awarenessadventurer ago

the search is 'disabled' again. over it.

PizzagateBot ago

I can add a column for flair on posts that i search for, and, when I am done archiving all posts, I can make a new post with a list of potential leads and important posts, but in terms of volunteer work I won't be doing anything involving adding a search function that requires user input.

Vindicator ago

That would be sweet!

anonOpenPress ago

Currently not :(

wecanhelp ago

We've put a link to this below the Voat search bar for easy accessibility. Thanks again, @anonOpenPress.

anonOpenPress ago

This was an excellent way to address the search issue, thanks @wecanhelp - I'll also follow this post closely for any possible updates needed in the content.

So people, let's start using our search options for efficient results in our investigations!

leotolstoy ago

aaaand they got rid of the second one

anonOpenPress ago

We're left with the best then. That they should'n take, being opensource and all over.

fogdryer ago

Thank you so much as I Hate the search box

Thought I was alone

rodeo13 ago

This is excellent! Thank you, anonOP!

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks! But loosing some visibility already. A vote for the post anyone?

rodeo13 ago

Hmmm, I upvoated it. We really do need this as a sticky.

nnfx ago

Gonna flair this as "IMPORTANT" because voats searchbar isn't working at the moment and many people seem lost. Everyone should see this!

Thanks for your work! Thumbs up for both recent posts of yours.

druhill007 ago

Ty and Ty to anonOP!! Loving the helpful posts like how to protect ur identity and stuff

Catchthem ago

Yes, Thanks anonOpenPress for yet another great post!

anonOpenPress ago

Thank you all, just being helpful. @nnfx Please consider "sticky" instead. With "important" this will probably be quite a votecatcher, as ppl probably want to push this on top, but with "sticky" it stays there without anyone needing to vote. I could even edit with "No need to upvote, this will stay on top when there are issues with the search"

sensitive ago

We are considering a sticky that includes this information. Thank you!

anonOpenPress ago

Very nice to hear. If that takes some time, maybe consider this as sticky just for the time being.