WakeyWake ago

Truly disgusting.

carmencita ago

Good luck to this girl in getting justice for this piece of garbage. He has deep connections and they will pull out all stops. I hope to God I am so very wrong. Yes, if he raped her all those years while she was a child lifetime in jail is too good for him. I pray for him to at least thrown in the slammer. He is a very sick man. If he introduced her to his children as their mother when she was eleven he is totally demented. He saw that perfectly normal. I would love to question his children. Sigh. This is not getting any better, just that it is coming out into the open. And that IS Good.

Cc1914 ago

What in the actual world??!! I pray she gets justice . This world is so jacked up ! What really goes on behind people's doors ? People are popping up out of the woodwork , being exposed left and right ! They all have a chance to come forward and repent , most of them won't and those ones will be destroyed . The picture of who will be destroyed at Armageddon is clearer by the minute ! IMO

BlueEyedDevil64 ago

terrible. now execute him quickly.