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Aged ago


collegetoker ago

What I don't understand is how reddit is still popular. I literally can't post on that site without having non controversial, factual posts shadow banned while having me banned from posting altogether. It's almost as if they feel they win if they can't hear you rebut them.

Aged ago

Some people like to be slaves to that site. Specially if they can get meaninglesss internet points. If you're a hardcore Democrat, then Reddit is better than ever now (seriously, the number of /r/politics posts reaching the frontpage every day is ridiculous).

Al3s ago

The point system is cancer, IMO. Here is a little better but still I don't like it. It subconsciously compels you to pussify your opinions to get aproval.

I started to browse 4chan a few years ago and seeing how they trash reddit, out of curiosity, I looked it up. At first I was like "wow, fuck 4chan, this is the perfect internet site to fix me for my addiction, constant flow of new content and all kinds of shit". Then I started to notice the bad side: repeating jokes ad nauseam for upvotes, mass downvotes and brigading wich produces an odd feeling that you are losing at something, ad-hominem arguments using your post history, ego-driven mods, censorship, ... Fast forward three years, I've became sick of it after Trump won the elections: the brainwashing, the witch hunting,..; I went back to 4chan, went to /pol/ and what I see there? A black guy posting pictures from his trolling of the he-will-not-divide-us herd, everyone having a great time, and a feeling of camaraderie.

middle_path ago

/pol/ threads are fun as fuck.