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middle_path ago

Prove to me it's been manipulated. Seriously. All you have is speculation because it was generated organically. A lot of people don't like you. I made a post calling out your tactics and now you're feeling weird that the light has been shined on you.

But honestly - find a way to prove what you are claiming. You won't be able to, because it's pure conjecture. Get Putt involved and let's see who's right. This is clearly a very big issue for you.

Crensch ago

Prove to me it's been manipulated. Seriously. All you have is speculation because it was generated organically.

That's not exactly how things work on forums, faggot.

A lot of people don't like you. I made a post calling out your tactics and now you're feeling weird that the light has been shined on you.

I don't really care if people don't like me, and I'm happy to have the light shined on me. Cool, call out my bullshit. Show me where I'm wrong.

All you've done is make me more and more sure that you're a fucking kike, or at the very least taking shekels to subvert this place. I bet you're the high-paid shill if that is indeed your situation.

But honestly - find a way to prove what you are claiming.

I just archived it because I find it suspicious as fuck. I don't really give a shit what you think, and I'm pretty sure voaters will tell me what they think.

You won't be able to, because it's pure conjecture. Get Putt involved and let's see who's right. This is clearly a very big issue for you.

Unlike you Jews, I don't call for Putt every time a Jew pulls his Jewish bullshit. I'll do my digging, and present my findings to the court of Voat.

And if I think there's been some shill-damage-control bullshit going on, I'll continue digging until I'm satisfied that it's not.

middle_path ago

So you have no proof? Cool, exactly what I thought.

Crensch ago

Every single time I make a submission about you, it gets downvoted exactly as much as it's upvoated for the first hour. I'm not the only one that notices this.

middle_path ago

I noticed that too, actually. It is weird. Not my doing, but strange.

RimeTheBard ago

thinking the goyim don't know