14016618? ago

so this was the post that sent them over the edge? https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2717658 G-Anon 09/13 - Have you accepted Godzilla as your personal Lord and Saviour? He's returning and he's pissed, but there's still time for you to be saved! 10 days ago by gabara

14016691? ago

I hereby declare victory over the SRS invaders of Voat from SBBH and a new ushering age of FREEDOOM!!!! https://voat.co/v/soapdoxbanhammer/2736865 Feast your eyes upon my 3D titties for it says in the bood book they will find the land of milk and honey!

To any SBBH that ask for political asylum we will be granting /S modships to help you adjust to the new free speech.

original post

Pinging the poor souls:

14018185? ago

Thank u sir/miss/zer

14015795? ago

Shit, I thought we were going to watch King Fu Hustle

14015905? ago

squeak your mind bitches! https://voat.co/v/Chicago/2657805 LOL. "Chicagos anti-violence march is trying to force the citys white and wealthy to pay attention". Blaming whitey for your animal behavior again?

14015433? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Heygeorge Did Nothing Wrong !!' was posted in v/UnpopularAnon and includes this reply from @14015411:

is he 'the One' https://voat.co/v/Anonpolitics/2739112

This notification (#831) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

14016833? ago

I like how none of the people pinged in the list ever reaponded to the accusations that they lied. https://voat.co/v/Shitlist/2739003/14016253

14015312? ago

why is everyone talking about /u/heygeorge @heygeorge is it true sbbh have been defeated ??

14017097? ago

Rainy-Day-Dream https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2724766/13877913 just so you faggots know I'll find every fucking vote farm you make and any other bullshit you try to pull, we didn't let you get away with censorship and we won't let you get away with vote manipulation or any other bullshit you try to pull. I had fun bullying you and your ilk for a few days, but I'm starting to actually get angry with you trash.

please copy and paste this into your discord or whatever it is you use to talk to each other and plan your BS and sign it from me.

14015260? ago

Freedom and Liberty come with the ability to burn it all to the ground and start over

14015404? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'All this time Heygeorge was working undercover all this time to take down Soap Box Bong Faggot Gabara! Even the Q zombies see its time to Go back to reddit you tranny faggots!' was posted in v/AnonTalk and includes this reply from @14015384:

Freedom and Liberty come with the ability to burn it all to the ground and start over https://voat.co/v/Anonpolitics/2739112/14015260

This notification (#829) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

14015249? ago

You can’t destroy us, only make us move!

14015949? ago

SoapBoxBongHits their latest bullshit https://voat.co/v/Canada/2681908 ' Legal Pot Will Mean a Boom in Canadian Cannabis Research '

14015092? ago

? @SeanBox @Gyna @Caveman_in_a_suit @theoldones ... 3 months ago by PuttItOut

First off, I need to say that I know I’ve let a lot of you down (if not all). I know I’ve not met your expectations of an admin or a leader. I have no excuses as even I feel this way about myself. I won’t make attempts for empathy, I will only acknowledge the truth, and it is such.

Life is full of surprises. You can be rich one minute and living out of your car the next. You can be healthy one year and a regular in the doctor’s office the following. You can have life figured out only to discover you know nothing in the end. The only constant in life is change. My life is not the same it was when I first met Atko and started working on Voat. I have much less time, I have a bit less fight in me (getting old does this), I have a bit more struggle in life. These life changes have forced me to put Voat on the back burner (which hurts me). Let’s get real

When it comes to “Free Speech” sites, I once believed that people cared enough about the value of free speech to make “clone” sites like Voat (or gab) successful. I’ve come to realize, and have said before, that this single factor isn’t enough. People simply do not value this right enough to make a “clone” successful.

You can see this with Voat. A majority of Voat users still use Reddit. People use Reddit for posting and interacting when it comes to PC topics (4 wheel drive subs, movie subs, book subs, etc.). They use Voat to post the things they can’t post on Reddit. This creates an imbalance where Voat becomes increasingly un-PC, while Reddit gets the neutral content (I know even the most hardened ideologue has a level of civility). The end result is this imbalance drives people away as people wear out when confronted by content like this over the long run.

I don’t know the solution to this, and I am not attempting to pass blame, I am simply stating a truth that has to considered. What makes a clone not a clone?

Why I mention this in the first place is that I know a “clone” site will not become sustainable based on Freedom of Speech so I’ve tried to revolutionize the “community” aspect of Voat by providing a way the community itself can “vote” on policy (rules, mods, anything actually). It's the future capability of this feature-set that is appealing. A community can become self-sustaining and self-manageable through this new technology. After all, the draw of sites like Voat or Reddit is that it is community-oriented vs. self-oriented.

And I’m going to finish it. I’m going to finish it for me. I’m going to finish it for you. I’m going to finish it for Voat. I’m going to finish it for Freedom of Speech (because I still believe in this ideal).

I’m going to finish it because a “clone” site with no differentiation but policy will never succeed.

So Voat, please forgive me for my shortcomings if you can, and expect my work to continue on making Voat a truly unique website.


14021124? ago

The fuck am I being tagged for in this thread? What the hell is even being discussed here?

14015217? ago

You don't get an intellectual forum without some iron fist moderation. https://voat.co/v/introductions/71574/111781 @GOT ... 120 submissions to redditLoyalists