ThoseFeels ago

This meme is a flag marker in time for me.

Lord_Mari ago

Can we still call him a niggerfaggot

xenoPsychologist ago

You must be new around here.

is gonna go down in history.

Chiyelgrl ago

The way I see it we can easily direct asshats in a multidirectional projection around all boards to make VOAT unviable to availability. Walk off.


He can gaard my ass anyday.

Runwithscissors ago

Thos are some sweet looking horns.

norwegianman ago

oh jeez

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'It looks like Hey-George destroyed the Entire Soap-Box-Ban-Mafia witth a Single Punch.... is it possible? ... He is 'The One'? he coming for Chicongo, TruthHurts and Canada Next?' was posted in v/Anonpolitics and includes this reply from @14017073:

norwegianman oh jeez

This notification (#840) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.


We hare here to be enlightened. Show us the way O wise one.

Apeabel ago

It‘s pretty simple really. Voat gives you absolute free speech. All you have to give in return is not be a giant assblasted faggot. Don‘t manipulate your own upvoats. If people like the shit you say, you‘ll get upvoats. If they don‘t, take the downvoats like a man. I also don‘t think you have to lurk here to ‚understand‘ Voat. You‘re not necessarily better than a new user just because your account is old. Really, just be a decent fucking human and there won‘t be a problem.

Luminx ago

Common sense which no longer really exists, sad you have to explain basic logic and life...

KKOH ago


flapjack_charlie ago

I always find it amusing that sites like voat and pol, which have a large population of white supremacists, are more likely to have posts in ebonics than cuck sites like reddit.

kackarot ago

but what if you wanna fuck around and have fun?

Tekedo ago

Having fun is strictly prohibited.

Omnidempotent ago

I am relatively new here, but I also lurked for over a month before I even made an account so I could see how things are done here and learn the culture, something these qtards refused to do.

On the chans, there used to be a mantra repeated at ignorant newbies: lurk moar. These newfags should follow that advice.

edgelord666 ago

member for 9 days

lurk moar and stop virtue signaling you faggot

Pulverizor ago

Damn, newfags so gay even edgelord looks sage.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

An astute comment here from a wise man

gazillions ago


The new people are gnus. Unlike the operating system, pronounced new. They're native to Africa, look like something a mad jewish doctor slapped together, and over a million of them migrate madly at once

flapjack_charlie ago

Remember, no gnus is good gnus with Gary Gnu.

Also, they were a kind of cool snowboard company back in the 80s.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

That imagery though.

Kippering ago

soap box trannies got hit hard? Heygeorge is Q ?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

putt is a mod on soapdox

so i doubt it

o0shad0o ago


Fucking coward edited his post too

sniper98g ago

Well, it is his only way to say anything at this point, but he doesn't seem to understand the difference between a site admin banning him and the populous mass turning against you when you spit in their leader's face.

TheAntiZealot ago

He already edited his OP and comment replies!

site creator or not

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Notice the fuck managed to manipulate 500+ ccp before being powerbombed?

SIayfire122 ago

Nothing really matters once you get around 500 CCP. At that point, it'll be fairly hard to reach your upvote limit, and you already have a fully functioning account at 100 CCP otherwise.

ShinyVoater ago

Looks like he got powerbombed into the stone age: he's reaching for -500 now.

TheAntiZealot ago


Get slammed!

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Truly a technique for Gods.