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Vindicator ago

John Podesta is a Jesuit "priest" masquerading as a Catholic. He went to Georgetown University and got his Jesuit training. He does what Jesuits do. They torture our children.

ESOTERIC, I think you have a misunderstanding about Jesuit schools. Just because you graduate from one doesn't mean you are Jesuit or even Catholic. Only a tiny, tiny fraction of teachers in Jesuit colleges are Jesuits. "Becoming a Jesuit" is MUCH more difficult than simply getting a degree. It requires something like 12 years of seminary as well as taking several layers of vows, signing over all personal wealth to the order and other things far more onerous than someone as wealth and power hungry as John Podesta would ever subject himself to. I have a friend who thought he wanted to pursue this path, but couldn't hack it.

JP is no priest. He went to Georgetown to get a law degree. This is a narrative being pushed by shills who think Voaters are too stupid to know anything about Jesuits. I'm surprised you bought into it.

He does what Jesuits do. They torture our children.

Less than 2% of Catholic priests are part of the pedo abuse scandal. A fraction of those are Jesuit. Saying that all Jesuits torture children just makes this investigation look like a joke. It's equivalent to saying all Democrats torture kids, or all cops cover up for elite pedophiles. If this is the claim made by the video, I wouldn't need to watch the whole thing to know it needed a disinfo flair. Another clue is that the "It's the Jesuits" crew are the same accounts pushing a bunch of hokey, cross-pollinated mythological crap. Before that, they were pushing a Jewish conspiracy, as well as a bunch of scientifically impossible stuff about elites drinking blood laced with adrenaline to get high while retaining their youth. So...which is it? If any of these narratives had any substance, they wouldn't keep trying new ones!

Crensch ago

Also, great response.

Crensch ago

I'm of the mind that Esoteric is a shill.

Vindicator ago

Maybe. Or perhaps he lacks skepticism and is too fascinated with mystical knowledge to be able to discern the fabrications of shills. We've got a couple of regulars on here who are into psychedelic pharmaceuticals in a quest for enlightenment that likely fall into the latter category. I'm pretty sure there's a room at Shareblue where the kids who troll us with this shit day after day binge-watch X-Files episodes and have editorial meetings to brainstorm crap like "King David is Achilles", "Pizzagate is about pineal gland harvesting for the cannibal elite", "They're abducting rare genetic mutants with coloboma", "the Knights of Malta are the Pope's assassins" and on and on.

Crensch ago

I do not envy you.

I believe my patience would be shot on a daily basis here.

Vindicator ago

I think you are right. ;-)

It would be easier if we could make whatever tweaks to the rules or administration of them we can to give the base of legit users less of a sense of being hindered by mods. They would then join in the shill-handling instead of believing every whining shill that claims we're pedos or compromised or whatever. I'm not suggesting asking for less evidence or being more lax...more like expanding the viable topics allowed (with the supporting evidence requirement still in place).

This is my first mod job, though, and the first time I've ever been seriously involved in a forum, let alone the most shilled one on the internet, so this may be a naive hope on my part. The frustration level of legit contributors -- which has grown steadily since December -- really does pain me, though. I appreciate you spending time here assessing things.

Crensch ago

let alone the most shilled one on the internet

It wouldn't be a stretch to add "ever" to that, IMO.

The frustration level of legit contributors -- which has grown steadily since December -- really does pain me, though. I appreciate you spending time here assessing things.

I can understand this.

They would then join in the shill-handling instead of believing every whining shill that claims we're pedos or compromised or whatever.

Is this possible? Are there enough legit users that can spot a fake to be able to handle much of the shilling?