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NotHereForPizza ago


This makes me feel better about the other day. If anything, you should've just deleted the post and linked here/reposted this and stickied this. This looks much better than, "hey guys, this is how you get around the rules."

For future reference, there's a difference between, "we can see this post doesn't follow the rules, but we're willing to make an exception" which will cause complaints from people like me, and "I'm going to make this sticky post as a mod of the subverse so that we can have these meta discussions without people being upset that new accounts are coming here and enticing other users to circumvent the rules."

This makes me feel a little bit better, although I think you guys handled the other situation pretty damn poorly.

sensitive ago

Thank you, especially for being so fair and square.

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh, I'm probably not being fair. In your guys' free time, you probably hang out with your kids and manage mortgages and shit. I actually have free time to sit here and do this, and I get it's unfair of me to expect so much. But, there's not just one or two of you...

horse-with-a-name ago

I, too, appreciate your openness. Since you say you do have free time, why don't you invest a little bit of your time and try to help users amend/ edit their posts? I see so many posts here with potential ...

NotHereForPizza ago

I guess I'd rather try to help calm the noise.

But, I don't know. I suppose I've tried to do that before, but I gave up and just reverted back to calling people out and alarming the mods.

Like I said a while back, I never came here with the intent to micromanage. I never wanted to do that.

horse-with-a-name ago

I understand. However, since you come across as an intelligent and mature individual, I believe your experience would greatly help.

sensitive ago

Free time? No idea what this is ... ;-)

As explained in the sticky, even with the mods we have, it is not always possible to cover 24 hours. When I joined as a mod, I had no idea how exhausting this could be.

DonKeyhote ago

Who invited you? Y'all don't seem to know shit. I got more free time than you I'd gladly relieve you of your dubious services