middle_path ago

I want you to know that I agree with a lot of what you say. If you got the impression that I think all white nationalist are racists, I apologise. I was directing those comments towards the actual racists here. I do agree with you that what works for one people doesn't work for the other. I see you have done a lot of research and approach this topic with a lot of clarity. I am very thankful for your reply.

My only counterpoint is the amount of assumptions you make regarding what it means to be egalitarian. By this is simply meant that so long as we live in a mixed race society - all people in that society are held to the same legal standards. You seem to confuse globalist with egalitarian. There may be some overlap, but they aren't synonymous.

And your point on everyone wanting to be happy, people will not be happy under Sharia law. Or rather, very few people will be. I got your point there, but my intent was that all of us share a common, yet broad goal.

whisky_cat ago

Almost as if there's a gray area in all regards ;-) I'm hoping to hit up JustGrowIt this spring... I have a shitload of land and nothing to do with it yet. I suppose, besides cutting up trees and having bonfires first.

Gorillion ago

I think you just straw-manned everybody right of you.

I love voat and /pol/ not because I think whites are superior, or women are stupid, or any of the alt right bullshit.

You're implying and assuming a lot here.

I wanted to see all people held to the same standard.

What standards? The scientific standard? Or the consensus standard?

The former is in our favor. The latter is subject to social and cultural manipulation, of which we've been treated to fucking generations of "progressives" and globalists shifting the definitions of what is "equal" and "normal".

You call yourself "The Middle Path". How do you know you're on the middle path? Would you say you're further right that you were a year ago? If so, were you on the middle then, or are you on the middle now? Or do you follow "the middle" around according to your own instincts?

Anyway, all that's bullshit. You come to Voat because it's the only place that will break a news story that will be suppressed elsewhere, and those suppressed stories are where the real action is happening in today's world. You check here first because that's how you're going to stay informed. That is the most important thing. What you do with that information or what you feel about the rest of us, is your own drama.

middle_path ago

You call yourself "The Middle Path". How do you know you're on the middle path? Would you say you're further right that you were a year ago? If so, were you on the middle then, or are you on the middle now? Or do you follow "the middle" around according to your own instincts?

The middle path is simply a Buddhist philosophy of moderation. It's not necessarily a political ideal. I don't know why people always cling to my username as an argument.

Anyway, all that's bullshit. You come to Voat because it's the only place that will break a news story that will be suppressed elsewhere,

Don't assume you know why I come here. And plenty of the articles and news posted here will also remain undeleted on 4 and 8chan. Voat isn't as special as you believe it to be.

frankenmine ago

Being egalitarian and honest is equivalent to being a white supremacist. As long as people are judged objectively on merit, with no prejudices in any direction, whites (specifically, straight white men) simply end up being superior to everyone else.

P.S. Orientals do make good grunt workers, but they lack creativity and initiative. Most other races are lazy or criminal. And Jews, well, we all know about the Jews.

whisky_cat ago

Nice post middle, and hopefully some good discussion in regards to vortex's post.

It bothers me that white pride these days is treated as racist, and provocateurs of other races are granted leniency, and in cases free passes for their crimes (in the midst of their pride). The hypocrisy seems to be in broad daylight, and is observationally transparent to me. Yet the news, the hollywood jerks, the ordinary minority, the big colleges, are all creating excuses for this profound hypocrisy.

I find it hard to believe any of the vast majority of whites are trying to restrict the freedoms and opportunities of non-whites. But in our effort to provide those conditions, we're being told we're to blame. And that, makes my blood boil. It makes me turn off the TV, dismiss Hollywood, apply judgement to the any institution facilitating this (colleges etc). All the while I understand and respect those drinking the punch, it's a mad mad world and it's easy to be mis-guided while young & impressionable.

I just hope there's still some room for aging wisdom in these angry souls who think deflecting their problems against white people will solve anything at all. My thoughts in todays state at least. Hell even 6 years ago I'd probably have very different, conflicting ones.

Cheers middle, thanks for the post.

KingMortales ago

It's alright, we all have linguistic mix ups. I'm a native speaker who even tutors the damn thing and I got corrected recently by my immigrant father who doesn't speak English unless he has too.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Dayum Tyrone, you pretty much laid it all out there, impressive, I generally stay too pissed off to put half of that into words but that's exactly how I've felt about it for a long time. {Alright, you got me, was not as aware of Apartheid, the reasoning,etc..}

I think it would be better to teach the Africans, who were interested, about Permaculture, soil building, how to utilize waste, food scraps, dead foliage, fecal matter, all of it into rebuilding soils. There's no need for the Agriculture Industrial Complex and their bomb-making turned fertilizers... The Amish do pretty damn well agriculturally, and they aren't using Industrial Agriculture chemicals.

That and you could pretty much re-green the desert if you approached it properly, and there was a unified front among the local people to do so. In the early stages all it would take is 1-2 people to get stupid though, decide they want to destroy your hard work and your back to square one though.

And the problem with Western help and subsidies, we're basically loaning African, South American, whichever countries tons of money, which goes directly to Western companies for construction projects, and then whoever we were "helping" just become debt-slaves.

While we're at it, happy to me is a Hempcrete home, large fields of hemp, and a massive indoor grow-room fed by fiber-optic illumination channeled through the roof from the sun. Even among Europeans this "one-size-fits-all", forced to live in cheaply made overpriced square homes to be killed by Tornado Season every year. Forced to work for a corporation or the government. It's not working for everyone anymore, the corporations bought out the government and it's been a form a fascism imposed on us for years now. Prime example cannabis, the government claiming to own a patent, while the DEA holds it at a "Schedule 1" drug... Just to ensure the profit margins of preferred corporations.

And allot of people need to get that all {allot of} this "racism", all this trolling, is a direct result of a society that has pulled Godwin's Law straight off the internet and started applying it to everyone they disagree with in the real world. If you, or the "liberals", are just going to call me a "Nazi" anyway.....? I'm your Huckleberry. Oh and there's no question we have a Jewish problem, the facts don't lie. Their ownership of the media isn't fabricated, nor their influence in government, nor their historical ties to Communism, nor their role in the African slave trade, nor their tribal identity that posits they are "God's Chosen People", which is absolute racial supremacism.

middle_path ago

I think it would be better to teach the Africans, who were interested, about Permaculture, soil building, how to utilize waste, food scraps, dead foliage, fecal matter, all of it into rebuilding soils. There's no need for the Agriculture Industrial Complex and their bomb-making turned fertilizers... The Amish do pretty damn well agriculturally, and they aren't using Industrial Agriculture chemicals.

I loved your whole post, but really enjoyed the quote above.

Brigbjones ago

I completely agree guy. We need to remember that social change moves like a pendulum, and I doubt we will be able to stop the inertia it's built up.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

I think there's a middle ground between "completely cucked slave to the diversity agenda" and "curbstomping skinhead white supremacist" that goes completely overlooked, and that this overlook is an intentional part of the propaganda against white solidarity.

You don't have to believe you're superior to be proud of being white. You don't have to be a nazi, to be concerned that other groups are actively working against white people. To classify everyone concerned about white identity as Supremacists is a gross mischaracterization.

Me, I'm just tired of being called various -ist terms by people with an agenda. (not you personally, but the figurative you) You accuse an innocent man of being a racist enough times, he just might start to believe it. You call him a racist without damn good reason, and you're really just recruiting for the actual racists, because they're not slinging shit at you, and other people keep telling you're one of them, you just might start wondering if they aren't right after all...

cointelpro_shill ago

Yeah well I'd get pretty fresh with you, long as i's with my SQUAD

cointelpro_shill ago

Say that to my face you little bitch

dallasmuseum ago

Very well said. I often find myself agreeing with your posts.

KingMortales ago

Did you mean homogeneous? I'm assuming you're not a native English speaker, so just a heads up, heterogeneous in this case would mean it has diversity of thought. I feel like you think we're becoming hive minded, which is the opposite.

TAThatBoomerang ago

I didn't buy into the whole white identity hype. Why? I'm an egalatarian.

Take a step back, and see exactly what's being said here. He's saying that he doesn't align with white identity because he's an egalatarian. In other words, he can't be pro-white because that would go against his worldview of:

1: a belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic affairs

2: a social philosophy advocating the removal of inequalities among people

This is where the problem lies. This man has been taught that being pro-white must also entain being anti-everybody-else. This is not the case. Loving your children and being pro-your kids does not mean you have to be anti- all the other children. This is one of the most (if not the most) serious mind-trap whites in the west have fallen into. Ethno-nationalism is about loving your own, not hating everybody else. If you feel like you're not allowed to support your own people, you have a problem you need to deal with.

middle_path ago

I'm not ashamed of my race and I'm not proud of it. It just is.

You're picking apart my words to support your argument that these two ideas can't work side by side. I know I can be an egalatarian and be pro-white. But that's not what the alt right culture has become. I have seen so many people calling for the deaths of other races, it's that which I don't support.

But you can choose to believe whatever you want.

TAThatBoomerang ago

Oh, so it's just a case of us having different definitions of what identitarian/pro-white/altright is.

middle_path ago

I think so. Also how that group is percieved by those not in it. If white nationalist want to not be seen as racist, they need batter PR. I live among these circles and tolerance is not a vibe I get from any of them

TAThatBoomerang ago

Bonus: I've seen this line of thinking before, and it's usually coupled with supporting other movements or organizations that support a certain group of people. For example, it's very common for whites to reject pro-white ideologies for the very same reasons middle_path suggested, whilst simultaneously supporting phenomenom like "women's rights movements" or MLK. If the reasons he stated for rejecting white identity are true, then he will also reject "women's rights movements" and MLK and I am willing to be that he doesn't.

So, to conclude, I suspect middle_path has simply fallen into the mind trap of accepting the idea of being pro-white is condemnable, wrong and guilt-inducing.

middle_path ago

If the reasons he stated for rejecting white identity are true, then he will also reject "women's rights movements" and MLK and I am willing to be that he doesn't.

I only accept that women deserve the same legal rights as men. And what did MLK say that would be condemnable? As far as I know he just wanted everyone to have equal rights.

So, to conclude, I suspect middle_path has simply fallen into the mind trap of accepting the idea of being pro-white is condemnable, wrong and guilt-inducing.

First, if you're going to talk about me, please ping me so I can offer a proper rebuttal. Finally I don't feel any race should feel they're superior or inferior. BLM drives me just as crazy as the KKK. And I feel no guilt for being white, but I feel no pride either. I feel pride or guilt based on my own accomplishments, not that of others.

TAThatBoomerang ago

I brought up "women's rights movements" and MLK because of what you indirectly implied about pro-white and egalitarianism being unable to coexist. "Women's rights movements" are pro-women and MLK is pro-black, both of which cannot coexist with an egalitarian mindset seeing as pro-white cannot exist with it. At least that's the only logical conclusion I can draw at this moment.

And I feel no guilt for being white, but I feel no pride either. I feel pride or guilt based on my own accomplishments, not that of others.

I think this is the difference between individualism and tribalism. My (rather negative) definition of individualism is "believing you have no people, no roots, no history and that you belong to no group of people but yourself." I used to have a heavy individualistic mindset, but I've since grown more and more to a tribalistic mindset. I don't know exactly why, but I suspect it has something to do with living in multicultural Sweden. The differences between people here are enormous, and it's painstakingly obvious which group of people I belong to.

PS: I actually wrote about you in third person (as opposed to writing directly to you) and didn't ping you because I didn't want to make it out to be like I was attacking you or something.

Ruston ago

exactly what i would expect a faggot hippy cuck to say.

have a great day!

middle_path ago

This is a very thought out comment. Please give me to the end of the day to respond in full. I'm currently at work.

cointelpro_shill ago

Random sanity on Voat makes me very suspicious. Are we being brigaded?

Rotteuxx ago

I think voat has seen a big demographic change in the past 6 to 9 months. We don't get quality discussions like we used to in ramdom threads, a lot of posts are filled with repetitive rhetorics and vitriolic emotional retorts now.

The first couple of migrations to this site brought people with opinions & unpopular view points, I loved it. The last few migrations brought over people playing broken records of immature & very predictable comments.

The extreme right is like the extreme left, self destructive & incapable of meaningful exchanges. Betas riding the bandwagon and following the most disruptive loudmouths they have around. Some people are just angry at life and will join communities where they feel their hateful rambling won't be blocked... which is fine, it's just very redundant & boring from my point of view.

But why do a lot of people on here bash libtards and behave the same way except for the narrative they push ?

SaltyMango ago

It's a classic case of noticing the loud minority. There are a ton of quiet lurkers here that don't spew the rhetoric. You just happen to notice the loud ones, who are typically not the brightest ones.

Rotteuxx ago

You're absolutely right.

The thing is the loud minority discourages many people from participating openly because they don't want to waste time dealing with their bullshit. Can't blame them really...

Lurkers who occasionally comment usually bring good insight to conversations though.

Artofchoke ago

I like you, and I'm really glad you've got a solid marriage and are in a good place. 💖

Al3s ago

I'm just so glad that you posted this. I'll link a comment I've just made a few minutes ago and you can see the parallels.


smokratez ago

Equality is feel good bullshit for those too lazy to fight. Enjoy the ride provided to you by those who aren't too pussy.

Tipman79 ago

to lazy too fight

too lazy to fight.

smokratez ago

He pretends like the things the alt right say are a matter of opinion, instead of hard facts. He's a communist.

Tipman79 ago

I didn't really care about that aspect, I'm just a little OCD when it comes to the use of "too and to". :D

smokratez ago

Which is fine. I am a nazi too.

middle_path ago

Ya got me, comrade.

smokratez ago

White genocide is not something you can choose to not believe in you asshole.

cointelpro_shill ago

Alt facts*

Chatman ago

I also don't agree with alt-rights, but I think its important that they are not suppressed