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srayzie ago

I run v/greatawakening. I offered to help them. I want them successful because it’s for Q. I don’t want ((( them ))) to win. They want division. They want us divided. It’s not about who’s sub has more. Anyone who honestly cares about this movement is going to put Q, Trump, and fighting for our country above pride.

I am not starting drama. I truly want them successful. Censorship should make us fight even harder, become more united, and make us stick together. I love Neon Revolt. I post about him all the time. He said no offense, but they didn’t know us mods so they were going to make their own sub. That’s perfectly fine. I wrote him and told him if he needed anything let me know....

I made this post on THEIR SUB yesterday...
Welcome Reddiit Refugees! - Let me know if you need help learning how to do stuff here!

In that post, I said...

We got a lot of new subscribers today too. I made a post welcoming them. I recommend you read it, just so you can get an understanding of Voat culture. If not, you’ll be doing thru hell. Free speech is everything to goats. (Voat Users.)

I wanted to warn them. They cannot be strict here. It will not work. Dealing with shills is the cost we pay to have free speech. I’ve been fighting this shill with alts like crazy. I ask for advice by some of the mods I trust. They helped me decide on what to do about this today. There’s nothing wrong with that. 13 mods? Even pizzagate doesn’t have that many.

It’s not too late to talk with some people that know Voat and just take some advice. I have had around 2500 new subscribers in 2 days. I haven’t asked anyone to come. They just showed up. That’s great. They’re welcome. My point is that I’m not trying to overstep my boundaries. I even have their old sub on the startpage I made... I have many Q related links there.

Hopefully someone can talk to them and have them talk to someone. They are going to have a storm of shills if not. It’s only day 2 and can be turned around.

Hand_of_Node ago

Here's a comment they removed that you might find interesting, or useful.

shrink ago

We're not talking about the users, we're talking about the mods, who hold power to directly shape a sub. There is absolutely no redemption for that new sub unless 1) the mods are removed or 2) the users all leave. There is no other path to a better future. It's been proven to be compromised and that the mods do not hold free speech in any regard; what little good faith was given to them by default has been instantaneously ruined. I repeat: as long as those mods control that sub, said sub is utterly irredeemable. It doesn't matter if all the mods suddenly wised up tomorrow and promised never to be so Draconian, you simply cannot take them at their word.

Personally, I think Q is a fucking joke and you're falling for stupid, vague bait I myself could easily create because I know how to, and so do many others. But that doesn't mean I think you're a shill or controlled op. THESE fucking mods are definitely that, they've made that point pretty fucking clear.