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millennial_vulcan ago

Hello Mods, is there a way to see whch V/Pgate submissions have had the most views in the last year?

It may be very telling and pertinent to on going research to know which are the topics/names people are most interested in....or lol, fearful of....

Thank you.

Vindicator ago

As far as I know, not specifically. However, you could get something of a sense by viewing TOP at each of the different time windows (day, week, month, quarter, year, all time), and looking at the top 10 posts to see how many people viewed it. TOP sorts by upvoats, so it's not a straight 1:1 measure, but I would give you a rough idea.

This would be a great question to post at v/voatdev...or perhaps reach out to the admin at -- he may be able to add that function to his sort algos if it isn't already there. That site is separate from Voat.

SearchVoat ago

Quick heads up the site is not

Vindicator ago

Thanks, SearchVoat! My bad.