"Where do you live and how are you being invaded?" from 2.2 year old user wanting us to stop talking about politics (imgoat.com)
submitted 7.4 years ago by Crensch
ten_comments_is_dumb 7.4 years ago
middle_path has always been a mixed bag. I only ever remembered the name because the nature of the posts seemed contrived to me.
Pres_Jack_Tunney 7.4 years ago
There are quite a bit of 2 yearish old accounts that all of a sudden are leftist faggots. Judging by the downvotes this recent post is getting, I think you've hit a nerve.
Crensch 7.4 years ago
Yep! https://voat.co/v/whatever/2188329
ten_comments_is_dumb ago
middle_path has always been a mixed bag. I only ever remembered the name because the nature of the posts seemed contrived to me.
Pres_Jack_Tunney ago
There are quite a bit of 2 yearish old accounts that all of a sudden are leftist faggots. Judging by the downvotes this recent post is getting, I think you've hit a nerve.
Crensch ago
Yep! https://voat.co/v/whatever/2188329