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14016618? ago

so this was the post that sent them over the edge? G-Anon 09/13 - Have you accepted Godzilla as your personal Lord and Saviour? He's returning and he's pissed, but there's still time for you to be saved! 10 days ago by gabara

14016691? ago

I hereby declare victory over the SRS invaders of Voat from SBBH and a new ushering age of FREEDOOM!!!! Feast your eyes upon my 3D titties for it says in the bood book they will find the land of milk and honey!

To any SBBH that ask for political asylum we will be granting /S modships to help you adjust to the new free speech.

original post

Pinging the poor souls:

14018185? ago

Thank u sir/miss/zer