_path it's not a circle jerk. if you are white and live in a western country it is literally THE most important thing you could be talking or reading or thinking about. our enemies are legion and they are ruthless and relentless. we no longer have the luxury of wasting time on superficial pursuits. sure, unplug and take a break once in a while if you need to recharge your batteries, but don't come here telling us we shouldn't be talking about it. you are part of the problem.

Rotteuxx ago

@middle_path never said you shouldn't be talking about it, but probably just like myself, he misses the days where /v/all was a nice mix of varied topics with smaller niche subs having more exposure.

Like you said, talking about white genocide is of the greatest importance, but there's more also.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

you have a point. those who fight monsters should take care to make sure that they themselves do not become monsters, and all that jazz. that is why i sometimes post videos of art, music, literature, etc. but yes, we need to be discussing these issues. there is literally nothing else that is so important right meow.

DirectPressure ago


tweezed ago


goatsandbros ago

These topics aren't displacing others, there just aren't any others being posted. As some nigger once said: be the change you want to see.

middle_path ago

I created v/JustGrowIt. I notice that posts with political leanings get on average 2-5x the amount of votes anything from my sub (or non political posts) get.

literallyoprah ago

Because if anyone wanted to talk about something that wasn't a jew conspiracy, they would go back to reddit

middle_path ago

Why? Why can't they talk about.other things here?

literallyoprah ago

Because everyone here is an unpleasant screeching autist

Crensch ago

Because other things aren't important, Jew.

middle_path ago

Really? Family, growing food, crafts, and philosophy aren't important?

Crensch ago

Really. Those conversations can happen when the tide turns and there's actually free speech on the larger platforms. Until then, you're just a subversive kike trying to shame others for speaking about the politics that will result in those "important" things never happening again, since whites will be gone, and the rest of the world will go to shit.

GutterTrash ago

I like that sub, if I find old sunflower photos I may contribute.

albatrosv14 ago

Well, by now(2.2 years) you should already know why politics get more votes. It's not organic. (Pun intended, accidentally.)

DeliciousOnions ago

Just wanted to note, your sub is one of my favorites. It's so nice to see some gardening as a break from politics!

middle_path ago

aww, shucks.

10770651? ago

Me too, love your sub, thanks for running it.

Mercury_Eunomia ago


chags ago

And what's the problem with that? I agree that voat is too circlejerky right now, but I don't think you should care about the political/whatever_else upvote rate. Remember that whatever_else doesn't represent an agenda, so there's little title based upvote and probably no automated upvote. We need more general content, I agree. I'm visiting voat less because I'm having more fun in image boards, I shit you not. But I'm guilty because I don't post shit.

Crensch ago

notice that posts with political leanings get on average 2-5x the amount of votes anything from my sub (or non political posts) get.

Maybe because you're a very small minority that nobody gives a fuck about? Maybe there's a reason political stuff is so prevalent here? Maybe your imgur/rEddit-tier interests belong, well, elsewhere?

chags ago

Allow me a different angle: what's the point in having less and less people talking about the same things everyday? Of course, it allows people to vent and talk to similar minded people. But it does not disseminate these views. A more diverse (tee-hee) content could attract more users, and maybe change some minds, or at least challenge your views.

Crensch ago

It's not about my opinion, or what any single user here desires, it's about the reality of the situation. A more "diverse" (tee-hee) crowd could also flood the front page with useless rEddit-tier shit. Nobody upvoats that stuff here, because they can find it literally anywhere else on the internet.

4chan didn't stop posting gore in order to let the limp-dick faggots in during the golden years, but it still became the internet powerhouse for literally everything until Moot cucked. People go where the forbidden fruit is, not where there's content they can find other places, without the opinions they don't want to see.

chags ago

without the opinions they don't want to see.

I think this is our divergence. If I understood it correctly, you think that more diverse (tee-hee) content would end restricting opinions on politics. I was in reddit before voat, I left because the admins started getting fishy, and SRS took control after that. I know what you're talking about. But I think non-political content can coexist, and the only thing that could really fuck things up would be the admins being corrupted. This is what allows the power grabbing and the censorship. Well, I don't see how we could agree, so fuck it, at least we exchanged ideas.

Crensch ago

What I'm telling you is that people that want to see your non-political crap can do so on websites that already agree with their politics, or don't allow such awful, nigger/fat/jew/muslim/refugee/liberal/democrat/sjw/antifa hate.

As you no doubt already know, OP is full of shit, and some of the more active users do occasionally post other shit, and it's accepted just fine. OP is just being a whiny faggot and wanting "muh no more politics I don't like" here.

goatsandbros ago

Nice! You're doing it!

Sorry for the presumption. I'd honestly like to see more topics and posts other than politics, but the user base is both a bit small, and comprised of those whose political posts got them ostracized from leddit. As such, the posts are a bit heavily monochromatic.

Hopefully stuff will build.

DeliciousOnions ago

YES. We desperately need new content in non political areas.

wtfyouareanidiot ago

No we don't. Voat is basically /pol/ for those of us who aren't on there and prefer a reddit-style format.

Tallest_Skil ago

Voat is /pol/ without kike-owned moderation (yet). It’s a motherfucking shame that there is more freedom of expression HERE than what is supposed to be the last bastion of free speech.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

The Jews will censor it

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

in dinosaur areas!

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

"We"? Get the fuck out of here, you fucking nigger faggot.

15 Days


DeliciousOnions ago

Listen here you gaping thundercunt.

Has it occurred to you that some of us regularly cycle through accounts instead of building up fake internet points? I thought we left that particular bullshit back at Reddit.

Go eat a stack of niggerwaffles.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

For the sake of my faith in humanity, I'm going to assume you're a juvenile, and not a grown man who thinks that shit was funny.

RoBatten ago

Upvoat for gaping thundercunt and niggerwaffles . . . lmao!

european ago

Please don't be ageist.

Crensch ago

Then push some of your own, 15-day-old-account faggot.

Pissant ago

something something "be the change you want to see"

There's a lot of people here who take what we have for granted. They're spoiled children, used to being handed everything on a silver platter.

Johna637018 ago

Hey, guys!3PvWfPT81

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

Ouch. Going to need the burn kit for the lost redditer.

Crensch ago

A burn kit like a fireman from Fahrenheit 451? My man!

DeliciousOnions ago

I'm working on it! Making OC ain't easy, fuckface.

KeksMex ago

Hey there junior, this is voat. We don't take kindly to that kind of foul language. Best try to be a bit more upbeat and positive or we'll shit down your fucking throat faggot. Got it ass wrangler?

Crensch ago

It won't work here anyway, faggot. This is one of the precious few places on the net we can talk about politics without getting censored - take that shit to instagram, or twitter, or reddit, or imgur, or pinterest, or literally anywhere else. We don't upvoat "look what I made, rEddit!" posts here. It's not because we can't, or we're not interested, but because it's not important and you can do that literally anywhere.

DeliciousOnions ago

If all you want Voat to ever be is a political site, that's fine. I'd like to see it become more than that.

Crensch ago

It's not even about ME, faggot. Voat is political, and can become more when the cultural and economic wars against us have had the tides turned in our favor. Until then, people come here to find out what they cannot find out on pinterest or kikebook or plebbit.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it can be post if non-political people start contributing more, but it's not like it should/could even stop being political

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Umm because that is what is happening in the world. I like to do stuff that makes me forget about the pile of shit we are neck deep in but that doesn't make it go away, it just makes it worse. Maybe the site isn't for you. I imagine this site was laid back once. But after reddit, adl, fbl, and any number of other organizations were looking to silence people for their thoughts, this site has become ground zero for the war on the minds. It will never go back to being laid back until all of Pedowood and most the current politicians are in jail.

middle_path ago

Maybe the site isn't for you.

I've been here over 2 years.

Crensch ago


jewshekelstein1488 ago


to be fair, i like middle_path. he is misguided politically but overall i think he is a good person and contributed content which i value. that being said i am not going to pull any fucking punches and i regret having been so harsh to him, but we are in a life or death struggle. he is choosing to espouse liberal beliefs and tell us we are in the wrong. and no one is forcing him to read our comments if he doesn't like them. he needs to understand he is the one responsible for his isolation, not us.

middle_path ago

Um....thanks buddy. I really mean that. Thank you for respecting my decision to not be part of the hive mind. In all seriousness, I really appreciate this post.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

i didn't say i respect it, i just said i understood it. and i'll say it again, i am not your enemy. at least, i don't have to be. we have more in common than you think and i would be very happy if you were able to open your mind and understand where i am coming from.

middle_path ago

I totally agree with you. For what it's worth, we simply don't see eye to eye on the star trek thing - that's fine. In a way that two people can read the same poem or listen to the same song and get vastly different meaning. We (meaning people in general, but also the two of us) tend to project our own ways of thinking on a subject rather than treating it with equanimity. I don't consider you an enemy, we were just debate partners earlier today. Nothing wrong with challenging our own beliefs time and time again.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

reasonable. i think the disconnect is because you see good in it, which i never said there aren't elements of good. however i am speaking in more absolute terms, and in my estimation i am not wrong that it contains strong elements of communist/marxist ideology. again that doesn't mean it is entirely without merit, and in a sense we can both be right. but my concern is that these values are being propogated and indoctrinated to the masses and i see that as extremely harmful to the minds of people and to our society as a whole.

Crensch ago

I don't. I think he's full of shit, and is likely a subversive kike. My response to OP

jewshekelstein1488 ago

i've been wrong before. his response to this op and comments will say a lot.

Anti_Idle ago

I'm with @Crensch on this one. Middle_path sucks ass.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

that is my conclusion as well. i made an effort to reason with him and it was a waste of time.

Anti_Idle ago

Exactly the way I came to the same conclusion. He asked a question one day and COULD NOT stop arguing and using all the jew 'discussion' tactics in the book. Of course, this was back before I knew what the tactics were. Like way way far back, at least 2 years ago. Back when the fucker was like some celeb on voat.

goatsshadow ago

v/informative has a few articles but it never really caught on

tagarouco ago

Thanks for the cool recomendation, subbed.

OneWordResponse ago


middle_path ago


OneWordResponse ago


jewshekelstein1488 ago

i usually hate you and your shitty plebbit tier antics but i have to admit, i laughed this time. 1488!

middle_path ago


CapinBoredface ago

Nah, when I need a break I just look somewhere other than AskVoat for a bit.

It's not hard to find other conversations if you don't like this one.

middle_path ago

Nah, when I need a break I just look somewhere other than AskVoat for a bit.

I don't think I would feel this way if it was only on one subverse.

jewshekelstein1488 ago


middle_path is just butthurt because i fucking schooled him on star trek being a bunch of liberal commie bullshit. he literally chimped out in all caps and rage quit after i proved him wrong. so now he made this lame post to cry about it because he is a liberal snowflake and can't handle reality.

KeksMex ago

Link to rage quit?

jewshekelstein1488 ago

lol he is so mad he downvoated that comment. hahahaha.

RoBatten ago

I saw that thread. You made some excellent points about the Trek and I had to agree with you. I didn't really think of it that way before, but after considering what you pointed out, you're absolutely right about it. No doubts. Red-pilled me on Trek . . .

KeksMex ago

Haha. He should go back to Faggit.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

he pretends to be a cool cucumber and not care at all, but he argues like a 2 year old and chimps out when cornered. probably a kike.

KeksMex ago

Sounds about right.

CapinBoredface ago

Oh. I don't get people like that. I get tired of the rhetoric sometimes and I actually agree with it. But you know, I just go somewhere else or read or something when I need a break. Is @middle_path locked in voat or something? I feel like theres more to his complaints.

middle_path ago

Is @middle_path locked in voat or something?

No, I just really like Voat and hate to see it devolve into a website that is 99% alt-right politics.

CapinBoredface ago

4chan isn't completely right wing, why don't you try there?

And Voat didn't really devolve to this. It grew to this. I've been here for two years and you can trust me, it's been like this the whole time. Now there's just more of us.

middle_path ago

Been here for 2 years as well, I see it as a step backwards since it all falls into the divide and conquer narrative. Been on 4chan for over a decade.

CapinBoredface ago

A step backwards? Looks to me like it just became what is was already on track to becoming. Why do you think so many racist Nazis joined?

middle_path ago

I think they joined because there is no where else to go. But I don't personally have much interest in the topics they care so much about.

CapinBoredface ago

No man, they joined because voat has always been the counter culture. That's literally the point of it.

CapinBoredface ago

Have you tried a different website? VOAT isnt the only one out there.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Has obvious shill muddle_path tried a different website? I'm sure, but muddle_path has no business on the myriad of cucked websites out there - she's paid to influence voat, to weaken our resolve and open us to cucking. She was one of the first deployed here, and I doubt she plans on leaving.

Just ask yourself how on Earth any person attracted to voat and it's dedication to free speech - unvariably seeking refuge from totalitarian assholes - wouldn't be able to sort out for themselves why the only place that allows dissenting opinions is a hotbed of dissenting opinions - and why that's a precious thing that should be appreciated and not lamented.

This fuckhead is a deep state swamp rat. /u/middle_path, kill yourself and stop burdening the people around you.

middle_path ago


I have a penis.

Just ask yourself how on Earth any person attracted to voat and it's dedication to free speech - unvariably seeking refuge from totalitarian assholes - wouldn't be able to sort out for themselves why the only place that allows dissenting opinions is a hotbed of dissenting opinions - and why that's a precious thing that should be appreciated and not lamented.

This is a tired argument. I'm using my free speech to criticize people who I disagree with (or in this case, am just annoyed with). I'm practicing freedom of speech and so are you. WOW! Must make me a deep state shill. They sure do pay the the big bucks posting all those gardening threads that get DOZENS of upvotes.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Alright, I may have been trigger-happy with the shill accusation. I wasn't subtle either, to say the least - forgive me, I'm sure you can understand.

I think we can all relate here in that once upon a time, a person could casually browse the web without being subject to politics or the influence of some ideological agenda... and we miss that once-upon-a-time.

But that time is over. Our old favorite websites have all been infected with various degrees of bullshit, and few places remain that are friendly to the way many of us enjoy communicating with one another, during our own goddamn free time. For a lot of people on this site, this is the only place where they can comfortably discuss things that matter to them.

I'm on voat because I liked what it was when I first came here. Voat doesn't need to be popular. There are popular websites doing a fine job of being popular. Voat should just stay voat, in my opinion.

TrumpTheGodEmperor ago



These are not mutually exclusive.


clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yes they are. It's basic biology.

middle_path ago


threesix ago

no you just didnt understand what he wrote. When free speech is banned everywhere... than its not surprising that in the place that it's allowed... that it takes a more extreme form. Im sure it used to be nice to have more variety... but due to the rest of the world closing it's doors. This is the obvious place for this all to happen. Your grievance is with the rest of the world.

middle_path ago

No, I've never been to another website before. This is my first internet.

Pissant ago

Being a petulant child doesn't help your case... He's offering a legitimate perspective. Not every website offers you everything. You can however post anything you want here, from any subject, ever -- that's something that no other website can claim. So why do you seem to have an issue with this? I would tell you to be the change you want to see but I recognize you already do that. I don't see what purpose complaining about a perceived ack of content serves though.

middle_path ago

It was certainly a bit snarky of me. Got a little tired of defending my position rationally yesterday, admittedly. Still, I'm aware I can find these things on other websites, but I love Voat. I want Voat to be more than just a politics website because I really dislike polarity.

I don't see what purpose complaining about a perceived ack of content serves though.

As of right now 345 people seem to agree with me on this subject. Connecting with other users may inspire them to make more non-political posts.I just found out today another voater I love turned to organic gardening because of me and my subverse. It's a good feeling influencing/inspiring others.

Pissant ago

345 people support your message; they don't necessarily 100% agree with you. Hell, to an extent I support it. We definitely should have more conversations about a wider range of topics. But coming here, complaining about it, calling Voat a circlejerk -- that's not productive and it's just childish. Maybe it will inspire people to post more subjects but what was stopping them before? Nothing. I've seen a few people here agreeing with you citing a lack of upvoats on other content -- so basically it's only worth sharing content for internet points?

I just don't like the general tone I guess, and I'm always offended when people call Voat a circlejerk because even among the topics you listed such as Trump, Islam, and general politics -- there's a lot of varying opinions. There are plenty of different beliefs being shared here and I value that we're able to have these discussions here, so when someone who I actually respected shows up and shits on the place -- it pisses me off man.

KeksMex ago

There's at least twenty or more other sites to visit. Check it out.

CapinBoredface ago

oh, in that case, I suggest reddit. Thye hardly ever talk about the things you are complaining about and they have subs like /r/aww where its just pictures of kittens and stuff.

Enjoy the internet.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Voat is for free speech, not just alt-right speech. Fuck your desire for an echo chamber.

Pissant ago

Who is stopping you from speaking... No one... Create a subverse, add content, they will come.

You're basically a feminist pushing for equity, because equality isn't enough.

If he is complaining that he doesn't see other subjects that's entirely on him. He should know how to use subverses, he owns one afterall and it's very far outside of the "echo chamber".

Be the change you want to see, don't just sit here bitching at us like a pathetic feminist that wants equity. You won't get equity on Voat. There's equality though, we're all equals. Or are you trying to say that people visit v/JustGrowIt and downvoat everything because it's not about Trump?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

No one is stopping me from speaking but there's not much point when I get downvoted to hell whenever i disagree.

Pissant ago

So instead of disagreeing why don't you actually explain your perspective?

Instead of disagreeing why don't you post your own content?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

why don't you actually explain your perspective?

I do, and that's what typically gets downvoted.

why don't you post your own content?

I do that too.

CapinBoredface ago

Why are you replying to me? It's not me thats desiring an echo chamber.

By the way, voat is an echo chamber, it just has different voices.

unabashed_centrist ago

Exactly. Freedom of speech is not freedom from speech.

gr8b8itm8 ago

well you have options, just fyi

NassTee ago


WD_Pelley ago

This is what Voat is. Voat talks about this shit because Reddit and other faggot sites censor these topics or brush them off.

middle_path ago

You're not totally wrong. My issue comes from us only talking about this shit.

Sosacms ago

Partly because people can still talk about the everything else, everywhere else.

If you could do whatever you want in every room in the house, but only fart in one room. That one room is pretty much only used for farting.

WD_Pelley ago

What part of "This is what Voat is" is difficult to understand? Of course we're only talking about this because much of what is covered here is current events. Trump, Islam being Islam, SJWs chimping out, niggers nigging, etc. are all current events and Voat also talks about this stuff because there's no mainstream alternative to talk about this stuff, so people gather here to share and discuss wrongthink.

This is Voat's character, it's being.

middle_path ago

This is Voat's character, it's being.

Not really. The discussion was here, but not anywhere near as dominant before the 2016 election.

WD_Pelley ago

Tough shit. It is now then.

middle_path ago


MakeUsaGreatAgain ago

Yes but Voat isn't to blame. The conversation is being pushed 24/7 by leftists and this just happens to be one of few places where an opposing view can be expressed.

FattyWhale ago

Holy shit, this. Pretty much every venue of entertainment has been forcibly politicized the past few years. Sports, video games, awards shows, comic books, cartoons, you name it.

It either this year or last where there was a presentation at the Game Developer's Conference where the presenter was basically saying that students should be taught game design from a political viewpoint, because muh broader social context.

With the election of Trump, they're all doubling down hard.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I disagree. You're seeing it everywhere because that's all you look for.

Schreiber ago

There is no point to converse with leftards.

Should've learned by now that only violence and blood spilling can reverse libtardation in our society. What has "conversation" achieved? Tax money for genital mutilation?

TrueAmerican ago

Nice example of psychological deflection and projection.

Subtenko ago

exactly....this is why it keeps trending, vs no one calling them out for it in the first place letting their narrative/agenda be pushed.

WhitePrivOrIsItValue ago

This is one of only a couple places that wrong-think can be discussed, so there's going to be a lot of it. Especially since this shit has now apparently infected just about every facet of life. You can't avoid it, so we come here to vent, discuss, and analyze. I happen to like it. If I feel like talking about normie shit, or other life subjects I go to a normie /v or some other site and engage in that subject matter there.

Durm ago

That's a really good counter point to what I was saying.

But I still think it would be nice to not be so far one way. I do not like the idea of going back to reddit daily to get general things.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Also banned for life from reddit (lol), but there is info there not found here. Like, what kind of popcorn popper is best for roasting your green coffee beans? The air one, or swirly pop thing? ( r/roasting ) Plus, it's good to get other perspectives. If you want to be informed, it's better to have a wide variety of sources. Adjust and weight them for biases and expected lies. Comparing and contrasting information from different sources will help you refine your own beliefs about the world.

RoBatten ago

Good advice. Then we'll wind up here where we can discuss it freely . . .

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

We're still "in the system", still using other peoples equipment/services/technicians to transmit our messages, so of course it will all be analyzed and scored according to various metrics and interests. I would say more but

SexMachine ago

Are you only visiting page 1 of v/all? Check out page 3, sort by new sometimes.

bourbonexpert ago

This is actually some pretty decent advice to you new goats.

Durm ago

I post plenty of things that have nothing to do with that and a whole lot of that gets down-voated. I see lots of things in new that are not related that are actually pretty interesting things, not enough people here care enough about them to up-voat. Is like a political addition. Waste of a great platform.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Typed out a whole comment giving that asshole that replied and downvoted you a bunch of shit, then noticed the username... Will just answer here.

A large percentage of the voat population is probably, like me, a refugee from reddit politics and censorship. If we had been ostracized and deported for our religious beliefs, your front page would probably feature a lot of religious posts. It's just the nature of the demographic.

Durm ago

Like a lot of people, I read reddit and especially tried to read politics or what was going on during the election. It was extremely frustrating.

I never actually tried to post there, I can only imagine. In my case there were people I had to check things out and discuss with, outside the internet.

I appreciate your plight and was glad to see a non-cucked place to esp during the election and after, and thanks for explaining.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

That guy mods a few good subs. Uncensored news is good, and suddenly exploded when r/news had that huge censorship fiasco. But all the best subs have been banned. Was on there 11/12 years, so have seen some shit, maaaan. lol

Oh, and is the new stormer address, if you don't have it.

Schreiber ago

I posted in uncensored news. Got banned. Fucking retarded.

Apparently espousing views from every other society outside of white nations make you a white supremacist.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Remember it's reddit and to avoid having the whole sub banned they have to eliminate excuses.

aria_taint ago

And we can say nigger...don't forget that!

kissmywhitebooty ago

That's how I refer to all far-Left types.

parnellsUprising ago

Or dune fucking coon for that matter

sept ago


bourbonexpert ago

Or taco nigger, and sand nigger.

SexMachine ago

Moon cricket

bourbonexpert ago

Hahahahaha that’s a forgotten gem! I like that it doesn’t really make sense. Or perhaps a hundred and 50 years have past so the meaning is lost

uvulectomy ago

goat-fucking camel-humpers

RoBatten ago

Let the Haji's hit the floor, Let the Haji's hit the floor, Let the Haji's hit the floor, Yeahhhh. (from Generation Kill if you're wondering)

bourbonexpert ago

Hahah It would be so great to turn on MSNBC and see people talking about faggot Nigs and goat humping camel fuckers LOL!

jewshekelstein1488 ago

these are the things that matter in our day and age. we didn't want it to be this way but our enemies didn't ask us what we wanted. to bury our heads in the sand would be to admit defeat and lose everything we and our forefathers fought and bled and died for. what is at stake is nothing less than western civilization itself.

ExLibris ago

You're doing great work, saving western civilization by coming to this website and ranting about niggers, (((jews))), and faggots to a bunch of people who largely already agree with you.

Your bravery and sacrifice will not be forgotten.


Pissant ago

Look at all these brave old accounts with nil activity coming out of the woodwork to tell us how much of a waste of time our activities are.

Thank you for letting us know we're on the right track.

WhoaMan ago

I like your attitude

jewshekelstein1488 ago

wow, so edgy. and what exactly are you doing to help save the white race?

ExLibris ago

The 'white race' as you put it, is doing quite well at screwing its own people over. They're the ones in power, at least in my country, so I really don't see the benefit of turning a blind eye their way and trying to blame it all on people with different skin color. There's plenty to do that would benefit them, restoring the integrity of the rule of law, ensuring that everyone has clean water, air, and healthy food so they can thrive and have healthy children would certainly be a good start.

I don't come to this rightwing echo chamber to accomplish any of that though. I come here for information, and occasionally to pop some over-inflated egos of people who are 'saving western civilization' from the comfort of a computer chair or couch at home. For now though, I'm going to go back to work.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

2 things: jews aren't white. and the 'whites' in power you refer to are shabbos goyim. they are race traitors and they need to go.

ExLibris ago

Ooh, race traitors, eh?

Sounds a lot like blood traitors. Where does Voldemort fit into all of this? Did it hurt getting the Dark Mark?

jewshekelstein1488 ago

you souind a lot like a filthy fucking kike who needs some quality time in the oven.

dodgesbullets ago

Don't waste your time. See the Harry Potter reference? Instant giveaway they're some leftist troll here to try to debate the Nazis.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

yep that's why i won't debate (((him))). i offered some serious facts and points for debate and he went all harry potter voldemort on me. faggot.

ExLibris ago

And you sound like a shallow caricature of a villain from a children's story.

You're wrong of course, but I'm sure that wouldn't stop you from adding me to the barbecue. It's amazing how quickly you go from being for 'the white race', to being ready to kill anyone who disagrees with you.

We've got a number of names for that kind of behavior and worldview, you know?

jewshekelstein1488 ago

oh wow, ad hominem. imagine my shock. fuck off kike.

ExLibris ago

To be fair, you did say that I deserved to be burned to death in an oven. I think that qualifies as the first shot, as far as attacks go. It also justifies my statement, since I'm not actually jewish.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

wrong. you mocked and resorted to some kind of ad hominem/strawman bullshit (voldemort). you are not debating in good faith and your statement was not an argument. just some typical low energy pozzed kike bullshit. hence i became belligerent because that is all (((people like you))) understand. kindly fuck off and stop wasting my time.

ExLibris ago

Well you and your death eater pals have a fun time then. Keep on saving the 'white race' one racial epithet at a time and trying to ignore how much your words echo the rantings of villains from children's fiction. Surely that's just a coincidence, and not a good sign you should take a hard look at yourself.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

more ad hominem. still not an argument.

ExLibris ago

Oh, let me clarify then.

I wasn't trying to make an argument. You've played your hand at this point, you're not interested in serious debate. You're just interested in labeling people as 'kikes' and 'blood traitors' and sending them to the ovens. I have no respect for you or your views. You aren't worth arguing against. You're worth my derision, contempt, and perhaps my pity, but nothing more.

Have I made myself clear?

jewshekelstein1488 ago

i'm always interested in serious debate. but i don't waste my time with faggots who rely on ad hominem and make harry potter references. eat a bag of dicks.

Koosy ago

They matter because you let them matter.

Literally if you ignore the left, they disappear. There are FAR more people who believe right wing philosophies than there are leftists.

Just let the pendulum of culture swing and the idiots will be outted for their moronic philosophies.

clubberlang ago

This is what I constantly say about the constant promotion of extremist mudslimes

Tallest_Skil ago

Blow your fucking brains out, traitor.

Schreiber ago

You don't ignore them. You torture them in public to discourage people from having libtardation.

Gorillion ago

Literally if you ignore the left, they disappear.

Wow, you're either a liar or the dumbest fucking mother fucker who ever fucked a mother.

Research "The Long March Through the Institutions" you fucking dipshit.

wtfyouareanidiot ago

Literally if you ignore the left, they disappear. There are FAR more people who believe right wing philosophies than there are leftists.

That is literally fucking retarded.

Up until very recently, most of America WAS ignoring the left. And while we slept we let them take over first the universities, then public education, then the federal bureaucracy.

We ignored our way into 30 million or so illegal aliens, we ignored Obama while he started giving them free plane rides to wherever they wanted in the US, free phones, free college, you name it.

We've been ignoring the unconstitutional "Federal" Reserve for 100 years while they've stolen our country out from under us.

Keep on ignoring them and let's see what's left of the US or its constitution in 50 years.

Maroonsaint ago

If you talk about the federal reserve they'll have you killed.

McFluffy ago

a burning village will also eventually stop if you ignore it, but at what cost?

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Tell that to California.

Optick ago

The jews are all in your head goy. Just forget about us while we genocide the white race.

Shekelstein6M ago

Literally if you ignore the left, they disappear.

Yeah, keep ignoring the problem. You'll be a minority in your own country very soon, but at least you won't lose a night or two of sleep worrying. Well, at least not until a pack of niggers decides your house is poorly defended.

shakin_my_head ago

I disagree and I say that because looking at what happened to the U.S for remaining silent. They will not go away if we remain silent. If the word Nigger offends a person and they decide not to post about starwars here, then so be it. When it all becomes mundane I search through different subs for variety.

MakeUsaGreatAgain ago

Literally if you ignore the left, they disappear

That has been working so well for the past fifty years... It's not like school children are being so heavily indoctrinated that they don't even know what sex they are... Just keep ignoring and it'll all go away.

dwhipwhipplez ago

It all depends, it can be difficult what to decide to give credence to. Fundamentalist that think the world is only 6 thousands years old, flat earthers, etc.. I think it matters once you see a real societal effect. The biggest realization of this is Trump was elected. Say what you will about him, supporter, non, whatever. He is a very peculiar character and never would have been elected in any other social climate that the liberals have created.

I say the liberals created this, but thats only the proximate cause. The republicans really started this war, literally and figuratively, think back to Iraq and Afghanistan and the propaganda of Fox News. I mean I am 31, so its possibly just based on the history I have witnessed. It just seems to me Karl Rove and the like engaged in a very well thought out manipulation plan and its come to head. I believe it started before then, cant remember whom I was listing to but they mentioned Newt Gingrich. They didnt start as crazy as the liberals, but they acted crazy enough to drive the liberals crazy. Now Im not really blaming the republican party, it was a tactic and very successful, but I think its crossed into territory they didn't want to go. Unless you are the type of republican that wants government to be destroyed as a way to reduce government. No one ever reduces their power though, regardless of the party in position, they just continue to expand all legislative powers both sides want to take rights away, they just argue over which ones.

thetruthoftensux ago

Thank you for acknowledging that the GOP really took this shit full retard in the Bush years and the left finally caught on that loud crazies make the news. They haven't even taken it to the Limbuagh/Beck level of bullshit crazy but they will be there soon.

dwhipwhipplez ago

Yes, the liberals just finally caught on. Repubs were pretty divided when Tea party showed up , Trump was a fucking lunatic too. We would have never elected Trump.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I believe it started before then,

History starts for most people somewhere in childhood. Sure, stuff happened before that, but... it's... just... not... quite... real.

And for the record, it started in the '60s...

dwhipwhipplez ago

So we just ignore the Iraq war, and the propaganda of Fox news. I'm not really following your point. Ya shitty feminism started in 60s. I feel like people are overly conservative here, and again I'll say both parties want to take your rights away.

I mean i just quit reddit, deleted my account because I was tired of shitlibs, I'm not interested in shitcons either.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

they matter to an extent. every time we openly debate and discredit them that is a chance for someone to get redpilled and come to our side. so it's not a wasted effort.

GetWithThePogrom ago

The only reason I argue anymore is for the benefit of the silent lurkers.

SickOfNiggers ago

What is this we shit, stupid nigger?

You are a fag supporting liberal douchebag trump hater.

I want to scroll past users like you trying your best to play kumbaya.

Maybe all/reddit is your perfect reality?

middle_path ago

Was that English?

SickOfNiggers ago

Not the Kings but it works for me.

middle_path ago

Ok. I am convinced you are a robot.