Mr_Wolf ago

We just had a Jullian Assange "ama" in the last week

the presidential inauguration is in a few days is a host to so much information that certain people don't want readipy available.

shutting down right now is to an advantage if something huge were to go down. there's also "shills" posting image hosting alts that are known to delete images they don't want there.

lots of people are scrambling to try and get back up and running.

I'm guessing this shut down is more of a "calm before a storm" something huge is going to go down and this is a set up to try and contain the mass spread of legitamate information.

there may also be a problem with voat on inauguration day.

whisky_cat ago

I guess I left my expectations low in the first place. The amount of reasons this place could crash & burn are high. I agree with your analysis, in that, if this project were important to the creators there would be a better support structure in place. But they're probably underwater, for a bunch of reasons.

The open source dev contributions aren't really working but it wasn't an enterprise infrastructure to begin with.

Wasting my time here? Well, that was the point. Plenty of other websites to find ideas and conversation, but I just love the blunt and unapologetic nature of the crowd here. It's a news feed like no other still (at least, for me).

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i want a place for free speech on the net. where else, @thepower can we haz freeze peach?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ah yes, ok. cheers.

yes, my incoming post directly asks the admins to answer these questions. please chime in :)

yes very suspicious!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

this post is dead serious, but was done ala v/conspiracy to hedge bets in case it was a joke, just vacay, totally cool.

utter silence from the admins has led us to believe this is more serious,

and you have into the larger context very well with your comment here. i'm sorry the 1k users who saw the post may not see your comment.

perchance, you are referring to the 8chan post... which would mean you're.... ? well hi then.


if we add what i've added up to what you've commented here,

what would you suggest as a solution to "re-rudder and steer properly" this ship?

Peglius ago

Ehh Im not to worried about them being dead or replaced by spooks in black suits, just seems like they have other stuff going on. I could be wrong, who knows, but the functionality of the site has not changed to me at all. which is indicative of business as usual. When /v/Politics starts looking like /r/Politics I will be worried

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the silence says nothing to you? the absolute lack of any meaningful comments regarding dozens of users pinging them, pming them posting about them saying nothing?

that doesn't all bother you, mod of v/conspiracy?

Peglius ago

not in the slightest, he has never responded to every ping, and there is a lot of reaching in some of the stranger explanations. although i did admit i may be wrong, just having an opinion over here, is that okay with you?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yes, yes it is :( i wish it weren't.

i mean i'm also weird...

but hey goats are weird!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@atko a little over 24 hours ago, i posted this mega post regarding your and puttitout's absence from voat. please respond. please stop posting funny videos while some of voat considers puttitout to be m.i.a., and others are at issue with administrative and financial transparency, the warrant canary, and the slimg devs.

many of us are curious, concerned, and talking.

please respond.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

um what?

i asked you what "public gallery" was

tagged as "too quick to judge retard" lol

you mean public gallery like this?

imgur censors the word "trigglypuff"

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i don't think you're understanding this here @fortunes

you are free to use imgur, but not without consequence. (because free speech does NOT mean speech free of consequence)

the consequence of using imgur is supporting censorship,

which takes away from non-censorship site support imgtc slimg veuwer for example,

which means that you are acting as a censor, by one degree of seperation,

just as a getaway car driver is guilty in a bank robbery even if he/she didn't participate in the robbery itself,

if you use imgur, you are as guilty of censorship (participating in it, not ness. doing the censorship yourself).

proof? lol


and v/fatpeoplehate

i don't know what you mean "public gallery" as i'm not that into hosting or w/e.

what i do know is that they censor who subs. fatpeoplehate and niggers.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

supporting censorship

and being for free-speech?

no these actions together are hypocritical

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what the nigger are you talking about?

imgur openly censors, takes money from reddit parent company, and worked with reddit to without warning drop v/fatpeoplehate like the weight they wish fatties would drop.

no i'm sorry, imgur is fucking bad.

voat is a bout free speech, not about censorship. ALL imgur links on voat should be burned.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

and what did you mean "enjoying being free?"

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i have no idea where they were talking about, but in the post i pastad a voat whatever chat (or click on voatchat alpha in the right bar on v/all) where atko came in. i didn't modify it, but i can't prove it lol.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

chat logs.... what chat logs?!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

dunno. all i know is that technician90 and crispykat run slimg, i don't know their backstory.

and that they stopped posting and commenting the same time atko and put stopped commenting.

then, when atko came back, so did tech90. putt and kat are still mia.

that's what i know.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oh btw, you can pasta text in a chat.

see this example how i show atko jumped into chat 11 days ago. doesn't prove it was 11 days ago, doesn't prove i didn't just write that outmyself..

but it's better than just going "yeah atko said hi." i mean if true I KNOW but i can't bring you to know what i've experienced. at least until we have brain to brain communications with memory sharing lol.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

we eagerly await your response here at Admin Conspiracy Central.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


and yes, look i'm on the same page as you. occams razor and all that, and the need for addresing this shit.

but in all honesty, there's more going on. secrecy regarding the development and financial stability of voat, the silence... AND MORE...

so tell me, reacher, do you have the chat text? any proof to back up what you claim?

because saying he wants a break just ads to the v/conspiracy fire

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you're claiming you've seen puttitout recently? can you be more specific. offer any proof he's communicated recently? this IS v/conspiracy

i understand and respect possible admin sentiments. do you think goats are due an explanation? or do you think we deserve the silent treatment?

yes, KISS.

above all, remember that voat is now more than atko and putts'. it's also the community's. i speak for myself here, but i want a free speech voat in a decade, and am willing to put in the time and effort that it sure seems at the simplest explanation level, you're saying, they don't feel like putting in. and also, no matter what, i'd REALLY prefer to hear it from them, reach, if you know what i mean.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hey reach.

you have been here for 1.4 years. you surely must be curious as to the behavioral shifts, the silence, the odd coincidences, etc?

whisky_cat ago

I'll believe it if/when they hit 10 million users or so, or enough where public opinion needs to be engineered

SaneGoatiSwear ago

that's what's being said by admins currently about the situation.

un1ty ago

Co-opted. Voat is now officially data collection.

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago

where does amalek fit into the conspiracy?

QuestionEverything ago

My comments from 8 months ago:

It's a divide and conquer. They successfully drove away people from parts of Redit which were continually censored.

Voat offers no anonymity however. None. No captcha for VPN = no anonymity.

Don't forget ATKO is basically a gullible college kid who has shown every intention of bending over and getting fucked any time someone shows him their badge. He has said that they will DOX you to Law enforcement WITHOUT even a warrant. -Full cooperator.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


QuestionEverything ago

Hes said as much in his posts and made it plain that if any 'official' asked to look at his servers he'd do it in a second. Because of PEDO shit supposedly, but really he made it clear he didnt really care what their reasoning was. "I'm a college student/ this is a a side project for me/ I dont have money for legal fees"

He's done some screwy things too. He lives in Iceland but made Voat an AMERICAN LLC. (?!)

Don't forget : The initial Voat 'bill or rights': NEVER MATERIALIZED.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

so it was sold "under wraps" and now employees run the admin accounts (or actual admins of the new owners)

quite sound. solid all around theory. fills all the holes. the idea that slimg and voat devs are the same is wicked conspiracy-tickling. why not just keep it the same? what to gain by being "different people"

but the post/comment history timing matchup does lend to your theory.

relevant username, damn!

this goat!

TypicalBetaNeckbeard ago

I hope they weren't on Clinton's hit list.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

with all the pro-trump anti-hillary stuff on voat?

they might not have been, but i'm sure generally voat was at least somewhere on a list..

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ahh.... dratz :D

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what?! link point it out

SaneGoatiSwear ago

0.0 reeeally?!

Hipsterrr ago

Only way to find out is to stop posting. See what happens.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

offline copies of the source code? place to reconnect outside vote if shtf?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

did you see the update from derram?

the slimg devs both went 'away' at the same time as atko and putt

AND tech90 (slimg dev) came back the same time atko did

yet putt's still out and crispy (other slimg dev)

what could happen behind the scene just voat admins and both voat and slimg admins

that would cause all these weird things happening and allow them to keep the warrant canary? assusming the warrant canary means anything.

bikergang_accountant ago

They are in school. They are gearing up to start a fall semester. They want to get out and do things while they can. They can't put off their lives just to listen to people complain about niggers.

It could even be a test, of the technical sort. How stable is this thing if we just walk away from it? It seems to be doing ok.

I have always wondered what their alts on the site are. They hardly say anything extream and I have a hard time believing two people would be so dedicated to the right of expressing extreme thought if they didn't have their own opinions. They have to have a few alts.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

don't forget all the coding to do, bug fixing, announcements... they have to poo and pee and sleep and drink and eat and SO MANY THINGS how could they have time for such a stupid insignificant little thing like the 5,800th most popular site in the u.s.?

it could be a test, sure. good theory.

dayofthehope ago

I seem to remember voat having had a statement like 8chan still has:

"We have not been served any secret court orders and are not under any gag orders."

Is that gone or it never had one?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the funny thing is, they can compel you to silence, but can't compel you to lie...

but if the whole site is a honey pot... well, these guys do stings every day...


Beast-mode-freak ago

Hey Amalek, sup dude.

I have to say I think your presence at Voat improves the experience 100%. Seriously never go.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

viv's the behavior analyst in this v/conspiracy post. viv did all that work. so if you want the whole spheeel about the 'atko change' ask 'em :D

well @failure says putt's alive SUPPOSEDLY was talking in a dev chat. i've asked failure for at least the text of that chat but even then, anyone can just type up what looks like a convo ;)

the world what it is, and the nature of social networks being unilaterally pro-censorship and many actively censoring and/or being in cahoots with alphabet agencies/surveillance and all of this stuff going down in a short time frame is well, yeah: worrying.

derram ago

The slimg devs went missing around the same time.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

noooo... what's their usernames? i should know that.

derram ago

Check the sidebar of /v/Slimg

SaneGoatiSwear ago

techn90 commented 10 days ago, and before that 1 month ago.

crispy, 1 month since last contact.

derram ago

techn90 commented 10 days ago,

So right around the time atko showed up again?


SaneGoatiSwear ago



SaneGoatiSwear ago

what about atko? viv makes a serious case for a personality shift

look at all past comments by atko, then look at the most recent month.

we've nothing to base off for putt since he's still missing, but yes, we shall never miss a change in the v/OneTruePutt

watitdew ago

FWIW it was me who cratered v/niggers because it is an embarrassment to racists.

piratse ago

It's not a conspiracy. It's like any site that makes/raises money. They now have employees. A ton of money in the bank. And the site will be a 5 year decline to SJW garbage. Why do you guys always throw your faith in people like this? It's a fun site for now, but I don't, for one God damn second, think they aren't/haven't going to be bought.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'm not disagreeing with you about the standard lifespan of a socnet. you're spot on.


what employees? what money?

piratse ago

They have been getting investors from what I understand.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

cool how the hell do you invest in voat? super secret golden ticket?

where was this mentioned, pray tell.

piratse ago

They had been talking about investors for over a year, saying they wouldn't accept investors that tried to limit speech. If I remember correctly, after the first big reddit exodus, they said they were talking to investors. My guess is they caved on that. No way to prove it just yet, and I acknowledge I could be wrong, but it's a bit ominous. I'm a little too drunk to send you links to where they discussed it in the past, but Ican try to respond later if I remember.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

this, in here? saying they took on @zook.. another missing link 1.5year old untouched account. i have heard nothing about this "third partner" or whatever... and i joined 5 mo later...

k drunk pirate you be safe and drink ALL of the bottle now :D

Failure ago

I have contact with Putts, i talked to him thursday. he is fine. Atko has been gone for a while, so i dont know. putts says he was on vacation

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ok. we've got something here folks!

  1. yay putt's ok! yay! well, if i were to believe you.... because:

  2. on voat man, we need proofs. here on v/conspiracy we're not even taking the photos atko's provided (in a chat and on the 'monthly voat stats' post) as proof he's back because there's no stamp and no relevant proof he's in the pic, respectively.

  3. did you read the post, @failure? it's clearly stated and linked that atko is (supposedly, v/conspiracy) back and posting and commenting.... did you not see his posts or... bother to check? super curious, here on v/conspiracy lol 8D

Failure ago

yeah, that makes sense. take my input with a grain of salt, because its a dev chat, and he doesnt want the contact info out there.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

do you believe you have proof enough it's him?

Failure ago

I'm not a conspiracy guy, and he has fixed all the bugs found in that chat. It's enough proof for me, but when you dig deep enough, anything could be claimed as fake even when not. Choose whatever you want to believe, I was just giving my input.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah hey no dax. contact info lol not at all what i meant. like a chat log text pasta or something, like i pastad for the voat chat when atko jumped in.

still tho,

that put is alive

doesn't explain half this shit.

now the idea that voat's being sold off or about to be canned or change hands starts to get more prevalent....

let me ask you this: do you believe, in v/conspiracy style (we're talking minimum a1 info, and we don't have that on atko's proof of life even with posts and comments and pictures lol), do you have a1 proof that THAT is puttitout? you said dev chat. so could it be someone else has learned to type his way and has replaced him. or have you (no need to give) proof beyond reasonable doubt?

Tommstein ago

The freedom.

Gutta_Child ago

"freedom" another free speech on Voat shill, who would have imagined this comment in a thread about the prosperity of the site.

Tommstein ago

Or maybe they have come to realize that the users of Voat are by and large complete fucking wingnut idiots, that the window of opportunity for Voat to take off and be anything more than a haven for idiots, wingnuts, and morons has passed, and that they don't feel like wasting their time on such a project anymore.

Solarasti ago

Alexa ranking stats can be a little iffy. This is better for research and paints a different picture.

Gutta_Child ago

thats too bad maybe they shouldnt have false advertised like fucking faggots and brought over those exact people intentionally with lies about freedom of speech. Turns out they are shit skins or something.

tcp ago

It's not clear that the admins were ever that interested in the site. They graduated and got jobs just as the site started getting popular. If what you said was true, there wouldn't be much reason for you to be here. Or, do you like content from wingnuts? The site could exist comfortably with the features it has now, and, with stable traffic, it could support itself like many other sites out there. Didn't 4chan survive despite always being a squalid wreck?

Tommstein ago

They sure seemed interested a year ago. But like I told the other guy who asked, I'm here for the freedom. Although increasingly less here, because there's rarely anything of interest. Alexa seems to indicate that I'm not exactly the only one. There's a big wide rest of the Internet out there besides Reddit.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

Tommstein ago

I don't want it to die either, but if you look at how often they were around a year-plus ago compared to now, and what's happened to the site's popularity as it basically became a Trump campaign website (if Alexa is to be believed), this seems to me to be pretty likely what happened. I don't blame them.

Alternatively, for a v/conspiracy theory, aliens, man.

derram ago

My guess would be the rampant racism that has exploded over the past year, not because the site leans towards a specific presidential candidate.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

that's a sad theory. plausible and possible...

these guys initially partnered with amazon to do ad deals and technically banned a "problem sub" years quicker than eddit.. that's from the this post:

also, yes, totally could be aliens.

Tommstein ago

Whoa, I never knew Atko's name.

SergeantSlother ago

if I remember right, someone linked a while ago to a comment Hecho made that the feds caught on to him. I'm too lazy to look but that could be why he doesn't post as much.

what if Amalek finally went off the deep end and kidnapped atko and puttputt? he said he wanted to sue voat, but what if the joos finally convinced him to take our lovely site admins hostage? amalek is now, by default, Voat's head honcho. that's why he hasn't gone off the deep end lately, he can't complain about censorship because he is the censorship now. amalek hasn't done anything yet, but that's why atko seems different. he's telling us amalek has him!!

atko & puttputt, blink twice if amalek has you. we will help save you!

Gutta_Child ago

Atko and puttitout never existed.

They are 2 jewish trannies who are trolling the containment users from Faggit

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the "it's always been a honeypot" theory. we got it up there. although we are missing the "jewish tranny" slant :D

ah yes, the idea that reddit's for the gen pop containment and voat's for the laggards/riff raff/ etc.

Gutta_Child ago

well Voat was only mentioned on reddit for like a week during the big exodus so if it was containing anyone it wouldnt really be that effective since no one still knows of this faggy place

eeevan ago

It was originally called whoaverse, and it was mentioned prior to the exodus you're thinking of... So some of us have been here a while :)

Gutta_Child ago

I know what whoaverse was.

It was the gayest shit I ever saw and it read like a SRS safeground where they could be comfortable with each-other while not giving any implications they are SRS. Unless you know how to spot them.

eeevan ago

No dude it literally redirects to voat.

Gutta_Child ago

I've seen old threads there and lurked. Buncha effeminate sounding faggots, just the way everyone typed.

eeevan ago

Same. Worst user was some guy can't remember his name... Something like butter wild. You probably never heard of him.

NorwegianBlackMetal ago

So what is the agenda? A database collecting data on people for hate speech?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

unknown. that is possible, but i'm sure they've got so much data, it would be more likely that this is a trap, a honey pot.

or like you say, to collect further data.

otherwise... continue to be in control of all spaces withinwhich people congregate and converse - to monitor and collect all data, and to control the flow and the content and the tone etc.. this is another place, thus it must be controlled. they figure they can buy their way in, get a mole in with @zook who becomes the "third partner" and then is never spoken of again? as far as i can find. the user hasn't posted in that account in 1.5 years, right? but he's the "third 'financial' partner" of voat, right?..... and the rest is supposition, even suggesting he's a mole or an agent.. that's all just up in the air bullshit. what we do know is the supposed voat history from here and through going back through ALL of voat post and comment history... which i won't link because that would take a gorillion threads... but this will suffice:

whisky_cat ago

The weird thing to me is that it seems like they're now financed without fair or clear explanation.

Gutta_Child ago

it's been like that since day one.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

that's a surprising addition! how can we tell they're financed? no more calls to action etc?

whisky_cat ago

I don't have any real evidence. but when "the goat is flying now", after the sequence of grassroots donations, I questioned it. My thoughts do not go beyond that, I fucking love this place.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i love it too. hence, defend it, question it, improve it, etc!

Pawn ago

This is very worrisome, at least it is to me. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol or putt put up a better fight. which is strange, figuring atko's been through war/hell. we don't know much about putt, do we....

SaneGoatiSwear ago

which leads us to believe... there's an issue whatever it may be, beyond the fun of this conspiracy post....

SaneGoatiSwear ago

there's ALOT more to this, goats - - stay tuned.

Konran ago

Thank the goats you're on the case SGiS!

I too have some suspiscions regarding a lack of timestamped evidence regarding the whereabouts of Putt and Crispy. It is normal to wonder and question things.

I also imagine it could be the type of sloppy and incompetent operation that the CIA or MI6 might carry out. Sloppy because they're arrogant and think no-one would notice and incompetent because they feel all-powerful and don't need to make any real effort.

What I question is; why? Were the posts about Soros getting too close to the bone or something? It can't be because of FPH or other hate verses because they've been around forever - so what changed recently?

Of course, like you say, it might have a very normal and reasonable explanation, but this is /v/Conspiracy and there are certain standards of cynicism abd scepticism to maintain.

[EDIT: To correct spelling of verse link and to add missing square bracket to EDIT addendum.]

SaneGoatiSwear ago


our admins dissapeared with no word a month ago. atko has supposedly come back (no real proof) after 2 and a half weeks missing, hasn't said a word about it except in a chat that he's tired from the last few weeks (and it's possible he's had a personality change), and putt is still missing, and there's no word from anyone - not even atko - where putt is.

simplest explination: they went on vacation. putt to ibiza and atko, biking around swiss alps. putt may or may not be ok - has not been heard from in a month, no one knows where he is, atko won't speak about it. atko may or may not be okay; no verification of his safety.

conspiracy theory: they're dead, voat has always been or now is a honeypot and the replacements (for whatever reason) have officially replaced atko and are in the process of replacing putt.

vacvape ago

Maybe reddit was understaffed this month and they got called away