flyawayhigh ago

While this is a fantastic project, and I like the idea of having a searchable user base, it should incorporate the DELETE feature as quickly as possible.

I delete submissions for three reasons.

  1. I post new articles before I check the subverse. This reduces the number of clicks I make. On the internet, every click counts when it seems like 10,000 a day. So, after I post, I check the subverse to upvoat other submissions and to check for similar posts. If there is a similar post, I delete my new post.

  2. I sometimes post articles before I finish them. Sometimes, I find that I don't like the article, so I delete it. Some of these are actually embarrassing. :P

  3. To clear out excess clutter, I like to delete posts that sit there with no interest after a few hours, unless I'm really attached to them.

I REALLY don't want deleted posts to show up in a search.

Otherwise, what is the point of the DELETE BUTTON??

By failing to recognize the delete function, this project does not recognize or honor the full function of the Voat system.

Isn't there a way to run some kind of loop to check for deletions?

VoatSearch ago

I wish there was a painless way to solve this problem. As you say, the only way to do this automatically is for Search Voat to retrieve each submission on a loop multiple times, just in case it has been deleted. Unfortunately, retrieving submissions from Voat is the most computationally expensive part of Search Voat, both for me and for Voat. It's not practical for me, and anyway I don't want to do anything which increases the load on Voat's servers.

The best I can suggest is this: add a comment to the post you are deleting saying something like "@VoatSearch delete this". That will ping me and I will manually remove the post from the database. (If it happens a lot, I will update my bot to do the deletion automatically at my end, so this isn't a great hardship for me.)

I am sorry that this requires extra keystrokes & clicks for you, but it's really the only solution I can think of. I hope it's ok for you.

(Incidentally, Search Voat only retrieves v/all/new every 30 minutes, so if you delete your post reasonably soon after making it, it probably won't appear in search results.)

PS do you use AVE? I don't, but I wonder whether it could automatically post that "please delete" comment...

flyawayhigh ago

That's a great idea. I'll try to keep it to a minimum. :)

Maybe in the future, there will be a way to do it automatically.


Great search engine. Have used it several times and would recommend. Thanks for explaining about indexing submissions, I was wondering why some posts I remembered weren't coming up.


VoatSearch ago

Thanks for the kind words CCF!