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middle_path ago

I'm tired and very sick of defending myself today, yet I persist. If there is vote manipulation, I am not the one behind it. I said this in the other thread and I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not. Also - even in the examples you gave, not all of them are equal. I can tell you I gave at least 1 downvote to every submission you made against me - so there, you got one down.

The closest VEGAS SHOOTER submission 2.3 hours ago got 12 upvoats. 2.9 hours ago, another LV got 65 upvoats.

Well that was a few days ago, it's no wonder it's not getting up voted more. Also, why choose this topic in particular instead of just seeing what the popular posts are and how many upvotes they get per hour/minute?

I'm going to bed. Night night.

Crensch ago

I'm tired and very sick of defending myself today, yet I persist.

And you lied about stopping, which is a Jewish thing of you to do, and every time you've defended yourself, you've done it like a fucking kike.

If there is vote manipulation, I am not the one behind it.

Given that you're now almost assuredly Jewish, then it was your Jew buddies or other shills that you work with here. Not YOU.

Or maybe you're saying you're not, position-wise, behind it... since even if you were manipulating votes, you could mean it that way and it'd technically be the truth. That's the Jewish way, from what I've seen.

I said this in the other thread and I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not.

The court of Voat will judge. I'm no judge, I'm a prosecutor.

Also - even in the examples you gave, not all of them are equal. I can tell you I gave at least 1 downvote to every submission you made against me - so there, you got one down.

... and your Jewish buddies filled in what was necessary beyond that. Wow, how fucking stupid do you think we are? You think that for some reason we'd believe that shills can't count? They can't add one organic downvote to their own in order to keep me at 0?

Well that was a few days ago, it's no wonder it's not getting up voted more.

These archives were made today, faggot. That's the first and second page of /new AT MOST, right before my first submission of them. I'm illustrating the ABSURDITY of your post getting so many upvotes so quickly.

Also, why choose this topic in particular instead of just seeing what the popular posts are and how many upvotes they get per hour/minute?

THEY WERE THE MOST UPVOTED TOPICS, YOU FUCKING MOOK. They were the only ones EVEN CLOSE to having the upvotes-per-unit-time of yours.

I'm going to bed. Night night.

Sniff cyanide, you fucking kike.