Matt_Helm ago

This could be true if white hats in the FBI are investigating Weinstein and Epstein the problem is all the black hats in the FBI they are a corrupt agency their job is to cover up crimes and stage false flags like the Las Vegas shooting. But maybe we will get lucky here's the link to Roger Stone on Alex Jones infowars:

TrishaUK ago

I know most on here have probably watched this but still feel its worth another post, just in case any newcomers here :) - not for the faint hearted:- 'An Open Secret' A documentary on Hollywood Pedophelia - - elites in Hollywood did not want this documentary getting out...........BAD LUCK...........IT'S OUT NOW!

Matt_Helm ago

Harvey was sacrificed to keep the heat off the pedo ring. The spin is now Harvey was Horrible but we got rid of him now we can all go after Trump he's just as bad as Harvey is. That is what the Democrats and the fake news media want to do now. Hollywood gave up a big fat ugly asshole but they plan to re-aim the anger at Trump.

TrishaUK ago

It won't work lol - don't they realise when they throw stuff everyone is wise now to see that it is exactly what they are doing. People are waking up and their plans are getting too obvious now, they just look stupid! All we have to do is show the screenshots of their sick instagrams. If some computer boff could get them onto the MSM somehow, remember someone hacked into their airtime, a while ago, they would just need to flash a sequence of the sick disgusting stuff and finish with the short vid of Majestic Ape saying, ....."and little boys, we all have our preferences" oh and don't forget, "had to get that sh.. stuff put down....euthanasia" while laughing talking about a new born baby. This would for sure get everyone asking what it is all about. Wish I knew enough about computers to try, but I know zero :(

Dismal_Swamp ago

It's like that game people play with Kevin Bacon. What's it called?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Six degrees of Racine, Wisconsin.

Blacksmith21 ago

Weinstein --> Clinton --> Epstein

It''s about to come down soon.

fogdryer ago

bring it on..................

TrishaUK ago

Thank you Alex Jones & Roger Stone - Establishment Lines Up To Lie About President Trump - Concrete proof! - Hollywood and Lolita Express, underage children connecting Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton by way of Epstein procuring under-aged children for Weinstein.

Vindicator ago

No worries from me Trisha. Epstein is 100% pizzagate.

TrishaUK ago

Thank you :)

Scirel ago

It's Harvey Weinstein, not Henry.

But good catch - Roger Stone got this from an FBI source.

TrishaUK ago

How on earth did I get Henry??? haha sorry about that! It was late here in UK, trust me to get it wrong in the title! :)

argosciv ago


lemme watch it first at least :P

Eugh, Alex Jones... pass

TrishaUK ago

hahahahahahaha - Sorry @argosciv we only, to the best of our ability, use reliable sources on voat, so you won't find your trusty friends from CNN, MSNBC etc. quoted as truth here!

argosciv ago

lol, implying I endorse either of them?

Information is information, Jones is just barely better than the rest of the charlatans out there, looking to make a quick buck by preying on people's insecurities and fears. Gee, who's that remind you of? (hint: MSM news outlets across the board)

If Jones or his guests have something valid to present, that's great - but, that sure as shit doesn't mean I have to like him and his blatant lack of ethics when it comes to money-making schemes.

TrishaUK ago

Knew the filthy language was coming! Whats really inside eventually comes out. Downvoat all you like, I am not here for thumbs up/down. lol

argosciv ago


Jeezuz, grow the fuck up. If you really think calling you a cunt, makes me the boogeyman, you're absolutely infantile - no wonder you suck up to the likes of Alex Jones.

TrishaUK ago

Blocked lol

millennial_vulcan ago

Stop flirting and just have sex, you two, goddamit.


TrishaUK ago

No chance of that, I even blocked him, not interested in foul mouth insulting people.

Vindicator ago

Just a heads up, Trisha, he's an Aussie and under the influence -- I don't think he meant anything offensive. You guys are on the same team.

TrishaUK ago

Thanks for being a peacemaker :) I appreciate that. I think if we have 'friends' like this who needs enemies lol Good to know we are opposite ends of the world and will NEVER cross paths.

millennial_vulcan ago

oh you two.

argosciv ago

Hahaha I blocked several comments ago, just popped in for more giggles.

Scirel ago

The actual words are from Roger Stone, who says he got this info from "a very reliable FBI source." I've never known Roger to lie. Alex can get a little bombastic or theatrical or confusing, but I've never known him to lie either. This is huge.

argosciv ago

Oh I don't think Jones is a liar either, just think he puts the fame before any real effort to do some truly deep research.

That said, bit hard to drop truly huge bombshells when you're in a limelight of sorts.

TrishaUK ago

Who are you hiding behind the name @argosvic? Do you have over 10,000,000 people listening to your channel, because of its factuality, that you can criticise Alex Jones for not putting any real effort into 'deep' research? Fyi you have to be in the 'limelight' when you drop bombshells otherwise whos going to hear them drop? That said, I think Jones does talk too much sometimes, and can be annoying, but to accuse him of doing everything he does for fame and $$ I think you're a bit delusional, and possibly a bit jealous?

argosciv ago


Oh boy, what a pathetic smear attempt.

I'll leave you to continue shining Alex's boots ;)

You claim you're not here for up/downvoats, yet you pull out an arbitrary viewer count to make some sort of pissing contest - without actually looking into me at all. Stay classy, cunt.

TrishaUK ago

I will thank you :)

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

He says just enough vague partial Truths to keep people hooked.

What is Alex Jones without the Deep State and vice versa?

When Alex Jones reports about the "root" and headquarters of the New World Order in Racine, Wisconsin we will be the first to commend him and buy a lifetime supply of his dad's toothpaste.

argosciv ago

for some reason this comment made me giggle xD

nail on the head, though