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PuttItOut ago

I'm glad to see this post and I hope Voat will make the distinction between the users and the moderators too.

Regardless of the details of how things went down, the users were ultimately the ones who paid the consequences.

It looks like things are working out though and moving in the right direction so I'm hopeful.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I don't support brigading, or collective punishment. But it is a fact that SOME users of /v/theawakening did share the same shit attitude as their moderators as well.

Here is just one example.

–] @Qtastic 1 points (+1|-0) 11.1 hours ago

We're not the immigrants, were the conquerors and you are the natives. Get used to it, I have a blanket for you if you want it.

PuttItOut ago

I fully realize that there was a lot of display of pride and arrogance.

All I can say is good luck with that approach on Voat.

KosherHiveKicker ago

It goes a bit farther than just attitude...

Here is a thread on reddit where they discuss how to manipulate on multiple levels.

You now know what to do: walk around VOAT OUTSIDE of theawakening sub and comment here and there to get these points.

EDIT: here is one VOAT comment where I will need your upvotes:

Thank you

PuttItOut ago

Let me explain why this is good in terms of SaneGoat. If it wasn't for SaneGoat exploiting Voat, Voat would have never closed various loopholes. The abuse of the platform resulted in a better platform.

So when manipulation occurs, ultimately the end result is that they are simply giving us the data we need to close down yet another vulnerability; they are helping Voat but they have no idea.

sheepsexplode ago

You are wise beyond your years. Patience.

middle_path ago

Let me explain why this is good in terms of SaneGoat

The fucking legend lives on! I feel bad for new users. They'll never experience his grace.

fuckingmockies ago

I frequently delete my account and start fresh. Sanegoat, Amalek, She, etc are how I verify that I'm an old goat when users she the short life of my current account and give me shit.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I understand.

Thank You for doing everything we know, and don't know about to keep the Goat Pen going as well.

PuttItOut ago

Thanks for having patience and understanding.

Mumbleberry ago

Don't forget the one in v/jokes, made with the same intent;

KosherHiveKicker ago


I wasn't aware of this one as well.