Vindicator ago

Crensch, could you edit the body of this post with a summary of what the outcome of the discussion was? It would be helpful in responding to users who want to post on Las Vegas and Weinstein and don't understand why most posts on these subjects are being removed. Thanks!

Crensch ago

Done. Sorry for making more work for you there. I'll attempt to do better on the next rulechange sticky.

Vindicator ago

Thanks! :-)

twistedmac11 ago

I apologize if this has been mentioned already, but I wanted to get it in before you close this up. I recently had a post deleted by M_F citing Rule 1:

I messaged M_F two or three times asking for an explanation, considering my post touched on the Catholic Church covering up yet another serial molester, but got no response. Finally I messaged @vindicator, who told me they wouldn't have deleted my post had it been up to them.

While I understand that the Catholic church covering up pedophiles doesn't necessarily involve elites, considering how powerful the Vatican is (and how similar it is, legally speaking, to Washington DC & London), I think posts involving the Catholic church covering for pedophiles should fall under Rule 1. I've been working on another angle involving pedophilia coverups by the church for the last couple of weeks, but I'm hesitant to post anything here for fear it will get deleted.

I think it would help if the mods could agree on how to apply Rule 1 in general.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @kevdude @VictorSteinerDavion @Millennial_Falcon

I'm not seeing a lot of movement to change the definition here. I've seen some users agree with a tighter definition, then agree with a looser one. I'm not really sure where some of you stand atm, what argument you think was best, or what ideas were best.

I'm seeing a lot of "combine this with pedogate" which, as far as I know, is just generally about pedophiles wherever, whenever, however. I posit that doing so would simply erode this place into a free-for-all for shill sliding.

Despite 290 comments, there was surprisingly little about the actual rule. I'd wager a good 40% was attacking MF, 20% wanting to combine with pedogate, 10% wanting rule change, 10% wanting no rule change, and 20% ESOTERICshade wasting everyone's fucking time.

A lot of the issues lately have been the interpretation of "elites". I'm of the mind that the DC elites directly linked to Podesta is what it was referring to, not a mayor or state-level official.

Just kinda spit-wadding thoughts here to see what sticks. Happy to hear your thoughts on the subject.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

I stand behind my original comment and agree overall with your assessment of the discussion

Crensch ago

Given that I was unable to locate or devise of my own a new wording that didn't open the flood gates, I'm more or less leaning towards leaving the rules as they are.




9217 ago

I think a wider net when it comes to historical and parallel examples would be great, because there is so much history that provides context for pizzagate. I have been able to successfully post about that here many times, which I applaud as far as the mods allowing these discussions under the current rules. However I've also had some disagreements about the definition of pizzagate when it comes to ritual abuse in the past - specifically on what constitutes ritual abuse. I'm not sure how it would work best to widen rule one.

But I also think that it could be narrowed SLIGHTLY so that the sub is not overwhelmed with Awan posts that have nothing to do with child abuse - basically I'm saying that child abuse whether it be trafficking, MKUTLRA/Mind control experiments, ritual abuse, pedo rings, and related issues should be classed as fundamentally pizzagate because that's what was exposed last year - a combination of all of the above. I do not envy mods in trying to come up with a specific definition of that.

oftotc ago

Notice I waited until near last. If you change the rule, you change the sub from focusing on the revelations of the WL email release subjects to a sub chasing the global elites (or however you want to word that) like nearly every other conspiracy web site on the net. The noise will be deafening to anyone "just hearing about" Pizzagate. On the plus side (at least for the latest batch of click-leeches), I'll be done monitoring the sub from then on.

Crensch ago

That's a good point. @kevdude

You've made a couple of those today - thanks for the ping about the mod removing the comment, too.

TrueAmerican ago

Just make it so that in order to be a mod you have to have a full public profile of your verified identity viewable by anyone. If mods that are operating on any agenda, it would be apparent.

Crensch ago

6months SCP -23 CCP -2323

rooting4redpillers ago

I hope the arts and entertainment industries will survive any rule changes, and still be discussed here.

Painting, sculpture, movies, music videos, literature, illustrations, bands, actors, artists, song lyrics, and a long list of related etc. AND, the people who create, perform, promote, sell, and buy these products. Some pizzagate-familiar specific examples: Heavy Breathing, CPP poster art, the Tony Podesta art collection, Kim Noble, Cory Feldman, Pegasus Museum.

Thanks for your efforts to make this a better place.

10556686? ago


no change to rule 1 please.

Its there for a reason. It works. If its not broke, dont fix it.

Lobotomy ago

We need more protection from /x/-tier conspiratards. Every once in a while we get a fucking crazy who manages to get upvoted to the top, but his OP is flat-earther-tier, unintelligent, garbage that is totally unrelated to pizzagate. We get cultists, hyper-religious catladies, and UFOlogists all the fucking time now, and let's be real, here, there are only three reasons why:

  1. The level of new evidence we get these days are a dripfeed that span weeks and months. People will make anything up for a good story to break the monotony, or as a 'spice' to make PG seem more 'interesting'.

  2. Attention-whoring. Everyone wants their 15 minutes, and some of these fuckers are morally bankrupt enough to exploit trafficked children to get their lunatic soapbox.

  3. Pizzagate is close enough to a "conspiracy theory", to attract a certain breed of mentally ill individual, and these people have found /v/pizzagate and are running amok.

I really think the mods have gone out for cigarettes, I can't even get a hold of Millenial Falcon anymore, and I see more and more of these threads every day.

Quality is dropping through the floor, and it seems like anything is acceptable here, these days. If I saw the ulrasonic nanite infection/Targeted Individual thread last year, it would have been downvoated to oblivion.

Crensch ago

How would you change things for that?

MF has indeed been radio-silent for a few days. Guy keeps getting attacked by "users". What do you think of MF and Vindicator? A lot of usernames seem to hate MF.

Lobotomy ago

I don't hate MF at all, I just wish senpai would notice me. Vindicator seems to do his job well enough.

I don't really know what can be done about kicking the /x/ shit out of here, other than adding more, more dilligent, mods. I chalk it up to a combination of inadequate flood control, as well as people being sneaky about the context of what is, or is not, "Pizzagate-related". Seems like these days, they'll just shoehorn in an indirect, not-proveable, passing reference to PG, and it's barely over the line of acceptablility, so it makes it to the top of the page, even though it makes no sense, or doesn't make sense within the context of why we're all here.

Perhaps redefining "Pizzagate-related", to emphasize a more direct relation to PG, or banning/limiting "conspiracy crossovers", a term I just now coined. A lot of people are interjecting other conspiracy beliefs they have into Pizzagate, and making threads about that.

Now I'm not one to discount the possibility of another theory having a direct or supplementary relation to PG, but it needs absolute, empirical, and convincing, proof. I'd rather treat Pizzagate like a criminal investigation, than a Sasquatch hunt, you know?

Crensch ago

@kevdude I think this guy gets it. I like his style, at the very least.

onamission82nd ago

¿Habla espanol gringo? Puta!

Crensch ago

Spics will be driven out of the US soon enough, Paco.

Vindicator ago

Except I don't see @vindicator targeting Jesuit threads unless I missed something.

If a thread, about Jesuits or anything else, is full of stuff I know to be bullshit or a skewing of the truth, I definitely "target" it. You can ask DeathTooMasons. I'm sure he'll tell you all about it.

Vindicator ago

John Podesta is a Jesuit "priest" masquerading as a Catholic. He went to Georgetown University and got his Jesuit training. He does what Jesuits do. They torture our children.

ESOTERIC, I think you have a misunderstanding about Jesuit schools. Just because you graduate from one doesn't mean you are Jesuit or even Catholic. Only a tiny, tiny fraction of teachers in Jesuit colleges are Jesuits. "Becoming a Jesuit" is MUCH more difficult than simply getting a degree. It requires something like 12 years of seminary as well as taking several layers of vows, signing over all personal wealth to the order and other things far more onerous than someone as wealth and power hungry as John Podesta would ever subject himself to. I have a friend who thought he wanted to pursue this path, but couldn't hack it.

JP is no priest. He went to Georgetown to get a law degree. This is a narrative being pushed by shills who think Voaters are too stupid to know anything about Jesuits. I'm surprised you bought into it.

He does what Jesuits do. They torture our children.

Less than 2% of Catholic priests are part of the pedo abuse scandal. A fraction of those are Jesuit. Saying that all Jesuits torture children just makes this investigation look like a joke. It's equivalent to saying all Democrats torture kids, or all cops cover up for elite pedophiles. If this is the claim made by the video, I wouldn't need to watch the whole thing to know it needed a disinfo flair. Another clue is that the "It's the Jesuits" crew are the same accounts pushing a bunch of hokey, cross-pollinated mythological crap. Before that, they were pushing a Jewish conspiracy, as well as a bunch of scientifically impossible stuff about elites drinking blood laced with adrenaline to get high while retaining their youth. So...which is it? If any of these narratives had any substance, they wouldn't keep trying new ones!

Crensch ago

Also, great response.

Crensch ago

I'm of the mind that Esoteric is a shill.

Vindicator ago

Maybe. Or perhaps he lacks skepticism and is too fascinated with mystical knowledge to be able to discern the fabrications of shills. We've got a couple of regulars on here who are into psychedelic pharmaceuticals in a quest for enlightenment that likely fall into the latter category. I'm pretty sure there's a room at Shareblue where the kids who troll us with this shit day after day binge-watch X-Files episodes and have editorial meetings to brainstorm crap like "King David is Achilles", "Pizzagate is about pineal gland harvesting for the cannibal elite", "They're abducting rare genetic mutants with coloboma", "the Knights of Malta are the Pope's assassins" and on and on.

Crensch ago

I do not envy you.

I believe my patience would be shot on a daily basis here.

Vindicator ago

I think you are right. ;-)

It would be easier if we could make whatever tweaks to the rules or administration of them we can to give the base of legit users less of a sense of being hindered by mods. They would then join in the shill-handling instead of believing every whining shill that claims we're pedos or compromised or whatever. I'm not suggesting asking for less evidence or being more lax...more like expanding the viable topics allowed (with the supporting evidence requirement still in place).

This is my first mod job, though, and the first time I've ever been seriously involved in a forum, let alone the most shilled one on the internet, so this may be a naive hope on my part. The frustration level of legit contributors -- which has grown steadily since December -- really does pain me, though. I appreciate you spending time here assessing things.

Crensch ago

let alone the most shilled one on the internet

It wouldn't be a stretch to add "ever" to that, IMO.

The frustration level of legit contributors -- which has grown steadily since December -- really does pain me, though. I appreciate you spending time here assessing things.

I can understand this.

They would then join in the shill-handling instead of believing every whining shill that claims we're pedos or compromised or whatever.

Is this possible? Are there enough legit users that can spot a fake to be able to handle much of the shilling?

Crensch ago

Do you REALLY want to go there now? Think long and hard about what you just wrote, and then tell me if you want to go there.

Waiting on that apology essay.

Crensch ago


Waiting on that apology essay.

Crensch ago


Waiting on that apology essay.

Crensch ago

Keep going. You know what to do.

Waiting on that apology essay.

Crensch ago

Ok. So another sect of religious nutcases diddled children.

Waiting on that apology essay.

Crensch ago

So Podesta and Soros made an outfit called "Catholics in Alliance" and tried (succeeded?) to subvert the Catholic church.

The fact that Podesta is Jesuit seems an irrelevant tangent. Do people of one denomination not change to another sometimes?

And the link you gave - the documentary - what years did this happen, and at what churches? Is this directly related to Podesta's "Catholics in Alliance" because of the dates of the abuse? Sounds like it's been happening since before that.

Waiting on that apology essay.

Crensch ago

The entire video shows a person how Jesuits like John Podesta operate.

So I need to watch an hour and fifty minutes of a video to find this out?

Living people who were tortured are in it.

Living people who were gassed at Auschwitz are in videos, too. And that never happened.

Many witnesses are in it.

Same as above.

There is no "one point" that can be marked in the video because the entire video is full of it.

Sounds like bullshit.

I watched it. You didn't.


I'm not going to argue with you about it.

Because you suck at arguing, reasoning, and supporting your positions with anything but emotional bullshit.

I also will not insult you like you did me.

Only one of us wasn't deserving of an insult, so for once, you made the right choice.

If you have not watched the video and the survivor testimony then you just haven't watched it. I don't have anything else to say about it to you.

How about that apology you owe me?

Let's play a little game:

I'm going to make a claim like "All the evidence needed to imprison Podesta is in this video."

Then when you bitch about it not looking relevant and being a 10h video that you need to go through to make sure the claims about it are true, I'll say this:

"The entire video will walk a courtroom through the evidence that John Podesta fucks and kills children. Living people who were tortured are in it. Many witnesses are in it. There is no "one point" that can be marked in the video because the entire video is full of it. I watched it. You didn't. If you have not watched the video then you just haven't watched it. I don't have anything else to say about it to you."

DeathTooMasons ago

The fact that we can't even post what WE think is relevant shows this site is controlled, and not by us. Purge the mods. Draw up our own rules. Vindicator and MF have long since been outted as damage control obstructionist. They must be the first to be swept out the door. This forum does not need push back. There is enough coming from the authorities and MSM.

Crensch ago

The fact that we can't even post what WE think is relevant shows this site is controlled, and not by us.

Idiot. You can post what YOU think is relevant in other subverses in the network on the right. "This site" has fuck-all to do with the rules of the PG subverse, the mods here, and the discussion we're having right now.

Purge the mods.


Draw up our own rules.

That's where the fucking rules came from, you stupid fucking shill.

Vindicator and MF have long since been outted as damage control obstructionist.

No, they haven't.

They must be the first to be swept out the door. This forum does not need push back. There is enough coming from the authorities and MSM.

Nice grandstanding. Try again, but this time, act a little more like an actual user here.

DeathTooMasons ago

MF and Vindicator constantly use this to delete threads they don't want people to see, and allow identical type threads in other cases. My posting of this documentary was deleted twice despite being about Pope Francis, Queen Elizabeth and the Catholic church raping torturing and murdering Native peoples in Canada. This was an actual documentary, not just a news site.

Cases like Dutroux and Hampstead are allowed despite not being directly PG, but Canadain genocide is not. We need to get rid of rule #1. It is our forum. We need to get rid of obstructing pedo mods. We do not want them. They need to go. We should chose our own mods. And the mods we chose should go after known shills and purge them.

Crensch ago

MF and Vindicator constantly use this to delete threads they don't want people to see, and allow identical type threads in other cases.

And you've posted the evidence of misdeeds in /v/pizzagatemods? No?

My posting of this documentary was deleted twice despite being about Pope Francis, Queen Elizabeth and the Catholic church raping torturing and murdering Native peoples in Canada. This was an actual documentary, not just a news site.

This one?

If so, keep reading the responses below the linked one.

Cases like Dutroux and Hampstead are allowed despite not being directly PG, but Canadain genocide is not.

Did you ping the mods to those? If you did, did you post that they left them up with archive proof in /v/pizzagatemods? No?

We need to get rid of rule #1.


It is our forum. We need to get rid of obstructing pedo mods.

Strangely, there seems to be nothing to support this accusation. Maybe if you had posted the evidence in /v/pizzagatemods, something would have changed already. Nah, too much work, let's just ASSERT things at the 11th hour.

We do not want them. They need to go. We should chose our own mods.

Maybe we could - if you could give just cause.

And the mods we chose should go after known shills and purge them.

Way to show that you know exactly dick about how this website works. Oh, and that you know exactly how to make sure shills are able to get their foot in the door and control the narrative.

Vindicator ago

Yes. DeathTooMasons is an ArmySeer alt. He is butthurt because he lost his influence because his arguments were so impotent they were easily debunked. He also called a few too many of the legit researchers shills in his stupid ass v/pizzagateshills sub.

Crensch ago

Want to see what evidence looks like?

jangles ago

your opinion of good evidence is crap.

Crensch ago

Are you Jewish?

I'm asking because that post completely destroys the "6 million died in DEATH CAMPS" narrative. From almost every angle imaginable.

The OFFICIAL 6 million number was based on FOUR of that SIX in AUSCHWITZ who finally REDUCED the OFFICIAL number of dead there to 1.5 million.

You ever heard of the 3.5 million? EVER? Have you EVER heard of WHY they might have gotten that wrong by 2.5 MILLION?

Not processing that means that either you're JEWISH, or a nigger-tier humanoid.

jangles ago

It wasn't about killing jews, it was about unethical research and interests.

Crensch ago

Well, you're right about the first part, but you've provided no evidence of the second.

I'm more or less not in the habit of believing Jews after learning about them.

If you know the holocaust is a hoax, why do you think my post isn't good evidence? The narrative is that 6 million were killed in death camps. Does my post not entirely debunk 4 million of that?

If proving 2/3 of a BIG EVENT false isn't enough to pretty much assume the rest is a lie, then I'm really not sure your standards are realistic.

jangles ago

The ethnic groups of east Europe, even Catholics were killed in death camps. The systematic killing happened. The blood lust was real. Here is a modern paper that explains some of this. Notice, only 20% of the victims were Jewish.

Crensch ago

You asked us to get examples from the modlog. I did it. I am not apologizing for a goddamn thing you asked us to do. Not happening.


And you presented absolute shit.

Also, shill, only the first 5 pings work in a comment.

10549700? ago

This video shows how Jesuits work and these people are alive today and telling us how Jesuits tortured them as children.

Can you please link the video.

Crensch ago

How about some fucking evidence?

Crensch ago

The Jesuit organization, that is helping to destroy our country,

That I have never once heard of. Meaning you need to prove this shit a bit better than a bald assertion.

does not qualify as an abusive global organization under the definition of pizzagate that includes global abusive organizations, and my thinking that it does makes me a jewish shill.

If they're destroying everyone, then what does the deaths of children have to do with anything?

John Podesta went to Georgetown University and received Jesuit training. John Podesta is a Jesuit. This video shows how Jesuits work and these people are alive today and telling us how Jesuits tortured them as children.

Just Jesuits in general? Or Jesuits at Georgetown University?

You wanted us to get threads from the modlog. I did it. I found a video that shows how Jesuits (John Podesta's people) pretending to be Christians torture children.



ALL of the submission post was NOTHING but ASSERTIONS with some hand-waving to something that, to confirm IT WAS EVEN IN THE LINK, someone would have to spend AN HOUR AND FORTY MINUTES OF THEIR FUCKING LIVES.

And that's just to confirm it's in the goddamn video, you shit-tier fucking mongrel.

That's not confirming that the writer/author wasn't pulling a 6 GORILLION bullshit stunt. I can find a lot of whiny-fuck people to tell me the holocaust happened - guess what? It didn't.

Look at that fucking submission.



What, you think that every hour-and-a-half video just gets to claim whatever and stay up? Is that what you're trying to say here?

Now i'm a jewish shill. I won't get anymore as examples. You broke me from that.

You broke yourself. And you have two options going forward:

You can apologize to me, and every mod, publicly, for wasting our time with this kind of bullshit - OR - I will follow you and link you to this response until you write a 3,000 word essay on why you were wrong at literally every resolution of bringing this up as a valid post.


Crensch ago

@disappointed @heygeorge @Empress @Millenial_Falcon @Vindicator

Anyone want to spend an hour and fifty minutes confirming what's in that video? Not including the time it'll take finding out if the sources for the video pan out? (I'm being sarcastic - if you do it for this one, they'll post another, and another, and another... the point is that NOBODY should be expected to do this)

Also, when/where did the Jesuits become an issue? I haven't seen shit about it anywhere. Is this "user" a lying kike, or did I miss something with my recent semi-absence? Maybe I've just really missed something big anyway for the past couple years?


NOT RECOMMENDING ANYONE ACTUALLY WATCH THIS. Apologies all around for any miscommunication there.

Vindicator ago

Anyone want to spend an hour and fifty minutes confirming what's in that video?

Hey_Sunshine ago

Will watch the video in a bit when I get on my pc

Crensch ago

Oh, I did NOT ping you to recommend that...

SHIT. Is that what my comment sounded like? It was rhetoric - meaning "who in their right mind would?"

Sorry bud. I'll edit it.

Crensch ago

Literally... all of VOAT would be on board with highlighting Jesuits if you had a case to make against them.

I don't know shit about them. Put something in /v/whatever that is convincing.

Crensch ago

I don't understand why the Jesuits that have infiltrated this country are not covered under the definition of pizzagate but if you say its not then I guess its not.

I guess we need to keep an eye on North Korea, too, since they want to kill us all. And blacks. And spics. And sandniggers. And Jews. And Gypsies.

What a fucking useless line of "inquiry".

All of Voat could be your stomping ground for races/groups that hate whites, but you want to put it here?


I don't agree but you have the dashboard buttons and I don't. You guys asked us to get stuff from the modlog and I complied.

And showed that you're AT BEST, unqualified to make an accusation against MF. I don't give you that benefit of the doubt though, so I'm going with what I originally thought of you, Jewish shill.


Crensch ago

Oh, you came to about the same conclusion I did just a few minutes ago.

I think we should go ahead and call this username what it most likely is, a Jewish shill.

jangles ago

fuck you! this isn't evidence!

Crensch ago

You've already shown that you don't know what evidence is. Nice try though, Chaim.

jangles ago

good luck

VictorSteinerDavion ago

From the reading of it it looks like another attempt to force a pet agenda into PG.

Lot's of energy being wasted on something that isn't the investigation.

Crensch ago

Yep. Really becoming an issue. OH I didn't ping you to the culmination of this user's crucifixion.

Mea culpa.

ESOTERICshade ago

This video is one of the most horrific eyewitness living victim stories of child torture and abuse that I have ever watched. It is beyond comprehension that humans can do this to each other. @Millennial_Falcon deleted this.

I provided the rules and definition of pizzagate below and I don't understand why he keeps deleting things like this.

Here is another one deleted today. The title says EXACTLY what the post is about. Deleted per Rule 3. Unfortunately the Catholic Church was infiltrated and is infested by Khazar Jesuits. Jesuits want to kill every race on earth that is not of Khazar blood or someone helping their cause. That includes white people too.

Distrubing documentary about the Catholic Church and the aboriginal genocide in Canada (pizzagate)

submitted 2.2 hours ago by [deleted]

Millennial_Falcon removed 1.9 hours ago on 9/19/2017 7:46:15 PM

"@DeathTooMasons: Rule 3. title must show relevance to pizzagate"

From the definition of Pizzagate:

Relevant submissions would be any content that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children, the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of those children, and/or the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities.

The investigation initially focused on a group of businesses on Connecticut Avenue in Washington DC and their potential connection to a child trafficking ring. While this investigation began and centers around Comet Ping Pong, it involves multiple businesses and numerous connections around the globe.

Rule 3

3: Clarity: All titles must adequately describe post content and must establish direct relevance to pizzagate. EACH link in your post must include a description of content and how the link relates to the post (except when markup is used to embed links in the specific text they support).

@kevdude @vindicator @crensch @VictorSteinerDavion

Crensch ago

Here is another one deleted today. The title says EXACTLY what the post is about.

All well and good, but:

Deleted per Rule 3. Unfortunately the Catholic Church was infiltrated and is infested by Khazar Jesuits. Jesuits want to kill every race on earth that is not of Khazar blood or someone helping their cause. That includes white people too.

Literally not directly linked to PG.

Canada, Canada, Pope, Pope, Rome, Canada, Canada, etc.

Relevant submissions would be any content that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children, the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of those children, and/or the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities.

So now any race that:

want to kill every race on earth that is not of Khazar blood or someone helping their cause. That includes white people too.

is PG?

The investigation initially focused on a group of businesses on Connecticut Avenue in Washington DC and their potential connection to a child trafficking ring. While this investigation began and centers around Comet Ping Pong, it involves multiple businesses and numerous connections around the globe.


3: Clarity: All titles must adequately describe post content and must establish direct relevance to pizzagate. EACH link in your post must include a description of content and how the link relates to the post (except when markup is used to embed links in the specific text they support).

So literally any war with collateral dmg, or sect of subhumans that kill off a tribe, or any "church" that is loosely connected to the pope that does something fucky...

@kevdude I might be done with this faggot. Goes from being entirely reasonable to this shit, and my Jewdar keeps going off.

darkknight111 ago

Another issue that's become of concern is the following: "How should we deal with people using multiple accounts?"

This issue is of concern because this is a primary weapon used by shills. Two of our main shills use 3+ accounts (one of them uses 6+).

For this I have the following solution.

Only ONE account may be used per IP. Those found to be violation shall henceforth have all their extra accounts banned except the one with the LOWEST net SCP and CCP.

Before going further, I need to ask a question that is of major relevance to this anti shill defense. That way no innocent people get hit by this. This question is paramount to whether this proposistion is feasible or not.

"Can the mods see a user's IP?"

I call this proposistion the "Reset Bomb".

Crensch ago

"Can the mods see a user's IP?"


Crensch ago

And how would you change the rules to reflect this?

Crensch ago

Then how would any court of law actually move forward on this?

How would you convince the masses once they rise up that these are the targets?

PG was originally about Jailing pedo Bill, Podesta, Hill, etc.

Has that changed?

Crensch ago

Not convinced this is an organized network just by the summary (and my parsing ability is admittedly poor atm for the full thing above).

What say you?

Crensch ago

That need to be directly linked before being posted, currently.

Not just "oh, that church over there did some shit to kids - PIZZAGATE".

Crensch ago

I'm not opposed to it. Simply want a valid impetus to do so.

UFOhitsquad ago

@Crensch I came here to read Jane Webb's legal posts regarding the Hampstead Child abuse case which ties into Haiti scandal and unfortunately one of your mods deleted them, which does not look very professional, when they included replies from journalists. How do you plead?

Crensch ago

How do you plead?

You're a 50 minute old account. How do you plead?

UFOhitsquad ago

I plead to no one.

Crensch ago

Then fuck off, shill.

UFOhitsquad ago

Fuck yourself you second rate idiot.

Crensch ago

Oh, I bet you think it hurts to be called names by a 1.3 hour old account.

I bet you think the holocaust happened, and that the Jews are just innocent victims.

Hell, I bet you're a Jew, too.

UFOhitsquad ago

You responded too quickly, try and work on that. You pasta baking bot.

Crensch ago

Yeah, whatever you say, 1.3.

UFOhitsquad ago

I bet you are a second rate algorithm.

Crensch ago

UFOhitsquad ago

Yeah yeah, second rate bot (((narwhal)))

Crensch ago

Do you get paid by the response, kike?

UFOhitsquad ago

HAHAHAHA That shut you up

Crensch ago

What, this?

UFOhitsquad ago

Who designed you, Epstein? Second rater.

Crensch ago

Hey Rabbi. What'cha doin'?

UFOhitsquad ago

Not engaging any further bot. You have been caught.

Crensch ago


UFOhitsquad ago

jangles ago

crensch is a bit rough around the edges, but has done serious work here, he has enough of my respect but is not respectful.

Crensch ago

Kudos for being reasonable here.

I don't recall our previous interactions, but I do indeed have a vague sense that we disagreed rather pointedly. It takes a strong man to praise an adversary.

I'd buy you a pint if I could.

jangles ago

VictorSteinerDavion ago

I think your thoughts get to the crux of the issues and also distill much of mine as well.

More wording, or too many qualifiers enable many people to use sophistry to continue to divert the energy of this community away from the investigation itself.

"Pizzagate" the originating core story that started this investigation is really just a small off shoot organisation of the global informal groups that all protect and enable each other.
Finding a way to re-focus the community back to the core of the investigation and ultimately exposing the people who do these things in a way that nobody in the public could deny is something I want us all to get back to.

Vindicator ago

I totally and completely agree with this!!! This is really about sacrificing kids to facilitate the corruption of democratic societies so a small group can maintain power and control.

Crensch ago


More food for thought above.

Crensch ago

Do we agree that the currently-written definitions would result in the removal of such a thing?

I'm happy to change the rule if that's what the subverse wants, but I'd agree with the removal given the current wording.

Vindicator ago

Honestly, Crensch, I don't see what rule it violates. The Amalek alts have been spamming Christ Church Hampstead stuff all day long, which is probably why MF deleted these and banned several alts (he cited "spamalek" as the reason). But the only rule I could see it breaking is Rule 2 if the "" site didn't provide links to the woman's correspondence, but it appears they did: She made the requests from the site. This is the stuff the Amalek alts have been spamming all day. I did not remove most of it, because I didn't see what rule it violated.

Crensch ago

Per the sidebar definition clarification of rule 1:

Current Definition of "Pizzagate"

"Pizzagate" refers to the independent investigation of pedophilia and child trafficking by the certain members of the global elite. The leaked John Podesta Emails hint at deeply entrenched and protected pedophile networks operating with impunity at the top levels of government and politics in and through Washington, DC and the world at large. The investigation initially focused on a group of businesses on Connecticut Avenue in Washington DC and their potential connection to a child trafficking ring. While this investigation began and centers around Comet Ping Pong, it involves multiple businesses and numerous connections around the globe. The name pizzagate is simply an easy to remember convenience, referring to what has been called "Pedocracy" which is the suspected, likely informal, association of elite individuals that use pedophilia to organize, manage and discipline their efforts to dominate or disproportionately influence outcomes in matters of interest. That includes government as well as politics -- executive, legislative, judicial, lobbying, military, intelligence -- as well as media, business, finance, law, medicine, accounting, technology, academia, think tanks, philanthropy, endowments, etc.

Relevant submissions would be any content that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children, the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of those children, and/or the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities.

Relevant areas of research may include but are not limited to:

  • John Podesta and his relations
  • James Alefantis/Comet Pizza
  • The Clinton Foundation/Clinton Family and associates
  • Any entities or events with domestic or global connections to organized pedophilia and human trafficking of minors
  • Official Law Enforcement Investigations
  • Media or Government Cover Up
  • Current Breaking News
  • Tangential Pedophile info/stories (post MUST at least speculate how they might be linked to a network of some kind)
  • Satanism/Occult as they relate to the ritualized sexual abuse/sacrifice of minors
  • Code words and symbols related to pedophilia
  • Any information about someone associated with pizzagate that may plausibly constitute or lead to new evidence or leads. Such as: art, people, food, habits, family, slang, partying, socializing, jokes, music, religion, politics, names, travel, affairs, etc.

Vindicator ago

The Christ Church Hampstead claims are covered by the current definition of PG:

it involves multiple businesses and numerous connections around the globe

Crensch ago

To wit:

If some RC church in Bogota is found to have dispensed children into its septic tank, but no direct connection to anyone or anything is made, is that immediately PG material?

Vindicator ago

I would say yes. It would be hard to deny that there is a pattern of corruption involving abuse of kids in the Catholic Church -- worldwide. Who's to say the deep state didn't instigate it in order to control bishops, whose flock constitutes a gigantic voting block in many countries around the world, and whose doctrine advocates numerous things that undermine state involvement in the family, such as its teachings against divorce, contraception, abortion and euthanasia. Documenting the degree of corruption and where it occurs would be vital to understanding the pattern.

Crensch ago

So patterns over the direct link style rigor we've needed up to now?

Vindicator ago

Ideally, a pattern should be demonstrated with multiple direct links. We need to spell that out in the rules, but allow the posts IMO. Right now, what is happening is many legit users who follow this stuff closely see those patterns and see posts that fit them regularly deleted with little explanation. If you look in modmail currently, you will see numerous unanswered queries that demonstrate this.

Edit: I do not support abandoning the direct link style rigor. It's absolutely necessary.

Crensch ago

Given this, I'm wondering if we've been talking past each other somewhat here.

I've always told posters/mods that I'd love for OP to come back with direct links, and have more or less seen in this thread what appears to be people wanting to relax those links.

Ideally, would the valid links not be in the rules/sticky, and just build on each other in each post?

Something like this:


linked to X not in sticky

linked to Y not in sticky

linked to Z not in sticky

and here's A that is linked to Z.

Until the sticky gets updated to include X Y and Z?

Literally every post. Connect the dots so that anyone can pick up at any time and not need to have stared at the patterns like on oldschool 4chan?

That was kinda the idea from the beginning here to allow this to be both archival and forward-moving.

Vindicator ago

This is an interesting approach. First I've really heard it articulated as how we are supposed to be doing things, though. LoL. No one trained me to mod with this approach in mind, and I haven't been teaching users to submit this way. What I learned was "mods don't curate content". If the premise of a connection is clearly articulated and supporting links are provided, leave it up and let the downvotes decide.

We could switch to the sticky-based approach, but there are a couple of problems. First, who controls the sticky? That's MF. Unless he is willing to edit the sticky and add new material people think is relevant -- like the Awan investigation for example -- we are no better off than we are today.

It also reinforces the thing people are most frustrated about: they can't contibute because the conversation is being controlled by one person with a narrow point of view. This happening on every other forum is exactly what has brought most PG researchers here in the first place.

Crensch ago

Given what I've seen, there's not a lot to recommend a rule change at this point. I'm still slogging through all this shit, and if I could delete ESOTERICshade's comments to make it easier to parse, I would.

That user MIGHT have valid points here and there, but far too much of what he says is complete horseshit.

Any relaxing of the rules seems to be what the shilly commenters want, and some few that don't appear shilly don't want any changes. That's just my take so far. Happy to be convinced otherwise.

I'm responding to you here because if any change was made, it could be along the lines of what I was discussing about a running archive.

Like I said, anyone can take up that torch as long as they keep up with it - a user-crowdsourced archive.

Crensch ago

Well, it's not like someone couldn't copy his sticky, and add in stuff that the community agrees has been directly linked. If that sticky needs to change hands, that's fine. It was mine at one point.

Just archive that shit and look for fucky stuff from whomever is hosting it at the time now and then.

Crensch ago

Crensch ago

Where is the direct link though? Does any business/church anywhere qualify?

I'm parsing this info as best I can atm, which I'll admit might not be the best I'm capable of usually.

Vindicator ago

Christ Church is a town in the UK. A couple of kids came forward with terrible claims that their father was killing babies. It was investigated by the authorities and dismissed. The mother and boyfriend are on the run and supposedly put the kids up to it and abused them. The problem is, the UK authorities and media have covered up massive elite pedo rape, so no one trusts the Hampstead ruling. Like Podesta, it's still ongoing. It doesn't help that the BBC head who covered up the UK pedos is now the head of the NYT.

Crensch ago

Well, the BBC guy going to NYT isn't 100% sure to be cronyism. Could've been MI6 forcing him to do it, and him taking a job to get away.

Then again, I'm just getting your summary.

As for the rest of it, still not seeing a direct link.

Vindicator ago

the BBC guy going to NYT isn't 100% sure to be cronyism. Could've been MI6 forcing him to do it, and him taking a job to get away.

True (although either way is relevant to Pizzagate). Also, the NYT has been the leader of the efforts to "debunk" Pizzagate and label it Fake News that should be censored on all platforms. They also removed stories from their online archives about elite pedo investigations in Sweden and Belgium, as did the Swedish press and the big paper in Tampa Bay. Then WAPO hires Podesta? Looks to me like they are all in it. Certainly worth documenting.

Crensch ago

I agree that it's worth looking into. I don't agree that any direct link has been established. Just, "something fucky".

One fake news outfit hiring someone from another fake news outfit could have been as innocent as a simple job/location switch for the employee.

Vindicator ago

The "direct" link is that if the kids' story is true, Hampstead is a case of what many people think the Podestas and friends are into: Satanic Ritual Abuse of kids. I personally am not convinced they were telling the truth -- they were tripping over themselves to get their talking points out. But that is my personal opinion.

Along with "elites", "directly connected" is a term open to interpretation.

Crensch ago

I know I responded to you above, but think of this:

If we force a running archive, then slide submissions become less of a problem, no? Everyone will know the user-agreed-upon archival links that are required of every submission.

Sorry, only snagging bits and pieces of coherent thoughts at the moment.

Crensch ago

Look at the sidebar to the right. Click on the "definition of Pizzagate" link.

Now stop sensationalizing bullshit. Just a few more days and maybe posts like this will be defined into being left alone here.

@independenceday I would agree with the removal with the current ruleset.

@Millennial_Falcon @kevdude

crazycycle ago


Rule 1 isn't the real issue. I'm sure it could use some improvement, but the real issue is the inconsistent manner in which the rules are applied by the mods. You can argue it's the wording/interpretation, but it seems to me, that most of the sub thinks it's @Millennial_Falcon.

You have a Mother_Fucker problem, not a rules problem.

Crensch ago

OK, 10-day-old-alt, do what literally none of you PG faggots has done to date and provide links proving this.

Sick of your unsupported accusations, quite frankly. The more they happen, the less likely I am to be pleasant when responding.

I am HAPPY to dig through actual proof of wrongdoing. I am NOT HAPPY to have my time wasted by ignorant fucks like you that don't realize your 10-day-old-alt looks like a fucking shill.

crazycycle ago

As if you dont fucking know what the entire sub is complaining about.

Crensch ago

Yeah, I hear what appears to be shills complaining about a non-existent problem. Not one of you fucks has come up with anything at all yet, and THE MORE YOU MAKE BALD ASSERTIONS THE MORE I THINK YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT.

So stop acting like you're on rEddit and act like you're in the real world where people need evidence in order to believe something.

MOD LOGS EXIST FOR A REASON, you lazy fucking nigger.

crazycycle ago

Faggot, why do you pretend your lazy ass doesn't have access to the logs, yourself? Your ass wants the research to keep getting wider and go in circles. The only fucking new leads that are relevant to bringing down pizzagate, in its entirety, are leads that deal with the original characters (Podestas, Alefantis, Abramovic, Foundation donors, etc). The high-end consumers. The ones with the power to censor the internet. The ones that decide who and how hard to prosecute and how wide the investigation should be. The ones that were already in the WH. Then you follow the money. Every pedo ring is compartmentalized. Going after the smaller rings is not going to create a chain reaction. The investigations will not expand, because they control them. Anyone with half a brain could figure that out. Your stupid ass wants to protect mother_fucker cause you are a motherfucker.

Yea, keep talking about the verbiage of the rules, cause that's really fruitful.

Crensch ago

Faggot, why do you pretend your lazy ass doesn't have access to the logs, yourself?

It's not MY job to prove each of you shill-looking faggots right; that's YOUR job.

Your ass wants the research to keep getting wider and go in circles.

The fuck I do. I've always been on the side of requiring a fucking connect-the-dots outside of the original definition on the right. You're just showing yourself to be a butthurt shill that doesn't know what's actually going on here.

The only fucking new leads that are relevant to bringing down pizzagate, in its entirety, are leads that deal with the original characters (Podestas, Alefantis, Abramovic, Foundation donors, etc). The high-end consumers.

WHY DO YOU BITCH ABOUT MF THEN? I literally only ever see whining about removals that have nothing to do with those things. Oh, and formatting/posting issues where it's obviously against the rules.

The ones with the power to censor the internet. The ones that decide who and how hard to prosecute and how wide the investigation should be. The ones that were already in the WH. Then you follow the money.

Been on this boat since the beginning. So has MF, IMO.

Every pedo ring is compartmentalized. Going after the smaller rings is not going to create a chain reaction.

More or less how I've thought things through.

The investigations will not expand, because they control them. Anyone with half a brain could figure that out. Your stupid ass wants to protect mother_fucker cause you are a motherfucker.

You're making zero sense now, faggot. If something about those specific subjects was posted properly, MF would not have removed it - IF HE DID, and nobody pinged me over it, then that's THEIR fault.

I'm not going to parse every fucking post or removal just because people whine about a mod. SHOW ME WHERE THINGS WENT WRONG. That's your job, faggot.

Yea, keep talking about the verbiage of the rules, cause that's really fruitful.

... You're posting in a thread about changing the rules to what you don't want and instead of attacking the ones for the change, you're advocating for the status quo.

Really just cannot understand you at all.

crazycycle ago

Maybe his actual standard varies from way too narrow/tough to too wide/loose? Hey, I;m new and this is your space. If half of the users are complaining about one fucking mod, shouldn't YOU do the double take. This subject is too fucking much. I'll show myself out.

Crensch ago

Maybe his actual standard varies from way too narrow/tough to too wide/loose?

Maybe. Haven't seen evidence of it yet though.

Hey, I;m new and this is your space.

No, this is PG's space, and I'm just here to keep the rEddit cancer out.

If half of the users are complaining about one fucking mod, shouldn't YOU do the double take.

Through the ENTIRE life of this subverse, mods have been attacked, and shills have tried to get a foothold.

I'm NOT going to do a shill's work for them either. They can present a valid case, or they can fuck off.

Honestly, if they're legitimate users (not shills) and cannot manage to present a valid case, then they're probably useless anyway.

This subject is too fucking much. I'll show myself out.

Age quod agis.

crazycycle ago

This is an example of wtf everyone is complaining about. I post something you say you and MF are both in agreement with, yet it gets deleted for not having a source/link (rules!). Give me an example of an appropriate/relevant source/link for that post.

EDIT: The post is an opinion formed from information that is common knowledge to any honest person researching/investigating pizzagate. It shouldn't require any sourcing, at this point.

EDIT2: @Crensch @kevdud @Millennial_Falcon @Vindicator @sensitive

Crensch ago


So post it on your main account.

Crensch ago

That submission should be a comment in this thread with pings to me, kevdude, and the [m] mods here.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

This investigation has grown in scale from what it was in the beginning. This epidemic of child abuse is a much wider net of corruption then first was realized.

So i agree the rule/rules must also change to fit the investigation.

Crensch ago

Also, any other words or explanation you'd like to add would be awesome.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Btw, Great post! @Crensch /tumbs up

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Hmm.. ill give it a shoot.

  • Rule 1: Should probably now include. Deepstate, Satanic Cult, Elite Bankers, Pedophiles. This also includs: James Comey, Clinton´s, Bushe´s, Podesta´s, Royalty´s, CIA, NSA, FBI, Interpool, MI6, MI5, Mosad, Etc.. Satanic Cult, MSM, Dyncorp, Fondation´s (Clinton´s, Sandler Foundation, Etc), Awan Scandal, Huma and Weiner, Al-qaeda, ISIS, Mexican Cartels, MS-13, Madeleine Mccann, Hammpsted Case, Franklin Scandal, MK Ultra, Senators, Politicians, Community services and many more... This is a shit storm of trafficked victims and a lot of high level people involved in some way or another.

  • PizzaGate - PedoGate it all connects.

Its hard to just point to a few subjects, This has been going on for age´s and it stretches around the world and parts of almost every institution at the highest levels. And it is highly covered-up, something we also need to look at.

Just my thoughts..

KillAllPedos ago


Crensch ago

Maybe instead of CAPS LOCK CRUISE CONTROL you could elucidate on why you hold your position?

darkknight111 ago

My question regarding rule one regards trying to differentiate pizzagate from pedogate.

As far as I'm concerned, they're the same thing. Pizzagate evolved into Pedogate, but we keep Pizzagate in honor of where it all began.

Crensch ago

Is that what has happened?

Explain pizzagate->pedogate for me in your own words if you would.

darkknight111 ago

The origins of pizzagate stem from the contents of the Podesta emails as shown on /pol in October 2016. Those emails contained some bizzare nonsensical sentence syntax involving food items.

It was later discovered on /pol that the syntax could be solved if said words were in coded language. It was later found that the very words in those emails matched known pedophile code language as per declassified FBI documents. For example, cheese pizza refers to underage girl, hotdog refers to underage male, and walnut refers to a child of color.

Later on some very disturbing artwork owned by Podesta and his associates was discovered. That and some very unsettling things discovered at various suspect pizza parlors in DC, Hollywood, and other cities. Most infamous of them all being Comet Ping Pong, aka CPP.

Eventually, it was discovered that the problem of human and sex trafficking of children by elite pedophile rings along with the massive effort to cover it up by various institutions was a rot that was global in its span. Hence the alternative name Pedogate.

Its a massive spider web of interconnections so convoluted that it has become a logistical nightmare to keep track of all the relevant players, locals, and events. This doesn't even take nightmarish content like Elsagate into consideration. I have once said that "This is not a swamp. This is an oily, murky, black abyss that leads to the very depths of hell."

Thus in my eyes, I find it hard to differentiate between Pizzagate and Pedogate, for I honestly consider them to be one and the same, with "Pizzagate" being a vestigial name in honor of where it all began. For the record, this shit has given me nightmares about torture and dismemberment so intense that my heart was pounding for 10-15 minutes after waking up.

Please forgive the long story, but I felt it was nessecary in order to understand where I'm coming from in my argument.

Crensch ago

I appreciate you writing all this out.

@kevdude @VictorSteinerDavion @Millennial_Falcon @Vindicator

Vindicator ago

I see the pizzagate/pedogate issue the same way as darknight111. It's a distinction without a difference. Especially since the premise underlying the whole thing is deep state corruption of democratic governments via pedo blackmail.

Crensch ago

I can understand that.

I can also understand where MF is coming from and his interpretation of the rules. Or, at least, how I interpret them, that seems to more or less match his.

independenceday ago

YUP! Like this one just now from "MF" Submission /v/pizzagate/2134867 deleted

Your submission /v/pizzagate/2134867 has been deleted by: @Millennial_Falcon on 9/17/2017 2:20:22 PM

Reason given: @independenceday: Rule 1. Original Submission Catholic Church Explains the bodies of nearly 800 children found in a SEPTIC TANK behind a former Mother and Baby home.

PizzaGate related in that it involves BABIES being DUMPED in a SEPTIC TANK as opposed to being given a proper Christian burial...Is this how the CATHOLIC CHURCH treats innocent souls born into captivity? 800 babies DIE in 35 years? and thrown away like TRASH! WTF? What REALLY happened to those innocent babies?

Update March 5, 2017: After the story first broke in 2014, many reports, including this report and two stories two stories published by The Washington Post claimed that the bodies of 800 babies had been discovered in a septic tank, however at that time, the number of bodies found had no actual count, The Washington Post reported. According to The Daily Mail, a statement issued March 3, 2017 from the Mother and Baby Homes Commission said that “significant quantities of human remains have been discovered in at least 17 of the 20 underground chambers which were examined earlier this year.” Almost 800 children had died there between 1925 and 1961, according to records, but there was only one burial record for just one child.

Additionally, the earlier version of this article from 2014 has been corrected to omit probable inaccuracies from an invalid source. Catholic Church took 60,000 babies for adoption in the 1950s and 1960s, Many sent to America in return for large payments disguised as 'donations' Martin wrote about one case in his book Philomena, later made into a film News of the mass graves at Tuam finally made the newspapers last week Religious community's site had primitive conditions with babies neglected Infection and disease ran unchecked; measles and dysentery killed hundreds Two locals, Catherine Corless and Teresa Kelly, set out to uncover the truth Catherine calculated nearly 800 babies were buried beneath the estate

onamission82nd ago

It doesn't make a damn bit of difference This site is an alphabet agency cut-out. And as soon as a poster gets really close to deleted. This exercise is a total waste of time. It will go nowhere fast.

4_InquiringMinds ago


A voice of reason :)

onamission82nd ago

Why r u inquiring about me?

4_InquiringMinds ago


Not inquiring about you...the @ is just to say heads up/I replied to your comment :) I agree with your statement...

It doesn't make a damn bit of difference This site is an alphabet agency cut-out. And as soon as a poster gets really close to deleted. This exercise is a total waste of time. It will go nowhere fast.

Crensch ago

I always hear this kind of bullshit from low-effort accounts like yours. We have mod logs for a fucking reason. If something happens that bothers you, get off your fucking fat lazy ass and do something about it instead of blackpill virtue-signalling. You think you're helping children when you do NOTHING to help the situation?

Fucking child-fucker supporter <- that's what you are.

onamission82nd ago

Ur spinning ur wheels 'fat-boy'. The only place ur research is going is up ur skirt in smoke. No one, let me repeat, NO ONE CARES OR GIVES A FLIP WHAT YOU ALL UNCOVER. IT WILL GO NOWHERE WHERE... and that's the point of ur whole op. We both know that.

Crensch ago

Ur spinning ur wheels 'fat-boy'.

Not likely.

The only place ur research is going is up ur skirt in smoke.

You really have a knack for sounding like a 1994 edgelord.


Maybe, maybe not.

and that's the point of ur whole op. We both know that.

The point of my OP is to stop having to field you shill's attacks on MF for the next 6 months. After this, I'll be able to shit on you without worrying that the users actually want something different than what exists.

The real users, not faggot shills like you.

onamission82nd ago

Ah....sticks and stones. My goodness. You must be a product of public education. Or maybe obfuscation. .....oh wait a minute, that word has two many syllables for you. Let me clarify that for ur feeble mind: SMOKE SCREEN DILDO BREATH :)

Crensch ago

Ah....sticks and stones.

You've already shown that not to be true for yourself.

You must be a product of public education.

HAHAHAHAHA I bet you wish that were true. More projection on your part, I assume.

Or maybe obfuscation. .....oh wait a minute, that word has two many syllables for you.

Dunning-Kruger effect in action, folks!

Let me clarify that for ur feeble mind: SMOKE SCREEN DILDO BREATH :)

And an effect I've not yet found a name for. When a troll wants to pretend he doesn't actually care about the conversation, and puts some faggot emoji behind a random-airheaded quip. You want people to think you're not invested in this for some reason, but nobody reading this would buy it.

onamission82nd ago

You have the attention of a select few. They will be in touch clench. Cause that is what ur ass hole will do when you get your microscopic gonads wrapped around ur ears for earrings. I anticipate a high pitched soprano scream. Like a little pussy that u are.

Crensch ago

You have the attention of a select few.

Your envy is showing.

They will be in touch clench. Cause that is what ur ass hole will do when you get your microscopic gonads wrapped around ur ears for earrings.

What is this, modern art of creative writing?

I anticipate a high pitched soprano scream. Like a little pussy that u are.


onamission82nd ago

Too bad ur mom & dad didn't teach u any manners. Most 123 cut-outs don't ever learn them. But there is a very large reward for fakers like u : Drones with big fins for BIG anal sphincters like u.

Crensch ago

Too bad ur mom & dad didn't teach u any manners.

Too bad your single mother raised a little bitch.

Most 123 cut-outs don't ever learn them.


But there is a very large reward for fakers like u : Drones with big fins for BIG anal sphincters like u.

Keep LARPing, faggot; I'm sure the conversations you have in your head work better with your delusional fantasies.

onamission82nd ago

How's the larping going nazi? Didn't know how much u appreciated african americans

Crensch ago

Nazis were weak and didn't do what Jews accused them of doing. What I am is something that will do what Jews accused Nazis of.

onamission82nd ago

Thanks for ur vote of confidence. I like to shake the bushes & see all the fruit &nuts fall out .Lmao. I really don't think u know who ur dealing with. We of the 82nd don't threaten amyone. We just promise them. Good luck in the next realm sucka

Crensch ago

Thanks for ur vote of confidence.

You just set the bar so low, I couldn't help but go over it.

I like to shake the bushes & see all the fruit &nuts fall out .Lmao. I really don't think u know who ur dealing with.

How trite.

We of the 82nd don't threaten amyone.

You probably don't know an amyone to threaten.

We just promise them.

Is that how you justify the way you talk to the children you fuck?

Good luck in the next realm sucka

There is no "next realm" religionfag.

onamission82nd ago

remember frank church? You're in the same boat. Google him. Google the church commission. I'm not religious. But u will be when 'the man comes around'(Johnny cash)

Crensch ago

remember frank church?

Why would I remember some random faggot?

You're in the same boat.

Don't care.

Google him. Google the church commission.

I don't "google" anything. You want me to know something, YOU do the footwork. Not my problem.

I'm not religious.

I don't care.

But u will be when 'the man comes around'(Johnny cash)


onamission82nd ago

Vato. Stupid little twat. Your level of importance is a long as ur pencildickbrain. Research for research sake is useless. Just cause u can't get a real job, I guess this site makes u feel really special? Gives u a false sense of usefulness.
Keep blowing more smoke up ur dress and maybe u'll grow some cajones fool.

Crensch ago

Vato. Stupid little twat. Your level of importance is a long as ur pencildickbrain.

I don't speak taco.

Research for research sake is useless.

Not really.

Just cause u can't get a real job, I guess this site makes u feel really special?

Are you talking about yourself again?

Gives u a false sense of usefulness.

I take it you're an expert on such things.

Keep blowing more smoke up ur dress and maybe u'll grow some cajones fool.

I don't speak taco.

onamission82nd ago

Would love to meet u for a beer. I'm sure we could have a nice rational discussion. I could tell u about the little18monthold toddler that came into my e.r with cigarette burns all over his little body. Or maybe ud like to know about the little 3 yr old girl who had to have her anus reconstructed and part of her bowel removed after she was penetrated by a huge cock. WOULD U LIKE TO DISCUSS MORE OF THAT U CROCK OF COLD SHIT???

Crensch ago

Would love to meet u for a beer. I'm sure we could have a nice rational discussion.

I could. You seem incapable of it.

I could tell u about the little18monthold toddler that came into my e.r with cigarette burns all over his little body.

Maybe you shouldn't have fucked him?

Or maybe ud like to know about the little 3 yr old girl who had to have her anus reconstructed and part of her bowel removed after she was penetrated by a huge cock.

Or her.


Honoring yourself with your escapades of child fuckery... would I like to "discuss" it more? Not particularly.

onamission82nd ago

DID I HIT A NERVE? apparently I did. no need to get vulgar/obscene. I would suggest turning the g.p.s. off on ur cell. Just a suggestion. :)

Crensch ago


You look like an idiot.

apparently I did.

You look more like an idiot.

no need to get vulgar/obscene.

Never said there was a need, nor do I require a need to be vitriolic. I choose to do so whenever I feel like doing so.

I would suggest turning the g.p.s. off on ur cell. Just a suggestion. :)

I hope you find what you're looking for.

onamission82nd ago


onamission82nd ago

G.p.s. ....g.p.s........gps.......whoops (boom)

Crensch ago

I'll be sleeping like a baby tonight, and every night, and wake up just fine. My death will be anything but from a keyboard warrior LARPing as anything that isn't his own life, often projecting his faults (parent's basement) onto others.

onamission82nd ago

No basements in dallas.

Crensch ago

Sucks to be you.

onamission82nd ago

You know what u goon? U & ur know it all goony friends can down voat me all u want. I'm not here to earn 'brownie points '. My life doesn't revolve around being an anonymous poster of trivia. I actually have a real job that helps save people lives. What do you do for work besides bully others? If u ever get out of ur chair long enough to make a real difference in people's lives, then I'll be glad to sit down and have that beer to intelligently discuss why this whole thing is nothing but a farce. Until then, get a REAL LIFE.

Crensch ago

I actually have a real job that helps save people lives.

Keep telling yourself whatever helps you sleep at night.

onamission82nd ago

Sleep tight maggot. Black ops coming ur way. It's time the real shills pay the 'man' Your time comes soon. Get a life and get up off ur knees maggot! # cocksuckerslikeuneedlovetoo.

Crensch ago

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

onamission82nd ago

Ok. Frank. Nice chatting with u. Ciao

Crensch ago

Keep at it, Nelson. I'm sure it'll come to you eventually.

onamission82nd ago

Gps GPs,,,,,GPS...... (BETTER TURN IT OFF).......BOOM. NSA says no more crensch

onamission82nd ago

Hey mr. crensch....Who's nelson? My chromosomes have dose equis!!!!

get a real life/job

Crensch ago

I don't speak taco, nigger.

onamission82nd ago

Get a life/a shave/A REAL JOB/ out of ur parent's basement.

Crensch ago

Learn English.

onamission82nd ago

Learn humanity bitch-man Quit sucks ur own cock. It's not a straw.

Crensch ago

Learn English, faggot.

onamission82nd ago

Have u seen donkeyasshote? Maybe he was one of ur friends. Emphasis on word 'was '. TIKTOK TIKTOK THEIR clock ran out.

Crensch ago

Sounds like a sock puppet of yours.

onamission82nd ago

Become bilingual. Hablo espanol y ingleis. Vato!

Crensch ago

I don't speak taconigger because learning taconigger will never help anyone do anything except communicate with subhuman taconiggers.

onamission82nd ago

¿Habla espanol gringo?

Crensch ago

That's why you're all going back. Well, that or we'll just slaughter you in the streets.

onamission82nd ago

Learn to formulate a rebuttal to an opposing opinion w/o becoming hostile, belligerent, obscene, and obnoxious. Then u can get back to me w/o name calling dog.

Crensch ago

Learn to formulate a rebuttal to an opposing opinion w/o becoming hostile, belligerent, obscene, and obnoxious.

I know full well how to do that.

Then u can get back to me w/o name calling dog.

You're not important.

onamission82nd ago

you've never in ur life been important that's why you're on this site. You think it raises your level of importance, when, in reality (u know, the TRUE reality ), You'll never, ever be important. Not even in your own myopic eyes.


Crensch ago

Looks like telling you how unimportant you are hurt your feelings, since you're trying to turn it back around on me. Kek.

onamission82nd ago


Crensch ago

You've shown yourself to be anything but an authority on literally every subject you've brought up. You're a clown, and your declarations are as potent as a court jester's.

onamission82nd ago

You're a fool, like everybody else spinning their collective wheels on this site. Ask Seths Rich. They used him too u idiot. Wake up and see that nobody will go to jail over this u slave. WAKE UP, although it might be to late for all u sheeple in ur little cubes typing ur little jaded hearts out thinking ur really affecting change. MAYBE U NEED TO WALK A MILE IN MY MOCCASINS WHILE I TREAT THESE KIDS WHO ARE SEXUALLY ABUSED. YOU STUPID FOOL. GET OFF YOUR FATASS AND REALLY DO SOMETHING FOR THESE INNOCENT LITTLE ONES WHO R LOSING THIERRY LIVES YOU CUNT!!#### GET OFF YOUR ASS

Crensch ago

You're a fool, like everybody else spinning their collective wheels on this site.

Not my problem.

Ask Seths Rich.

Learn to spell.

They used him too u idiot.

Learn English.

Wake up and see that nobody will go to jail over this u slave.

I never said anyone would.

WAKE UP, although it might be to late for all u sheeple in ur little cubes typing ur little jaded hearts out thinking ur really affecting change.

Ooh, that's a good one! You used a phrase properly, and even spelled it correctly! Too bad you can't seem to type out "your" or "you're". My guess is that you still don't understand which is used where, hence your AOLspeak.


You're really not convincing.


I'll do what I want to do, when I want to do it. You, on the other hand, appear to believe that telling people what to do will affect change. I can only surmise that you think this because when people tell you what to do, you do it.

Vindicator ago

I agree that the less mod interpretation the better -- such as who is and who isn't "elite". We are investigating the way the deep state may be using child rape to manipulate and control people in power and enrich those who pull the strings. Focusing on this aspect, rather than whether the subject of a given thread qualifies as "elite" would be far more productive, in my opinion.

1: Relevance: Posts must be directly relevant to investigation of Pizzagate: the corruption of democratic governance through the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of children, child trafficking, child porn, the cover-up of these activities and the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities. See definition of Pizzagate and examples of relevant posts.

bb22 ago

This thread is too damn long. Just relax the damn moderation so people can post related shit without getting instantly deleted by faggots. Codify that into fancy language you fucks.

Crensch ago

Likely. Threads "vanish" but the faggot wasn't smart enough to start archiving them? Right.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

They are barely covering it at the level it needs to be covered...

Just because they graze the surface of the grass, doesn't remove the possibility of skeletons beneath it. Don't lose faith just yet...

But, to your point, we'll keep it off of PG.

last-word-rosebud ago

Look, I am being sincere here...not trying to be argumentative. I simply want someone to keep a close eye on things. It may seem like I am just being paranoid, but trust me, many great threads have simply vanished. Now I am not pointing fingers, but I find it strange that threads concerning CPP and JA are gone. Were some of them too close to the truth, or contained a valuable avenue to explore? If such is the case, is it possible for a non Voat entity to delete threads?

Vindicator ago

last-word, what was in the threads you are having trouble finding? It's really not helpful to make a vague claim of missing threads with no actual mention of what the content included so people can verify if it is true.

last-word-rosebud ago

Incredible you of all people are calling me a shill. SMH. Follow me here sunshine...certain threads about CPP and/or JA have simply vanished. A bit hard to prove it when the threads are not there. I am wondering why you are doubting it so adamantly...hmmmmmm.

last-word-rosebud ago

You amuse me. Whether you choose to believe it or not, threads have been completely erased. Now go stick your head in the sand and defend your buddies.

Factfinder2 ago

If a mod suspects a shill post but it's not obviously a shill post, I think they should not delete it. Instead, they should have the option to tag it with a "suspected shill" flag. This would alert Voat users, who then would make up their own minds about the quality of the post and whether to pursue any research angles it might suggest.

Vindicator ago

Yes. This is what our "Possible Disinformation" flare is for. The only problem is, many of the shill posts are spammed in multiple different iterations by different alts. You can flare one to raise awareness, but we really need to remove the majority to prevent them from sliding legit content into oblivion.

Factfinder2 ago

Yes, but, to be clear, I was only referring to posts that are not obviously shill but suspected to be. If it's not blatantly obvious, Voaters should decide, not mods.

I understand the multiple alts problem, but my question is who needs multiple alts? As far as I can tell, only people with ulterior motives, including but not limited to shills. Is it possible to allow just one account per IP address?

darkknight111 ago

This brings up an important point:

We need some way to crack down on shills using multiple accounts.

There's two very active shills (we know who they are) that use 3+ accounts (one of them uses at least 6).

Since most of the "multi account using shills" are quite obvious, there is an idea I've got cooked up.

Maybe ban all but one (the one with the LOWEST ccp) of their accounts, using "spam" as the justification. Of course this proposistion should ONLY be used on the obvious alts to prevent false positives.

Factfinder2 ago

Ban multiple accounts. Why would anyone whose motives are above board need multiple accounts?

last-word-rosebud ago

The information and even theories about pizzagate that have been brought forth need to be ongoing and protected. For example, I have been following developments and findings on CPP and Alefantis since last October or whenever it initially became a blip on the radar. I have noticed that some very good, relevant threads about CPP and Alefantis have vanished. I can't find them anywhere. I am not trying to hijack this thread, but you guys, we have to keep this up and running, AND find the mods or whomever that seem to delete solid research and sound theories on CPP and Alefantis and fire them. Why are some people on here protecting CPP and Alefantis? We know the answer. Thanks for reading my post.

10510999? ago

If it's obvious that it's PG related in the title, but you don't specify why it's related , it should be removed ? OK

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Hmmmm, I've been thinking about this. Rule 1 was fine, back when it was written. But* I find it very hard to believe that there is a clear separation from the multitude of leaks that have occurred, and will continue to occur.

  • PG is/was a subset of data within the context of the larger Podesta leak.
  • Since this has broken, multiple, significant events have occurred in light of other leaks (namely Russia)
  • Now we've got Awan/DNC on meltdown alert

I know that we do not have "smoking gun" evidence of a direct connection between these two leaks - but I think that ignoring topics such as the Awan's, the DNC, Seth Rich, Shawn Lucas, the Russian Investigation, etc... will only serve to weaken the PG community.

If we can prove that any significant elements of the enemies' narrative is totally fictitious. That leads us down a collective rabbit hole of what else they may be lying about/covering up.

Disproving Russia/embracing Assange/taking down Awan/DWS... these are all methods of potentially discovering far more information specific to Pizzagate.

Right now? Aside from the nearly continuous stream of child-abuse related arrests (with 0 ability to link them), the intel is light on PG. We're focused on analyzing historic cases right now.

We need more flexibility to open other channels that could lead to more PG related leaks/info/intel.

Most recent example of how this could all apply?

Recommended Modification to Rule 1:

1: Relevance: Posts must be directly relevant to investigation of Pizzagate: the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of children by elites, child trafficking organized by elites, and/or cover-up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities. As well as any evidence/crimes that could lead to additional information pertaining to anyone implicated in Pizzagate involvement. See definition of Pizzagate and examples of relevant posts.

Forgetmenot ago

I disagree this can open a can of worms for political shills to slide every thread.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

But this is happening right now... on it's like 75% PG related and 25% updates on the leaks/DNC/Seth Rich/Assange related topics. They don't tend to "bleed over" too frequently.

That said, to avoid the risk, I'm totally willing to keep all leak/DNC/Assange related content in /pizzagatewhatever per @Cigarette5mokingman suggestion.

Thanks for your input.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

thumbs up

Cigarette5mokingman ago

"I know that we do not have "smoking gun" evidence of a direct connection between these two leaks - but I think that ignoring topics such as the Awan's, the DNC, Seth Rich, Shawn Lucas, the Russian Investigation, etc... will only serve to weaken the PG community."

I completely agree with this. I feel the new lead should not be ignored regardless of whether or not there is concrete eveidence. However, until said evidence is discovered, the post should remain in pizzagatewhatever.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

A fair point!

UgTr2 ago

Swapping elites for "Those with authority and power, meaning political, judicial, religious or corporate"

A problem with this language is that it implicitly endorses the role of "the authorities" as being legitimate. Instead, I'd suggest "those with apparent power with the political, judicial, religious or corporate heirarchy".

kazza64 ago what about this shit. does anybody even care that mf goes through the posts on an hourly basis an literally guts them to pieces so that a lot of relevant information is left in the deleted submissions ? he/she sites rule 3 when it deletes me. i dont know wtf i do wrong but i'm not posting anymore until that dickhead is gone.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Good. Maybe you should post elsewhere anyway if you don't have the intelligence to follow rules and understand why the post was deleted to begin with.

LA_Trump ago

I think of "Pizzagate" is an adjective at this point. If you think of it as an adjective, it's about the broader agenda of the elites as it relates to the relevant people and information within the investigation.

10508217? ago

I agree with all that want to change rule #1 when it's blatantly obvious it's pizza gate related but it gets deleted by MF before you can get a chance to post the obvious relation !

Vindicator ago

Cc1914, we HAVE to have users make the connection clear in the headline or description of the post, not in the Comments, because comments get buried.

TavistockImplodeNow ago

I told you it would be closed in a month.

I'm not often wrong. @millennial_falcon ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Millennial_Falcon ago

you dropped this -> \

SoSpricyHotDog ago


Eyezopen ago

I can't stand all this elites stuff. Posts should be relevant to child sex abuse/ enabling child sex abuse/child murder/organ harvesting/sketchy organizations/sketchy people .The investigation of the smaller, will lead to mid,to big, to elite. There are obviously many layers of operation here. To me it involves peeling off the layers. It seems we're getting closer to a big breakthrough, but posts can't be getting deleted for stupid reasons. Obviously anything that doesn't touch these subjects should be deleted.

Factfinder2 ago

Well said.

crazycycle ago

I think the community should decide whether it wants to continue further research (finding and pointing out new trees when everyone already sees the forest), or discussing ways to expose the forest to the masses (focus on exposure/redpilling/dissemination)

Vindicator ago

Both are permissible, crazycycle. I made a sticky a while back explicitly clarifying that redpilling threads would be left up if they were written in a way that followed the rules, as well as a description of how to do that.

crazycycle ago

OK. Thank you. Then, while the wording of rule 1 could still be an issue, the much bigger issue that should be addressed is the inconsistent manner in which the rules are interpreted and enforced by various mods.

There's a rule issue, for sure, but the mod issue is much bigger.

AngB23 ago

Not sure why we can't use the KISS method with the forum. Keep it simple stupid

Rule 1): : Relevance: Posts must be directly relevant to investigation of abuse of children

Period, end of story.

crazycycle ago


Factfinder2 ago

I concur with @VictorSteinerDavion’s comment that use of the word “elites” is a problem. He suggests instead “those with authority and power, meaning; political, judicial, religious or corporate.”

That would be a start, but the entertainment/broadcast industry would need to be added. But even with that, people like James Alefantis and Jorge Puello would not be included. Add the hospitality industry, and you pick up Alefantis but still exclude Puello. To include him, you'd need to add child help organizations. And then there's the medical industry, fraternal organizations, the military, intelligence, the transportation industry, and on and on.

The point is, whenever you start listing, you're bound to miss something and you complicate the mods' job, not to mention limiting the scope of the research.

We need to face the reality that almost every facet of society today has the potential to harbor abusers because of the extreme infiltration that has taken place.

I'm in favor of combining Pizzagate and P Whatever because the division between them hampers research. It’s true that small-town pedo ring members aren't the ones in charge at the top, but they might be directed by string-pullers higher up, whether they are aware of being directed or not. A huge element of this is the possibility that some of the perps are mind-controlled patsies carrying out the dictates of an "invisible" hierachy.

Also, an abuser who has been caught victimizing his or her own child or a neighbor kid cannot realistically be deemed by us not to be involved in an organized ring. The fact that we don’t know about it yet doesn’t mean it’s not happening. We must remain open to the possibility if we’re serious about the research.

I think it's likely that many people who visit Pizzagate don't routinely visit P Whatever, and so connections that might have been useful are never made.

In my opinion, mods should not be censoring/deleting anything except obvious shillage and things that have nothing even tangentially to do with abuse or murder of children.

My proposal for the wording of Rule #1:

Relevance: The goal of Pizzagate research is to identify and expose the specific persons and organizations who are directly responsible at the highest levels for ordering and/or perpetrating the abuse and/or murder of children in the U.S. and globally.

Posts must be relevant to the goal of Pizzagate research and may include sourced information about conditions and circumstances that enable or have the potential to enable abuse as well as sourced information about perpetrators who are or have the potential to be abusing at the direction of others.

[edited for clarity]

The Pizzagate definition and examples of relevant posts would need to be modified.

Jem777 ago

I agree completely with the above information. The issue about sourcing also comes up because there are many whistleblowers on here who are trying to get information out without being directly linked. Some of us have been targeted and worse to silence us. The only way for us to help is dropping breadcrumbs. There are amongst us victims as well who are trying to leave information without being tracked. Many victims are so traumatized that even speaking is earth shattering much less putting together details of already fractured minds. We need these survivors. Some of us our them.

It would be great to have a sub for that purpose. I could moderate that and quickly determine what information should be funneled to investigators in this forum.

Factfinder2 ago

I agree that the factual claims sourcing requirement in Rule #2 as written might inhibit victims who want to come forward. We could simply drop the requirement for victims who are telling their stories, but that would assuredly increase the shill activity dramatically. Because some of them are put off by having to work at searching for a relevant source, the link requirement helps weed them out.

Still, I continue to believe that separating into different subverses hampers the research. I think Voat users should be the ones deciding the quality of posts, not mods, and most people don't visit other subverses.

Instead, we could smooth the path for victims to tell their stories by rewriting Rule #2. As it stands now, the rule doesn't actually prevent victims from coming forward. They can already link to any one of vast numbers of research papers and testimonies that have something in common with what they went through, but that should be explained in the rule.

Now it reads:

Empiricism: EACH factual claim that is not common knowledge must be sourced with a link. If you ask a question: Explain what led to your question and provide sources. If you present opinion/argument, connect your dots and provide sources for them. Avoid baseless speculation. ALL posts must include at least one link.

I propose we change it to this:

Factual Claims: EACH factual claim in a post that is not common knowledge must be sourced with a link. If the post is a victim’s personal story with no direct source to link, it is permissible to provide a link that has something in common with the victim’s experience along with a note explaining the connection (for example, “I experienced something like this.”) If you ask a question, explain what led to your question and provide sources. If you present opinion/argument, connect your dots and provide sources for them. Avoid baseless speculation. ALL posts must include at least one link.

Vindicator ago

I like this tweak, Factfinder. It's a good addition.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Replace "may include sourced information..." for "must include..."

Factfinder2 ago

In this context, "may include" means "these specific things are permissible components of Pizzagate research posts:"

1) Sourced information about conditions and circumstances that enable to have the potential to enable users.

2) Sourced information about perpetrators who are or have the potential to be abusing at the direction of others.

The overall requirement for sourcing of all factual claims made in Pizzagate posts is covered in submission Rule #2.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Understood. Just think it could only help to reiterate the necessity for sourcing.

Factfinder2 ago

You'd have to add "must be sourced" at the beginning so as not to include the items that are permissible but not mandatory--like this:

Posts must be sourced and relevant to the goal of Pizzagate research and may include sourced information about conditions and circumstances that enable or have the potential to enable abuse as well as sourced information about perpetrators who are or have the potential to be abusing at the direction of others.

LawofTruth ago

I agree with @factfinder2 and emphasize this:

In my opinion, mods should not be censoring/deleting anything except obvious shillage and things that have nothing even tangentially to do with abuse or murder of children.

Judgejewdy ago

Btw, why does this need to be a sticky for a week? If it is of interest, won't it stay at the top of the "hot" column? I question the need to take down the executive summary 1) over the weekend when more lay people might be browsing the internet and 2) for an entire week. Very much does the cause a disservice.

HighLevelInsider ago

I'd like to know why the moderators have removed my posts about confirmed child pedophile rings, an NBA mascot that is a pedophile symbol, and footage of a Satanic orgy in progress?

Vindicator ago

Links, please?

Vindicator ago

No, we need the links to the removed posts.

HighLevelInsider ago

Here's the one you removed:

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the link, HLI. I removed that post because there was no connection to child abuse in it that I saw. Just regular prostitutes.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thoughts on requiring all non embedded links (specifically YT and Vimeo) to have a a 1 or 2 sentence description on all OPs? This could cut down on the shillbots whacko posts.

Vindicator ago

Blacksmith, are you suggesting something beyond what Rule 3 already requires? It reads:

EACH link in your post must include a description of content and how the link relates to the post (except when markup is used to embed links in the specific text they support).

carmencita ago

I highly agree. I really do not like watching YT videos. I would rather read, but when necessary I will watch, but many times question WTH is this? Then I have to watch for a while until I figure it out. Some I just never get. A few words would help.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

My issue is with the definition of the word "elites".

The word has different connotations in different regions, and as such different readers have different ideas about who the word refers to.

Swapping elites for "Those with authority and power, meaning political, judicial, religious or corporate"

Semantically it means the same thing, but any connotations and assumptions are removed by the expanded sentence.

For many the word elites focuses attention on the visible people at the top of the pile and omits the non-visible people that support actively them but few people know about.

For example a possible draft could be:

1: Relevance: Posts must be directly relevant to investigation of the organised and systemic sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of children by those with authority and power, meaning; political, judicial, religious or corporate.
Topics in focus are: child trafficking, systemic & ritualised abuse of children, and/or cover-up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities.
See definition of Pizzagate and examples of relevant posts.

It is a bit overly broad in this first rough attempt, maybe some word-smith can find a way to tighten it up.
The re-wording is intended to avoid the flood of posts about singular individuals who do these things and force a focus on systematised groups that do these things and use their positions in government, churches and big corporations to hide the activity.
By going for the organised abuse the singular individuals will be exposed anyway, but the applied effort of the community has a greater effect.

This is pretty much the same thing as the definition in the sidebar rules, but maybe it's enough of a change to move past this issue without opening the barn door to disruptors and wagon hopping agenda pushers.

darkknight111 ago

Excellent idea. You earned an Aye from me on that.

twistedmac11 ago

This makes the most sense to me. I understand not wanting to allow shill posts and I agree 100%, but at the same time, I think there are quality posts getting deleted because they fall just outside of the small umbrella that is Rule 1.

Dressage2 ago

I have to agree as well. Many well-researched posts by respected researchers get deleted. We know these people are not shills and should be allowed to post their well-intended research.

argosciv ago

Include "community services" (ie police, fire, medical, neighborhood watch, childcare, etc) and it's perfect, imo.

Forgetmenot ago

I agree with this as well.

Judgejewdy ago

Obviously . they are the henchmen of the elite. The big players don't do their own dirty work. It's foolish and ignorant to ignore this aspect of PG. But of course if we start looking into the practical ways PG plays out rather than the theoretical/esoteric, something might actually get done/get discovered... Not surprising mods have consistently shot down this line of investigation.

carmencita ago

Oh God, why would anyone downvoat your comment? I guess that is obvious to All True Warriors.

carmencita ago

Imo, what you just said is very important. Children look up to these people. They trust them, and they hold a position of power.

Factfinder2 ago

And there are many documented cases of child abuse by these people.

carmencita ago

I just got through arguing this point with another goater. We were arguing with a pedo. Nasty business. Yes, there are a few things that need to be changed also, but the main thing is the 100 points problem. Then also I do not like when they give out numbers to people when people can't come up with a name. When people have a label or name it is easier to recall, but numbers, especially longer ones are totally confusing.

Shiggz ago

Just spitballing here but Lets create an alt focused subverse "unnatural sex" or "tptb pedophilia and child sacrifice."

Shiggz ago

I totally agree those who couldnt deny pizza gate facts derailed it by defining it ever more narrowly. I.e. see snopes approach. Lets call a spade a spade and leave past pizzagate confusion behind.