millennial_vulcan ago

Hello Mods, is there a way to see whch V/Pgate submissions have had the most views in the last year?

It may be very telling and pertinent to on going research to know which are the topics/names people are most interested in....or lol, fearful of....

Thank you.

Vindicator ago

As far as I know, not specifically. However, you could get something of a sense by viewing TOP at each of the different time windows (day, week, month, quarter, year, all time), and looking at the top 10 posts to see how many people viewed it. TOP sorts by upvoats, so it's not a straight 1:1 measure, but I would give you a rough idea.

This would be a great question to post at v/voatdev...or perhaps reach out to the admin at -- he may be able to add that function to his sort algos if it isn't already there. That site is separate from Voat.

SearchVoat ago

Quick heads up the site is not

Vindicator ago

Thanks, SearchVoat! My bad.

TrishaUK ago

PROOF OF CONNECTION TO PIZZAGATE:- Harvey Weinstein, Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein - -

AgainstPedos ago

Do you honestly think HW was never invited to visit Pedo Island? You do realize there's a structure that has a definite & intentional Luciferian design, right?

Jobew1 ago

the definition of evidence includes circumstantial evidence obviously. if you have, for instance, a sourced post that links paddock to child trafficking near US military bases in SE Asia, those circumstances and facts within the links provided in the post provide "circumstantial evidence" of "abuse of kids by the global elite" as you say. It's certainly as much circumstantial evidence of pg as posts about suspicious symbols on a childcare location, busts of state level politicians or police officers for cp related stuff, random suspected child trafficking activities and hotspots in the US, molly ringwald doing an op-ed about an unnamed hollywood big shot who rubbed up against her 30 years ago, etc etc

migratorypatterns ago

Totally agree that he's a member of the Cannibal Elite and that should be relevancy enough. But he's also a HUGE Clinton Foundation donor and a Bill Clinton Rape Fund donor, so how doesn't that qualify as relevancy? This doesn't make sense.

AgainstPedos ago

Not in any way to defend Bill Cosby's actions but he was ex-military intelligence. Note his early TV performances and you'll see a clear CIA link.

Of course Matt Damon & Ben Affleck are also clearly CIA assets from CIA related families. Note that they climbed the ladder extremely fast. Hollywood insiders say it's extremely common for "a name" to take the credit for writing a film when it's really the work of a less glamorous but far, far more skilled pro screenwriter. The same thing occurs in directing. Note the difference between S.S. auteur work at the start of his career and his later work? Wonder why? Don't believe anything you read in the paps as it's all planted by PR agents for maximum effect.

Since record sales don't finance music, drug trafficking does instead. Who searches private planes AND the luggage of private top musicians and artists? Now WHY do you think talent regularly flies to foreign locales? Young but tough looking Black artists are a definite sexual fetish. In 1 weekend a performers' expenses for the year can be covered. They demand a far, far higher price than Instagram Models, trying to get in on the $$$ by being essentially "port-a-potties." Now you also know why drug use and alcohol are used to cope.

Can you figure out how movies are financed? Top investors, especially foreign ones laundering $$$ want more than a little flirting over dinner. Secretly recorded XXXX films and photos are used as enticement. Now you see the REAL reason more Blond young women are used than Blacks. It comes down to those financing each project.

Realize model/actresses with former TV series are still popular in Cannes, Japan, the Mid East and elsewhere. They have $$$ currency on the arm of whomever due to their AMERICAN usually Caucasian rep. Look at who's paying for their own "ads" repeatedly showcasing themselves on the sidebar of the Daily Mail. Seeking "sponsors?" Yes many have a sideline hobby/business so it's easier on their taxes to collect $$$$.

How does all of this relate to the pedo problem? Top film investors around the world, the 1% and the top elite who want to show off that they can afford and arrange to hire "a famous American beauty," and DC top political figures and powers of industry do not want an overused "Khardashian type." True sex with a pregnant woman is a novelty to some.

So you have to have a steady, new supply of young boys and girls who are amenable to doing whatever is necessary to get on a TV series, to advance to a steadier role, a singing career, modelling gigs pushing products, whatever is asked of them to do. Stage mothers (and fathers who aren't financially solvent on their own) see nothing wrong with using their kids to support them. Common in many families all over the world.

So since the majority of the boys who try out for a role in ET can be coached on and off set to do OK, it all comes down to who is most amenable to getting a TV Producer to do what you want him to do. Or getting favorable distribution rights in another country. Bribe or blackmail.

By the way I met the star of ET and his mother at an entertainment party. Obvious what was really going on. Note that many child actors were raised in cults were there were no age limits for sexual exploration. Or they had parents or close relatives that sexually abused them at an extremely young age. Or they know and fear their family's extreme financial instability due to parental drug and alcohol addiction. Proven that the littlest kids can easily be coerced and even bribed with very little effort to do exactly what is asked whenever.

Being "Eager to Please" is the #1 attribute those that hire seek in an actor of any age, race, or sex.

alphabravo ago

Relating to relevant topics, I was disappointed today to have my submission, on the Clintons and the new FBI information that they had been taking bribes in the Uranium One deal, removed twice by @Millenium_Falcon . My second post was on fire with comments and discussions and had 129 upvoats when it was deleted.

As we are investigating Clinton as being a part of a human trafficking ring, surely this huge, huge news regarding her part in this corruption is relevant here. I would like to note here that I do not agree with this heavy handed use of relevancy, or Rule 1.

Likewise, I feel that Weinstein is very much part of the subject of our investigation and posts should be allowed. I feel this subject will be diluted if disallowed, just as our Seth Rich posts were when we were re-directed to post them on v/sethrich.

Vindicator ago

For the record; I am leaving up Clinton/CF investigation related posts due to the fact that FBIAnon originally said child trafficking was part of the CF corruption and urged us to follow the money because sometimes they were payed in kids. @Millennial_Falcon: we may want to do this in case we get some breaking news that leads to exposure of PG stuff through these Clinton crime exposures. Just my $.02.

Judgejewdy ago

How about you go ahead and put the PG sticky back up now?

Vindicator ago

It's right at the top of my post -- the very first line. It's also in the sidebar, as it always is.

Narcissism ago

16 is the age of consent in most countries including the UK. So no he is not a pedo based on that fact.

FalseMinds ago

Don't reply to this directly. Ping me in another post under one of your own comments at least 5 days old preferably or create another account. Standard for me in any personal requests.

I'm not clear what you're saying here. How is the boy/c connected to this?

These are some interesting people for sure. I recommend AM/E/RI/KA/N HO/L/OKA/UST and $K/U/MB/AGZ Trailer From ke/llyh/ele/ntho/mps/on@/gm/ai/ Founder of K/P G/ho/s/t Productions

Narcissism ago

Unless there's kiddie Fiddling Harvey - jerk in a plant pot - Weistein doesn't belong here.

AgainstPedos ago

How about if there's widespread child trafficking under the guise of Modern Art sales? Vegas is one of the locations for child auctions for various nefarious purposes. Don't think 10/1 isn't connected.

millennial_vulcan ago

they say Ronni Chasen was caught up in this....

Votescam ago

Weinstein story could very well link to pedophilia/pizzagate --

Here's Rose McGowan ... with a plea to Jeff Bezos NOT to fund "rapists, alleged pedos and sexual harassers."

Separately, she said she had pleaded with Jeff Bezos, whose company often partners with the Weinstein Co., not to fund “rapists, alleged pedos and sexual harassers.>

and from Tweet by McGowan --

rose mcgowan ✔ ‎@rosemcgowan

4) @jeffbezos I am calling on you to stop funding rapists, alleged pedos and sexual harassers. I love @amazon but there is rot in Hollywood

4:18 PM - Oct 12, 2017

629 629 Replies
6,927 6,927 Retweets
19,606 19,606 likes

Also notice that Rose McGowan called for a day of absence from Twitter but don't know how it worked. Mark Ruffalo indicated he would "follow the women."

NOTE that Oliver Stone walked his support for Weinstein backwards.... and that Oliver Stone has been accused of "boob grabbing" -- Story at link.

argosciv ago

I just have to say, the balance between the up/down voats(for this submission) here is very much worth noting...

(i have neither up nor down voated yet)

Vindicator ago

Hmm. That is interesting, argosciv. It echoes the response to the sticky on changing Rule 1 -- quite mixed.

Vindicator ago

No offense, AP, but neonnettle is a disinfo site. Fake News.

argosciv ago

right? this is it brother/sister, battle time is now :)

seekingpeace ago

and yet all the Awan threads are allowed. I'm confused.

Vindicator ago

Yes -- we deemed Awan to be plausibly directly related due to the entanglement with the DNC, the databreaches, and connection to the Clinton cabal, just like we did with Seth Rich posts.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Yes -- we deemed

I am sorry man but who are we? and why don´t you guys listen to your base.. "why are you the gatekeepers in this investigation, what´s your or "we" criteria for telling US what is relevant and what is not!

Thats why we do investigation.. Right?? we are adult´s we know what is wrong or right.. So don´t treat us like child´s.

Do you see your explanation don´t really makes that much sens.

(You know i like you Vindicator. so what is this bullshit. If your base say change the rules.. then you should listen and take it seriously.)

Jobew1 ago

All should just use pgwhatever n let this die...altho something tells me that would start getting censored too

Caring405 ago

Sure thing libtard.. I mean vindicator

Blacksmith21 ago

Wasn't Kate Beckensale 17 at the time when HW was coming on to her? If she had been game, HW would have tapped it in a NY minute. Which makes you many underage actresses did he screw? FWIW - I don't get the feeling that he was into the little girls, but I doubt 15 would be too young for him either. I don't think he was queer either. That being said, nothing would surprise me at this point.

ReddittRefugee ago

Wasn't Kate Beckensale 17 at the time when HW was coming on to her?


clherre ago

check this out!!!!

ASolo ago

I guess we gotta pull stuff from the main page to make the point.

PedoWood Braces For Weinstein Backlash As More Wonder If PizzaGate Was Real

And what of the longstanding financial links between Mr. Weinstein and Washington D.C.? Some readers might recall the shocking claims of child sex trafficking abuses that are said to be rampant among the globalist elites, stretching from private clubs in London, to high-rise New York, and yes, the scripted caverns of PedoWood and all points between.

Mr. Weinstein bounced around often from LA to New York to London, Italy, Germany, and Paris, among other places. He has longstanding connections to China’s ruling class, billionaire Saudi investors, and of course, U.S. politicians like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. (Mr. Obama even sent his young daughter to intern with the Weinstein company)

Weinstein was among Hollywood’s most fanatical fundraisers for Democrat/globalist causes each and every election cycle for the past twenty years. Whispers of him forcing himself upon young starlets and then demanding they remember to donate to the Democrat cause are legion. Everyone who was anyone knew.

They didn’t care.

...and I guess either does VOAT, or just too stupid.

I guess Obama/Clinton era FalseFlag incidents are a thing of the past too since his being out of office creates another imaginary wall.

clherre ago

ASolo ago

Now daft has its own sticky.

Clinton surrounds herself with sexual deviants that all want her to be president, that raise and give huge amounts of money, commendations (and obviously with this Weinstein guy straight up threats to vote for Hillary), put hidden ques and heuristics in their films to brainwash the masses into licentiousness and immorality while others like antifa plan terrorism...

BUT WEINSTEIN IS NOT PART OF PIZZAGATE. Ha... Lol... Well folks, we tried, these millennial peeps wanna head down to purgatory face first smilin'. Fuck em.

Internet Mod's are the silliest people.

ASolo ago

Its the same story everywhere, you mods think you're holding back a shitstorm of thread sliders and shills when essentially what you see is the natural evolution of this investigation as it branches out, there's only so much you can dig up about one curly haired crusty old (pun intended) pizza shop perv.

What you folks er doin' is stiflin', pure and simple.

It's the same old story to with you trumptards, you have built this imaginary wall of some kind of righteousness called partisanship, when its been right there straight up in your face the entire time, trump is NO different from anyone else we have been studying here. They are ALL compromised.

If any of you turds understood the full breadth of whats really going on you would be pulling out a hell of alot more stops than you are now and the only thing on your minds should be protecting our right to say it, not trying to control or steer it.. I mean it's easy to be able to spot spam and let the relevant through if you know your shit, jus' sayin'.

Vindicator ago

the only thing on your minds should be protecting our right to say it, not trying to control or steer it.. I mean it's easy to be able to spot spam and let the relevant through if you know your shit

Theoretically, I agree. But we are also bound by Voat's rabid anti-mod anti-censorship culture, which ironically requires us to delete ALL posts that do not satisfy the submission rules without using our subjective judgement or knowledge of the subject matter to fill in the blanks. The onus is on the contributor to make the connection to Pizzagate clear and meet the rest of the submission rules.

And you are right, it's not much fun and does have the effect of stifling conversation at times. That's why we have v/pizzagatewhatever, which is pretty much anything goes and is virtually unmoderated.

nowitstime ago

MODS OF VOAT R COMPROMISED BULLSH_T ARTISTS. just keep typing away is anybody but nobodies getting locked up. this is a huge Internet pysop WAKE UP PEEPS. UR ALL BEING PLAYED

The_Savant ago

I trust Trump mainly because Kim Dotcom does and because all the sick pedo scum want him out. He's also proven to be a large figure against child/human trafficking. Obama invited Weinstein to the White House 13 times - Trump has only been photographed with him once. There are major differences between Trump and the rest of the scum we look at.


Drops Mic

clherre ago

it's real we have the proof now!

ReddittRefugee ago

What part of "Weinstein is a member of the Elite" don't you understand?

KillAllPedos ago

@KillAllPedos makes a post on CIA controlled shit show sub /v/pizzagate that the other users of the sub are interested in and clearly have no problem with being on the sub. It's deleted:

His post alerting the other users to the deletion is removed in short order, in a beautiful showing of that classic Reddit style we all miss so much:

And of course, we get the classic power-mod superiority complex shining through in it's full glory in the comments:

The moderation on the sub has been fucked from the beginning to the point that the majority of the users are in agreement that the mods, and in particular @Millenial_Falcon, are pedo pieces of shit, but, this is where things stand. Unfortunate.

@puttitout sorry to bother you, and I know it's not the typical role you play on the site (which is a good thing), but the mods at /v/pizzagate have been running their sub as a prison camp from the very beginning, the userbase won't leave because the investigation is too important to them and we all know how difficult and unworkable it is to organize a mass migration to another sub on a site of this kind. I would fully support making /v/pizzagate a system sub and I'm sure a lot of the users there would appreciate it immensely.

AgainstPedos ago

Any proof HW is a head witch/warlock as well as an obvious pimp?

Vindicator ago

Evidence of both a likely connection to "child abuse" AND "elite" are currently required by our submission rules, which were just put under review

by @Crensch, @VictorSteinerDavion and @kevdude.

KillAllPedos ago


@KillAllPedos makes a post on CIA controlled shit show sub /v/pizzagate that the other users of the sub are interested in and clearly have no problem with being on the sub. It's deleted:

His post alerting the other users to the deletion is removed in short order, in a beautiful showing of that classic Reddit style we all miss so much:

And of course, we get the classic power-mod superiority complex shining through in it's full glory in the comments:

The moderation on the sub has been fucked from the beginning to the point that the majority of the users are in agreement that the mods, and in particular @Millenial_Falcon, are pedo pieces of shit, but, this is where things stand. Unfortunate.

@puttitout sorry to bother you, and I know it's not the typical role you play on the site (which is a good thing), but the mods at /v/pizzagate have been running their sub as a prison camp from the very beginning, the userbase won't leave because the investigation is too important to them and we all know how difficult and unworkable it is to organize a mass migration to another sub on a site of this kind. I would fully support making /v/pizzagate a system sub and I'm sure a lot of the users there would appreciate it immensely.

kestrel9 ago

I understand he's elite, but he hasn't been accused of pedophilia. Let's see what happens if they look at his computer. He is a supporter of Roman Polanski after all.

Harvey Weinstein: Polanski has served his time and must be freed

Roman Polanski is a man who cares deeply about his art and its place in this world. What happened to him on his incredible path is filled with tragedy, and most men would have collapsed. Instead, he became a great artist and continues to make great films. I was with him the day he won the Legion of Honour in France, which was a spectacular day. I remember the incredible love and affection that people have for him.

Message from Weinstein: It's okay if 'great men' get away with the rape of an underage girl because they've and have endured the murder of their wife don't need to go to jail because that (the rape) was then and this is now. So every man who has artist talent and endured the holocaust should be able to rape a kid and not be expected to hang around to go to trail. Just live in France and let it pass.

Pretty soon Harvey will have to change his name to 'WhinerStein'.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

well said, what an entitled asshole

Votescam ago

kestrel9 - Would just mention here that it is likely that the "Sharon Tate Murders" never happened -- that it was a "false flag" event like the many others we've seen since -- and that the reason for it was to hang it on Vietnam protesters/Hippies which they did successfully. Mae Brussel, one of our most brilliant researchers, one the first I believe to investigate it and concluded that it was a military action.

And I think what we might have to consider ... whether we're talking about Bill/Hill, or Bill Cosby, or Hefner, or any of the many other men said to be involved in MKULTRA as identified by survivors -- is that this may ALL be part of MKULTRA. Look at Weiner's total inability to control himself and you see the same thing in Harvey Weinstein. You see the same thing in Bill Cosby. Bill and Hillary had some odd meet ups with the CIA, bringing them together, at college, at Mena, Ark. Both fathers seem to have been involved with organized crime. Bill Clinton, of course, also shows this inability to control himself with women. How many more of these men exist? Just a suspicion, of course. But MKULTRA was playing everywhere around the world -- at all of our colleges and universities -- and had a very determined agenda they wanted to put over. As far as corrupting the nation with drugs, especially into AA neighborhoods -- and sexual perversion, looks like they've made it.

Link to Mae Brussel article on Sharon Tate murders to follow ...

kestrel9 ago

Thanks for the info and link! I've started to read it and already have some comments to share with you later after I can go through it etc. In past weeks I've been coming to similar suspicions and conclusions of the extent of the direct and indirect influence of MKULTRA and other intelligence operations in shaping and influencing so much of American recent history, and so much in our popular culture. It's been quite disturbing to consider how long and to what degree American people have been manipulated into accepting fake narratives. When that conclusion hits you, and one considers the fallout of misery and death and human degradation that resulted overtime, it's beyond description how deeply despicable it really is.

Votescam ago

Both Cheney and Rove used to have this little thing they used to say in bragging about what the right wing had accomplished over time .... Something like... "We create the reality and you live it -- and while you're trying to figure it all out -- we're creating a new reality."

It's the same as "we control the past, the present, the future" ....

Another bit of info which was probably old but which I only came upon recently is also flying around my head ... John Stockwell/ex CIA agent has been a very long time whistleblower on the CIA. You can find him on YouTube and I actually found him on C-span where they played one of his videos/speeches and that was a very long time ago. But recently in looking at one of them I noticed that at one point in referring to the CIA ... he said....CIA is "Catholics in Action." Well, who is a greater sexual abuser that the RCC?

Also the Council on Foreign Relations seems to have been involved in the earlier creation of the OSS and in the change over to the CIA.

It's been quite disturbing to consider how long and to what degree American people have been manipulated into accepting fake narratives. When that conclusion hits you, and one considers the fallout of misery and death and human degradation that resulted overtime, it's beyond description how deeply despicable it really is.<

Sadly and wholeheartedly agree.

kestrel9 ago

Unfortunately the 'created reality' over the years has been in line with the Boy Lover pedo's fantasy world, they just had some obstacles to overcome first in order to usher in a global pedo paradise: breakdown of the family unit, breakdown of the individual (continuing as we speak, i.e. globalist 'transgender protocol'), breakdown of society (open borders), promotion of the sexualization of children and diminishing parental rights to protect their kids from pro pedo government elements (CPS taking kids for 'bonuses' and a milder recent example is the pronoun Stasi, giving teachers the duty to monitor parents and students in regards to beliefs about sexuality).

I've been away from the computer, so still have catching up to do on the link you provided.

Votescam ago

kestrel -- and for anyone else interested ...

Well, yes, of course, a good part of the artificial reality created by the CIA is based in MKULTRA which used pedophilia as one of the tools to reach their goal of Mind Control over the masses. Drugs were also one of those tools.

And, even I was shocked in the last day or two as I was looking for other information, to come across an article outlining an occurrence which took place before members of Congress -- and I don't know if I'll ever be able to find it again -- but the gist of it was that there was a recommendation to them that they must fund psycho-surgery in order to gain Mind Control over the masses. And the comment was that there was only silence from the members of Congress but they did fund it. That's how far this mania to control the minds of man goes. Imagine what you could do with an Army total under mind control. As I recall from my brief reading that was maybe 1945. And the complaint was that Americans actually thought that they had the right to self-determination, free thought, free will. And that had to be stopped.

Open borders don't break down societies any more than the taking down of the Berlin Wall broke any society except the one which erected the wall.

Native Americans in their wisdom -- and with humor -- commented on the propensity of the invaders to "draw lines on the ground, create boundaries, states -- even to draw imaginary lines in the sky." Nature doesn't produce anything like that. We recognize landmarks, of course. But the most important knowledge is "spirit of place."

The patriarchal family unit is an artificial creation by patriarchy to change family histories (lineage) and the line of descent from matriarchal to patriarchal. Consider that we always know who the Mother of a child is, but no one could be sure of the father. In order for Patriarchy to exist, they needed to switch lineage from female to male. And, thereby, children created within a marriage would carry the family name of the male -- no longer the family name of the female. Women, of course, were also needed as mates to stabilize males, support them, care for children if there were any and the home -- cook, clean, launder, farm, whatever... In other words, women weren't free to live their own lives, but only to serve the needs of patriarchy. Much of that was childbearing to create labor for capitalism.

Since time began and males recognized their minor role in creation of life, Elite males have warred on nature, women and children doing everything they can to demean and debase them. Exploitation of women and children isn't anything new. And, I'm sure you must have seen the OP here recently on the Victorian Era and exploitation of children as child labor and prostitutes. Same for our Industrial Revolution Era here. Exploitation isn't only simply about sexualizing someone. It's about putting a human being into slavery.

Again, MKULTRA is about Mind Control and used pedophilia as a tool to reach that goal. Don't get hung up on Nambla or transgender -- waste of time. Same for Stasi on which I could find nothing. You have to look at this all from a higher perspective, keeping the known goal in mind.

kestrel9 ago

Sorry, I've read too much about the Boy Lovers and their Pedo movement from early on, and whether you call a family "patriarchal" or "matriarchal", that is irrelevant to what I was thinking of when I referred to breakdown of the family for the explicit purpose of catering to the delusional philosophy of the pedos representing themselves as benevolent Boy Lovers. Honestly they could care less about women, girls, or whether those women are straight or gay (unless that gains them support among LGBTQ). And their narcissistic love projected onto young boys (much like stalkers project imaginary aspects of a 'relationship' to the object of their obsession), is a sickness that has corroded far too many people's lives, and dehumanized everyone as we experience the fallout of the generations of victims of these fuckers.

Elite Boy Lovers have waged war on everyone by fundamentally waging war on children's right to not be molested by freaking old men with Utopian convictions that molesting children is necessary to bring love and peace to the planet. They want to get them early enough so that the boys will grow up to be more prone to attraction to same sex relations, especially child sex relations. They are an affront to humanity, regardless of how rich they may be, how well connected, how talented, clever or how full of philanthropic endeavors they set out on.

I used the word Stasi to describe the control of government through the policing action of neighbors, teachers, friends, as they become the PC police to enforce the Mind Control over the masses, and to facilitate group think by having people afraid to speak out. This isn't the story I was thinking of but it's along similar lines: Why are teachers now enlisted as the 'experts' in gender and sex roles in society? They aren't. Trust me the sudden rush to 'Transify' all students into some TBD orientation is pedo agenda at it's core and it's anti child at its core (all children, including and especially gender dysphoric children).

Regarding drugs, I was going to mention drugs too, most definitely used to usher the normalization of subjective reality over objective reality. And insisting on the superiority of subjective reality is ideal for TPTB to control people. Feelings over facts. Easier to manipulate feelings when the goal is to eventually to have a global serf system.

(Not that I discount people's feelings, if someone wants to believe they are a purple tribble I don't care. If they want to believe that molesting children from birth is healthy for that child and they act out on that belief, then they belong in jail)

Votescam ago

kestrel -- and anyone else interested in this subject ....

What I'm trying to tell you is that neither drugs nor pedophilia are anything but tools to reach Mind Control of the masses.

Yes, we here are very concerned with trying to free children from trafficking and sexual abuse/prostitution -- but as far as the overall purpose of Mind Control and financing the programs for it, these are side issues/tools.

Pedophila,as I recall it, is not as extensive as what we are seeing today without the numbers being increased by design as MKULTRA did using psychological and physical torture.

Also people who are sexually abused in some cases will sexually abuse others. From memory ... maybe 40% of them. But, even when these things aren't happening, and where there is no abuse, there will be one pedophile.

In MKULTRA we see a trail going back to the Nazi experiments for Mind Control and to the Vatican. The Catholic Church had in the "Inquisition" created opportunities to study what happens to people under very frightening conditions, under actual torture of the most brutal kind. The Vatican gave a lot of thought to the means of torture - both psychological and physical -- and created many instruments to carry out torture. They studied the results of this torture and what it could do the mind of a human being.

We also have to remember that the Vatican had armies to run the Crusades and The Inquisition. And their Armies would have provided yet one more opportunity to study human sexuality, bi-sexuality, and homosexuality. Anywhere that MEN formed armies would have provided a ground for research of human sexuality.

Same is true of the US government and its militias.

As I recall it, the GREEKS also had Armies.

Confession was also another way to find out personal details of sexual experiences and fantasies of members.

If the CIA is actually Catholics in Action then this information would have been made known to Allen Dulles and founders of the CIA.

KillAllPedos ago

@Vindicator @Blacksmith21

"Wasn't Kate Beckensale 17 at the time when HW was coming on to her? : YES SHE WAS: HW IS A PEDO AND THESE PEDO MODS are not checking the facts to support the TRUTH. ALL LIARS!

Millennial_Falcon ago

Calling us pedos for keeping posts relevant is irresponsible and uncouth. The posts about him coming on to Beckinsale are of course relevant. Personally, I haven't removed any posts about Weinstein that otherwise satisfy the rules, because it connects to Pedowood in showing how these execs abuse their power to sexually exploit young actors and actresses. However, I suppose including posts about his interaction with legal adults does stray from the point of this sub, which is exposing child abuse and child trafficking by elites (especially but not exclusively as they relate to the use of blackmail to control politicians).

KillAllPedos ago


@KillAllPedos makes a post on CIA controlled shit show sub /v/pizzagate that the other users of the sub are interested in and clearly have no problem with being on the sub. It's deleted:

His post alerting the other users to the deletion is removed in short order, in a beautiful showing of that classic Reddit style we all miss so much:

And of course, we get the classic power-mod superiority complex shining through in it's full glory in the comments:

The moderation on the sub has been fucked from the beginning to the point that the majority of the users are in agreement that the mods, and in particular @Millenial_Falcon, are pedo pieces of shit, but, this is where things stand. Unfortunate.

@puttitout sorry to bother you, and I know it's not the typical role you play on the site (which is a good thing), but the mods at /v/pizzagate have been running their sub as a prison camp from the very beginning, the userbase won't leave because the investigation is too important to them and we all know how difficult and unworkable it is to organize a mass migration to another sub on a site of this kind. I would fully support making /v/pizzagate a system sub and I'm sure a lot of the users there would appreciate it immensely.

KillAllPedos ago

@Millennial_Falcon What about this Headline is FALSE? What about this STORY IS A LIE????? We ALREADY have you figured out,as well as your cohort @Vindicator. We have enough intel on you both. We have experienced your censorship, as MANY other here,, and those that got banned!

Developing: 1st Child Allegation Against Weinstein Breaks… Pedophile Stories Coming


You're a complete hypocrite at best , an outright shill at worst!

Millennial_Falcon ago

What headline are you even talking about? What did I say was false? You're delusional at best, and a shill at worst.

KillAllPedos ago

What you can't EVEN REMEMBER THE POST YOU DELETED?! SCRUBBED! You call us a SHILL! A SHILL with the name : @KILLALLPEDOS a SHILL wouldn't have posted a hit piece on the Satanist JJ BRINE!..with that said, a SHILL,would DELETE That post 3 FUCKING TIMES, LIKE YOU DID!!!!!!!!!! THE 4TH WASN'T. SO MOFOS ON @REDDIT COULD SPREAD IT!

Millennial_Falcon ago


Not if you don't refresh my memory. I delete several posts per day, pedo faggot.

KillAllPedos ago

@superesper GET IN HERE!!!

"/v/pizzagate CIA employe... I mean mods, @Millenial_Falcon and @Vindicator go full reddit for the millionth time. (ProtectVoat)"

@KillAllPedos makes a post on CIA controlled shit show sub /v/pizzagate that the other users of the sub are interested in and clearly have no problem with being on the sub. It's deleted:

His post alerting the other users to the deletion is removed in short order, in a beautiful showing of that classic Reddit style we all miss so much:

And of course, we get the classic power-mod superiority complex shining through in it's full glory in the comments:

The moderation on the sub has been fucked from the beginning to the point that the majority of the users are in agreement that the mods, and in particular @Millenial_Falcon, are pedo pieces of shit, but, this is where things stand. Unfortunate.

@puttitout sorry to bother you, and I know it's not the typical role you play on the site (which is a good thing), but the mods at /v/pizzagate have been running their sub as a prison camp from the very beginning, the userbase won't leave because the investigation is too important to them and we all know how difficult and unworkable it is to organize a mass migration to another sub on a site of this kind. I would fully support making /v/pizzagate a system sub and I'm sure a lot of the users there would appreciate it immensely."

"the users are in agreement that the mods, and in particular @Millenial_Falcon, are pedo pieces of shit"

Vindicator ago

Please make a post on v/pizzagate -- with supporting links -- demonstrating clearly that Weinstein is a pedo, and we will HAPPILY leave all Weinstein posts up from now, on.

KillAllPedos ago

@superesper GET IN HERE!!!

"/v/pizzagate CIA employe... I mean mods, @Millenial_Falcon and @Vindicator go full reddit for the millionth time. (ProtectVoat)"

@KillAllPedos makes a post on CIA controlled shit show sub /v/pizzagate that the other users of the sub are interested in and clearly have no problem with being on the sub. It's deleted:

His post alerting the other users to the deletion is removed in short order, in a beautiful showing of that classic Reddit style we all miss so much:

And of course, we get the classic power-mod superiority complex shining through in it's full glory in the comments:

The moderation on the sub has been fucked from the beginning to the point that the majority of the users are in agreement that the mods, and in particular @Millenial_Falcon, are pedo pieces of shit, but, this is where things stand. Unfortunate.

@puttitout sorry to bother you, and I know it's not the typical role you play on the site (which is a good thing), but the mods at /v/pizzagate have been running their sub as a prison camp from the very beginning, the userbase won't leave because the investigation is too important to them and we all know how difficult and unworkable it is to organize a mass migration to another sub on a site of this kind. I would fully support making /v/pizzagate a system sub and I'm sure a lot of the users there would appreciate it immensely."

"the users are in agreement that the mods, and in particular @Millenial_Falcon, are pedo pieces of shit"