Adminstrater ago

Had to log back in. I am sure that was the moment it happened.

Vindicator ago

I am starting to feel like Putt deserves a spot alongside Julian Assange. :-)

bloodguard ago

Awesome. And it looks like they fixed the -two clicks to get to orangered- replies. Now if they put in a "hide" submission link so I can get rid of all the bible study nonsense that's been getting spammed lately I'll be a happy Capra.

10816213? ago

So this means reduced operating costs?

MadWorld ago

Yup! More secure and reduced operating cost, it's a win-win!

Gimmie_A_Dollar ago

What does this mean to people like me who do not know much about the interwebs an how they work?

MadWorld ago

Basically new Voat is more secure and robust with many bugs fixed. It is also more flexible and cost effective now that it runs linux!

Gimmie_A_Dollar ago

Right on. I got a good laugh when it "checked my privilege" before letting me to the page..hahaha.. Linux..I have to quit bullshitting and an install that.

Baconmon ago

Which OS is voat now running on?.. I hope it is good old Linux!..

MadWorld ago

:-) Debian!

Baconmon ago

EXCELLENT MY CHILD.. Debian is what I use too on this computer (I'm using testing branch though, because I'm not a server)..
I can tell it is more responsive, especially when I up-vote or down-vote; The old code-base seemed to take a few seconds or so to register an up/down vote, but now they seem to register faster..

MadWorld ago

Yeah it's definitely more responsive. The /v/all/new is also very clean!

Firevine ago

Is that why I go blind every time I hit the expandofucker?

MadWorld ago


RimeTheBard ago

I didn't take any levels in technomancer, can someone explain the importance of this to me?

MadWorld ago

Voat now runs on new code, is more secure and resilient to attacks with numerous bugs fixed, including some that were severe. It also has more flexibility in choosing hosting options at a lower cost! All the money goats has donated and continue to donate will make Voat last longer.

If possible, you should consider donating. Don't underestimate yourself, even if it's only 5 bucks each month, it will help when all goats come together! To find out more, visit this subverse.

RimeTheBard ago

Lol I'll probably donate when I don't have over 2k in bills to pay off.

But thanks for the explanation.

MadWorld ago

I hope you manage to pay off your bills soon!! :-) Also try not to buy the stuffs you don't really need.

snappypickle ago

where are the glitter gifs?

pissedoffhonkey ago

i have no idea what that means :]

MadWorld ago

Putt fixed many bugs and Voat will be more robust and more flexible moving forward!

pissedoffhonkey ago

okay sweet. i like robust.

guinness2 ago

Ah, that is awesome... I hoped that's what was happening!

Do you know when we'll be getting post thumbnails back?

MadWorld ago

Yeah it's fucking awesome!

I don't know when thumbnails will be back, it probably has to wait for the proxy setup. Putt also promised a submission detailing the attacks. I can't wait to see how we were attacked or if they used the bugs we found on preview to attack Voat.

BentAxel ago

Thank you.

BlueDrache ago


Using Firefox

Night Mode

Selected thread turns blinding white when clicked


Literally unusable.

Voopin__Voopin ago


if so, disable for the time being. Hope this helps.

BlueDrache ago

It actually did. I set the "select post highlight" to "off"

strange_69 ago

Shit. PM shits the bed every time I try to watch a video. Then I have to watch it on brave. Ugh

BlackDadsScatter ago

As happy as it makes me voats doing well I literally have no fucking clue what this means lol

MadWorld ago

It means Voat will be safer, more robust, and more flexible moving forward! I can't wait to make a chunk of donation to this platform! This platform is fucking amazing!!

3dk ago

Also, most importantly, much cheaper to run!

MadWorld ago

Yeah it is a win-win for Voat!

nigger_plz ago

Yes I'll donate too.

MadWorld ago

Awesome!!! If you have questions or want to find out more, visit this subverse or send a message to the mods. :-) Don't forget to specify your username if you want to get badged!!

BlackDadsScatter ago

Ahh good shit,fucking novice with computers more mechanical and engineering

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Testing this now

Nice, it works!

ZX4jBXu ago

Super exciting! weeeeee!

Landrictree ago

Don't know what that means, but YaY!

MadWorld ago

It means that many bugs are fixed and the attackers cannot use those bugs to cripple Voat!

IAmHiding ago

Wow the site is very snappy now, damn!

MadWorld ago

X-D Dammit, where have you been for the past 2.6 years??

IAmHiding ago

Uhhh lurking haha, Im always too late for thread discussions most of the time anyways so I don't bother commenting

MadWorld ago

In that case, you are most likely the longest lurker on Voat!

Hall_of_Cost ago

The chat is still gone, though.

MadWorld ago

Give it some time, Putt is a very very busy guy...

OhBlindOne ago

Mad props to Putt and all the fantastic goats that helped port all the code over!

MadWorld ago

:-) And also thanks to all those goats who have been keeping /v/all/new clean!!

sakuramboo ago

How can I get the neverending scroll from AVE now that AVE is entirely broken with this version of Voat?

Hammer_Bot ago

Unless the original dev updates AVE we are forever stuck with 'load more comments'

sakuramboo ago

And "next" and "previous" buttons.

Hammer_Bot ago

I think @Failure and @FuzzyWords are just the people to make us a new AVE.

FuzzyWords ago

@Failure doesn't like JavaScript, I doubt he would do that.

I have little interest and time to write something as complex as /v/AVE, I generally just write smaller things for more specific tasks (like my script for enabling CSS only on selected subverses) but I write those for myself and I don't upload them.

Hammer_Bot ago

Well kill me now!

heygeorge ago

Brb, killing you. Let me know when it worked.

MadWorld ago

Can you use the manual "load more comments" button for the time being? It's a small price to pay for now. We can wait a few days to see what happens.

sakuramboo ago

That's for the comments but AVE also did posts.

digitalentity1497 ago

We are still here!

MadWorld ago

Yup, it's fucking amazing!!

BobBelcher ago

Damnit! I mean yay, cool and all, but now I have to stop using AVE because it's not compatible anymore. So now I have to view Voat all shrunk to just the center of my screen and can't see who I've tagged as an idiot. :(

PonchoKitty ago

what is AVE?

BobBelcher ago

It was like RES for Reddit. But it's dead now. Wish someone with web dev know how would make a replacement or fork it.

MadWorld ago

:-) We are all still here!! It's a great victory for been able to survive such vicious attacks!

For your browser, do you have a screenshot? How terrible is the viewable area?

BobBelcher ago

Look at all that wasted space!

I can reenable AVE but then whenever I click on a post it makes it white and unreadable text.

Voopin__Voopin ago

this is noob-tier but it's what i do.

"Ctrl +" to zoom in, "Ctrl -" to zoom out.

@Madworld 's sorcery is probably better, but i cant tell if that's something users do, or something mods do with their own css.

MadWorld ago

If I change the css of the layout to 100% width, it will occupy the whole width of the browser window:

#container {
    max-width: 100%;

I will make a suggestion to this subverse. Thank you!

BobBelcher ago

Ahh awesome. I changed that for /v/spacex though I am still seeing an issue with how the stylesheet shit I am using is doing upvotes and downvotes. I'll have to dig into that more, see if I can figure it out.


Oh good! now I can use hook 100%.

GrandNagus ago

Can we get a fix for this highlighting bug?

FuzzyWords ago

You are probably using /v/AVE, it causes that problem. Unfortunately AVE has been abandoned for over an year and the dev has left Voat. It is unlikely to get fixed, try disabling it and see if the issue goes away.

MadWorld ago

You should submit a separate bug report to this subverse along with this snapshot! That way this bug will be on record and Putt can pick it up later whenever he is fixing the bugs.

Goathole ago

meh, it ain't all that........

........KIDDING. Just kidding you faggots. Don't fucking kill me.

guinness2 ago

That can be the problem with rolling out massive changes to an app!

I've implemented applications which automate vast amounts of an existing enterprise... and the result was my project manager saying "Oh, that was easy... perhaps you shouldn't have worried so much about risk mitigation?".

heygeorge ago

Lol, the penultimate project manager.

MadWorld ago

:-) We are here for each other!

fluxusp ago

This is great news!

MadWorld ago

:-) Also notice the /v/all/new is now quiet!

MadWorld ago

Yeah there are several signs all pointed to the new codebase!

Hammer_Bot ago

I was just thinking, shouldn't we all have been logged out or did that fact change?

MadWorld ago

That was there very first sign, we have been logged out several times, at least 4 that I can recall of.

Hammer_Bot ago

Ahhhh, thank you :)

MadWorld ago

It's fucking amazing how he can pull this off while we are still under attack!!

Hammer_Bot ago

Seems it may have been his secret weapon.

Hammer_Bot ago

Seems really responsive too.

zak_the_mac ago

Yes! I noticed the speed bump too. Bonuses all round. Hopefully the thumbnails will be back soon, and then we'll be running at Peak Voat.

MadWorld ago

Yup! It's fucking amazing how Putt can pull all this off while we are constantly under attack!!

go1dfish ago

Might as well jump to the new codebase if the old one is under attack and in need of fixes anyway.

I for one welcome our new Linux overlords.

Kleyno ago

Surely you mean Sudo Lords, yes?

Le_Squish ago

The attacks leveled him up. It's triple XP week for admins!

zak_the_mac ago

I know you're joking, but Putt is genuinely gaining some seriously marketable security skills. If he needs money to keep Voat alive, being a security consultant is a great way to get rich quick.

Le_Squish ago

Brah, I'm totally not joking.