SearchVoatBot ago

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srayzie ago

Next time ping me to stuff like this!

Qpatriotsfight ago

Just to clarify, are you implying Q had private comms? Q emphatically stated no comms outside 8ch.

Q !UW.yye1fxo No.4

Jan 8 2018 23:29:38 (EST)


NO private comms past/present/future.

NO comms made outside of this platform.

Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately.




Vindicator ago

Not at all. But you can read @alphabravo's Comment History for yourself, if you are interested.

eyerighteye ago

This post fills my heart, and the energizes me for today's battles. Fuck off nazifags this is a Q board, and we are about love, unity and healing devisions.

SearchVoatBot ago

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WeTheElite ago

Interesting, thanks for sharing

Vladimir_Komarov ago

Thanks for posting this mate. I member breadcrumb anon. I almost couldn't go to work that day I was so moved. 20% of me still thinks there's a Pied Piper element to it perhaps leading us to embrace a NWO while trying to overthrow muh luminatti. The other 80 is on a complete hopeum binge, trusting the plan and willing to wait for it to unfold. The Q proofs are great but I have some personal indicators that haven't been touched on, which troubles me. I also try to compare this to revolutions in the past, some perhaps incited to satisfy an overly curious populace to the benefit of entrenched power. How would that power incite (((revolution))) today? Why would they run a poison candidate and show polls with 99/1 split? Are these people THAT stupid? Are we lemmings? I can't commit 100%, but I have to say this has been a year of great questions.

Vindicator ago

I feel very similar to you. The one thing I would say about whether this is a pied piper is that it truly has woken thousands of people up and galvanized them to get involved in getting the nation back on track in a way I've never seen before -- asking questions, educating themselves, pushing back against the merchandizing of moral depravity, etc. I have one family member who stopped drinking and started a new business and another who lost 40 pounds and started seriously paying attention to what's being done to the food supply as a result of Trump and Q.

Hope galvanizes people to stand up and fight for what they want, to consider new possibilities, and most of all, to take risks that didn't seem worth it before. They want you to believe it's just a mind-numbing drug. If that were the case, the MSM wouldn't be trying so hard to trash it. It's much more dangerous than that.

eyerighteye ago

Here here!

frankenmine ago

Alpha and Bravo are the first two entries in the NATO phonetic alphabet.

The phonetic alphabet is officially used by NATO-member English-speaking military personnel and English-speaking pilots and air-traffic-control personnel, both military and civilian.

Vindicator ago

:-) I'm aware.

Stopmotionhistory ago

Amazing. Thank you for being you. This is the best post I have read for a long time. Nice screen name btw.

Vindicator ago

My pleasure, stopmotion. :-)

angelCole ago

This is fascinating, to see the early stages. I didn't come on the scene until probably mid to late Nov. Thanks for posting.

CowWithBeef ago

Glad to see I'm not the only one to think wh insider and meg were part of the q project.

Vindicator ago

I would include FBIAnon, Pieczenick and Assange in that list, as well. They all have played key roles in a pretty amazing communication campaign. We'll see how much of it turns out to be mere propaganda. They've made some bold claims, though, that will tank the Trump brand if they don't deliver, and Trump doesn't strike me as the kind of businessman who would allow that.

eronburr ago

I looked on twitter for 8ch banter when Q showed up and found this account setup in November @SnowWhite7IAM which has put up 20k tweets in less than a year, all on the subject. #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #FollowSnowWhite

And this one around the same time with 60 tweets and 18k followers! @TH3WH17ERABB17

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Q. Please point us in the right direction or tell us if we already are in the right direction. Just give us a door to the source and a key maker like in The Matrix. Set us free.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

God Q tell us the truth about Las Vegas, Sutherland Springs, and Parkland. Do we all have it all almost right? Just please blow the lid off we're absolutely ready for the truth to be revealed. What happened? Why? Who ordered these mass killings?

nzmc ago

look how world looks with those facts revealed, someone opened project or job offering to kill innocent people on concert for some effect, is it moral?

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

God please tell me all responsible for Las Vegas, Sutherland, and Parkland have been made to suffer or will suffer. God please tell me we'll find the truth or the truth will come out or those who killed all those people will be made to suffer or all ready have.

Vindicator ago

Amen to that!

Alice89 ago

Thanks for this post! It’s nice (and very important) to know more about the history of Voat related to Q. Without Reddit it’s probable the Voat will be in again on their radar soon.

inspiretk ago

Is there a purpose of your post? I don't get it.

Vindicator ago

A little history for the new GQATS. A little inspiration for the old.

nzmc ago

thanks man for posting this I kinda remember your nick so you have been around for some time for sure interesting trail anyway of evidence

inspiretk ago

Very cool!!!

Kahlypso79 ago

Release the Krakon! - The Krakon was a Norse Legend. Andromede was to be eaten by Cetus, the Cetus was probably inspired by Varuna

DamnLiquor ago

Agreed, cool read/post, but Judge Judy would say this is just semantics. Ain't really any solid proof, dismissed

Vindicator ago

Ain't really any solid proof, dismissed

None of the great stories that have inspired mankind have really involved any solid proof. I think you dismiss this one unwisely, because it surely is a great story that is inspiring millions of people.

MolochHunter ago

now thats some deep insider intel you wont get from a 'New Goat'

Vindicator ago

:-) Just a humble sentry, keepin' my eyes peeled

MolochHunter ago

you cant pull that bullshit with me, nigger, yer a mutherfuckin LYNCHPIN

magzy ago

Great post...Having read every q post, BC anon speaks somewhat like q...

Short succinct statements. What will be etc.

Only concern in the Podesta and Huma dates... Unless they are 2018 dates!?!

Mega anon was female wasn't she? Posted feet for 4chan trolls and fell for

FBI anon gave the whole red pill in one giant enchilada though...

Vindicator ago

Only concern in the Podesta and Huma dates... Unless they are 2018 dates!?!

They may be among the sealed indictments. You never know. :-)

magzy ago

Well that may be the case but BC anon said this would be the trigger for all to see... November 18 lines up nicely with the current timeline though. If they are arrested for rigging elections in 16 just before the mid terms of 2018 then this would fit.

Vindicator ago

Yes, it would fit perfectly. I've always thought...what better time to arrest Hillary than right before the election...either 2018 or 2020. If you had card...up your sleeve, wouldn't YOU use it? Why waste it early?

KillerKap ago

Cool post. Nice independent research there.

LostandFound ago

Having ridden this crazy train from the first 4ch post I was ready to dismiss this, but going through the materials linked the language style is a match!

Thanks for sharing this will keep me thinking for a while awesome.

Vindicator ago

the language style is a match!

Yep :-)

Now you know why anyone making solid threads about Q on v/pizzagate was getting the shit kicked out of them...leading @srayzie to create this separate subverse.

LMAO. The more they try to stop it, the bigger it gets. I fucking love it.

LostandFound ago

This has been a crazy roller coaster to be fair I hope that Q and everyone else pulls through on this, as there has been some massive brain drain on the PG sub the last few months, for which I am also guilty. Many thanks for all your modding over there over the last two years I'm sure it's not been easy.

Vindicator ago

there has been some massive brain drain on the PG sub the last few months

It was much worse in the few months before Q showed up. NOTHING was breaking...except crappy posts about adrenochrome, LOL.

Many thanks for all your modding over there over the last two years I'm sure it's not been easy.

It's been my pleasure to serve. :-)

LostandFound ago

Yeah I think we all expected Trump to turn up with a box of handcuffs and a ban hammer! This is one area of Q that still concerns me it relies very heavily on someone else doing the hard work and if he fails were in a difficult position. Hopefully the winds keep blowing in our direction for another while yet! p.s. sorry about my gravity answer its the best I could do without a week of your time.

ClamhurtsHoseWater ago

I didn't know that! Thank you for the laugh @Vindicator