aweojraweijoerwo ago

Reinstate KimmyKitten as admin /v/PiNaH or else we brigade

aweojraweijoerwo ago

Reinstate KimmyKitten /v/PiNaH or else we brigade

werajraewjrew ago

werajraewjrew ago

We stand with our princess waifu kimmy and more importantly our pedophile friends. We fight for pedophile rights! PiNaH forever!

werajraewjrew ago

Pedophilia is normal and healthy (PiNaH)!

YogSoggoth ago

OK, happened to me before here. Tonight it was weird. I clicked on the white supremacy thing and then it would not let me back here. So, in conclusion, everything on voat can and will be used against you in court? This is a planned attack. I do not go to other sites on voat. Hard to call me a white supremacist, because I am 1'rst Nation. I think these attacks are targeted on individuals. I am all over the place, and my speciality is making certain people extremely mad. Rez Dogs done strayed from the REZ,,yall.

Vindicator ago

Yog, glad you are here, man. I've watched Putt and those helping him keep Voat afloat for months and I honestly do not think Voat is collaborating with corruption. The whole point of the port was to make it cheap enough to run that Voat would never have to rely on angel investors but could subsist on donations. I trust @PuttItOut and crew.

Frankly, given the persistant, multi-faceted nature of the ongoing attack (almost a month now!), it's amazing the site functions at all. They've had to disable multiple features to prevent them from being exploited. The lagging and log outs are necessary at the moment.

YogSoggoth ago

Happens offline often too. I am confrontational.

carmencita ago

OK, all well and good. But when is it going to stop, that is the 64M $$$ Question.

Vindicator ago

Whenever Brock runs out of money, I guess. :-)

Did you see that the new tax plan cuts Federal deductions for state and local taxes? What that means in practical terms is that lib states like California will be forced to lower taxes, because folks won't be able to afford to live there anymore, they'll be taxed at such a high rate between all the different governments taking a cut. Once the free $ inflow is choked to a trickle, we should see a lot less of this kind of BS.

carmencita ago

Hopefully. Where is Brock? I think he is dead. Someone else running it. Heart attack then gone.

DeathTwoMasons ago

The biggest threat to Voat are the pedo-mods like Vindicator and MF and the likes of "abortionburger" before. It's an inside job.

Vindicator ago

Little late, aren'tcha there D2?

millennial_vulcan ago

Mods, is there a way to see whch V/Pgate submissions have had the most views in the last year?

It may be very telling and pertinent to on going research to know which are the topics/names people are most interested in....or lol, fearful of....

Thank you.

Vindicator ago

See my comment here. :-)

kazza64 ago

great work guys !

srayzie ago

Awesome. We can watch hooktube now without leaving voat!

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I love it when you talk dirty....i might have to go wake the wife up for some pickle tickle

millennial_vulcan ago

Is this why Soros transferred$18bil into his checking account two days ago? ;-)

My, hacking sure is 'SPENSIVE these days....!

srayzie ago

That and every other evil things in the works that the sick fuck can think of. Can you imagine if we had some billionaire with endless amounts of money that actually worked to fight the globalists and do good for the country? They would probably be killed off quick.

samhara ago

Aaron Swartz

waxdino ago

I honestly envy those of you who never navigate away from v/pizzagate to find out what's happening on the rest of the site. (Spoiler alert: It's a circle jerk.) I should try it.

Joe10jo ago

Yeah because yesterday I kept getting an "access denied" screen. I was actually getting pissed thinking I'd been banned from Voat, lol.

Gothamgirl ago

In pizzagate/nomods its only allowing 1 post per day, I thought something was up.

carmencita ago

Yeah, but who knows who it really is.

argosciv ago

wait... 2 stickies? whatisthis.jpg

Vindicator ago

Indeed! This appears to be one of the improvements Putt has put in place, though I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere. Or, it could be a fortuitous bug. 🙄

argosciv ago


EDIT: Also, WE MADE THE PORT!!!. Voat survives to fight on!

Wot? xD

Vindicator ago

Voat has been trying to port to a much leaner, cheaper to host platform, so that it can be self-supporting and not have to take money from any single large investor (and risk becoming a tool of the investor's agenda). We were on Azure, but Microsoft raised the fee to host the servers dramatically, and Voat almost had to close this past spring. Instead, the community rallied behind Putt and they came up with a plan and starting rewriting the code. You can read all about it a v/announcements.

QuestionEverything ago

I assume they are using bot armies. Honestly, theres' only about a dozen players that can do this. Most of em are 3 letter agencies.

Attack against free speech in America? Yeah, thats a treason cookie. And while they might not get caught in this lifetime, Justice is a constant in this universe. Karma will condemn these people to their own hell.

WD_Pelley ago

Karma will condemn these people to their own hell.

I wonder what hell would await these people?

Vindicator ago

Honestly, theres' only about a dozen players that can do this. Most of em are 3 letter agencies.

Is it weird that this makes me happy?

I know, let's all do FOIA requests to find out who is spending money attacking a tiny Swiss bulletin board site!

QuestionEverything ago

FOIA is lol. Fake accountability where there is absolutely none.

carmencita ago

Yes. I agree, but in the meantime they are creating a Hell for us. What about calling this idiots out on blogs, twitter, you name it. Spread the word that we are being attacked and that even if people don't get our cause, it is still an attack on our free speech.

Vindicator ago

I'm starting to feel that Putt is working his way into the Julian Assange free speech Hall of Fame. :-)