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theoldones ago


smile for the hidden camera!

"good faith discussion."

IE grovelling like you sucking your wifes boyfriends cock. no thank you. YOU kneel to this websites users. not the other way around

DrogeAnon ago

Yeah yeah it was painfully obvious to anyone who bothered to watch your little campaign that this was always your goal. But I made it clear that you're banned for ignoring our request to stop spamming our sub with low effort crap. Have a complaint to make about the mods? We won't remove it if you put some effort in and actually make it worth people's time to read. But if you just want to clutter our feed to slide our board? Seeya.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

Why dont you let the people decide if its worth their time to read?

Broc_Lia ago

That argument doesn't really work. Mods/janitors can and should get rid of content that's clearly off topic, posting the whole ban log clearly isn't about q or the deep state.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

Wouldn't it just be a meta post?

Broc_Lia ago

One might be a meta-post yes. Ten of them? Spam

kneo24 ago

Go back and re-read what they said.

Have a complaint to make about the mods? We won't remove it (just as we didn't on Reddit) if you put some effort in and actually make it worth people's time to read.

They're a liar about not deleting good faith criticism of the sub. That topic they deleted was a good faith effort, even if they don't like it. It's hard to take them at their word when they delete any and all criticisms of themselves. A sub should allow [meta] discussions. By removing, you only invite people to keep making them.

Broc_Lia ago

Have a complaint to make about the mods? We won't remove it (just as we didn't on Reddit) if you put some effort in and actually make it worth people's time to read.

Copy pasting the ban log into ten posts is not putting effort in or making it worth people's time to read, it's a shitpost.

They're a liar about not deleting good faith criticism of the sub.

That wasn't good faith criticism, not by a long shot.

By removing, you only invite people to keep making them.

Sure, other spammers exist, they should ban them too.

kneo24 ago

I disagree. Copying and pasting the logs is good criticism. You also conveniently ignored them out lying about allowing good faith criticism with the link i provided. You are nitpicking at the smaller picture here.

Broc_Lia ago

I disagree. Copying and pasting the logs is good criticism.

We'll just have to disagree on that. If his object was to draw the userbase's attention to the heavy handed moderation, he could just as easily have included a link to the banlogs (others have) and achieved the same thing.

Taking up a slot on their front page to air your grievances is one thing. Needlessly taking up ten slots? That's spam. It's manhood101/sanegoat type behaviour. It shouldn't be tolerated by anyone.

You also conveniently ignored them out lying about allowing good faith criticism with the link i provided. You are nitpicking at the smaller picture here.

I'm discussing the OP's post. I explicitly said I don't dispute that they have powermods, but he was spamming and completely deserved to be banned.