Clinker ago

Who cares? What a waste of time. These are supposed to Q groups, not fingerpointing. This is a fucking distraction. Not saying one side is any better about this than the other. Leave the mods alone. If you feel a board is somehow compromised, don't visit it.

typo54 ago

Kindly fuck back off to wherever the hell you came from.

SandHog ago

But I’ll be honest, now.


divine_human ago

i dont actually sense this to be true. i think though that they all play on the same chaos crew, trying to mislead and divide the movement.

however, nice that neon revolt stops cryptomining on his site. this statement says it all:

If you want to support my efforts with the site, buy a T-shirt for now.

there ye go. this should do.

for those who got aware of the cryptomining issue only now, like me, a browser add-on like 'no coin' should do.

bulrush ago

The JavaScript mining code may not be malware like a virus, but it sure slows down your machine. Hopefully the code stops when you close the page that contained it. There were several sites with this code on their pages and they were indeed marked as malware because it slowed things down so badly on each PC.

Skulati ago

I'm still trying to figure it out myself, hence the questionmark, but here is the lead.

DamnLiquor ago

Fuck that kike nigger RonaldSwansong!

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

Muh shekels!

LurkMaster ago

Everyone notice this is an April post right? Whats new here?

So will NV go away at the end of the month?