chrisb_beats ago

Found night mode from this comic. Lovin it

Sturmbringer ago

Even though I'm new to Voat, I had to steal this, I thought it was funny. I can see why some of the voaters are a little disgruntled.

scabs_galore ago

Any new member should take this simple test: If you are able to type the word "nigger", in a neutral context, then then you are probably of free enough mind to join. You don't have to be racist, just able to type the forbidden word

If you have a mental lock up at just typing this word then gtfo back to reddit with your mental gridlock you brainwashed motherfucker

piratse ago

I was referring to the fact that they think EVERY mundane email is rape code.

goatboy ago

As an old goat, I confirm this to be the case.

Devos ago

Why are new comers who stay called goats?

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

The first post is always the post thrilling. do it do it.

scabs_galore ago

No One Told Me People Are Allowed To Post The Word "Nigger"

are we really allowed to post the word "nigger"?

FistingArtist ago

You are technically allowed to post the word nigger on reddit, i did it there all the time, though I've had comments deleted for it by the cucked mods.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Yes. Why wouldn't you be able to post the word nigger?

sinjinsmythe ago

Especially when we all know you are actually a closet Bernie socialist.

Islamiscancer ago

Kill All Niggers.. Jews.. Muslims.. SJWs... Redditfags..

Voat is great, but it is slowly becoming more and more reddit like. But its a slow change and not that effective thank god.

Kill all Niggers

bobke ago

I set up my account right after spez basically let us know the site had sold out. I say that because I cannot believe anyone to be that dumb to edit a post like that.

Ripsaw1990 ago

Nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger nigger

LostandFound ago

Well you shitheads had but plugs and shit scribbled on the walls so I went night mode and never went back :D also this infographic does wonders to explain what happened to sanegoat

Reyvaan ago

there's a night mode?!! O_O

kittysaysmeownow ago

Oh no, what have they banned now?

fluxusp ago



niggercoin, the hot new cryptocurrency, by the creators of potcoin

Maeglor ago

The best part is 39+ and 0-.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I love how reddit fucking up and sending refugees here has become such a regular occurrence our reaction has become "oh another one?"

lord_nougat ago


Yeah, I did. Sorry.

lord_nougat ago

Any time DEMOCRAT!

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I will never not upvoat this comic

lord_nougat ago

Your face is a racist shithole for far-right extremist outcasts!

lord_nougat ago

*Pokes you in the retina.

lord_nougat ago



path ago

Fuck I did this shit. I've actually used Voat now for a month so I think it's a habit now, which is a good start

The_Penis_Wizard ago

One of those goats is too chubby to represent voat.

lord_nougat ago

Sounds like a Frontalot song.

Ina_Pickle ago

All I know is that I had more AOL disks in that box than old Napster music disks and photo disks.

TheTrigger ago

eat a dick

sinjinsmythe ago

How about a whole bag of dicks? Why buy the goat when you can eat a bag of goat dicks for free?

JohnQCitizen ago

That's my guess too

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Night fucking mode! Nice.

ChanceofRain ago

Conde Nast can suck my ass

ChanceofRain ago

Best thing about that joke is when they realize it implies white men have been used as currency all along and their offense is childish

JohnQCitizen ago

The question remains, did they do it? Or were the reddit admins making shit up again?

Maeglor ago

Just like Coontown, AltRight mods enforced rules more than any other sub.

Enforced extra strict rules just in case.

crunchy_granola ago

I'll try to stay this time goats.

Girthcontrol ago

Hahaha, brilliant!

sasha1998 ago

I must be in crazy town because this post was in no way funny. Informative, maybe. Funny? No.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

i don't know... watching the goats passing links back and forth always gets me

tourn ago

Yes he is the largest shareholder. He isn't the owner per se but one of several, any number of whom combined could easily out vote him on any decision. At his current 17% holdings he isn't a majority shareholder. He owns a piece of the times, and he doesn't even own it but it is owned by him THROUGH a holding company. He is not on the board of directors, he is not the CEO, and therefore probably had very little or even possibly nothing to do with the Time's decision to attack Trump nor the decision that lead to the eventual shuttering of the 8 floors of the main building (shareholders almost never make these kinds of decisions otherwise there would be no point in making a board who's entire job it is to keep shareholders happy).

Furthermore, during the period of time they were bashing Trump, financially the company is stated to have been actually making gains (heck their stock currently is sitting at 13.55 a share and that is the highest it has been since Nov of 2015) however, there were not enough gains to stave off shutting the said 8 floors. Those floors would have been closed regardless of the fact that they wrote propaganda articles.

The entire post title is misleading and quite patently incorrect. It draws improper conclusions that I, doing a simple cursory search through several different sources not to mention actually reading the article, found was clearly wrong in several areas. It states Carlos Slim lost so much money when if there were actually any losses it was the NYT that lost the money not the "owner" which is basic in business that they are two different things. Also while the article mentions the dump on trump campaign it never sets that as the cause of the shuttering of the doors. It actually straight up says even though the Times reported tons of new gains obviously it wasn't enough because they had to close floors to sell them for rental space (paraphrasing).

The actual quote:

Remember when The NYT reported that its ad hoc campaign to boost revenue by selling subscriptions in response to the vicious back and forth with Donald Trump, was said to be a smashing success? Perhaps it was subscriptions for the crossword puzzle because it appears the monetary success was not smashing enough,

This is not 'they lost so much money on propaganda' it is 'they didn't make as much money on propaganda as they were needing to'. In other articles Mark Thompson (iirc) even stated the same thing. Subscriptions and profits are up just not enough.

therealsharpie ago

username checks out, you're good to stay. Move along, legal citizen.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

The usual, purged the dissidents. They take website running lessons from Mao Zedong.

Spaceballs-1 ago

Old voaters aren't locked in here with you. ....

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no piratse is a confirmed shill.

do your own research come to your own conclusion.

don't let a shill correct your record.

i've been downvoat brigaded and upvoat brigaded for 6 months now.

because i speak freely about voat problems and the shills on voat,

all the shills are attacking me

and goats are returning by undoing their brigades on me

a full war on voat is going on, as you can see by piratse among 90 or so other users shilling for censorship on voat.

piratse ago

Lol you're too quick with that shill trigger. I said I don't have a problem with you and your shit post and I've actively fought censorship on here. You're getting confused on who actually is bothered by you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago



personalattack/defamation script continuance

actually fught censorship

claim without proof

more shilling, then.

if what you are saying is true,

then you have a serious fallacy and disinfo speech problem, goat.

because you're shillin all the way home.

Proud-Anglo14 ago

Mainly came over for alt-right but I think im gonna have a look around. Also I'm averaging a word a minute on my phone, traffic issue or mobile issue? Also, niggers. Wow, I'm gonna like it here.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Traffic is okay for me, but then again I have a voat premium account.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

[Voat Gold required to view this comment]

piratse ago

He's hated in the community and people think he is using bots to manipulate his CCP. Because he gets thousands of down voats, then suddenly has 4k more. I don't personally have a problem with him, but you will see posts about/by him on /all almost daily.

Crensch ago

Did not manage to do so. 8(

piratse ago

Just remember we have /v/protectvoat for any REAL issues in censorship, brigading, or bot manipulation (like supposedly sanegoatiswear is using).

SaneGoatiSwear ago


v/protectvoat is run by sjw who correct voat's record.

fuck that.

speak freely

post where the fuck you want.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

You forgot the "@" like @sanegoatiswear

piratse ago

I don't want to ping him.

RaptorJesus ago

As a fashy goy what subverses would I enjoy?

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Oy vey,



/v/niggers or /v/coontown whichever isn't currently being subverted by a jew mod

But to be fair you can talk about anything anywhere this is voat.

Ina_Pickle ago

Yeah... they flooded the site for a couple months and then one day our own personal group of srs shills over at v/protectvoat took over the pizzagate sub and shut them down with red tape and rules. They died a quiet death by Christmas.

The servers took a beating for awhile, but we held a donation drive and funded upgrades.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

then one day our own personal group of srs shills over at v/protectvoat

>click on username

>go to post history

>see SoapDoxbanHammer aka SRS/SRD

>well that explains that

Ina_Pickle ago

See this is what I'm talking about. You can't say... oh look they posted to a specific sub so brigade the hell out of them. (edit: Well you can, but it makes you a huge asshole)

I spend 99% of my time in four subs. v/news v/politics v/FPH and v/whatever. But yeah... that explains me. Fuck you.

edit: Did you even look at my comment history? Obviously not. You looked at the Post SUBMISSION counter on the main profile page.
Yes I enjoy trolling SDBH. At least they have a sense of humor.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

See this is what I'm talking about. You can't say... oh look they posted to a specific sub so brigade the hell out of them.

Where did I say that?

I spend 99.5% of my time in four subs. v/news v/politics v/FPH and v/whatever. But yeah... that explains me. Fuck you.

So do I, Fuck you.

edit: Did you even look at my comment history? Obviously not. You looked at the Post SUBMISSION counter on the main profile page.

Actually submission history, generally easier to search that then dig through 19 pages of comments

"Hurr durr anyone who visits protectvoat is SRS, hey don't generalize me based on the subverses I post to".

Foot. In. Mouth.

RaptorJesus ago

Fashy subs are getting shoa'd left and right. I yearn for my people to find a place to call our own.

MFW an anti-fa denied the alt-olocaust near me.

0fsgivin ago

Or even worse like thedonald and FPH by bringing censorship all in the cause of "muh circlejerk!".

1moar ago

Fanfuckingtastic. Love it.

IfIDidIt ago

They're property again!

Ina_Pickle ago

That's actually a reason I can respect. So you guys are the alt right crusaders.

0x7a69 ago

Welcome /altright and /alternative right users.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

That url causes a physical gag reflex.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

If they go back to reddit with their butts already plugged how will they be receptive to the big admin dick ready to fuck them?

piratse ago

Because EVERYTHING was "blown wide open! Smoking gun! Total proof!!!" And it literally never was. And EVERYONE and EVERY email was about child rape.

IveBeenWatching ago

When I migrated I lurked for a loooong time. Only made an account to tell later migrants trying to ban nigger to fuck off.

tourn ago

No I was referring to this post and while the propaganda was real the entire concept of the misleading title is what I had issue with. Not a big deal just like I said sometimes my thoughts on this site are a little all over the place. It's like how people feel in the sour patch kids commercials.

Neo-maxi-zoom-dweeby ago

This cartoon is true. Voat is reddit without cancer.

Ina_Pickle ago

I respect your choice. But day mode is like staring into the noontime sun.

So I guess... fuck your retinas.

tourn ago

No not pizzagate just a more generalized thought in relation to a number of posts I have seen on here. As far as real or not. Anything I read here or on reddit I tend to research from as many sources as I can. Not too worried about that. Besides it was more a wonderment like perhaps there are people on here who just like to watch the world burn and they help stoke the fires.

Ina_Pickle ago

Off topic: I was digging through a box yesterday two days ago (I'm losing time) and found a bunch of AOL free trial disks.

DishingShitLikeA ago

Free frisbees!

ChanceofRain ago

Dorm rooms nationwide had AOL beer coasters

Ina_Pickle ago

Yeah. We made ours pretty by microwaving them.

0rion ago

This is great, totally spot on. I <3 voat. Fuck reddit.

Ina_Pickle ago

LoL Was I the only one hearing sound effects while reading that?

Torkimadi ago

I love those little goats <3

Charlemagne ago

Yeah I joined about two years ago and sorta of forgot about it. Every time there is a scandal at the other place I check out this site to get the unfiltered version, but I don't really participate here. I don't lurk enough To get the culture.

Ina_Pickle ago

We have culture? j/k Obviously it feels different here than on reddit. Lack of censorship does that to a place.



sinjinsmythe ago

dark skin

TIL voat has nigger mode

CarpetDime ago

See, we aren't racists!

Fiveish ago

I like music. I fight with lightsabers with my friends.

Ina_Pickle ago

You sound like a great guy. Stay here and let voat make a man out of you. All you'll get over at reddit is beta cucked.

ScreaminMime ago

This should be pinned to the welcome page.

Fiveish ago

toast the revolution i guess

Fiveish ago

Does this happen all the time?


Thanks, you are a chap.

phenomenaldouche ago

Thanks for reminding me, I've been meaning to repost those for posterity's sake. I have at least all the ones I made, I think. I'll get those back up, so anyone looking for the history of the @she meme wars can see some of the material that we used.

ExpertShitposter ago

Please do. I forgot about those, but they look great from the thumbnails.

Cum_control ago

@AshinKusher take notes

Fiveish ago

is that a butt plug?

lord_nougat ago

YOU'RE a butt plug!

Fiveish ago

and knowing is half the battle

Ina_Pickle ago

Yes. Yes it is. That's in homage to our vibrant faggot community here on Voat.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Ahhh, you have yet to meet HPOP, our resident anal fixture enthusiast.

Fiveish ago

is that like IHOP?

Rotteuxx ago

Nah, I'll spare this thread

avian_buddha ago

Haha. I am subscribed to v/fatpeoplehate and will be subscribing to v/niggers, thanks for the tip. And I saw the comic earlier and switched to Night Mode already. The site is so much better with that on.

Cincosiber ago

Night mode

tourn ago

You know honestly as right nut job conspiracy as some of the things I have seen on here have been. Part of me wonders if it isn't more likely people are just right wing nut-job trolling as opposed to actually believing some of the things I see. Either that or for some reason I still hold out hope that the majority of the people I meet are actually fair minded intelligent and reasonable people.

EDIT: I get the feeling this is going to come out wrong to people but at the same time I am not sure I can adequately express my thoughts on the matter. I do feel like this is a very right wing-centric site and some things that are lauded on here I have seen as patently wrong (like calling someone an owner of a company when he is a small shareholder and not even in charge of day to day decisions then using his race to explain a companies actions). I have also seen on here both right and left people who are very reasonable so my thoughts are rather tumultuous in regards to this site.

avian_buddha ago

Thanks! I'll check it out.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

agreed. he was totally chill, as i had hoped. he truly was a good leader, regardless of his anakin status.

for clarity ferrit: i think atko left because conspiracy, not because of me, at all, that's silly really fucking silly. bro went through war. no way sanegoat did that. nope.

Cum_control ago


sinjinsmythe ago

Top kek right dare yo

avian_buddha ago

This place seems way more reasonable than I expected.

avian_buddha ago

Thanks for the suggestion to turn on night mode.

Rotteuxx ago

Do I ping him ? Lol

lord_nougat ago

Gosh, I hope so or I have some 'splainin to do!

Bitcoin_Chief ago

I just deleted all of my reddit bookmarks.

lord_nougat ago

Then I'll fart in his general direction!

AOU ago

That HPOP reference (small pink buttplug at the bottom left) always makes me chuckle. ^ ^

Reconn ago

It do. You're sane.

Liquid_Oil ago

Wow thank you! I had the mod for reddit but it didnt work well with lots of subs.

Shook ago

It's too late. Redditors are conditioned so hard by SJWs that seeing the word NIGGER literally scares and triggers them, if not consciously than unconsciously.

Hey redditors coming here for the first time: -ahem- NIGGERS

Stayedclassy ago

Reminds me of this.

flamingboard ago

For normal people it's not just seeing the word. It's the context behind it. Also, people that feel the need to use it all the time "because they can" need to think for a bit on why they say it and when. Time and a place. Most of the time it's nowhere and never if you really think about it.

Maeglor ago

When niggers are roaming the streets of all our metroplises raping and killing...

When niggers receive daily gibs for no reason...

When niggers spit their ebonics instead of speaking English...

Are these appropriate times to say nigger?

paracelsus23 ago

What, you selling?

Shook ago

I might know a guy, why?

tlu ago

Woah, this place has mod drama of it's own? Last time I checked it was empty as fuck. Nice to know this place has grown, for better or worse.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I would not know, but I hope so. I think those are before my time on main voat. I came with fph under a different account and I didnt even realize there were other subverses for like 3 months.

0011011000111001 ago

This cartoon means so much more to me than the first time I saw it.. I was one of those goats crammed into the box. I was the Feddit guy in the last clip. I stuck around and I fucking love it here. LONG LIVE VOAT!


Iamabioticgod ago

I'm starting to wish I had stayed here when I first made this account

Ina_Pickle ago

We all make mistakes. Just learn from them this time.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Welcome back!

pretty_innocuous ago

Guess I'm an alien nigger...

AlphaOmega ago

Something tells me that the new migrants won't have a problem with the word nigger written anywhere.

revofire ago

It's so cute how they're drawn though. It's truly an adorable comic.

immatureusername ago

The night mode is the right mode!!! All hail night mode!!!

JohnQCitizen ago

Here's a hint: don't. Sane goat isn't sane.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

sanegoat made atko leave

this has no basis in reality. shill shilling hard above

auto_turret ago

Pretty sure he got fed up at all of us after that mile long diatribe you posted about him about a week or two ago.. Im sure it wasn't the reason but it sure didn't help. Dick.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i grew up and learned to not let them effect me

flips out and bitches at users for asking legit questions

quits because users call him on his hypocritical behavior

no way

it couldn't be

only niggerfaggot sjw cuck reddit cancer bitchtits act like that /s

auto_turret ago

Can't say I've had that experience with the guy, or any at all really. But dude, how are we supposed to take you at any word you say when you talk shit at length about a person one day, and have their nuts on a pedestal the next? Blows my mind, man.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

to whom are you referring?

auto_turret ago

Your sister, mother, aunt, girlfriend, and wife, grandmother, and dead grandmother.

Slayfire122 ago

If I were a gambling man, I would bet that r/altright will be more like the r/european migration than the r/pizzagate migration.

European was one of the best migrations and pizzagate was one of the worst in my opinion.

Rb8623 ago

I totally agree, still have pizzagate blocked from my feed. Too much autism for me...

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Yeah its actually pretty easy on voat though. The liberals here tend to be more classical liberals and will hold a discussion. The thin skinned ones ran away a long time ago. For newbies reading this, don't kill our liberals. They are an endangered species and we make sure to feed and wash them daily for display.

tourn ago

As a centrist I was wondering why it felt like a hunting preserve in here on occasion. This explains so much.

corpusant ago

Love th buttplug..... :) It is like the person who did the comic actually reads goat.

AltRightEagle ago

The alt right people will fit right in here on Voat, I assure you of that.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Welcome aboard Niggerfaggot!

Just don't be retarded like pizzagaters and you'll fit in just fine.

Ina_Pickle ago

Well you guys can't be any worse than the pizzagate horde. My biggest questions for groups coming in this late in the game are...

why did you wait so long when you obviously knew about Voat?


how are we supposed to trust people who were willing to ignore the censorship on reddit until it personally affected them?

jinbnters ago

Will they really though? We'll wait and see before coming to such assertions, its basically /pol/ lite here most of the time

olltre ago


avian_buddha ago

hey ban all these racists

guys I'm kidding please be nice I'm new

jinbnters ago

Your account is 1.3 years old, what are you talking about? 8 months ago you said you made the migration to Voat, you go inactive again and then 2 months ago say Voat is where you'll go now. Now you just look like you're indecisive or subversive waiting to get an old account before you jump in


avian_buddha ago

True. Can't argue.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what would you like to know.

there are many theories as to what happened.

i don't know what happened.

i've probably done the most research into it all.

ask away

olltre ago

what are a couple of the main theories? they were bought out basically?

greyhunter4 ago

Shit, I loved that sub. Pretty sure most come here also anyway though. With the reddit thought police on the sidebar they weren't strangers to bullshit censorship.

biggerisnotbetter ago

Great more niggers trying to figure out why their downvoat buttons won't work

baneofretail ago

Additionally, try not to use, try imgoat instead

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Or imgtc

Ina_Pickle ago

there have been some rumors about imgtc floating around. know anything about that?

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

What rumors?

Ina_Pickle ago

Someone in a recent post claimed that slimgur was taken over and used to collect data on Voat users before it was shut down. I think it was @cancel-cat-facts .

Then someone else (can't recall who) suggested that imgtc was being used for the same thing and suggested IMGoat as a safer alternative.

I can't remember the entire conversation though, but I think there was more to it. I was tired that night. If anyone else remembers that conversation, fill me in on what I'm missing please. I didn't comment there or save the post.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

You just changed my mind about it

I like imgoat better now - the functionality is better than imgtc, less ads and it smells like slimg (rip slimg)

therealsharpie ago


Daeshaniqua ago

i just tried night-mode after 2 months of white-mode and it gave me aids

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i am that brown grey goat.

lord_nougat ago

We know that, dear.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

thanks, boy.

lord_nougat ago

You're welcome, granny.

AOU ago

You accidentally a T

lord_nougat ago

Lol, oops!

baneofretail ago

At least you know.

Thateurogirl ago

Add something about the Jews in the last panel and you have the AltRight.

Mr_YUP ago

Wait there's another migration coming?

TheTrigger ago


SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

I really don't think anyone from r/altright is going have a problem with people saying nigger.

TheTrigger ago

stfu fgt

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Impressed you could type all of that with so many penises in you, Milo.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Oh they will find something, perhaps we wont be racist enough!

armday2day ago

Lol well they might as well and up Stormfront

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

That is a possibility.

crazyjuan ago

One of my fave cartoon strips, its genuinely hilarious.


This is my all-time favorite cartoon on voat. I have it saved so I can enjoy it all the time. Thanks.

Ioxvm ago

It is so very true.

MetalAegis ago

thevoatfiltrationsystem.jpg was good too but it seems it was exclusively hosted on slimgur.

MetalAegis ago


Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Repost it for sweet sweet SCP


I wish I thought to save that one, too.

Zinnsee ago

Haha I did the same thing. This comic is perfect.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

You're the best, thanks.

Slayfire122 ago

I'm glad it survived through the slimg failure. If I'm not mistaken, you made the original right?

The_Penis_Wizard ago

Has the slimgur guy shown back up anywhere yet? We haven't heard from him at FPH.

lord_nougat ago

No, the fatties sat on him.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I did make it! I lost some of my comics to the failure but I had most of the good ones backed up. And crensch has a backup too in case I get beheaded for apostasy or something.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Do people not save images anymore? Am I weird for saving all your comics?

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

No, but I didnt even save them all!

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

It is fantastically accurate, right down to the butt plug.

therealsharpie ago

love this and it's so true.

every migration is an influx of a new 10,000 users and if we're lucky we keep 50 really solid goats that add to our communities :)

GimmeTheUsual ago

Love that cartoon strip.

I like how they've got what looks like an AK-47 leaned up and they're just calmly playing cards and whatnot. Or making stuff, I don't know...

Nicely done.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

"Love" the purple butt-plug in the corner of the box you "artistic", I mean AUTISTIC PUSSY-NIGGER FAGGOT....

Just had to throw that in there.

nutflix ago

am i a solid goat yet

Uniikron ago

Well, I know I'm here to stay. I didn't even came because of the closing of r/altright

FistingArtist ago

same, I already feel more at home here than I have on reddit for a long time.

WeekendBaker ago

That was a thing? And then it closed?

I left reddit when Victoria got canned. I think that was after The Fappening, but just before The Fattening and Coontown riots.

lord_nougat ago

Checks out, me too!

The_Penis_Wizard ago

After the Fattening. That was almost two years ago now.

Ioxvm ago

LOL. The lingo in this post cracks me up. I know exactly what you are talking about, but .. LOL.

WeekendBaker ago

Well shit son, I just looked you up and we joined almost at the same time lol. So yes you DO know :)

Uniikron ago

Well, I don't know.

Al3s ago

This time I think Reddit is fucking up too much. I've been banned from /r/comics like an hour ago for saying that a comic that represented Trump as a monster was childish. They are literally censoring people who are not extreme left.

shadow332 ago

There was a news story about how Germany is weeding out people they think are terrorsits, I commented "How racist!" - got attacked by users that my mother should aborted me. I replied "Ok, Achmed" and I was the one who got banned for making "personal attacks".


That subreddit is almost as bad as /r/funny.....

Seems they did you a favor

Al3s ago

You are damn right. Thinking of it the only guy that I enjoy from that sub is Extra Fabulous Comic and I'm subcribed to his RSS Feed, so fuck them.

Antipodes ago

The name of the joint is Reddit, after all.

spookybm ago

Red is Right-wing though...

Totenglocke ago

You think that's bad? Years ago I got banned from /r/movies for saying that 2001 a Space Odyssey had a lousy and disconnected plot and I got banned from /r/gameofthrones for "spoilers" when the subject I mentioned was the exact title of the thread (if you weren't spoiled by opening the thread, how the fuck is seeing the exact same line in the comments a spoiler?). Reddit mods have always been vile pieces of shit.

lord_nougat ago

That's an insult to vile pieces of shit.

Totenglocke ago

I dunno, let's call Obama and ask if he's offended by that statement. 😆

Neo-maxi-zoom-dweeby ago

Pod people man

Cum_control ago

@AI3s is your comment /s ? You are being exactly the dick, to the T, from OPs post? Only thing missing is the mention of Hitler. You even used "literally" speechless if this is not /s

Al3s ago

Except I've been commenting for the las 10 days and I mention Reddit only when the thread calls for it.

Cum_control ago

First off this thread called for not using the word "reddit" ? And youve only been commenting for 10 days? But your account is 1.6 years old?

Al3s ago


Plot twist Username checks out Wow, we hit frontpage, thank you guys!!!!!

Now on the comment thing, I registered when that other SJW CEO, Ellen Pao or whatever, fucked up. I hanged around for a time but simply put there was not enough content to fix my day to day needs. Now I don't even care, I have more places to go to find interesting shit, I like the mood here so Voat is on the list of places where I can relax.

Cum_control ago

What kind of tree did you get hanged from?

Whitworth ago

Going full left wing nut website? I can't see how that could possibly go wrong

RodentLord ago

Every time I see that site's name brought up again I can't help but go "how did cracked run an article literally written by zoe quinn, how".

FistingArtist ago

sad as shit, I used to read cracked every day in high school.

Liquid_Oil ago

What is night mode

Maeglor ago

What is, amazing?

Diamond_Deluge ago

What about people like me who kinda lurk and kinda comment?

fabulousalpaca ago

Still good! All levels of participation encouraged and welcome.

TheTrigger ago

fuck you

NlGGER69 ago

SUCK me deep boi

Worlds_Best_Spleen ago

I tend to login, comment once or twice, logout, and proceed to not login for a few days, sometimes weeks.

lord_nougat ago

That's honestly pretty good for a spleen.

Worlds_Best_Spleen ago

Well I am the worlds best.

paracelsus23 ago

That's me. Came, left, came back. Didn't have a high enough participation score to vote, which is most of what I do. Gonna try and stick around longer this time!

SaveTheChildren ago

Just comment more, and giving a subtle hint hint that you don't have enough points yet will always get you some upvoats. I usually upvoat anyone I see who isn't straight up begging.

You can always comment that you agree / think OP is cool, but have no upvoats at the moment.

SpaceGoose ago


paracelsus23 ago

Awesome, thanks for the tips! Appreciate it!

varialus ago

Just FYI, if you wanna be one of the cool kids, don't hint that you're low on fake Internet points from here on out. Just have some patience as you continue to contribute. It builds character.

SaveTheChildren ago

np faggot

Ioxvm ago

Go find some funny pictures and post them to v/funny. Ignore dimwits who complain about reposts. Reap 5 - 7 voats per pic. Hit gold with one that gets you 60 and pushes you over the 100 mark and then voila! Done. Take a day or two. Easy peasey.

Buttcannon ago

Reporting in. o7

Anoxim ago

Introverts are good to have, usually more even keeled in discussion.

Karbuster ago

Tuck you, I can be unreasonable if I want!


Anoxim ago

What a reasonable thing to say!

Marijuana_Merlin ago

i've been gay for a while now too.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Wait you aren't born gay you become gay? Have leftists been lying to me this whole time?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

actually yes as a matter of fact. Recent studies have shown that it's a mix of nature and nurture so it's entirely possible to become or stop being gay

lord_nougat ago

I can turn gay whenever I want to, those faggots are not the boss of me!

auto_turret ago

First you must consult the gay council. You will be pressed through the 12 gay trials and tribulations. If you successfully perform each, and pass each gay initiation right (very few do), you will be presented with a gay golden ticket. You will then take your golden ticket into gay ass San Francisco, where you will meet the Penis prince and the Cock King. Higly_Paid_Orgy_Pro will guide you from this point into the gay chamber of the gay cock handlers. I have no more information past this point, I never made it past here.

Edit.. drunk spelling and grammar

SaneGoatiSwear ago

but sometimes we lose an @atko and that's just not acceptable. atko we want you back.

whatever conde nast did to you, help us undo it. please.

you are the anakin skywalker of our dreams, free speechy man!

therealsharpie ago

unaware, could you (or someone) please give me the sparknotes on atko?

lord_nougat ago

He went back to his home planet where he was needed.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


-made voat named something

-changed to whoaverse

-changed to voat

  • voat was good

  • voat got filled with fph and coontown

voat got better and free speechier

voat got filled with shills and the admins disappeared, atko for a month

the admins came back and were very different, aloof, non transparent, making decisions about voat without community consent nor even knoweldge (the reverse of how it always was)

shills started taking power all over where they could,

pushing subversive tactics of censorship instead of overt ones like on reddit. chilling effect, character assassination attacks on vocal users, tone and behavior policing

atko leaves as CEO of voat, giving it to dev in charge puttitout.

atko still may browse and use voat as a user, but is no longer in charge.

unknown: what the fuck happened to cause the devs to leave for a montha nd two months, and come back the opposite of how they used to act - for months, until dies, atko leaves, censorship tools are increased....

oh did i mention the devs disappeared the same day that atko and putt did 6 months ago? they are still missing.

from the internet.


there's so much coincedence, it can't not be a conspiracy.

MetalAegis ago

Still have that evidence I'm a shill? I'm ready to be judged, basket case.

Ifaptocomments ago

Wait, was this all in conjuncture with the guy who claimed the warrant canary was removed from the TOS? It would all make sense though I honestly don't pay that much attention to the happenings.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

voat's warrant canary is still active afaik.

source: i wrote it, made them do it. bitch most about it.

Ifaptocomments ago

That is good to hear, I remember a discussion about adding one a long time ago but I have too few fucks to give to actually follow up and make sure it's still there.

People like you are what ideally people like me (people who stay here ) become but you know, I'm a scrub.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

dat username.

sun, ur gonna rip your dickskin off with the comments i got for ya.