GoySauce ago

Hey man, are you Psilocyber because you eat mushrooms? I keep hearing they're good for depression. Any inside knowledge?

Psilocyber ago

I liken the internet to the explosive, interconnected mind on mushrooms. I'm no authority so I can't answer your question other than to say that I took them a few times when I was young and they blew my mind; I'm not sure if that was a good or bad thing as it didn't happen in a vacuum. But I can tell you that I have suffered from depression all of my life.

GoySauce ago

Me too. I hear micro dosing is good for depression. Haven't tried it but there seems to be a lot of research going on that points in the direction. Someday.

Psilocyber ago

I appreciate your quest and wish you every success.

GoySauce ago

Thanks. After living through so much shit, I don't hold out much hope for anything being a game changer.

slickleg64 ago

It only works if you want it too, If youre a self loathing lazy bum it wont do anything for you. Shrooms help change your perspective for a few hours and self reflect. I suggest not fucking around with microdosing and just go straight for 5g dried in a dark room if you want a life changing experience.

GoySauce ago

Somewhat self loathing, lazy in the sense that I have zero purpose in life. Being introspective isn't going to do much for me since I've been that like my whole life. I need my brain re-wired.

slickleg64 ago

Sounds like you need to read jordan petersons book as well

Atomized_Individual ago

Yep. It works for addiction treatment too.

Jaegerjaques ago

Psilocybin, my man! More of an L guy myself.

MadWorld ago

Saving you a click: https://i.imgtc.com/OBOyyLo.png

Yuan ago

Thanks brother, Hail Hogan.

JohnWinning ago


Helbrecht ago


RedditIsTheBest111 ago


Javik2186 ago

Let them scream freely nigger faggot.

o0shad0o ago