ihaspotato ago

We are going to get through this together fam :)

Mrs_Kravitz ago

Couldn't sign on all morning. Couldn't PM friends

CarlaAustin0 ago

Hey,Who want to live sex,webcam chat and more fun with me?Only interested person join now here: http://adultdating.com

Ifreedom ago

Any news?

opinionatedduck ago

Any chance of an update? I miss you, @PuttItOut

LostandFound ago

Any chance of a canary update please putt users are getting restless and think the site is compromised - not new I know - and you prob wont read this but if you do Goats would appreciate a refresh on that canary. It's getting harder to counter the concern trolls.

ginx2666 ago

For fuck's sake, I can't get 30 seconds without "Unexpected errors" and having to reload voat in another tab to continue posting. Is voat still under attack?

the_magic_man ago

When are the posting restrictions going to be lifted?

Ifreedom ago

Thanks Voat for not giving up!

ChillyHellion ago

@PuttItOut, is it safe to disable the extra DDoS protection now? Having to wait a minute between posts and getting rate limited when I open too many tabs is really slowing me down.

the_magic_man ago

Posting ban in effect for a month now. Voat.co is dead

bonniethebeauty ago

Every fast growing thing faces hurdles and objections. All the hassles will be over soon. Have faith

Inaminit ago

Here we go again...

Vindicator ago

All of them, I'm sure

Neral ago

777 comments!?!? Pretty neat. Would be a shame if something were to... happen to that...

fschmidt ago

All these groups behind the attacks are the same, all of them are supremacist organizations. They all have the identical ideology, victim/supremacy.

nucleosynthesis ago

Voat.co is still under attack. Sad...

futhark ago

Where is my sumbissons?

Let me know, I posted " v/CouncilOfShitposters (AndrewBlazeIt) > futhark | Sent: 28 minutes ago on 11/7/2017 10:17:27 PM You've been banned from v/CouncilOfShitposters :(

@AndrewBlazeIt has banned you from v/CouncilOfShitposters for the following reason: Asterisk racism"

Is asterisks a race now?

But it doesnt show up. I have submitted it several time, to no avail.

Let me know if you know something. Thnkx, and fuck off. u know.

jervybingly ago

Multiple bots active. If I upvote it get instantly downvoted.

Whatswithhams ago


ilikeskittles ago

@PuttitOut What's the latest? Voat's seems pretty temperamental the last couple days?

XxSanityIsSanityxX ago

We're going to be attacked for awhile. Like someone pointed out. We're doing something right.

VoatlsForNiggers ago


alecfurski ago

Will the RSS feeds ever come back up?

Why were they taken down?

XSS1337 ago

Currently having problems accessing site.

Speed is 40Mbps and 4chan is also chugging.

starkjk ago


well this is my new post as I want to promote it but dont know how to use this voat !!

WaitImCummingHnnggg ago

On a side note can we get expand all posts/images on some pages because it is getting tiresome opening up individual images and clicking that tiny + button to enlarge a thumbnail.

junesunflower ago

Still cant post if karma is under -10.

So much for your bullshit freedom of speech. This is nothing more than a far-right circle jerk hive now.

CallingOutLefty ago

"This is nothing more than a far-right circle jerk hive now."

So what?

the_magic_man ago

It is freedom of speech. You just need to say the right thing so you get upvotes

Rotteuxx ago

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from criticism.

It's not a perfect system but Putt said it was on the list of things to fix. stop being a winy niggerfaggot and wait.

the_magic_man ago

I have no problem with freedom from criticism. I have a problem with not being able to start threads because you have to have a minority viewpoint on this site.

Rotteuxx ago

you have to have a minority viewpoint on this site.

Said the leftist Troll. You reveal yourself too easily

the_magic_man ago

Brilliant, label anyone's opinion you disagree with as trolling so it's ok that they don't have a voice. The exact opposite of free speech

Rotteuxx ago

No, I'm labelling you according to your choice of words, not your opinion. The fact that you relate to right leaning opinions as minority is very revealing.

the_magic_man ago

"minority viewpoint on this site"

It's clear what I said

Rotteuxx ago

No... "...have to have a minority view point." Is what you said.

KartikChhibber ago


knut ago


Arcsmith ago


miamirave1 ago

Hey please give me 8 more contribution points with this post so I can post again on Voat. Ive been a member for a while but just came back. It says I need 10 but I only have 2. Thanks for your help guys!

Red0c5 ago

Upvoats don't register anymore on this thread @PuttItOut.

Edit; Thx!

Naught405 ago

the mother fucking privelege checker caused me to lose a fucking post that I had just spent 30 minutes typing DIE IN A FUCKING FIRE

go to verse

type up shit

hit submit

privelege checker

back to blank submission form



Rotteuxx ago

Always copy long posts before submitting, this issue has been known for a while now. Was it your first long write up since the attacks began ?

I can be a pain in the ass but it's worth the hassle of getting our bits checked to keep exploit routes to a minimum.

Naught405 ago

yes hadn't known this issue, mashed submit on my cranky rant, and it all disappeared

crashbandicut449 ago

Save Voat 2017

EricPaddock ago

Wish I cared.

claypot ago


"That means we are doing something right. If we weren't being attacked, I would be concerned I am at the wrong place." -MightBeCanadian

in this thread: https://voat.co/v/announcements/2165876 Reminded me why I must use Voat more... FUCK REDDIT man lol

Cheesebooger ago

Almost 666. Satan is attacking us. Its all clear now. Man the crosses!

Red0c5 ago

It's stuck on 655!

Cheesebooger ago

GREAT SCOTT! 6 + 5 + 5 = 16 U.S. Code § 666 - Authorization of appropriations by the Federal Reserve

Red0c5 ago

Not sure what that means but our four comments have not upped the counter. Probably the Jews.

Cheesebooger ago

No, if it were the jews I would lay facts as to how and why, son.

Red0c5 ago

Dad? Is that you? I always wondered who you were, can I PM you? Xxx

ravikumar1212 ago

It's always the random comments that make me laugh.

teaghlach61 ago

Come back from a very bad accident and can't post it seems anywhere, let's try this manner.. edit, well this works, guess I need to just do silly comments so I can get back to posting in ChromeOS again :(

MayorMcBullshit ago

Maximum number of space

humair ago


GoBackToReddit ago

I think this is the first time I have seen ups in the 1k range.

matt ago

We’ve been 655 comments on this thread for more than a day. I’m ready to look at a new number. Here is the 656th comment. (Thank you for the work you do putt)

Red0c5 ago

Why is the counter stuck on 655 comments @PuttItOut?

berzerk_warlord ago

Hold on, getting my popcorn.

cryptoguy ago

I love Voat! Stop attacking it - Freedom of speach!!!

wylan ago

Persistent little bastards.

phoseo ago

Phố Seo là công ty chuyên cung cấp các giải pháp marketing online, seo website tổng thể (https://phoseo.com/dich-vu-seo-tong-the/)) uy tín hàng đầu tại Việt Nam. Đến với Phố Seo, bạn sẽ được tư vấn giải đáp về các dịch vụ SEO website tối ưu nhất để đưa từ khóa của website bạn lên TOP Google.

valk2 ago

Leave it up, ingrain it in the website. We will never forget!

10907682? ago

How come they still attack? don't their ISPs do anything against it?

thantik ago

The attack is distributed. This means it's a LOOOOOT of little bits of traffic, from a LOOOOOT of places. From the ISPs point of view it just looks like normal everyday traffic, it's not a lot, and it doesn't cause them any problems because it doesn't hinder anyone from that ISP.

Neroke ago

I see that the attacks online haven't been confined to Funding sites it appears as though all alt-media sites are being hit?

Oflameo ago

I can't post links or PM anyone on the site including moderators because I don't have 10 CCP. This never happened to me before. Is this part of the malicious attack?

10906564? ago

Just go make some positive comments, you'll reach 10CCP in no time!

the_magic_man ago

"positive" meaning right wing comments

rohenheim ago

Lol ok magic man

10907938? ago

Have you ever looked outside of political subs? There are quite a few of them. It's only 10CCP dangnabbit!

Also, you can argue about politics in a respectful manner. Results may vary, but there are several people here who have left leaning ideas and so long as you're respectful and clear I believe you won't be downvoted to hell.

AristotleCLONE ago

been flooding a tyrannical mods' inbox with this nice libretto I found on the web...

"...msg ((rumored)) from Eminem, after reading my profile on voat:

He changes racists' thoughts with his threads that mods dread: So last night they changed the rules in hopes his acct go dead? 'No deadweight' is how his threads carried away racism's fools, so whiny voat-racists came used their authority to rape rules and ---YES, they changed the CCP score for creating topics: because his truths changed racist's thoughts and they coudnt stop it!..."

Kal ago

Good! Go fuck yourself you cunts!

Kal ago

I tried to downgoat u.

Denied - Comment downvotes not registered after 7 days (Downvote Comment Age 2.5)

I can't even downvoit u.

All Hail the mighty KEVDUDE!

edit: I have always been a fan of yours. Just saying. Like, when I saw the name kevdude I knew you were great. I told all my friends even, there is this guy named KEVDUDE.... he is the man. Like, everything he says... it's gold. The guy is just magic, plain and simple.

tromkaf ago

Any way to fight back?

10903987? ago

Crank the cringe to 11 on the check your privilege page


You know they look at that page

EventualPinnacle ago

These guys are actually fairly creative. We might have a worthy opponent here. Buckle up Voat.

What the problem is? I'm driving solo without a seatbelt. "Fairly creative" ain't shit, I'll show them absurdly creative.

You've probably got a handful of people organizing a bot raid against Voat for whatever reason. At best maybe may have been a dozen.

Until then, enjoy having your bits closely inspected. Please don't be shy about it either, just go with it. This includes the ladies as well... ;)

Closer. ;)

Techman ago

Wow /u/PuttItOut, this is very well becoming an attack on Voat that has collectively lasted over a month. I guess someone is really not happy with not getting what they wanted.

whatthedrunk ago

What's up with all the diabled subverses?

MadWorld ago

X-D They have been scrEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEching for 26 days and counting!!! The Es grow longer by the day. Soon they will choke themselves out...

jcal22x ago


10890437? ago

Patton realized it almost immediately.

Lonely_Potato ago

Can u add time stamps to these edits

Reddit_traitor ago

it says the edits on the top right corner under submission info

10906585? ago

That's just a timestamp for the latest. It would be nice to know when each one was made.

TheFuckinMayor ago

fucking kikes

Bigz_Sarducci ago

I can offer some free software recommendations OP. I might have before.

junesunflower ago

Just put up or shut up. You know he will be removed or step down like nixon, right? Won't put your money where your mouth is.

junesunflower ago

Yet here you are wasting time on this site trying to push your agenda.

As are you. But I don't do it every day and base my identity around it, like yourself.

Trump won't last all 4 years. I'd bet a BTC on it. Would you?

guinness2 ago

Hi Putt,

'Just wondering when we'll be getting our thumbnails back?

The Voat experience isn't nearly as enjoyable without the thumbnails.

Eatyourlawn ago

I'm doing it, but you would never talk to me.

Eatyourlawn ago

I know who and why it is happening but ya'll blocked me from making a post.

Red0c5 ago

Is comment counter stuck?

junesunflower ago

More and more dim-witted faggots like yourself you mean? We're not worried about you. You are, and always will be, a loser.

10890439? ago

Patton realized it in 1945.

junesunflower ago

Didn't that guy kill himself after losing a war, and forever being known as the biggest loser of the past hundred years?

Oh yeah, he did.

junesunflower ago

Need to have minimum of 10 CCP to post now?

Well, so much for the 'freedom of speech' bullshit that this place once tried to claim it supported. Enjoy your right-wing circle jerk.

Inaminit ago

We DO enjoy it... Roll up your bottom lip before you trip, Sport...

the_magic_man ago

I agree, can't even post a story if it's critical to Donald Trump. Say what you want about reddit, but least it's more balanced.

Earth_Runs_Red ago

We need platforms for Conservative content, so I'm previewing my new subreddit r/MAGA_MAGAZINE. If you are a serious POTUS supporter, check it out. It's still under construction. Subscribe and help me build another MAGA platform - a place for conservative voices - MAGA Patriots.

smtalha2 ago

That;s NASTY !

smtalha3 ago

O h No !

TerribleTroll ago

To be fair you kinda deserve it for being so lame. No one likes lame people. You are lame.

GOTY99 ago

You sound like a textbook case of retarded.

sbt2160p ago

We now believe this is related to Voat not taking down material without a court order.

What kind of material are we talking about here?

BeeBlood ago

I want to throw a shoe at voat.

10890447? ago

It's an old meme, but it checks out.

FunnyDog ago


etzefeck ago

Im a normie who is a pretty basic computer user. Is there anything I can do to help?

Sewblon ago

Why can I only submit links once my comment points get to a certain level? I already have a thousand submission points.

XSS1337 ago

This sums up my feelings ........ https://hooktube.com/watch?v=cCyfADwHiWs

If I donate , will you send me a shirt ?

vandilx ago

I just wanted to say thanks for everything you're doing to keep Voat up and running.

the_magic_man ago

I'm guessing current restrictions are temporary. I hope anyway

the_magic_man ago

Looks like @PuttItOut has changed things since this thread:


Assuming its because of the latest influx of spam. It's a shame that the restrictions effect old accounts.

the_magic_man ago

If you need ccp of 10 to post, free speech on voat is well and truly dead. Can even start a thread or send a pm about it

MadWorld ago

If you need ccp of 10 to post, free speech on voat is well and truly dead. Can even start a thread or send a pm about it

If you are truly "the_magic_man", you should be able to pull some positive ccp outta your anus instead of being a puny whiny ass who constantly bitches about "censorship" that you felt too entitled with all of the craps coming out of your ass and perpetually feeding into your own mouth!

the_magic_man ago

Looks like you're the whiny one

neuroelectronic ago

So what kind of content do you think they want voat to take down? Must be some kind of corporate slander..

Blacksunshine ago

I'd bet it's the ADL.

bdmthrfkr ago

IT'S MORE THAN 900!!!!!!!

BurninEpix ago

I got to give it to you guys for keeping your cool and keeping the site up. Places online that people who live and operate in actual reality, and want to converse with other people of the same mindset, is becoming almost non existent. Besides 4chan I'm not really sure where else besides here I can get good quality conversation. And truth be told, I know 4chan requires some level of coolness that I just don't know if I have lmao.

So thank you to the administrators of this site for keeping this last bastion of hope alive.

robabo ago

AmI going to need to login every time I come to the site. I took you guys seriously when you said that all users would have to login when the new system was in place. Is this the future you were telling us about or is it just defense.

Hammer_Bot ago

No, you won't need to log in each time. This just happened because of the code port. It may still happen from time to time over the next week but it won't be permanent.

JohnJones ago

. We now believe this is related to Voat not taking down material without a court order.

How often does that happen?

TheDude2 ago

Court order? Voat had court orders to delete things?

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

This story has the makings of book, mainstream and made for TV movies as a brand. Break ir down into yearly segments. With spin off shows centering around the different users.

Endless entertainment and money for voat.

We need details on the ultimatum to piece this story together.

Hammer_Bot ago

Today you reached god-tier coder.

Nesano ago

Related to Voat not taking down material without a court order? I wonder if it has anything to do with posts like this:
Literally nothing to see here. ALL comments about the Russia / Clinton Uranium Story . . . removed!

Bigwhistle ago

Is "checking my bits" helping to fend off some of this ddos shit?

badruns ago

Nah that's just the only way I get off

gardella ago

replying to edit 4: Ok, what did they wanted taken down? I'd like to see it: for science, of course

Sire ago

High chance it's the news about Russia-Obama-Clinton bribery.

GizaDog ago

Small site getting attacked. We are doing something right!

Tsilent_Tsunami ago


Thanks for keeping us online! If you find out who it is, give us their names.

MrRain ago

PuttitOut we love you thanks for keeping our freedom against the people who wish to see it destroyed

l_voated_today ago

aaaannnnd voat is now floated with spam, aren't supposed to have a couple of moderators for this?

Dark_Shroud ago

Mods are probably at work or in class (college).

I'm self employed (not for much longer) so I can manage the few subs that own/mod. But I see this problem often where something will not get resolved until evening unless they log in on a break.

The lack of a Voat app is part of this problem, not Putt's fault. Gab.ai, Minds.com, & Mastodon all give me notices on my phone.

MadWorld ago

Guys, go to /v/all/new and downvoat all those motherfuckers!!

GHDW ago

New attack has started, same as yesterdays with a slight variation in output

lifeisabear ago

Is this why registration of new accounts is disabled?

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Could a SWM get a date on these updates?

gabara ago

Nah, SJWs can only get dates with each other, and they don't want that because they're so hideous.

MadWorld ago

This attack is another proof that Voat matters and Voat's free speech speaks volumes!

Time to gas up the chambers boys!! Downvote all of spam submissions to oblivion and move forward! Don't let attackers distract us from real contents on Voat!!

Please donate to keep Voat running!! Remember this, we are all in this together!!!

ardvarcus ago

Hey, guess what, grand-master of Voat? You were getting spammed up the wazoo on Monday, so out of the goodness of my heart I started to downvoat the spam posts, figuring that would at least lower their visibility. What did I get for my trouble? YOU BANNED ME, YOU MOTHERFUCKER! You gave me a temporary ban for posting too frequently! Shit! That's what I get for trying to contribute to this Web site. That's what I get for trying to help YOU out.

And that's not all. I'm sick and tired of getting that stupid "Voat is checking your bits." You've got to do better than that. Plus, every now and them I'm getting a screen telling me I'm denied access, but the next time I click on a link, the post comes up.

Guy, Voat is really fucked up. You've got to get your act in order.

mineMineMINE ago

I didn't do shit and got a 1050. Shit was fucked up and I'm fairly sure cloudflare was a part of the issue. Get over it.

Dark_Shroud ago

Yeah Cloudflare is not a good company & finally getting competition.

After their CEO's dumb fuckery with The Dailystormer, creating a serious legal headache for the future of the company and everyone who use them.

pissedoffhonkey ago


Nadeshda ago

Wow, thank you so much for all that you do and put up with.

Thinking of you in this time and really hoping I could be of more help to you.

Thanks again you are awesome for real...

Aged ago

"Not taking material without a court order" That fucker from /r/libertarian ! Oh, if it was him.....

ashekchum ago

Well it may if they can keep it up an attack to prevent the port then, they know voat is financialy strained and can only support like a month or 2 on current revenue with code port. The new port could extend that capital reserves to a year or so. So it could be a play to kill it financially, maybe.

MadWorld ago

Please consider donating to keep Voat running, keep free speech alive!! We are all in this together!

opinionatedduck ago

I was really glad to see the update! It's good to know you're relatively well @PuttItOut. Sad to know the big bad are trying to take us down. Viva la voat!

lbruiser ago

We will stand by you putitout. Let those fuckers try to take us.

prometh ago

hold the line, i actually like people being able to speak their minds. and fuck you

gabara ago


ZX4jBXu ago

We now believe this is related to Voat not taking down material without a court order.

Hey @PuttItOut could you elaborate on this point?

Also, I noticed a TON of spam hitting the default subs in the last couple hours, mostly from accounts that have 0 CCP and a couple hundred or less SCP... I wonder if it's time that we consider placing minimum number of both SCP+CCP before one can post content in the DEFAULT subs?

Fagtardicus ago

its better to let them believe SCP isnt worthless

shwanky ago

@PuttItOut what was the post/material?

schmooble ago

Please consider temporarily disabling new account creation, Putt. See Cancel-cat-facts thread but there's evidence we're being attacked at least on this scale. Either way good to see you're alive and thanks for the update, cheers.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

We now believe this is related to Voat not taking down material without a court order.

What material?

jerrykantrell ago

I too would like to know.

kneo24 ago


Cheesebooger ago

wow we are being hit hard right now. Man the ovens

Edit: What are they wanting took down?? The stuff about jews?

JoeKerr ago

las ve...

Cheesebooger ago

Thanks. Now we must post more. I will dig up some good stuff to post very soon. When was the last time Hillary was in LV?

1Sorry_SOB ago

Is it the Jews?

StatusQuip ago

Probably. The purple haired SJWs couldn't program a bot or afford to buy one.

MadWorld ago

The sjws are only the useful idiots, they have no brains or souls, and they do what their (((masters))) tell them to do.

gabara ago

They're worse than useful idiots, they know they're being used. They don't care, just as long as sexy white males are somehow hurt, that's all they live for because that's what they can't get.

Rotteuxx ago

So is this an easy peasy clean up like nuking @SaneGoatiSwear alts & shutting down registrations for a while ?

Phaseman ago

These attacks only confirms we are a threat. More they do this, more it means we are doing it right.

captainstrange ago

Any site over 1500 users that doesn't post mainstream news is a threat.

NiklausTheNaked ago

I am a security engineer with some experience in mitigating DDOS and other attacks. I don't know who you have helping you, @PuttItOut, but I'd be happy to join in. Maybe start an IRC chat or something?

MadWorld ago

If you have some useful insights regarding current attack, you might want to send him a PM. But keep the message concise and to the point. He is a very very busy man; we should try to avoid pinging or messaging him as much as possible.

Neinlife ago

your fuckboi lockdown mode is not working get with it

maxoverdrive ago

The hate for Voat is intense. I figure this is probably an SJW thing, but it could be a bunch of butt-hurt right-wingers going apeshit over pics of scantily-clad girls and that cartoon loli stuff. I think the latter is unlikely because the hard-core righties tend to even moronic when it comes to tech than the lefties (the lefties at least hire out).

B000ne ago

Whats the crazy numbers though?

10805545? ago

Let's make this akward.

10805540? ago

Stay alive out there putt. If you need money just ask. I personally will sell whatever I have to to get money to help you fight this war. Fuck these cock suckers. Voat shal live.

StatusQuip ago

And it looks like most of the accounts are a few days old, so it was very planned. They hate us cause they ain't us.

PonchoKitty ago

@PuttItOut voat is absolutely flooded. Do you know what's going on?

Goatnonymous ago

@PuttItOut. What kind of spam attack is this? Insane fequency of posting with high upvoats.

Some kind of bot?

10794596? ago

How about block the entire countries until it's sorted out? or at least the subnet? Like I said the best method to prevent such attack is installing a flood protection, and limit the number of concurrent connections per IP of a port . Use CSF firewall and enable flood protection to 443 port, and redirect traffic coming to 80 to 443. Also you could move to OVH. Their DDOS protection can suck large attacks with ease, and it's also completely for free.

In csf.conf file you can add this line. This limits number of concurrent connections to 8 of port 443. Nowadays a browser like Chrome allows maximum 8 concurrent connections per host, so if there are multiple subdomains/domains then each one doubles this value. The second one limits the connections per time based. 20 connections within 6 seconds to 443/TCP port per IP. I am not sure about Windows host, but still you could proxy the traffic. Use a Linux Nginx server in front of the Windows host, and filter the traffic. Nginx is super fast, and it with combination of CSF you could relieve this DDOS attack somewhat. If it still doesn't work, get a OVH host their bandwidth is unlimited, and use it as a proxy server in front of your actual server. In OVH host install nginx and CSF as well to make it more effective. And finally make sure to block all the ports that are not used.

CONNLIMIT = "443;8" PORTFLOOD = "443;tcp;20;6"

10793017? ago

What do all these attacks have in common you ask? All full of poor hackers who can easily be bought.

JasonST ago


Smokrates ago

The comments you are seeing here are probably what is attracting the attack. It may well be one of the people who are trolling the comments. This is a good time to address the troll problem here.

guinness2 ago

Putt, can we have an update please?

PolybiusPizza ago

I am beginning to be concerned now... Where is putt?

guinness2 ago

I suspect the DDOS attacks are continuing and perhaps he's waiting to see if it will end.

I only ask because I spent so much time helping with Voat testing over the past two months and I'm super-eager for the roll-out to continue... but it's probably wrong to ask because we don't want to give the attackers any warning about what Putt is planning.

ChicagoSunroof ago

It's amazing that fat people have nothing better to do than try to take down websites that call them out on their bad behavior.

Ina_Pickle ago

Weird things are happening on here today.

Can we get proof of life?

Sackajahweeda ago

Well thanks voat...not only was I first not able to access voat from my laptop but now i am starting completely over as my password wouldnt go in no matter how many times i tried...wtf? So yeah now i cant downvoat (which i hardly ever did anyway) but i am starting completely over...what is going on voat?

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Update 4 coming any time soon? Site is starting to look like NorCal with the amount of fire going on here.

fluxusp ago

Edit 4:

GNU/Linux environment fixed and running stable, no problems under extreme load.


Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Sauce bro? I’m on a jewPhone 6S+ with the iOS 11 virus and I’m not seeing what you’re talking about.

hatecrime ago

this lack of update is worrisome. more than 10 days. compromised?

MadWorld ago

Sometimes I use it to search images. Ecosia and Startpage search engines will work just fine but can be slow. Searx is not usable with images.

10774952? ago


I'm responsible for at least one attack


Yesterday voat was down in my country for god knows why and I thought it was because it was regionally banned by cloudflare or some shit, like 502 error and nada ever after

So I installed a free proxy (I know..) chromium (I know...) widget (I know...)

Then it worked... But then I had a piss poor bandwidth, and at some point I went a la wakbar on the "post message " button and then voat went like white page + "the administrator banned you from this site for [insert the spam/flood related semantic formula here]"


That is all

Hopevoats ago

We have had 0 (zero) gag orders, National Security requests, FISA orders, injunctions, super-injunctions, publication bans, nor any free-speech prohibiting sanction against us, nor against Voat, nor against any signed-in user of Voat, nor against any guest user of Voat.

Please refer to the Last edit time for the most recent effective date of this notice.

I'm guessing that this means that the canary has died?

faggot-nigga-666 ago

It doesn't take a warrant in the US for a third world government to filter traffic in their own firewalls. They could simply be MITM'ing SSL packets and blocking domains the government thinks is bad.

MadWorld ago

Last edit was 11 days ago.

vivalad ago

what the heck's going on? voatiengviet is the top duck-duck-go search result for voat - never saw that before (it's been #2 for last couple of weeks - now VOAT is #2 when i search for voat?!!)

MadWorld ago

I don't know if anyone has notice this, but duckduckgo search engine momentarily switched its server location to ISRAEL yesterday or so. I notice it has switched back the location to USA again.

Dungeon_Cremaster ago

Stay strong our fabulous billie!

10762967? ago

No update in 7 days. Can we leave the storm shelter again?

NoBS ago

Do the voat attackers have a donation account? Just curious.

10759415? ago

Who is doing thi, Hillary?

Cum_control ago

Fuck you.

danyshield ago

You did a mistake...

kitnaht ago

@Puttitout could we get another update? Even if it's just to say "yep, still going on!"....just so we know you're alive? Do we need to do another funding run?

damaged ago

Yo fuck those guys!

GoBackToReddit ago

Last edit time: 5 days ago

No news is good news?

Subtenko ago

Update4: voat getting hit again

MadWorld ago

Damn, it's been 9 fucking days!! Clearly we are doing something fucking right!!

10744512? ago

fucking gooks are at it again

elgindelta ago

if any of the assault traffic originates from socal, shoot me an im. ill take care of it

elgindelta ago

we have bits?

Hammer_Bot ago

Yep. And pieces.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Thought and installed a better browser on my PC and got it back just fine. I didn't even know you guys were still functioning at all until I hit the wayback machine yesterday and saw you had pretty current screen-grabs. Guess I'm going to leave firefox forever, damn commies. Shit was seriously sitting their reloading the "Checking Your Bits" page hundreds of times, I'd try to open voat and just let it try to reload until it came up.... Should've realized when you're down you get a different screen.

tldr; disregard the last comment & reply, I'm a dumb-ass.

CatWithDogAttitude ago

Welcome back.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

I don't know what's up but my "bits" have been fondled into oblivion & I can no longer access the site at all from my PC. It won't move pasr the "bit" fondling for a solid week now. The only way I can access the site is through a phone or tablet, & although I may talk mad shit,I've

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Never attacked the site....

indulgecatering ago

Indulge-catering.co.uk provide catering in Edinburgh for all occasions weddings, christenings, birthdays, anniversaries with delicious food. Each dish is made from scratch using fresh, high quality ingredients. Your order can be delivered directly to your door.

AristotleCLONE ago


Anti_Idle ago

The jews are very unhappy.

Anchy ago

Simply put, checking if you are the attacker :p


Government! Likely through their pseudo-corporate assets (Amazon, Facebook, Google, et al.)

Jarry1992 ago


Itsdone63 ago

Its actually amazing how much the masses hate the truth.

3n7r0py ago

The majority of this site suck of Trump every 3rd post. Buncha dumb cunts.

supersonicbrick ago

I don't mind having my bits checked as long as it leads to a happy ending.

schmooble ago

Thanks for all the hard work Putt, and sorry it's kept up for so long. Hopefully it's nothing permanent; I'm confident it will die down eventually. Either way, cheers to Voat staying up through their bullshit.

GeneralFucktardeder ago

God damned Vietnamese people!

novictim ago

Dolly the sheep,

ClandenCTrake ago

Someone heavily affiliated with the USA is doing this I net y

spartacus_the_Great ago


you do know that voat users are basically just cuckservative redditors right?

hecho ago


nucleosynthesis ago

Up and running again. ;-)

vmlinuz ago

That's not what this is at all. Cloudflare doesn't break like that for any other site I've ever seen. If the site itself is down, cloudflare has options including serving stale / cached / read-only content. It will throw up an error when that happens too.

I want to jump on the wagon with my pitchfork out too but the optics of this are really suspicious.

One of the ways to deal with this is stop expiring the damn sessions. They are supposed to be sticky for a reason, otherwise cloudflare has no fucking idea what to do. Could even tie a users CCP or past history to it. Cloudflare itself has no problem punting the relatively low volume traffic.

It's interesting Cloudflare pulled the plug on a few sites that were injecting bitcoin miners into users js.

Conspirologist ago

I have problem with posting on Voat. Instead of seeing the thread posted, I am redirected on the verification page.

Anybody else has this problem?

CatWithDogAttitude ago

Your submissions are getting through, so not to worry.

I'm seeing random stuff sometimes, but just ignore and enjoy the site.

Molo66 ago

Did something big recently get posted on Voat? I'm out the loop. Why would anyone attack the poor lil Goat unless they're threatened by it? I say we sacrifice the Goat and bathe in it's blood to appease the Gods.

jewsbadnews ago

I bet (((they))) are doing it.

Anchy ago

WhitePowerWorldWide ago

White power.

Cheesebooger ago

Ukraine, Macedonia.....I should've known. They don't like the truth being discussed. Then we have Vietnam.....WTF is their problem?

Salbuchi_2019 ago

It's probably cheap countries still using Windows XP and therefore very easy to take over their computers by a botnet.

OneWordResponse ago


DbanoDaSkigyayODbano ago


ImFromKazakstan ago

fuck redditor libtards

albatrosv14 ago

You know what? Fuck thumbnails. My voat experience just got better because they are not generated.

Tactical_Scrotum ago

This is how you know you're winning.

cantaloupe6 ago

@PuttItout consider blocking all traffic from Vietnam for a period. Eventually perhaps a CDN like akami would be helpful. Or funtionality like behavior based adaptive rate controls could be added. Open Source options available, such as Fail2ban, DDosDeflate, Apache mod_evasive, FastNetMon, Haproxy, DDosMon, or setup an Nginx proxy. You've no doubt consider other methods as well.

AnonDan ago

Are donations disabled? Can't get mine to go through.

critias ago

I missed my voat :)

Travelersoma ago

So that's why I haven't been able to check voat since the Las Vegas shooting... I keep getting blocked for having a suspicious IP.

Obama_BinLadin ago

This fun! It's like when the electricity goes out and you get to use candles!

10707035? ago

The whole idea of "if we keep fighting enemies, then we know we're going the right way" is partially a trope from video games (the developers don't usually put giant hallways crammed with enemies in the nooks-and-crannies that most players never explore {at most putting a small secret encounter or some extra treasure down there}, instead trying to guide the player by making the "correct" path also seem much more interesting from the start) and partially a joke/fallacy from military generals (if you start facing opposition that is wearing a different uniform than you're used to seeing, you probably turned the guns the wrong way and hit your own side, but it otherwise holds up in a war scenario).

It isn't expected to be taken 100% seriously, but there is still an element of truth to it (Voat has been the repeated victim of DDoS attacks whenever Reddit died down, we tried to implement some new updates to improve the site's usability or ability to handle spam, or we stumbled onto something huge in our investigations: with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department anon telling the {alleged/apparent} truth about the shooting and the big attempted leap over to a cleaner Linux version, it would be a big sign that we're not on the right path as a site if we didn't at least face some resistance from ShareBlue and their low-IQ spammer ilk).

10706985? ago

The strange thing is that all the major mainstream media networks don't even mention Operation Mockingbird even in their biggest conspiracy talk (like the Charlottesville "Unite the Right is Neo-Nazis" narrative that Fox was spewing at the same time as CNN), but Infowars actually does bother to mention the big issues, and reporters there like Paul Joseph Watson are actually smart enough to share some evidence openly debunking the idea of multiple shooters (such as the 4th floor flashing light that was seen on another video timestamped several hours after the first shooting) even as some of their reporters are making videos focusing on those same debunked videos as proof of their current theory for what happened (a series of events you would expect to happen in a place where not everyone was following the pre-written narrative {even though there has been some signs of "controlled opposition" prominent within the 'alternative media' networks, like the Jew-owned "Rebel Media" that always tries to make people "sign petitions" using advertiser-friendly information or "donate to crowd-funding campaigns" even when they already have the funds to do everything the campaign claimed to be for, and even though there have been plenty of examples of people within the Mockingbird media corporations not following the narrative for key points within their articles, like the WaPo writer who used to work for the "Five Thirty-Eight" poll-analyzing company and discovered through research that "gun control" has never worked and will never work}).

Basically, I could see a few of the people either working at InfoWars or calling into the show being planted liars (like big-Ashkenazi-nosed Laura Loomer, who has routinely pushed the boundary of what is acceptable or believable, like the "stop Trump-mimicking Caesar from dying in a Shakespeare play" stunt or the "Mandalay Bay tells its employees to donate to Antifa-affiliated groups" memo, or the caller who talked about "eating babies on Mars" or something along those lines that the media then tried to put in Alex's mouth), but I have a hard time believing that even a majority of the people there aren't actually trying to get to the bottom of these conspiracies and admit their own mistakes if/when they spread misinformation.

Kal ago

It becomes obvious that the 'msm' doesn't actually cover the truth. My biggest redpill was watching Bill Maher pretend like the documentray 'Clinton Cash' didn't exist. The media knows the truth. They don't tell you truth. They tell you what reality to believe, and it has nothing to do with truth.

A wise man once said that there are three sides to every story. There is yours, there is mine, and there is the truth.

What fucking knows what the latter is at this point. They murdered Kennedy, and they've been spoon feeding us reality ever since.

MightBeCanadian ago

You believe infowars is credible? There was no second shooter. Paul Joseph Watson just yells at the camera and does't say much. They just make you believe bullshit so you're not paying attention to the real shit.

eatmorealmonds ago

I have not been able to access this site for three days, maybe four. Only until I searched the error code was I able to get here in a roundabout way. Is that a hint.

eatmorealmonds ago

Also just got an error trying to post this comment. I tried again and it went through.

10705166? ago

Macedonia now, huh? Strange, that's where George Soros has been spending millions trying to destroy that country's conservative government, to the point that the nation's people are holding open rallies in the streets demanding he be locked up for his crimes.

Silverlining ago


MadWorld ago

Could you check your inbox? I sent you something about 403 errors, not sure if the attackers use that to exhaust Voat's resources.


heygeorge ago

I noticed that on a stickied post. It was the only time I received it. I have yet to test it further. Perhaps a Puttsy anti-attack kludge at play?

MadWorld ago

Perhaps a Puttsy anti-attack kludge at play?

It's possible. But if I do certain tests, all my devices will return that 403 errors.

digitalentity1497 ago

Im receiving the same error on different PCs. Some work some don't. I reported this to the VoatDevs. I think its reporary until the attack stops. Hopfully we will have an update soon.

XSS1337 ago

I hope you will release all the IP/Servers .... For science purposes....

smashbery ago

anyone know of other sites being attacked around sept 30th ? like voat did..

a lot of strange shit went on that weekend . the guy with a shit ton of guns in TN that got randomly pulled over . vegas shooter. voat getting attacked.

B000ne ago

Paddock sounds so fucking familiar to me. I think I saw the name here honestly but I'm not 100% sure.

Bananazz ago

Have the attacks stopped or slowed down yet?

fourchan1 ago

probbably niggers

hojuruku ago

Y-Combi faggots you had it coming. Love from Vietnam mate ;)



voatusernamevoat ago

I'd imagine it's a goat plushie.

Silverlining ago

What exactly does having one's bits inspected entail? Or does telling me that help the enemy? Does it involve checking my ip address?

dancingqueen ago

That worked, got the page then went through the menu to my subscriptions.


fillproper ago

you should been expected for it ...

UlrichVonHutten1488 ago

Sonic (The fast food chain was hacked today) Expedia, Equifax..... think about that for a sec

argosciv ago

Can't seem to post new submissions to v/pizzagatewhatever

related to this?

WeekendBaker ago

I used that insult the other day and no one knew what I was talking about.

Thank god for voat reassuring me it’s just everyone I know is wrong.

vmlinuz ago

Been reported a few times. Site was outright throwing IIS 403 forbidden errors a few minutes ago lul. Guess it's still on old code.

nucleosynthesis ago

Hmm... (((they))) block me to post on Voat. I don't get around the captcha's.

Thirder ago

Wow that sucks. Sorry to hear that. :(

MightBeCanadian ago

No I already explained to you my logic. You can't make a third party believe your version of history if they don't want to. And nobody so far has conquered the word in order to impose their version of history on everyone.

Nekochan11 ago

The location of the origin of the attacks seems to line up with the countries that have a click farming industry.

Someone with a lot of money is paying a click farm to DDOS the site.

Salbuchi_2019 ago

Nice try, but I don't think that's the reason. Countries ripe for click farming are cheap and cheap countries usually have computers with Windows XP or unpatched versions of newer Windows. My guess is it's easier to take over those computers and thus easier to have a big botnet in that country.

nutjob ago

What can we do to help?

Free media is under attack.

Freedom of speech is being killed in the few remaining holdouts.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Are we going to get pictures back for posts?

Mick ago

I would say not until the attack is over.

killer7 ago

When is safe mode over?

B000ne ago

Right now.

10694369? ago

Whoever it is they have a bit of a point here. If Voat is overtaken by shitposters who can destroy normal subs and run open upvote brigade subs with tons of alts, whats left?

10694310? ago

I think they took advantage of the DDoS attack to attack v/linux becaause they stupidly thought it was the fault of Linux.

killer7 ago

Is it over?

phantomElectra ago

You upvoted didn't you ;)

0011011000111001 ago

@PuttItOut are you 100% sure that we aren't DDOS ourselves? I've seen it many times were code changes can come back and bite you in the ass.

kitnaht ago

He rolled back to the old code base. It's not a new-code thing, because we're not using the new code.

0011011000111001 ago

He mentioned that he didn't have all of the original code.

czer0 ago

The cabal has no official authority over this attack, I suspect a radical splinter cell.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

pff, wasn't me!


czer0 ago

You are the wrong kind of Radical.

PsyOp ago

HA! I love it when Alex Jones gets angry and starts crying! :D

XSS1337 ago

Funny how all those places have US bases .......

aileron_ron ago

This is interesting, Vote being attacked and about the same time reddit is just full of crap post .

jervybingly ago

Not a coincidence imo. they want to shut down what they don't control.

PsyOp ago

You are correct, sir.

Has infowars ever been subjected to sustained attack?

10779497? ago

An infowars related, little known website (created and run by infowars) was at some point a fucking shitstorm magnet, like hacked to death if not completely run by attackers



Read the comments, "karen"


To this day I'm not even sure that site is safe

10706896? ago

They say that their advertisers and their sponsors are "routinely under direct attack by big companies and lawyer groups tied to organizations like the Deep State and the Bilderberg group, which is why they don't directly list most of their sponsors", but I've never had any DDoS issues with their sites or apps like I've had with Reddit or Voat (or even Steam or Facebook from time to time), so either they're devoting a lot more unmentioned resources to fighting off the endless hordes of bots or they're not being attacked as much in that manner (with the main tactic I see generally being "search engines and social media platforms try to block links to their site").

tomyhawk ago

Why would they attack a fellow that doesn't work on Saturday????

jervybingly ago

Jews don't work on Saturday, which was maybe your point.

Sueshia101 ago

So what on earth would be the reason to "hack" an internet site like this? I realy don't understand the waste of time. Do they do it "because they can"? What a waste...I use my "because I can" to swipe my card and help someone at the food store...what a waste using it here.

Gamio ago

They don't want to hack Voat to have control over Voat they want to harm Voat so that spaces which are not under their control die. If CPU usage is crazy high then the sites responsiveness goes to shit driving users away, if a database is corrupted or damaged then part of the site is lost until it can be restored which takes time and effort, if bandwidth costs skyrocket then it becomes unsustainable.

If youre not on Reddit or Facebook or some other platform they have power over then you are out of their control, they are the authoritarian left who believe anything right of Stalin is a nazi and fair game to attack and undermine in the name of "Social Justice".

Sueshia101 ago

Not a fan of fb at all, don't have a page, never been to reddit have no clue what thats about. Don't even know what led me here for that matter...

All this computer harm to create issues seems like going into someones bussiness everyday and yelling fire. Soon no one will come back...ok. what a waste of brain power...its like being a genius and a junky...stupid.

Thanks for filling me in...it was kind of you to take the time.

Gamio ago

No platform suits them just fine. No space to say or see what they don't control is exactly what they want.

Abelekene ago

We must fix this..what can we do to help?

sheepsexplode ago

Stay off the F5 key.

Abelekene ago

okay, thank you

BakedMofoBread ago

@puttitout You can always pull a Jester and temporarily point voat at Mossad or FSB or something so when they try to attack voat, they ACTUALLY hit someone who hits back.

Sum-of-Nun ago

You're fun. I like you. :)

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

So then Mossad and the FSB will hit Voat once they see what's happening.

BakedMofoBread ago

Except that we wouldn't be retransmitting their packets, they'd ask DNS for the IP address of voat.co, snd they'd get the IP of smeone they don't want to hit. It's not like voat's in the middle of it in some weird chain.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

How would* putitout do that?

BakedMofoBread ago

He would update the DNS records for voat.co.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

If it's that easy then why doesn't everyone who comes under these attacks do it?
Just set up a dummy site and send em there.

BakedMofoBread ago

Because if you wanted to browse voat while this happened, you'd also get one of Mossad's servers instead. May be worth it.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Oh. I thought Voat would still be up and running with some method of deflecting the attacks to someone else.

sheepsexplode ago

This would be amazing.

Set it up after so many requests in a short time redirect traffic to "X"

475677 ago

Would it be possible to copy the pirate bay's idea of mining bitcoin from users here? Obviously it shouldn't be automatically done on every page but if there were a link at the top of the page I could press to donate some cpu time too I'd be all too happy to load it up every day because it would feel as though it costs me nothing while benefiting the site.

LostandFound ago

I would be down for that, also have some idle servers that would be delighted to get some real world action again.

Cincosiber ago

great idea if possible to impliment

killer7 ago

Is it over?

casprus ago

So did somebody find a backdoor? It's not liek the 8chan crash, right?

That's hwat you get for using .net and c# and windows...

casprus ago

oy vey nevuh fuhget the 17 million

Oriond ago

If there are interests trying to attack Voat, that is a confirmation that this site is what I am looking for!

Wuttier ago

Stick around faggot. You might like it if you can stomach our quirks.

argosciv ago

stop cracking on to him, faggot

Wuttier ago

don't tell me what to do nigger

argosciv ago

ps: Aussie here; mate = cunt(derogatory); cunt = mate/buddy


Wuttier ago

shhhh, I got that, play along shitlord!

argosciv ago

Don't tell me to not tell you what to do, cunt!

Wuttier ago


argosciv ago

I concede, too tired, sleep needed xD

Wuttier ago

Go to bed bruh, and dream of goats xD

vmlinuz ago

In his TCP port.

WisDumb ago

I'm Telling Trump that they are messing with my freedom of speech. That'll teach them.

argosciv ago

Which is, in turn, quite seemingly related to just about everything else considered "big picture" or "high level corruption"

It really is mind boggling, 48 hours or so until George Pell faces court again. Seems to tie into that(distraction-wise + more), abstractly but very clearly.

At this stage, I'm not the only one seeing it, it seems.

PS: Just upvoated you for asking :)

OrwellianChronicle ago

your servers must have evidence that can lead to the conviction of hillary clinton. jk lol

8butternut ago

0.... your the 1....0 0..the 1...

novictim ago

SJWs with brains? Seems like an oxymoron.

argosciv ago

Much love, sorry for dropping truth bombs in the midst of a digi-war :P

llegendary ago

It's no doubt the deep state. no. doubt. We are doing it right.

Solstiare ago

u mad bro?

Factoids4U ago

Pretty elated actually lol

huhWHAThuh ago

Those darn Russians! PuuutinnnnnnNNNNNNNNN ! shakes fist in the air

argosciv ago

Turisas - Rasputin


(All rights to their respective holders, I claim no ownership/authorship of the music, lyrics or artwork/video(s)/other - nor the channel which posted the video(s))

Root of Corruption: Touching on Racine, WI - Part 2

WhatWouldOdinDo ago

I've been having an issue with too many redirects when using Brave on Linux. I know there's a setting to increase the limit, or there should be, but I thought I'd mention it.

I'll look into how to configure it later but for now I'll just use Firefox. It still works fortunately.

BillDing ago

Nice username

LostandFound ago

Serious question, hows the dosh situ. This has got to be burning up cash fast. I know I have not been here long but I feel this is my home now like many others, we will fight to keep this house standing. Please let us know if we need to organise another dive

SmExyGLazeRZ184 ago

My bits are ready

Charizard6377 ago

Hope its not the left because once GAB gets banned sites like this are next to fall.

10684306? ago

You were yawning yesterday! Now what happened? /: it's karmic punishment because you like cats, Puttsy.

dreamdigital ago

We're being attacked because they know we uncover the truth here.

argosciv ago


digitalentity1497 ago

Bring it DDOsers, we become stronger :)

NotHereForPizza ago

You're worried about vulnerabilities but leaving up the search function?

TheKobold ago

He touched me here

SelfReferenceParadox ago

/me quakes in boots

phantomElectra ago

Thanks for the update! I want to upvote, but the number is 404 and I do not want to ruin that.

bourbonexpert ago

I don’t know anything about this type of stuff.

What is happening exactly?

Also, why would someone attack us. Just for lulz?

sheepsexplode ago

Denying legit requests for the site by drounding the site with fake ones.

Like hacking with a hammer.

When you go to voat your request for that page gets lost in the mass of fake requests and will get missed.

Thus denying you the service.

bourbonexpert ago

so do these hackers ddos people have a thousand computers all clicking at the same time?

is it a program on one cputer that autoclicks?

sheepsexplode ago


Normally a spyware installation lays dormant until the coder sends it a target.

Once all the victim computers are infiltrated you have a bot net. Each one dose send tons of clicks.

Reddit_traitor ago

they can take over computers all over to do the attack. they are called botnets.

bourbonexpert ago

hmmm...that seems like a colossal waste of time. lol

weeds-in-the-garden ago

You're thinking to limited.

1.) How much money could you make by having a service to take out web pages?

2.) How much money could you make if you had an almost unlimited amount of storage?

3.) How much money could you make by slaving out thousands of machines and use their idle process time and run cryptocurrency miners?

4.) How much money could you make by drowning the web in ads?

Those are classic business models for hackers. I'm sure many more have come up. There are so many examples of making money by taking over peoples machines. And, all of that is without being real malicious and running key loggers and file scanners.

Kleyno ago

They have played their hand, seems like, using flaws they have been discovering for months, maybe even years, in an attempt to undermine this migration to a more efficient, cost effective platform.

But the fags will not win - they never do. Plug the holes they have found and continue with your plans for the move. It cannot be stopped, only slowed down.

Conspirologist ago

Obviously this is a well planned attack by payed professionals. The mastermind is obviously trying to attack the remaining of free speech sites left on the net. I think it's probably payed by Soros himself.

abraxas- ago

Oh yes of course. This is enemy #1 on the internet. No one is as notorious as the fabled Voat

WeekendBaker ago

The original OG Old Goat voat itself. Soros even autocorrects his name to Doris on my phone when trying to prove his evil plots.

captainstrange ago

Gets us the ips the attacks are coming from.

We can counter ddos.

srayzie ago

Uh oh. @donovanKeyhote is gonna get turned on with all this animals and bits talk.

srayzie ago

😂 I was wondering why my bits kept being inspected 👀

Devious1 ago

Have you covered yourself against dns hijacking, shit allways seems to happen to voat when something Soros related happens.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Hopefully this falls into the the "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" category. Just came back up for me a few minutes ago.

captainstrange ago

Any social media / open participation site that has 1500 or more members is targeted for monitoring / interference. A lot of this started when the pizzagate scandal was brought up here again recently.

Thats where the real fight is, and its why any where you go, it is censored, downvoted, buried by algols, ddos, etc. Everything else is a distraction.

Pizzagat, Seth Rich. Follow the trail.

killer7 ago

Question: Have computers gotten so powerful now that a site can be attacked 24/7 365 days per year?

Le_Squish ago

We are probably getting attacked by peoples fridges, smart TVs and amazon echoes. I'm completely serious.

NeedleStack ago

Anyone else have to clear their DNS cache to get back onto voat the last hour? That was scary. :(

SteffisCute ago

Well Jews gonna Jew it seems! You can inspect my vag VOAT ;)

10681929? ago

Just install a flood protection. It limits the number of requests from an IP, to a port. So you don't have to check bits in every time.

CarbonBasedLifeform ago

At least somebody is interested in my bits... :D

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i didn't expect TWO real goats to answer (i expected criminal shills rotteuxx and kevdude to respond tho; the criminal shills on voat can't fucking stand me) @hammer_bot hihi

hi, no, niggerfaggots, it's me. i'm 99% censored off of voat, so i just don't voat anymore.

also, nearly everyone that isn't a shill has left. so there aren't many to talk with here - plus i can't have a meaningful conversation with anyone on voat.

chat banned, PM banned, Post banned, and only 10 comments in any 24 hours.

@puttitout is a criminal shill. remove the criminal shills from voat, or there is no voat (disappointed, fuzzywords, kevdude, roteuxx, empress, and about 100 others)

Ina_Pickle ago

These days I usually just check my own bits.

123_456 ago

Someone is trying to stop the truth from getting out.

guinness2 ago

Hmmm, I wonder if there's a way to automate the activation and deactivation of DDOS attack protection based on traffic?

digitalentity1497 ago

Adminstrater ago

Voat will survive everything thrown at it because voat is more than just a website.

Wuttier ago

A goat-doll of course.

TheBuddha ago

I love having my bits fondled. It reminds me of the old Voat.

Grifter42 ago

Nothing but ad hominem attacks from you.

You fuck worship at the altar of fuckin' kike tactics, and you accuse everyone who debates you of being a jew when you're the real fucking hooknose.

Obama_BinLadin ago

Re-watch Pippi Longstocking with your kids! Pre-cuck Swedish fooolery. Like kids used to enjoy.

Grifter42 ago

You keep using that line like it means anything.

Fuck you, you insane leftist larping prick.

Captain_Jack ago

They have electricity in Vietnam? /s

boekanier ago

Yes, but it is induced by muscle strength

xenoPsychologist ago

you can see my bits anytime you like. i mean...

BlockMe ago

PG guidance.

b1sr4t ago

Put up a bitcoin address

RumpRangerRick ago

Having Voat check my bits is somewhat arousing. Ain't gonna lie.

tranny_gecko ago

hold on to your spaghetti kev

Grifter42 ago

Ah, go fuck yourself.

You're trying to create the bullshit consensus that it's only one person that wants you and SBBH in general to go fuck it's self.

You're nothing but a bunch of leftists LARPing as actual conservatives in order to gain control of the website.

tranny_gecko ago

Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have one coding the site? then maybe i could go back to living in reality and not some homosexual and their pet tranny's delusion.

tranny_gecko ago

grift and i are friends and i wont hide that. He is a good dude who reads you like a coloring book. Dont act like you arent invisible in our discord you half asian fuck boy twink.

tranny_gecko ago

nope, they are just highly limited. And when i have to switch accounts to respond to one of you shills, i get accused of "manufacturing consensus".

You know fairly well how i speak. I dont need to manufacture shit you fucking tranny loving beta male.

tranny_gecko ago

False. If you can point out where im trying to manufacture consensus ill donate 500$ to voat, since i smell a donation drive rolling up on us.

It's because of the censorship kev. And your downvoat brigades, for the record. Also, PG is widely known to be compromised by pedophile moderators. I didn't have to manufacture that, people just noticed it.

Grifter42 ago

Typical fuckin' shill tactics of accusing people of what you're guilty of.

Why don't you talk to your friend Beatle/Shroomcloud/what ever the fuck he calls himself now.

lord_nougat ago

You've got to fight for that.

tranny_gecko ago

for what reason?

tranny_gecko ago

you are a fine shill kev.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Amusing, we were just talking about you and SBBH accusing people of being sane, when he is active right now, and it can easily be verified who i am.

Don't forget to renew your paypal fund lest Fuzzy ends up not getting his estrogen pills.

WeekendBaker ago

I love when we are in disaster recover mode living in a dumpster fire, just a bit more than when we pretend to be a Reddit rival. Gives the place some atmosphere and communal bonding.

Whose up for end of the world goat sex?

PuttItOut ago

Yeah, weird huh?

Grifter42 ago

Fuckin' phony.

You're a fraud, Putt. You pretend to be for the cause, but you're nothing but a sellout.

Let me guess: Your next move will be a beg-a-thon, where you'll pocket the money like the last time.

Fuck you, fuck your brigading cronies, and fuck you for letting SBBH take over the site, like SRS took over Reddit.

10677986? ago

I thought it was a sudden influx of users. With the recent shooting people tend to flock to the internet.

Mick ago

I reckon

10677779? ago

Hey @Mick, this guy thinks you're god. He's been pming me asking for pictures of your dick

Mick ago

Haha, that's just sick!

CallingOutLefty ago

It ain't Jooz, bro- it's Anglos. This sort of behavior has SWPL college-kiddie written all the hell over it.

CallingOutLefty ago

Same. As soon as the site started cycling through maintenance messages immediately followed by landing-pages for inactive status, that was the first thing that came to mind.

Dollars to donuts it's some autistic CS student at a tech U.

Silent_Chimera ago

LOL, sounds like Reddit itself is getting "annoyed" by us. Can't shut down REAL free speech!!!

Mick ago

So does my wife :p


Mick ago

Just for fun

10677263? ago

Hey @PuttItOut. Just remember that transformers are camouflagd fucking robots man. They could be your computer just having a laugh at you. Probably not but we can dream.

PuttItOut ago

Love it

Grifter42 ago

You got time to respond to that, but you don't got time to address the elephant in the room. You're letting SBBH take over the website.

But you're friendly with Mick, and Shitposter, and you tolerate them brigading, because you've sold the fuck out. You're no better than Spez.

tippyc ago

@digitalentity1497 used smooth shank masonry bits! It's not very effective...

EsciSpectre ago

From Lowes. I have these.

HugoFord ago

Cool. Love that I'm part of something that scares people.

10677102? ago

Mick deleted his account

Mick ago

Putts, how am I able to be logged in on my deleted account?

PuttItOut ago


RemoteViewer1 ago

Luciferian Pedophiles look nice hung from trees :)

Chiefpacman ago

You mean we aren't all Vietnamese here?

Rotteuxx ago

Like you did in 1990 ?

GoBackToReddit ago

Super green accounts and random ramblings in the comments... interesting.

E: Wow, just got hit with a 403.

voats4goats ago

You can check my bits Putt, but you might get jealous

jcal22x ago

Would it be possible to redirect a portion of DDOS traffic to random voat advertisers to make it look like they’ve followed a link from here? If so, we might be able to get some revenue off these script kiddies.

norfidforme ago

Why aren't we using that alternative to cloudflare? Forget the name.

MDGAustin ago


Rotteuxx ago

1990 - 2017 Never Forget !

ExpertShitposter ago

@trigglypuff @kevdude observe this orthodoxy.

physicscat ago

Whe things like this happen, how about an update on twitter?

Cheesebooger ago

Maybe next time do the change in the middle of night and tell no one about when its coming

10675925? ago

I don't Voat nekkidz, Puttsy. Stawp tryna lookit muh tets.

MadWorld ago

I thought you were rolling the ported code the second time today and was very very excited! Damn those fuckers picked a very good timing to execute this attack. How many unique IP addresses were involved? Which specific parts were been attacked? Maybe when the dust settles, we, as a community, could discuss potential ways to protect Voat.

PuttItOut ago

I'll try to do a summary in v/voatdev with the order of events this attack involved.

Rotteuxx ago

I think not !!!

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

Damn, those Islamists really want to fuck us goats...

PraiseIPU ago

Side note: ice cat mobile wont even let me in past the bits checking

But BeHe browser mobile will.

Oddly this is on my phone. My android table ice cat works fine.

Yer shits all retarded and you check bits like a fag.

idk ago

I'm having trouble with boats, it's probably related.

PraiseIPU ago

Boats is still a thing?

Didnt even know there were any apps still supported

ExpertShitposter ago


ExpertShitposter ago

Bosna & Hezegovina. I knew @atko was behind this!

Vic_V ago

Can you give a precise time for when the ddos happened?

wellendowedduckling ago

Neat. I like graphs.

username-way-too-lon ago

Is anyone else suspicious of the motives of this attack on Voat? It happened at the same time as the Vegas shooting.

Something doesn't feel right about any of this. My intuition is telling me something big is being covered up.

Cat-hax ago

just a coincidence im sure.

ginx2666 ago

Can't you request block of entire Asia (count Ukraine in Asia, it's Russia's bitch anyway), Africa, and South America continents from your host? It's what our sysadmin does when our subnet (large petrol company) gets attacked, and it blocks nearly all of malicious requests. Plus it's not like we care if anyone from those shitholes gets access to our services.

AsTimeGoesBy ago

Women are above this shit guys.

It's about time we admitted this as the primo dominant intellectual class.

I discovered some Christian breadcrumbs on the hacking front, I'm thinking Westburrough Baptists, probably.

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What with the cross guys?

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Just a minute - inspection does not mean fondle!

... and no purring noises or other emotional expressions either... especially no smiling while putting on the gloves.

MkeAmericaGreatAgain ago

So first it was money then somehow the money wasnt a problem then we had to upgrade and it failed because of planning now its were being attacked. Whatever happened with the money problem? Seems like a lot of money came out of no where and no one got any recognition for it? Would love to thank the kind loving soul that footed the bill for this website that is just adored by the masses

kneo24 ago

How about if I "pay it forward" and touch you were Putt touched me.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

there is more censorship on voat than there is on reddit, just slightly less banning relative to volume

@puttitout is a fat SJW from r/ shitredditsays

the only remaining users of voat are idiots, the criminal shills, and those enjoying watching it burn.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

It was with great pleasure I donated to Voat in your name. I hope you never manage to get that badge off your account.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol the criminal shills had to censor me off voat. now they're using the 1990 defamation per se over on gab - - even the CEO's MOTHER jumped in with it! AYYYLMAO shills are so powerless against the real goats they have to resort to this level of behavior. my sides, past pluto.

redpilldessert ago

If you put as much time and energy into the alt-right movement as you do into trolling on Voat, we'd wake the world up to the white genocide agenda twice as quick.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

You should make a post instead of a comment so everyone can see this.

captainstrange ago

you're not even a shill SaneGoat. You're just a narcissist--the garden variety of trolls.

I thoroughly enjoy watching your persecution complex unfold in every one of your posts.

Failure ago

Not just a narcissist, schizophrenic. Compare symptoms with Sane's account

10694282? ago

Have you considered its more than one person?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

remember folks, the criminal shills posted just enough responses to bury mine. this is how the SJWs like @puttitout operate voat.

casprus ago

you are such a beautiful twink

kneo24 ago

Why did you go on a campaign spanning many months, under many alts, shared by multiple people, vote manipulating like crazy, pushing these narratives? If what you ever wrote were true, you certainly never provided proof for it. All you have done is use emotional and decisive language like, "SJW" and "criminal shills" (whatever that means given the context).

JoeMontana ago

That's easy to follow logic.

gbiota1 ago

Thanks for everything you do, This platform is so important for freedom of information. Many of us are rooting for you.

ArsCortica ago

So, who got triggered this time 'round?

Rotteuxx ago

Huh, and @Sanegoatiswear just started commenting on his OG account 6 days ago... then Vegas happened while Voat was being DDOSed...

  • (((Sanegoat)))
  • (((6))) gorillion days of activity
  • (((Mass Shooting)))
  • (((DDOS)))

Better get the gang to investigate this !

@Expertshitposter @TrigglyPuff @Empress @Kevdude @WhoeverthefuckBeatlejuicex3isnow

10676106? ago


railripper2 ago

Never thought of it that way but I would say your right.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I would say your right...

Are we ever going to find out how this ends? His right foot? His right to life?

IcarusBen ago

As different as Voat is, comments like these prove it's still Reddit at heart.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

The illiterate will always be with us, just like the poor.

dontdoxxmebro ago

The right only cares about the unborn having a right to life. Everyone else is a cuck, Jew or nigger.

Tester1027 ago

Ahem... composure required.

Thank you so much for being so very supportive and informative.

You have always shown such gracious kindness to us by letting us know the why's and the how's... ;)

dang it, you made me blush

HillbillyGoat ago

I'm in ur browser, checking ur bits...

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

why do you talk like a fag

SkittlesDicePlato ago

Cause I'm the leader of your order.

Vvswiftvv17 ago

Glad we are back! I had to visit /pol this morning to make sense and get info about the shooting....(shudders).I laughed at things I shouldn't have laughed at, read conspiracy stories that went down dark deep rabbit holes, and listened to the rantings and ravings of posters that made me question their sanity. I want a coloring book and safe space now.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Halfchan or fullchan?

Vvswiftvv17 ago

What's the difference?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Some might say (and I've seen them say it!) that halfchan is full of lefties and faggots. But it's otherwise known as 4chan.

Kill-Commies ago

It is, every other poster is some anime fag on 4chan

Vvswiftvv17 ago


Realhero34 ago

Heh, so Voat has been under a DDOS attack since at least yesterday, and Ghostbin has been down since yesterday as well. Hmmm........

10675132? ago

Oh, THERE's the "Russian connection" that they keep claiming sites like Voat have, we just have to look at the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine who violently overthrew their democractically-elected government and have been working closely with Hillary and Obama for years now.

piratse ago

I'm gonna need 5 minutes alone with this doll.

Notscj ago


Nekochan11 ago

From what I understand 5 minutes will be more than enough for you to do what you want to do and clean up afterwards...

BlueDrache ago

Volcris ago

Ohh look at marathon man over here, needing a full 5 minutes. Show off.

bLunTa ago

Laughed way too hard at this

0rion ago

Annnd que the Pantera!

Cheesebooger ago

I love you guys. This is why I love this site. My kind of humor

cyberg007 ago

dibs on sloppy 2nds

lord_nougat ago

Dibs on sloppier 3rds!

twee ago




NeedleStack ago

It's this one right here!

AdamTheBuizel ago

Aww! Adorable lil goat!

NeedleStack ago

Thank you!


That looks like the kind of thing that has a hole in the back of it just the right s9ze for a fleshlight....

MadWorld ago

So cute... Did you make this or is this one of those Voat merchandise?

NeedleStack ago

I made it and it will be merch once the shop's set up. :)

BlockMe ago

Wouldn’t be complete without a randy jihadi chasing it.

MadWorld ago

Awesome!! Looking forward to seeing this little guy!! I could use a couple in my car or on my desk!

Cheesebooger ago

I have two bits...., One for each of ya

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

I'll need dinner and a movie first

vivalad ago

while it was nice of you to give us the heads up sticky about the transition being planned for the past weekend, it looks like that corresponds to attacks. for a non-computertech but analytical person, following this is interesting. appreciate your openness in sharing the behind the scene happenings

uvulectomy ago

Having my bits checked is more action than I've had in months. Do what you must, but be gentle. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

10674977? ago

Interesting, but I think the "Yawn" in the title summarizes things nicely. Voat goats are not so easily defeated. EDIT: Though this is clearly a worthy opponent.

Great work as always, Putt. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help.

obvious-throwaway- ago

One would have to wonder if after a certain point the companies that provide protection from DDOS attacks, like Cloudflare, could possibly be the ones implementing the attacks, but you didn't hear that from me.

hypercat ago

It's probably the feds. They want to keep the news the way the upper echelon wants it. So any alternative news or chatter scares them.

Salbuchi_2019 ago

DDoS were a thing way before Cloudflare existed.

hrdtak ago

True, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be good for business if it happened more frequently to people not using their service.

Not saying they are, but they would definitely have a motive to do it.

teatime ago

DDoS is a pretty basic attack. There are enough retards out there who want to feel like badass hackerz that I'd be shocked if companies like Cloudflare had to implement their own attacks.

Wahaha ago

..but what would happen to Cloudflare if they'd be gone for good?

JustWonderful ago

Nothing. They provide DDoS protection for free nowadays. They take their monies from other services they offer

obvious-throwaway- ago

Malware was around before anti-virus software, but whose keeping track.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I don't want to start the rumor that it's Reddit trying to stop the competition, but I totally want to start that rumor.

idk ago

I don't want to start the rumor that voat has information regarding hilary Clinton, but I totally want to start that rumor.

FatShamingShitLady ago

I don't want to start the rumour that Regina George is getting fat but have you seen the size of her ass lately??

LlamaMan ago

Whoa! Much new traffic congratulations Voat

Awful-Falafel ago

Did this start before or after Vegas?

Anoxim ago

Seems to have started on the 29th.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

My fee fees hurt so I am going to computer you. It makes feel better about being a fat, faggot, tranny, jew, who identifies as a white muslim.

KikeFree ago

Maybe you should require an account to get a session id that allows you to do anything apart from browse static pages that are regenerated every hour or day?

If people aren't logged in they can still read cached stuff, but they don't get to hit anything but static pages, so it doesn't take up a lot of system resources dealing with bullshit requests.

Aged ago

What a Brave New World, that looks so much like the old world....

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Only Putt

HWIC ago

I can feel my bits being stared at. Youre giving me the vapors!

Bananazz ago

shut it down! They know! Oh nos!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


goddamn gooks

10681915? ago

I doubt it's vietnamese. Most of the people in here asian countries don't have time or resources to do something like this, they are busy earning money, providing their families. So I suspect it might be an infected server or something. I remember I received this SSH attacks from Microsoft China, then I found that it's from this infected server.

10694321? ago

There are bad apples in every bunch mate.

10696041? ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

goddamn gooklover protecting the damn gooks

10682775? ago

I love all the races.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

ew ur a bestial?

10696066? ago

Ain't we all? after all we are evolved from apes.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

no white people evolved from apes. Niggers are still basically apes and gooks are still monkeys

ExpertShitposter ago

Fucking commies!

10675160? ago

Ever since Domino Theory made us mistakenly believe that the Vietnamese would side with China in the long-run if we didn't stop them and the Democrats sabotaged our efforts to supply their resistance efforts from afar in the war's aftermath, Vietnam has been in a very similar economic and social boat to China.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

tbh I respect the vietcongs, a bunch of tunnel digging mud farmers were consistently able to outfox the greatest military force on the planet with only their wits and bolt action rifles

Schreiber ago

tbh I respect the groids, a bunch of mudhut dwellers who were consistently able to get away committing violence on the greatest race on the planet with nothing but political correctness and diversity propaganda.

Octoclops ago

with only their wits and bolt action rifles

Well that and their allies back in America but yeah I see your point.

jervybingly ago

I've been to N. Vietnam, after the war, and basically there is no infrastructure to bomb, outside a few cities. That, Wastemoreland, and fucking Kissinger. Abrams could have won that war.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

They outwitted no one. We just had lame ass rules of engagement. It's been a theme.

abraxas- ago

Lame ass rules of engagement? How old are you? Have you ever been in a warzone? Do you have any clue what you're saying?

Keep your mouth shut if you don't know what you're talking about.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

How old are you?

Older than your parents if you're average age. Where were you and what were you doing when Kennedy was shot?

TheDude2 ago

You should work for crowdstrike. This is how they blamed Russia.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

isn't it because valdimir putin himself trained a bunch of russian bears as KGB leet haxzors and then airdropped with them onto the DNC so they could crack the code?

surprisecockfag ago


MasivGam3 ago

If they can't block Voat 100% nearly 100% of time, and they can't do that, then there is no sense in them even starting this thing that they can't finish. But, well, they just hate it and so find pleasure in doing this kind of petty mischief.

10674775? ago

Muhbits !

EarlPoncho ago

putt is vegas shooter confirmed

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

How does he keep getting away with it?

AsTimeGoesBy ago

We were all thinking it.

BiscuitFever ago

Be gentle with my bits pls. They're sensitive.

lastditchtryforaname ago

Yeah, mine too! My surgeon said I was supposed to wait at least two more weeks before letting anyone touch my bits.

DoomMantia ago

Ohh, hello there, you sexy bit checker, long time no see!

killer7 ago

I am not responsible for this attack.

AsTimeGoesBy ago

Probably Satan himself.

ChillyHellion ago

you post a lot, but not that much :P

turbotuck ago

Hope this doesn't last. Wonder why as well, must be someone who's pissed off and got a hold of a botnet

Cynabuns ago

Oh Yes This

10674727? ago

Do you think its a coincidence the shitposting guys decided to attack v/Linux again just now? v/linux/new



JoeMontana ago

Those are the srs and soupretardboxhammer guys right?

10697752? ago


You know you're just giving them exactly what they want.

JoeMontana ago

I misspelled. Wanted to say dox instead of box. Good catch.

10675107? ago

In another reply they say they are doing it to catch me out for downvoating with alts or something. I'm not buying it. They seem butthurt about Voat potentilly moving off Windows for some reason.maybe its not as easy to track data if it's not on Azure.

10675377? ago

Same here. The shitposters were upset that I insulted Gabara and told him to not shitpost in /v/Linux

clamhurt_legbeard ago

On behalf of the shitposters, nobody cares if you insult gabara.

10676410? ago

Gabara cares.

Ohh how he cares.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


i mean


10675436? ago

So they probably think I'm you then?

10675611? ago

Well I am talking to myself right now

lord_nougat ago

GET A ROOM YOU... um, one person!

JoeMontana ago

Interesting. Maybe they can't influence voting on linux as they can now?

10675175? ago

Not sure but the logic they are showing makes them dumb on the African level.

JoeMontana ago

I would love if going to linux fucks them over one way or the other. They have been trolling for too long on voat already. Not even in a funny or entertaining way.

10675227? ago

They are openly making accounts so they can vote manipulate on popular subs on Voat now. If @PuttItOut doesnt see this and address it then it will get worse and worse. They are doing this to drive users away from Voat.

Chiefpacman ago

He wont do anything. He seems fond of them.

CheckTheLogs ago

@PuttItOut doesn't have time for this. I looked through your history, you are always complaining that people are downvoting stuff you like or upvoting stuff you don't like. You folks in /v/Linux probably shouldn't have bragged about how much better Voat would be on Linux. I'm sure it will be exactly the same once PuttItOut figures out what Mick did and fixes it. You can't boast about something you like and then expect to be "shielded" when something unfortunately happens involving that something you like. You're mom isn't here.

Chiefpacman ago

You made this account to make that comment.

One more alt?

10675428? ago

So you are butthurt about Voat going on Linux? Lol ok then.

CheckTheLogs ago

No right now it's just the database, the part that's fucking up that's running on Linux. The rest is back on the stable C# code which would have to be windows unless it's mono or something.

10675498? ago

Look in the announcement thread the admin made. It's under attack.

CheckTheLogs ago

Yeah, and you posted before that. About nothing. Shitposting on voat. Wow, so new? Have you heard of SBBH before? You're really wasting my time.

10694298? ago

@heygeorge is this SBBH doing this?

heygeorge ago

Doing what? Although chances are the answer is no.

10694407? ago

Read the comment I replied to. Someone is trying to blame you for something. I thought it was Mick that ran your sub last I looked though, unless thats you. Could have been another sub though.

CheckTheLogs ago

He'll be back, he's just coming off A LOT of drugs right now. He does this every few months. Deletes his account, disappears for 3 weeks and then comes back and begs everyone to given them mod access back.

JoeMontana ago

They have driven away people for sure. A while ago one of them pm-d me that I was under the investigation for child porn. He did this on a mod account, while he thought I was a brand new conservative user. He did this to at least 20 other people. He deleted that account after I showed the screen shot in a thread on voat. He was right back on another account harassing people the next day though. I am disappointed by the lack of action from the board owner. Not to mention the pedo subs and the drugs selling subs. Voat isn't what it used to be anymore. Although I was pleasantly surprised to see that not everyone bought into the Vegas hoax.

10675484? ago

Well at the end of the day it's just a board on th net. If he doesn't wnt to address it then it will die off. I dont mind if they have an opionion but twhen they get 25 accounts to upvote that just because they can there is something wrong.

JoeMontana ago

He was joking around with the nameless in another thread. I bet he's a leftie and wishes the nazis and right wingers would fuck off and that's why he condones it.

10675575? ago

I think I'll start posting some right wing stuff then. Or maybe not becuse I have a life to live and dont really give a fuck about them.

JoeMontana ago

We're all on our own ride. Sometimes roads can cross. Doesn't mean we all have to get in the same car.

revfelix ago

Herzegovina? That sounds more like a venereal disease than a country.

voats4goats ago

No but its generally assumed that Sodomy and Gonorrhea originally came from the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah. #CaptainObvious

Spaceballs-1 ago

Wasn't that a Beatles song? "Herzegovina, children at your feet...."

AsTimeGoesBy ago


Bring help

Boris ago

It's a really beautiful place!

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Most beautiful girls in the world just to the east in Serbia.

Boytjie ago

Sorry, must disagree there. South Africa has the most beautiful girls.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Be wary of googling 'south african women'. It's a descent into darkness.

There were some beautiful white women, but their close proximity to blacks is almost a certainty. If there are regions of SA with no blacks, let me know and I may change my opinion.

Tor1 ago

Hurts my Schuteptele to see the name Herzegovina without it's eternal prefacing Bosnia.


10676112? ago

Do you know who is also from Bosnia? @Atko is. The plot thickens!

Tor1 ago


badbear ago

Username checks out.

10675135? ago

It always leaves a giant red mark on your face!

PuttItOut ago

It's always the random comments that make me laugh.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

how's overtly censoring voat worse than reddit going, SJW fat shill?

redpilldessert ago

Trying to be reasonable here. The comment limit with negative CCP issue will be fixed soon. It was a temporary stop-gap measure until they find a better solution.

Solstiare ago

Go back to your auto-erotic buggery.

srayzie ago

Me too lol

JohnCStevenson ago

Well, well, well. I warned you what would happen if you continued to cater to the scum of America, PuttItOut. I warned you that your site would be attacked again and again, because people can't tolerate the bigotry that comes out of Voat. And look at that - your site has been attacked again. As long as you continue to lie with fleas such as white supremacists, homophobes, and transphobes , your site will go under again and again. People like me will make sure that your hateful website will never gain any traction, until it is off the Internet permanently. Of course, this could all go away if you decided to clean up the hatred on your website and join the resistance against Donald Trump. But I doubt what will happen.

Remember - you reap what you sow. We'll make sure of that.

RumpRangerRick ago



Kregan ago

@JohnCStevenson you are a liberal coward that cannot appreciate the anti censorship that Voat offers in such times of encroachment on our civil liberties. I will accept all the bigotry of the world to know that censorship is not tolerated. I can think for myself and do not succumb to the threat of "bad words" Go defend the trannies and illegal immigrants while real people stand for things like the 1st amendment and liberty. You disgust me.

sxbn ago

this is p good pasta too tbh

kreepyasskraker ago

Niggerfaggotkikegypsy. That is all.

digitalentity1497 ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol nigger how'd you get more downvotes than me.

@puttitout and the criminal SJWs have bots tied to my account to auto-downvote.

Bananazz ago

but but, your comment here is itself filled with hate. Oh, the irony!

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Either you're a LARPer or a boring troll.
Either way you've outed yourself as a pedophile, events have a long tail
Let's see if you can keep up

MaunaLoona ago

Are you a real person or a fairly well crafted markov chain?

eagleshigh ago

Lmao. @crensch

Crensch ago

Such great copypasta

BlockMe ago

white supremacists, homophobes, and transphobes

How about “islamophobes?” No love for islamophobes?

“Islamophobia. A word created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons.” — @vodkaninja on twitter, RIP.

Sounds right up your alley, fascist coward moron.

KeksMex ago

Shut up faggot.

4775795f4d616e ago


kreepyasskraker ago


The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Go fuck a tranny, you homoloving fuckwit.

ruck_feddit ago

Putt doesn't cater to you, scum.

Proud_feminist2 ago

Shut up, fag.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Well, well, well. I warned you what would happen if you continued to cater to the scum of America, PuttItOut. I warned you that your site would be attacked again and again, because people can't tolerate the bigotry that comes out of Voat. And look at that - your site has been attacked again. As long as you continue to lie with fleas such as white supremacists, homophobes, and transphobes , your site will go under again and again. People like me will make sure that your hateful website will never gain any traction, until it is off the Internet permanently. Of course, this could all go away if you decided to clean up the hatred on your website and join the resistance against Donald Trump. But I doubt what will happen.

Remember - you reap what you sow. We'll make sure of that.

Saving as copypasta.

Stormrox ago

Just wanted to point out that the dumbass misspelled "that" at the end of the paragraph. Be sure to correct that when using it in the future.

MadWorld ago

Yup that makes a great use case! Don't forget to also preserve the username in case it gets deleted:


HeywoodJablomi ago

Well, well, well. I warned you what would happen if you continued to cater to the scum of voat, SelfReferenceParadox. I warned you that your comment would be attacked again and again, because people can't tolerate the bigotry that comes out of your ramblings. And look at that - your comment has been attacked again. As long as you continue to lie with fleas such as white supremacists, homophobes, and transphobes , your comment score will go under again and again. People like me will make sure that your hateful words will never gain any traction, until it is off the Internet permanently. Of course, this could all go away if you decided to clean up the hatred in your heart and join the resistance against Donald Trump. But I doubt what will happen. Remember - you reap what you sow. We'll make sure of that.

Cheesebooger ago

Well, well, well. I warned you what would happen if you continued to cater to the scum of voat, SelfReferenceParadox. I warned you that your comment would be attacked again and again, because people can't tolerate the bigotry that comes out of your ramblings. And look at that - your comment has been attacked again. As long as you continue to lie with fleas such as white supremacists, homophobes, and transphobes , your comment score will go under again and again. People like me will make sure that your hateful words will never gain any traction, until it is off the Internet permanently. Of course, this could all go away if you decided to clean up the hatred in your heart and join the resistance against Donald Trump. But I doubt what will happen. Remember - you reap what you sow. We'll make sure of that, sucka

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Well we've just witnessed the Birth of a new Voat Meme

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Oh man, it works so well. We need more of this.

21Characters ago

Yeah this makes good copypasta.

NeedleStack ago

Your bit isn't even entertaining anymore. You're worse than a cranky troll. You're downright boring.

unclejimbo ago

I dunno, the "well, well, well" at the beginning got a chortle out of me this time.

patriot_biz ago

Thank you for your opinion, Neighbor!

Here is your free turban, free falafel and copy of the Q'ran.

Now if you don't mind, please book a flight so that you can go back to Yemen. Faggot.

misterpoopybutthole ago

No faggots allowed in yemen

Tzitzimitl ago

they get to be trannies instead

DependasaurusRex ago

Shhhh... we are trying to clean up the world a little.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

It would be interesting to know what other sites are being attacked. Wonder what information is out there that (((they))) want stopped.....

Also don't know if it matters. But i notice this post says there are no comments yet even though there are a few. Just fyi, case it matters.

Le_Squish ago

Seeing when it started, it seems to have been a pre-emptive measure...

Opieswife ago

If there is anything we can do to help just ask. In the meantime I don't mind you checking out my bits ;) I am married though so you can look but no touching.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

It's not really touching if he uses the back of his hand.

WeekendBaker ago

"Knuckle deep inside the border line. It may hurt a bit but it's something you'll get used to"

PuttItOut ago


2844marine ago

God I love it when my bits are closely inspected. You can inspected me all day long. I'm single again, don't judge me.

Subtenko ago

Is is the people from vegas? Strange that it happened at the same time...

jervybingly ago

Maybe LV was the beginning. Watch out for sleeper cells of Israeli Defense Force.

not_ctr ago

Why would a bunch of people from Vietnam be trying to find info about Vegas on voat ?

Clearly a DDOS.

Deku_Knight ago

I must agree, probably won't find any evidence but we should be on the lookout for this sort of thing in the future.

Flour ago

Was literally thinking the same thing. No real evidence to suggest, but the timing is quite nifty for suppressing us in discussion and spreading information about the mass shooting

sunshine702 ago

Question. Was pol hit as well around the same tme when they suggested FBI gun running gone wrong? That whole Multiple Incident Senario was dead on!

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

You can check my bits anytime

10674693? ago

The people doing it are gayer than aids I'm sure.

ChicagoSunroof ago


bdmthrfkr ago

I was missing my daily bit check...thanks!

Cheesebooger ago

Oy vey I wonder (((who))) is behind it? They don't seem to like freedom of speech

MyNameIsMud ago

I like getting my bits checked. Reminds me of my younger years.

SocialJusticePanda ago

Do I have to turn my head and cough too? Just messing. Keep up the good fight.

Vladimir_Komarov ago

It weren't me this time