Crensch ago

That's a very good point.

Artofchoke ago

I've never received votes with this speed or rapidity, or seen it happen. It's possible, perhaps, but seems unlikely. Those of us who have been here a long time, I'd love to hear if anybody has seen this happen. It doesn't seem organic.

Crensch ago

Especially for something that isn't the latest political bombshell news, but Voat drama. Just... it doesn't happen.

xenoPsychologist ago

it does look pretty suspicious, but the comments kind of make me think it might be a trap with him as bait. it's looking too conveniently obvious. but that is just my opinion.

Crensch ago

Not a bad take on all of this. I still find his way of attacking goats distasteful, and the way he defends himself to be kike-ish, but if the manipulation was staged... well, maybe you're on to something.

xenoPsychologist ago

it would be sneaky and unsuspected. what would be the proper course of action in such a scenario?

Crensch ago

I'm still not convinced that such a thing could be orchestrated without some knowledge that MP would make a submission.

Proper course of action if it IS some other entity causing a ruckus, is to examine the evidence... kinda like the Vegas shooting. Shit eventually falls apart, no?

So, it's a good thing that I listed the users defending MP. I guess taking stock of the ones defending me would be a good idea, but I think there's only one that was defending me that looked even slightly suspect. The rest were you, triggly, anti_idle, and users of the same caliber.

I highly doubt someone that orchestrated the vote manipulations like that wouldn't also take part and have their say.

xenoPsychologist ago

I highly doubt someone that orchestrated the vote manipulations like that wouldn't also take part and have their say.

thats a good point. and they do like to play both sides, too. wonder if anyone was trying to subtly instigate in the comments.

Crensch ago

Quite a few seem to be pretending to be reasonable. I've got one right now that just seemed to insinuate that all ideas are legitimate/equal, and that somehow what I've been doing is SO MUCH WORSE than MP's own posts attempting to stifle others' speech.

I've literally done no more to prevent him from posting than he did in his own submissions to others, yet somehow I'm this awful user for "abusing PV", as if it's some weapon to wield instead of a court of Voat, subject to the judgment of other goats.

xenoPsychologist ago

to the nixon list! insert batman scene change music here

in seriousness, treating all ideas as equally legitimate is red flag to me. it basically screams mental illness.

Jenster ago

I was thinking the same thing.

Anti_Idle ago

Def some kikeyness going on lately.

5588741269805248 ago

You're a whiny bitch and deserve every bit of shit.

Eualos ago

Maybe people are just downvoats you because they're tired of seeing it and you need to chill the fuck out and stop bitching about someone with different opinions.

Crensch ago

Maybe it has fuck-all to do with their opinions, and it's how they attack other users when they're oh-so-innocently expressing those "opinions".

Also, it's pretty obvious that you either didn't look at the evidence, or do not care about the evidence, if you think it's just an organic coincidence that he gets upvoted stupidly high while I am stuck at 0 for about an hour for each submission.

Eualos ago

You're the only one I see attacking people currently. Maybe he attacked you first, I didn't see. Be the bigger man and end this manufactured crisis bullshit there is other stuff going on that deserves our focus. You yourself are currently being a massive distraction.

Crensch ago

You're the only one I see attacking people currently.

Whether or not someone is verbally/textually attacking someone has nothing to do with the veracity of their claims.

Maybe he attacked you first, I didn't see.

He attacked Voaters for submitting and upvoting stuff they wanted to see.

Be the bigger man and end this manufactured crisis bullshit there is other stuff going on that deserves our focus.

Tread very carefully here.

1) Don't tell what it likely another adult what to do, or how to live their life.

2) There's nothing manufactured about this besides his submission's upvotes, and likely my submissions' downvotes.

3) There's not a whole lot more immediately dangerous than Jews/SJWs/shills subverting this place. It's the last non-chan where much of this stuff can be discussed on the internet. Losing Voat would be catastrophic.

You yourself are currently being a massive distraction.

If the preservation of Voat, and the highlighting of vote-manipulation fuckery, along with a long-time user that apparently hates voaters attacking them isn't important to you, I question either your priorities, or your allegiances.

Eualos ago

I can do whatever I want including tell other adult what to do pall. This is voat, we can all do what we want. You are free not to listen to me. Do you not see the hypocrisy of telling others what to do then telling me off for telling you what to do?

I don't see his content as subversion. I see you as a massive drama queen. If him asking if other people are tired of seeing the same content in AskVoat is subversion to you, then you basically want voat to become stale and under-trafficked. You are doing more to drive people away with this overly dramatic bs than he ever was. You can't claim voat manipulate and use your saying that it is as evidence. That's not how it works. People on here downvoating you for once is not voat manipulation. It's them not wanting to see your content. He is a legitimate user who has a different opinion than you. I like voat to have as much diversity of opinion as possible. That's the only kind of diversity that's useful.

I know you want this place to be an echo chamber and that's fine but there are obviously others on this site, including myself that don't.

Crensch ago

I can do whatever I want including tell other adult what to do pall.

You're right, you can. And then you can be no longer taken seriously.

This is voat, we can all do what we want. You are free not to listen to me. Do you not see the hypocrisy of telling others what to do then telling me off for telling you what to do?

Not at all. Not when you're the one telling me what to do, and I'm telling you not to tell other adults what to do. If you punch me, and I say not to punch people as I punch you back, that doesn't make me a hypocrite, that makes me someone that doesn't put up with bullshit letting you know that what you did was wrong.

I don't see his content as subversion. I see you as a massive drama queen. If him asking if other people are tired of seeing the same content in AskVoat is subversion to you, then you basically want voat to become stale and under-trafficked.

Then you're not reading his submissions. That's not ALL he's saying - he's attacking users in those submissions.

Asking a question is not an attack you sound like a feminist or sjw when you talk like that.

It's not that he asked a question, it's the way he "asked" it with shaming language directed at the users of this site.

Have some mental fortitude. You are doing more to drive people away with this overly dramatic bs than he ever was.

You have this assumption that I give a fuck about driving people away or not. I don't.

You can't claim voat manipulate and use your saying that it is as evidence.

I linked archives... are you fucking Jewish? Stop lying about the situation. You're very obviously covering for him by being dishonest about the reality of the situation.

People on here downvoating you for once is not voat manipulation. It's them not wanting to see your content. He is a legitimate user who has a different opinion than you.

That last part becomes less and less likely to be true as time goes on. The first part is irrelevant with what I ARCHIVED and presented as evidence for vote manipulation.

I like voat to have as much diversity of opinion as possible. That's the only kind of diversity that's useful.

Not when those opinions are presented more because $$ or because of a race of nepotistic subhumans are trying to take over the place.

I know you want this place to be an echo chamber and that's fine but there are obviously others on this site, including myself that don't.

I've been more than cordial to those that present their views without the attacks on the users, but you wouldn't admit that even if you had done the smallest amount of homework for your response here, would you?

Eualos ago

Your linked archives to what you say is voat manipulation is not evidence that it is occurring. The voating is consistent with a controversial topic to me. "You have this assumption that I give a fuck about driving people away or not. I don't." So are you admitting that you don't care about this place and only care about pushing your agenda? "but you wouldn't admit that even if you had done the smallest amount of homework for your response here, would you?" I don't really care if you call me lazy, I'm not being dishonest. Just trying to give you an accurate assessment of what people other than you see as the facts. Yes I think you are usually cordial. That is why I upvoat you even if you want the United States of America to become a nazi dictatorship.

I'm not sure what you are trying to get out of this argument with me. Also you resorted to name calling, "are you fucking Jewish?" That doesn't seem like the action of a reasonable adult who is having a civil argument. You should take a couple deep breaths.

Tallest_Skil ago

also you resorted to name calling, “are you fucking Jewish?”

ONLY A JEW SEES BEING CALLED BY HIS OWN NAME AS “NAME-CALLING”. Crensch, you’re right on the money about this one. Don’t you worry.

Eualos ago

Got me.

Crensch ago

Your linked archives to what you say is voat manipulation is not evidence that it is occurring. The voating is consistent with a controversial topic to me.

Then you lack the mental faculties to be taken seriously.

"You have this assumption that I give a fuck about driving people away or not. I don't." So are you admitting that you don't care about this place and only care about pushing your agenda?

No. I'm telling you that what other people do isn't going to push me away.

Did I not mention that you're also asserting something you cannot prove as fact? Mainly that my words and deeds push people away? That's another assumption you're making that makes you full of shit. Prove it.

I don't really care if you call me lazy, I'm not being dishonest.

You're either dishonest, or stupid. I'll let you choose.

Just trying to give you an accurate assessment of what people other than you see as the facts.

You're either purposely misrepresenting the facts, or you're really quite stupid. Either way, your opinion is unlikely to match any real voater's opinions. Well, that isn't a kike or shill.

Yes I think you are usually cordial. That is why I upvoat you even if you want the United States of America to become a nazi dictatorship.

@kevdude found another one. Misrepresenting what I'm saying, playing Jewish word games to hide that fact, then finally can't stand it and accuses us of being nazis.

I'm not sure what you are trying to get out of this argument with me.

Jews generally don't.

Also you resorted to name calling, "are you fucking Jewish?" That doesn't seem like the action of a reasonable adult who is having a civil argument. You should take a couple deep breaths.

The fact that you didn't respond with a resounding "no" gives me all the information I need.

@Trigglypuff @heygeorge @hey_sunshine - this user is misrepresenting facts, and playing dumb. Didn't respond with a resounding "no" to my asking him if he's a Jew.

Eualos ago

You're a retard I'm already banned from your no jew sub.

Crensch ago

Well, then at least one guy thinks you're a kike. Guess we'll see if others do as well.

This is not going to turn out well for you if you are.

Eualos ago

Lol how it is going to turn out bad for me?You going to call a possy and try to find me irl? Good then I'll just shoot you. You're all talk.

Are you finally admitting that you're trying to start shit, manufacture drama, and sabotage voat? Go for it voat is stronger than your pussy bitch ass.

Crensch ago

Lol how it is going to turn out bad for me?You going to call a possy and try to find me irl? Good then I'll just shoot you. You're all talk.

You stick out like a sore thumb here. How is that even... how does that even cross your mind?

Are you finally admitting that you're trying to start shit, manufacture drama, and sabotage voat? Go for it voat is stronger than your pussy bitch ass.

Attempting to act like a nigger now? It would be amusing if your kind weren't so cancerous to everything you get involved in.

Eualos ago

Lol so you ARE a coward. Are you fat as well?

Crensch ago

Lol so you ARE a coward. Are you fat as well?

You just don't even understand how pathetic you appear here, do you? Tough guy on the internet? That shit was cringy in the early 90s.

Even if I was fat, I'm still running circles around you, which would make you more retarded than a fat. Since fat causes a drop in IQ, that's really just insulting yourself at this point. Want to call me a child next? Uneducated? You're getting destroyed here, and you just can't seem to see it because you're too emotionally unstable to have any chance at using what little IQ you have to accomplish... whatever it is you're wanting to accomplish.

All you're actually doing is digging yourself into a hole.

Eualos ago


Crensch ago

@Laurentius_the_pyro @Anti_Idle @bdmthrfkr @RimeTheBard @KosherHiveKicker

Please read my comment above and let me know if I'm being absurd, or if I could be on to something.

Talc ago

pretty sure you're onto something. Not confident that I know exactly what the "something" is, but there's definitely an unnatural feel to the voting patterns.

RimeTheBard ago

You're both fucking queers, but @Eualos is definitely a jew.

Eualos ago

Ehh I've been called worse.

Crensch ago

Cheers to you, too. Niggerfaggot!

KosherHiveKicker ago

I get submissions downvoated consistently at certain times of the day.

It doesn't take much to realize that one person with access to multiple accounts can intentionally bury a submission.

Crensch ago

Thanks for the response!

KosherHiveKicker ago

What is funky with yours is that someone takes the time to instantly keep the number of downvoats and upvoats even.

Crensch ago

Yep. I'm more or less of the mind that they got caught putting shit into the negatives before, and sent out a memo to just keep the submissions at 0 for about an hour, then they'd die from not getting to the front page(s)

Crensch ago

@xenoPsychologist @Talc @Artofchoke @Tallest_Skil @jewshekelstein1488

Please read my comment above and let me know if I'm being absurd, or if I could be on to something.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

i hope this faggot takes my advice

fdij ago

That's right @crensch. We have you in our crosshairs. Take your meds like you are supposed to please.

Crensch ago

2.6 year old account 12scp 12ccp - likely trolling me with long-forgotten alt, but I don't really care. Every data point matters, even if it seems to be irrelevant.

5588741269805248 ago

Derp, that is not a argument

Le_Squish ago

You know...maybe you're getting downvoated because you are being unreasonable and there are a couple of real kikes floating around that would love to antagonize you and exploit this situation.

Not everyone is all gas and ovens. There are people that like to be moderate for better or worse.

You're digging yourself into a hole on this one and you might want to notice all those new accounts egging you on. Sometimes it's jews. Sometimes it's just a peace fag.

Crensch ago

You know...maybe you're getting downvoated because you are being unreasonable and there are a couple of real kikes floating around that would love to antagonize you and exploit this situation.

It's possible. The seemingly inorganic upvotes suggest more than a couple, though.

Not everyone is all gas and ovens. There are people that like to be moderate for better or worse.

It's not even about his positions, but the way he expresses himself, and responds. Looks exactly like every other kike I've cornered on this website. I've gotten pretty good at detecting kikery.

You're digging yourself into a hole on this one and you might want to notice all those new accounts egging you on. Sometimes it's jews. Sometimes it's just a peace fag.

Maybe so. I'm perfectly open to the idea that I'm wrong. However, just the thought that "maybe it's people trolling you" or "maybe you're being manipulated" isn't going to stop me from digging, documenting, and archiving everything, and then presenting it for others to see.

sept ago

I don't think middle path is a scum, maybe a jew yes, and definitely a normie

No offense middle path


He defines himself as a moderate...

Well I think moderates are cucked ass faggots standing for nothing in particular, middle ground bullshitters, finding excuse to never tackle the root problems, perpetually settling on half measures through consensus, appeasers, feeding crocodiles while secretly hoping they'll eat them last ...

That's what I think of "moderates" in general, whatever that means


But well he isn't that moderate, he's scared of being called an extremist and doesn't differentiate extremists from radicals

He wants to retain his normie status, it's important to him


Deep down he knows he's an inch away from going full 1488 like everybody else, but wants to pretend otherwise, because he's an attention whore

GrandPrismatic ago

Dude, @middle_path has contributed more to Voat than many other users. Aside from SavageGods and JustGrowIt, he's sent me vegetable seeds from his personal home address and name. Not a shill. Honest to goodness community member.

All these accounts accusing normal Voat users of being shills or whatever are either play-actors or extremely paranoid.

I was accused of being a shill a few months back... kind of made me feel special, like an official Voat user. It's like you're not part of the club unless one of Amalek or SaneGoat's alts have accused you of being a shill!

middle_path ago

Thanks man, I need to get some more seeds together to send out. I actually had fun doing it. Unfortunately I don't have any new plants to send, I'm going to diversify my veggies next year.

This guy lives in an absolute fantasy world, he's just as bad as sanegoat and will eventually snap just like he did.

Crensch ago

Dude, @middle_path has contributed more to Voat than many other users. Aside from SavageGods and JustGrowIt, he's sent me vegetable seeds from his personal home address and name. Not a shill. Honest to goodness community member.

I don't believe you. I have no reason to believe such a thing happened. My not believing you is not because of the text that follows:

User for 2.3 years 727scp 2085ccp. Less than 1scp per day, not quite 2.5ccp per day

What community are you a part of? You can only manage to accrue 3.5 contribution points per day you've been here? Are your contributions that few and far between, or do you post/comment a lot, but nobody likes or cares what you have to say? I'm not here to pick on you, or any other user, but when shit doesn't add up, I start digging for any anomalies, and low scp/ccp-to-age ratios are sometimes indicative of sleeper/shill accounts and their upkeep.

Tthe most important thing here, though, is that you don't even acknowledge that I might have a point in my OP with the vote-manipulations - not even to say that maybe he has nothing to do with it, and it's some random fluke that a shill outfit wants to prop him up or simply discredit me. Nothing.

All these accounts accusing normal Voat users of being shills or whatever are either play-actors or extremely paranoid.

I've caught so many actual shill accounts here it's stupid. Well, shills and Jews, that after continued questioning finally admitted they were Jews. I'm not wrong often, and MP has been suspicious as fuck throughout this entire thing. Relevant

I was accused of being a shill a few months back... kind of made me feel special, like an official Voat user. It's like you're not part of the club unless one of Amalek or SaneGoat's alts have accused you of being a shill!

There's a difference between them and me. I'm usually right. Most non-kike contributors to this site will, even if begrudgingly, admit that my wild, crazy seeming accusations tend to end with me being vindicated, and my target having admitted, or made a mistake showing them to be a subversive element to this website.

If you consider yourself a legitimate user, read my submissions, THEN respond. The goats I know wouldn't pull this "but muh friend and good content provider" emotional argumentation bullshit that would work on rEddit, and get laughed at here.

fdij ago

take your meds.

fdij ago

Get a grip of yourself.

Crensch ago

smallpond ago

Maybe a lot of people, independently, don't like you because you're a delusional censorship-loving SRS-wannabe prick, or merely disagree with the crap you've been posting lately? You have to be tragically divorced from reality to really think this petty little list is proof of voat manipulation.

You'd be getting a few more downvotes from me, if I had any to give. Be comforted by the fact that you're getting downvoted by people with healthy CCP scores, which according to you means they're 'contributing' to the website.

Disclaimer: If we’re conversing, I will soon fall silent. I may want to continue, but because many users are unpopular here and have less than 100 CCP, we are temporarily banned as soon as we make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech, but I'm grateful for recent comments stating an intention to improve things.

middle_path ago

I'm tired and very sick of defending myself today, yet I persist. If there is vote manipulation, I am not the one behind it. I said this in the other thread and I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not. Also - even in the examples you gave, not all of them are equal. I can tell you I gave at least 1 downvote to every submission you made against me - so there, you got one down.

The closest VEGAS SHOOTER submission 2.3 hours ago got 12 upvoats. 2.9 hours ago, another LV got 65 upvoats.

Well that was a few days ago, it's no wonder it's not getting up voted more. Also, why choose this topic in particular instead of just seeing what the popular posts are and how many upvotes they get per hour/minute?

I'm going to bed. Night night.

Crensch ago

I'm tired and very sick of defending myself today, yet I persist.

And you lied about stopping, which is a Jewish thing of you to do, and every time you've defended yourself, you've done it like a fucking kike.

If there is vote manipulation, I am not the one behind it.

Given that you're now almost assuredly Jewish, then it was your Jew buddies or other shills that you work with here. Not YOU.

Or maybe you're saying you're not, position-wise, behind it... since even if you were manipulating votes, you could mean it that way and it'd technically be the truth. That's the Jewish way, from what I've seen.

I said this in the other thread and I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not.

The court of Voat will judge. I'm no judge, I'm a prosecutor.

Also - even in the examples you gave, not all of them are equal. I can tell you I gave at least 1 downvote to every submission you made against me - so there, you got one down.

... and your Jewish buddies filled in what was necessary beyond that. Wow, how fucking stupid do you think we are? You think that for some reason we'd believe that shills can't count? They can't add one organic downvote to their own in order to keep me at 0?

Well that was a few days ago, it's no wonder it's not getting up voted more.

These archives were made today, faggot. That's the first and second page of /new AT MOST, right before my first submission of them. I'm illustrating the ABSURDITY of your post getting so many upvotes so quickly.

Also, why choose this topic in particular instead of just seeing what the popular posts are and how many upvotes they get per hour/minute?

THEY WERE THE MOST UPVOTED TOPICS, YOU FUCKING MOOK. They were the only ones EVEN CLOSE to having the upvotes-per-unit-time of yours.

I'm going to bed. Night night.

Sniff cyanide, you fucking kike.