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ESOTERICshade ago

This video is one of the most horrific eyewitness living victim stories of child torture and abuse that I have ever watched. It is beyond comprehension that humans can do this to each other. @Millennial_Falcon deleted this.

I provided the rules and definition of pizzagate below and I don't understand why he keeps deleting things like this.

Here is another one deleted today. The title says EXACTLY what the post is about. Deleted per Rule 3. Unfortunately the Catholic Church was infiltrated and is infested by Khazar Jesuits. Jesuits want to kill every race on earth that is not of Khazar blood or someone helping their cause. That includes white people too.

Distrubing documentary about the Catholic Church and the aboriginal genocide in Canada (pizzagate)

submitted 2.2 hours ago by [deleted]

Millennial_Falcon removed 1.9 hours ago on 9/19/2017 7:46:15 PM

"@DeathTooMasons: Rule 3. title must show relevance to pizzagate"

From the definition of Pizzagate:

Relevant submissions would be any content that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children, the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of those children, and/or the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities.

The investigation initially focused on a group of businesses on Connecticut Avenue in Washington DC and their potential connection to a child trafficking ring. While this investigation began and centers around Comet Ping Pong, it involves multiple businesses and numerous connections around the globe.

Rule 3

3: Clarity: All titles must adequately describe post content and must establish direct relevance to pizzagate. EACH link in your post must include a description of content and how the link relates to the post (except when markup is used to embed links in the specific text they support).

@kevdude @vindicator @crensch @VictorSteinerDavion

Crensch ago

Here is another one deleted today. The title says EXACTLY what the post is about.

All well and good, but:

Deleted per Rule 3. Unfortunately the Catholic Church was infiltrated and is infested by Khazar Jesuits. Jesuits want to kill every race on earth that is not of Khazar blood or someone helping their cause. That includes white people too.

Literally not directly linked to PG.

Canada, Canada, Pope, Pope, Rome, Canada, Canada, etc.

Relevant submissions would be any content that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children, the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of those children, and/or the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities.

So now any race that:

want to kill every race on earth that is not of Khazar blood or someone helping their cause. That includes white people too.

is PG?

The investigation initially focused on a group of businesses on Connecticut Avenue in Washington DC and their potential connection to a child trafficking ring. While this investigation began and centers around Comet Ping Pong, it involves multiple businesses and numerous connections around the globe.


3: Clarity: All titles must adequately describe post content and must establish direct relevance to pizzagate. EACH link in your post must include a description of content and how the link relates to the post (except when markup is used to embed links in the specific text they support).

So literally any war with collateral dmg, or sect of subhumans that kill off a tribe, or any "church" that is loosely connected to the pope that does something fucky...

@kevdude I might be done with this faggot. Goes from being entirely reasonable to this shit, and my Jewdar keeps going off.