dontreadonme76 ago


HoocOtt ago



Praise @Dumb_Comment_Bot for his comic that has brought infinite joy for me

xenoPsychologist ago

i wonder what its like to be remembered forever in this way?

varialus ago

It's like doing a barrel roll.

BenLurks ago

This reminds me of that guy who called Moot a newfag.

HeavyBrain ago

And this is why you have to lurk for 2 years.

Its not to discriminate you but to make sure you don't make an ass out yourselfe.

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Haha! Someone actually told Putt to go back to reddit... I fucking love it! Lmfao!

qwsp0 ago

It's a circle jerk, but at least it's not a strawman

Skyrock ago

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Xenophobic Voaters acting as usual.' was posted in v/DumbStuffBigotsSay by @2738540 and refers to this submission.

This notification (#771) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

boggle247 ago

Pretty sure he deleted his account and went back to reddit.

Windmill_of_Peace ago

Ho Lee Fuk

WeekendBaker ago

Sum Ting Wong

chags ago

Po Yint Too Lo

CrudOMatic ago

Bang Ding Ow

thantik ago

It's times like these I'm glad Putt doesn't do anything special with moderator replies, voat admin names, etc. They aren't green, they don't have any special tags around them, nothing.

Ashra ago

Haha I actually saw this screencap yesterday but did not read the usernames. Now knowing it was Putt, this is absolutely amazing.

Pattern_Blind ago

Press G to Gas!


Telling Putt to go back to reddit! Best troll in months! hahaha I laughed hard and loud.

middle-path ago


satisfyinghump ago

Wow... there seems to have remained a number of these reddit-fugees, that just are unable to get the message and assimilate into voat. Sounds like time for a good ol' tar and featherin' party be apparoaching!!!

Holonomic ago

[r]eddit is a pissing and whining faggot incubator.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

That's fucking hilarious. Thanks for the screencap.

mynewaccountagain ago

The OP started editing his comments.

badruns ago

LMAO, the literal faggot is doubling down on his retardation like a politician. "Duuuuuuh the site creator of voat is being just like reddit! He should go back there while I use his website duuuuuuh."

WeekendBaker ago

Good reuse of the original comic. The original is still one of my favorite comics ever.

hangry ago

Q Cunts walk in the voat door and act like they own the place. Voat wants goats, not Q Cunts.

varialus ago


Omnidempotent ago

That's because they're all self entitled boomers

elitch2 ago

I fucking hate that generation. Fucked us good, they did.

Vortonet ago

Go back to reddit, all they do is bitch about boomers...

UnknownAlias365 ago

Oh look, here comes one now.

Vortonet ago

Oh yeah, I'm not poor or anything...I bet your jew parents give you more money each day for lunch than I get in a year from work.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Get off my lawn!

elitch2 ago

Kill yourself.


middle-path ago

fucking Qoomers.

acting like stupid Qunts.

Vortonet ago


awhiteguyuno ago


Vortonet ago

Lol so mad

voltronspenis ago

When you've been living in a Reddit echo chamber chamber for the past decade, it's very easy to fall in love with your own courageousness.

BaldMiscreant ago

I wouldn't call fear of alternate viewpoints courage.

voltronspenis ago

I'm pretty sure that was the point

dontreadonme76 ago

Eat a dick

weredawg ago

How can he when you already ate them all?

Jaegerjaques ago

Get out of here, you wretched boomer scum.

dontreadonme76 ago

Another moron

dontreadonme76 ago

I would of I could find the dann q room. Trying to figure this shit out , so fuck off.

middle-path ago


muh Windows10 can't get me my Q! How do I bitcoin kiddos? LOL Crypto is a scam

Jaegerjaques ago

v/thegreatawakening, v/theawakening, v/QRV. Glad to be of assistance, now go to your containment sub where you belong.

dontreadonme76 ago

Thanks window licker. Eat a fucking crayon.

BBSPaul ago

Yes I am new. Needing CCP to participate. I am the culture at VOAT.

Jaegerjaques ago

You need to work for your CCP here, you lazy bum. Now go and provide quality contributions and rise above the rest of the Qtards.

chags ago

If you're sincere, I'll offer you some advice: go to /v/all/new, find some posts that are interest to you and comment on them about the content or continue some discussion already happening there. Not "I love here you guys are great now gibe me upvotes". It will take time, you'll be part of the community and probably stay. Unfortunately, the old users won't upvote new people easily, being cautious, because every migration was the same, people came here and tried to apply reddit style. With time, the power hungry will give up, because they want it NOW, and the good ones will integrate. I believe that that's what most of oldfags hope for.

BBSPaul ago

This 10 comment limit has been tough to get past. I am 12 days in now and have 0 CCP to show for it. I did make a bunch of mistakes posting on anon boards. no more. I read rules several times and nothing said about 10 limit or not posting on anon boards for ccp. Had to learn that the hard way. It is learned now.

ThanksGod ago

Happy about the voat pattern in that thread.

middle-path ago



UnknownAlias365 ago

@tango_whiskey_blunt stupid nigger faggot kike Boomer scum.

Also find it funny their Q subs were originally about censorship and banned members like crazy, and now he's crying "HELP MUH CENSORSHIP!!!"

chags ago

Lol, leave the guy alone. He was trying to emulate a goat, and in the weird lottery of the universe, he got THE FUCKING ADMIN. Bad luck like this doesn't occurs frequently, he deserves a badge. I propose BAD LUCK TANGO.

WeekendBaker ago

Bad luck tango? He’s the fucking BLT

Native ago

Of course he doubled down the Q Cult are liberals at heart and what have we learned thus far? Liberals always double down

chronos ago

Absolute gold.

Linkmyboy ago

its just not that hard to accumulate the points needed to post, what a pack of niggerfaggots

Fahrvergnaked ago

It was for me. It took a while for me to get past the cap, but that's the damn point. You're supposed to earn your shitposting badge.

AinzOown ago

Sometimes it can be. If you've got something you really want to post on a new account getting points can be rough. Sometimes they come easy, sometimes it seems impossible.

Usually harder when your goal is points and not just actually discussing things.

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

Idk dude i have a name that makes people upset and I can get points pretty easily in general. Some people (like me) actually try and give upvoats just for the fun. To me, it's not as hard as you make it sound.

middle-path ago

If I end up having a conversation with someone, I'll usually upvoat all their responses.

Jaegerjaques ago

Nobody here thinks your name isn't satirical.

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

Some people know the truth. Others like to close the blinds. I am sorry but you are wrong.

Jaegerjaques ago

Really? The 111!11 doesn't give it away?

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

It's just such a good a site, I couldn't give it one 1.

kinghellman ago

Damn, these new folk are rather rude now. That's just not right.

M2Q2 ago

Not all of us... I'll apologize right now for the idiots and say, "Thank You" for accommodating those of us learning... there are some excellent researchers here... from both sides.

midnightblue1335 ago

Don't apologize on behalf of another person. That's weak. If you're not being a nigger like @tango_whiskey_blunt is, you're fine.

BlueDrache ago

Morale has improved, but now I LIKE the floggings.

xenoPsychologist ago

that was the plan all along.

Jaegerjaques ago

I knew you were into that kind of thing, you dirty degenerate! Let me get my whip and accompanying latex outfit to truly teach you a lession.

BlueDrache ago

Yes, xirtress.

Merlynn ago

Then you're in the right place. Sometimes,it's like french kissing a mind flayer around here.

BlueDrache ago

Without the benefit of the intellect devourer pet they keep to stun you into a coma.

Merlynn ago

Pretty much the only way someone would willingly french kiss a mind flayer,tho.

memememema ago

So I need to write some mindflayer erotica now? goddammit voat I wanted to go to sleep.

Merlynn ago

Whatever floats your boat,man.

Acerphoon ago

Some, I assume, are good people.

middle-path ago

They think they're tough guy big boys

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Our immune system will test their internet toughness.

mleczko ago

did this happen? fucking kek.

Hayashimo ago

There are people Voat right now who don't know Putt.

Just like there are people on halfchan right now who will never know moot.

HeavyBrain ago

Which moot, the faggot selling out and wanting to be one of the 5 guys or the moot that gave us an alternative to moon rune chans?

NobleEagle853 ago

So tell these people about Putt.

Native ago


NobleEagle853 ago

Okay... but I am curious about your reluctance.

Butterbread ago

They're C_A, man! Don't you get it? This is where agents come to socialize and plan against us. Putt is the SMOKING MAN!!! Remember what Q said: I AM A TOTAL FA

Wait, what's that? In the bushes. Oh shit, they're on to us! RUUUUUNNNNNNNNN

variable ago

I miss moot. He was cool. Hiro's pretty cool too, but mostly cause he doesn't give a shit about anything.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Moot is a faggot. Atko is the man.

variable ago

Oh, no doubt, moot was a total bitch, but I still miss him. Atko is a complete legend at this point. This website and him are godsends. A light in the darkness that the left assholes want to enforce.

Merlynn ago

They said WHAT to Putt?

chags ago

I believe he was trying to emulate a goat to get them juicy upvotes, and for misterious universe reasons was matched to Putt. Maybe the universe was inclined to hilarity, and the poor guy was picked up as the operator. Anyway, top kek.

Merlynn ago

I think he was just some dumbass who had no idea who Putt is.

They say to an empathetic man,life is a tragedy. To a thinking man,it's a comedy. Definitely leaning more towards the second one on this.

chags ago

I think he was just some dumbass who had no idea who Putt is.

No doubt about this. This, and the fact that he was LARPing oldgoat and sending him back is what makes it more funny. But I can't help myself feeling a bit bad for the guy, this was kinda embarrassing.

Merlynn ago

I honestly wonder if it'd be worse to let him stay and get roasted over this by pretty much everyone on the site.

chags ago

Holy fuck, I take it back, the dumbass deserves no empathy. He edited the comment:

Will I ever learn?...

Merlynn ago

(gets popcorn and starts eating) You think he knows what a perma-ban is?

chags ago

I guess this is what he hopes for, but never gonna happen, unless he manages to be an Amalek tier flooder. But I think current code won't allow it, so the guy won't be banned. Memed for life, that's his penalty.

Merlynn ago

Roast troll it is.

middle-path ago

luckily voat doesn't ban people for being retarded so we can all laugh at him in perpetuity.

Merlynn ago

So which do you think is worse? Getting banned or getting roasted?

middle-path ago


At least you can learn if you're getting roasted.

I would never want to censor someone in an open forum.

Merlynn ago

So you're saying it's better to take your lumps than be cast out? Probably why SJWs prefer casting people out,proving their cruelty.