Herewegoagain123 ago

You got this! You're human and doing the best you can do! Take a deep breath and things will look up!

Nesano ago

Thumbnails don't seem to be showing up on posts anymore. When will this be fixed?

StillNewbie ago

Real man don’t make backups. :)

nalim13 ago

Keep up the good work buddy!

Typo ago

I deserve the shame associated with this lack of foresight.

A few weeks ago at work I noticed something wasn't positioned correctly. It didn't seem like a big deal since I assumed the other guy would see it and still complete his task properly. Unfortunately I underestimated that persons reading level and he didn't notice. Next day I come in and apparently it ended up being a complete disaster.

Scene straight out of Office Space. For that entire week I had people coming up to me telling me that I fucked up and giving me instructions that I already knew. Obviously I wasn't the only one responsible for the mix up but I still felt bad.

Sometimes we miss small shit. It happens. You didn't let anyone down.

Landrictree ago

All good, man.

Keep fighting the good fight.

james780 ago

im having issues getting live versions of the site you should make sure those contributing code are not trying to harm voat im sure some leftists will try to scupper you efforts

Gravspeed ago

Shit happens. Take your licks like a man and move on. Thank you for your hard work.

wuzizname ago


Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Meh, he's no Dw-Im-Here.

co2_emitter ago

Murphy's Law?


Sir will more memes help the situation?

digitalentity1497 ago

Thank you for all the blood, sweat and tears. Keep it up!

knightwarrior41 ago

yeah the site is slow and its giving me handshake/cloudflare errors at times.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

It's ok Putt. You tried. You did your best, and you failed anyway. The lesson is: Never try.

roznak ago

Thanks for trying, even if it would have brought down everything it was worth it.

lunchboxx10 ago

Thank you for trying at least. It is nice to have an alternative to post on

jinks13 ago

I would be more suspicious if it worked the first time round, keep up the great work.

harry_nash ago

I'm sorry everyone, this was all my fault. I should have had a rollback version of the current software ready and I didn't, I had to write it on the fly. I deserve the shame associated with this lack of foresight.

Shit happens! I, for one, still appreciate your efforts regardless of this bump in the road.

srayzie ago

I had withdrawals 😫 JK. I heard 4chan took it down. Then someone said “they” took it down. I’m glad it’s back. Yay!

markrod420 ago

How dare you make a mistake put. This will never be forgiven!!!! Lol nah ur cool.

Mixolydian807 ago

Keep up the hard work bud! Try again another day!

guinness2 ago

Agreed: it seems only reasonable to ask him if David Brock's cum tastes better than George Soros' cum!

Voopin__Voopin ago

i've often wondered if he's trolling, or if a shill. If you notice he will latch onto top comments, then never reply to anyone whose jimmies he rustles.

You'd think if he was shilling he'd take the responses and play with 'em, you know, for the extra shekels.

blame ago

wtf is going on with the captcha verification? even reddit didn't set up this shit

OhBlindOne ago

Don't worry about it, Putt.

You've got alot of great Goat at your disposal, ready to help you fix the problem! It's only a matter of time.

Whitemail ago

It sounds like Voat was on fire.

Broc_Lia ago

I'm glad it wasn't another DDOS! Bugs can be fixed at least.

middle_path ago

Well, i hope you learned something.

ExpertShitposter ago

Meh, so voat was down for a few hours, so what. You'll get it next time.

guinness2 ago

Putt, you are made from pure awesome and I know, when it does happen, the rollout will be magnificent!

Whenever you are ready to try again, just let us know so we can send you good vibes and prayers.

You are so close now... just a little longer...

Meanwhile, I'll be posting content.

"Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty" - Theodore Roosevelt

A6-EGO ago

I guess you really putted it out of the field on this one.

I'll see myself out.

Strappy ago

Thanks for the transparency. You're doing the best you can and I appreciate all your hard work.

7e62ce85 ago

Your service to mankind is much appreciated. Don't sweat it.

Y0uR_Amazln ago

I should have had a rollback version of the current software ready and I didn't

You didn't back up?

10671587? ago

With the wealthy Peter Thiel behind voat you'd think the voat

problem would never have occurred today.

ScreaminMime ago

No worries.

10671561? ago

I agree. Since people say IT voat knows what it is doing, I'm

thinking sabotage.

Redditsdead ago

Shit happens. We appreciate you. Keep on working on this great website.

10671504? ago

Did you send us a tweet today to tell us what was going on?

I didn't see one.


srayzie ago

Yeah. I hashtagged #voat. There were not very many tweets about voat showing up. I think Twitter was suppressing it. One person was saying that 4chan admitted to taking it down.

Tor1 ago

Looking at SaveTheChildrens comments

Comment history for SaveTheChildren. Houston, we have a problem... by PuttItOut in announcements

[–]SaveTheChildren 4 points (+7|-3) 4 hours ago

What is this:


It prefaces his every comment.

10671570? ago

Good question.

10671595? ago

Yes. That is true.

Thank you.

Going to say good bye to voat.


Tor1 ago

Tor1 ago

Not sure if this guy had anything to do with it.

Saw him pulling random wires and randomly reconnecting them in the Voat code control room earlier.

MasivGam3 ago

Thank you for your effort!

LostandFound ago

Ah look if it worked first time you would have gotten suspicious, nothing is supposed to work perfectly first time ;)

poloport ago

So that's why it was down

Slavosaurus ago

I am a .net dev with around 10 years of experience in the industry. If you need another pair of eyes I am more then willing to help out.

logos_ethos ago

Like some of the other people here, I am willing to help. Especially if it involves SQL or Linux.

SealofApproval ago

Appreciate what you do, thanks . There are two types of people in this world, those on Voat and those not.

10671010? ago

You will get it next time. Thank you for putting the work in.

TheBrownNote ago

On a related topic, when I couldn't log on, took advantage of the donate buttons presented to me on page saying site was down, hope it went through.


The cake is a lie.

guinness2 ago

Keep up the great work Putt!

We are here for you buddy!

10670889? ago

A question: Was voat down for some and not for others today?

Went to news sub and saw comments that seem to me were posted

during same time frame I was unable to access voat.

My experience today was I tried to get on voat around 2PM eastern time was consistently blocked out until

at least 11 eastern time when I turned my computer off.

I went to. about ten times.

And this was the message I got:.

"It seems that is only down and not working for you right now"

So then I thought that I was being selectively blocked.

Maybe this website is not reliable. I don't know.

But looking for answer to my question stated initially in

this Post.

Thank You

Thank you for answering if you may!

Just curious.



@antiliberalsociety Is your comment here still up?


HeavyBeefCurtain ago

It's ok. You're still pretty fucking gay so you've got that going for ya.

JK I love u bro

Subtenko ago

I thought something was unusual..oh well

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Dont fret, everyone fucks up occasionally.

This site runs well, and has for a long time. You do a great job, and one not a lot of people (nor i) could do.

Sueshia101 ago

Jolly good ole boy...get it on. In

10670674? ago

When it can go wrong... It will go wrong

It's only a matter of time

10670908? ago

I have the same question. Thanks.

Tor1 ago

I live in Houston, and don't see any problems with Voat at all.

Except this:

You are viewing a single comment's thread. view the rest of the comments →

Why the extra two characters when you click permalink?

Naught405 ago

I bet you remember to backup before update next time ;)

smackdownfletch ago

Thx bud we got your back!!!

MyNameIsMud ago

Not gonna lie it felt kind of good to have the goat check my bits again.

BlueDrache ago

Gwaaaait shame upon you famirrry.

Gigan ago

Living up your name eh /u/puttitout?

Seriously though no worries! I love voat and thank you for all the work you put into it!

Opieswife ago

No need to apologize, things like this happen. Let's see what we can do to help fix it together. Thanks for everything Putt.

Plavonica ago

I'm just a code newb so far. In fact, I'm in my first webdev class like, ever. But we all make mistakes, me more than most. I do know you always keep a proper backup however. Several physical copies if at all possible.

FrostyTheSwoleMan ago

Why didn't I get logged out like you said I would?

NotHereForPizza ago

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Being human can be great.

We forgive you.

10670310? ago

No worries, Putt. You're doing your best and everyone makes mistakes. We can handle Voat being a little buggy. Thank you for all your hard work!

10670295? ago

Dude, don't be so hard on yourself. We got your back. We're all in this together.

littul_kitton ago

I haven't paid this site anything for all your hard work, and you are apologizing to me?

Ha! You're doing a great job and I thank you for it.

Do you have a backup of the database on a write-once medium like Blu-ray disks? If not, make one. You will not regret it. I have lived through database disasters and verified backups are worth their weight in good.

Grunge ago

It's all good and completely understandable.


@PuttItOut, man all of us IT people have been there. If you need any help let me know. I've been there and It will work out.

chmod ago

Putt, explain the exact issues on /v/voatdev. You literally have an army that can assist! I've been begging you to let us help.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

"Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in,"

"Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm."

"I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly."


Carry On.

1HepCat ago

For a little bit, I was getting errors saying that my browser couldn't load the FANS entries for Voat.

It was probably just a small, semi-intended outage during the roll back but I was a little worried that maybe Voat's DNS provider pulled the plug, similar to what happened with gab.

It made me think that I should add some entries to my local hosts files for something like that points to the same IP address(es) but using an alternate name that I can try in lieu of DNS. I wonder if that would cause HTTP host header problems, though. Would the alt name be worth adding to the server whitelists/supported-routes (assuming such configuration entries exist)?

10670156? ago

lesson learned at least. having a plan for rolling back changes doesn't seem like a waste of time after it's burned you one or more times.

JohnCStevenson ago

This antisemitism is exactly why Voat struggles to stay afloat. If PuttItOut got rid of the racists on this website, then advertisers would come to Voat, and PuttItOut wouldn't have to struggle with this code. Instead, we get people like you that spread racism in every topic, making Voat a pariah across the Internet.

As long as PuttItOut continues to coddle racists, Voat will forever remain in Reddit's shadow, and will continue to be attacked by those who fight against racism. I pray that PuttItOut does his part to purge Voat of bigotry - or this won't be the last time that Voat goes down for a day. I guarantee it.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

How is "keeping up the good work" anti-semitic? Do you believe joos don't work? Or if they do, it's not "good" work? In reality, I suspect you have no idea what you're even talking about.

Cum_control ago

Just gonna get right to the point. Fuck you.

dontdoxxmebro ago

I'm liberal, and fuck wads like you give us all a bad name. Go fuck off to somewhere else, like reddit.

TopNotchShitposter ago

Shut up cuck

HeywoodJablomi ago

Voat will forever remain in Reddit's shadow

I don't want this place to be the new reddit, with a million normies coming to the site every day. Remember the Donalds? Yeah, like that all the time, every day.

will continue to be attacked by those who fight against racism.

And it will contiue to keep away the rabid SJW's that want there to be no place left to discuss unacceptable topics.

or this won't be the last time that Voat goes down for a day. I guarantee it.

And we'll be here when it comes back up. I guarantee it.

10670887? ago

Is reddit profitable?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I do not believe reddit turns a profit. If it does then it is almost certainly only because it is being paid large sums to allow bots and shills to force a narrative. And although both bots and shills exist on reddit, I doubt anyone is stupid enough to pay reddit huge amounts for that.

nothingproud ago

Oh go fuck yourself with a rotten sea urchin. I've seen a fair few of your comments and ignored but seriously, if you can't handle free speech then fuck off back to Plebbit.

I'd rather be a pariah in the sick society of today than a simpleton such as yourself. Whatever happened to 'I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it'.

You aren't even self aware enough to notice that even though the majority of the community disagrees with your position, you still are able to express it and be heard, unlike your beloved Reddit.

Tallest_Skil ago

The holocaust did not happen, BUT IT WILL. And you will be first on the pile (that won’t burn, so we’ll have to resort to something else).

Eualos ago

I'm Jewish. I don't mind the antisemites. It's people like you who command everyone to be like you that I can't stand. Go drink some draino.

casprus ago

Can i suck your cock, I love cut men

Eualos ago

Hell no.

MadWorld ago

X-D Go fuck yourself drama queen!

SteffisCute ago

get back in the oven you kike fuck

darkcharp ago

The triple parenthesis anti-semites annoy the piss out of me, but get rid of them and there is no voat. People come here because it's the free speech alternative to reddit. Take that away and it's nothing.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

But it's triple parenthesis. Is ((ERROR)) now jewish? This is on the order of calling black holes (the ones in space...) racist.

gazillions ago

Jewboy Stevenson offering shekels for code and freedom. How nice.

madazzahattereboot ago


jonny1313 ago

All good bud! Keep up the good work! Eventually you will implement the new code and everything will be that much better :)

10670041? ago

There are too many people saying what I'm thinking to upvote them all. We're one hundred percent behind you dude. Don't beat youreself up, nobody's upset. We're just happy to be here.

kcamstar ago

It's all good... I laughed at you every time I got the F/U page if it makes you feel any better. :)

ThatGuyFromThatPlace ago

A for effort bud.....

Its_over_9000 ago

It's ok. Accidents happen. To be honest it's kind of fun to log in to a surprise once in a while.

edit: Also, it sounds like the recovery effort was heroic. Well done.

GoodGodKirk ago

A loss is really just a lesson in how to do it better next time.

To never try is the true loss.

kevf4 ago

Shit happens. No apology needed. Keep up the hard work. You are appreciated.

SaveTheChildren ago

:) haha feels good.

Crensch ago

Thanks for the work, Putt. Goats are nothing if not (LIES) patient. Nobody (LIES) blames you for what happened today (ALL YOUR FAULT). We know bugs in code are always a danger (SERIOUSLY, HOW DO YOU SCREW THINGS UP SO BADLY?) when you're making big changes.

We're here for you (LOSER, JUST QUIT NOW) buddy. Take this imaginary beer (YOURS. OUT OF YOUR FRIDGE.), crack it open, and take a break (A BREAK? WINNERS TAKE BREAKS, NOT LOSERS!).

Seriously though, we love you Putt.

Tester1027 ago


10669879? ago

Mick is dead. Long live the Mick.

CynicalSOB ago

The breakage rate is going to go way down now :)

10669939? ago

Well that's no fun.

ArsCortica ago

I'm counting on you, @PuttItOut . Paranoid as I am, I nearly thought Voat was gone for good.

AnTi90d ago

I blame the (((gremlins.)))

Well, Voat is still here.. so it isn't a truly worst-case-scenario. Thanks for your work; take a few days off to clear your head and try again.

jiggawatt ago

We're with you, do what you have to. Ask for our help if you need it. There will be growing pains and we plan on helping this community grow.

MadWorld ago

X-D Hey @Mick, welcome back!

CynicalSOB ago

Starting again to see what it's like for new accounts. I'm already out of upvotes :)

MadWorld ago

X-D Damnit, that was under an hour! You just threw away all your candies! Have you hit the submission quota yet?

CynicalSOB ago

Pls can have more candies?

MadWorld ago


SayWhatNOWAY ago

Just glad Voat is back up👍😁

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

You're doing great Putt, Rome wasn't built in a day.

ScottRockview ago

No worries. Thanks for all the great work you do keeping this site up. A little down time is nothing when compared to being on that shit-hole called Reddit.

ardvarcus ago

I deserve the shame associated with this lack of foresight.

Strip naked, we'll throw fruit at you.

Tester1027 ago

Haha, good idea :)

0011011000111001 ago

Thanks everyone for your hard work!

sheepsexplode ago

We all try and fail sometimes. Just have to keep trying.

You efforts here are impacting the lives of many.

Please keep trying.

DillHoleBagHands ago

Working to fix issue, check.

Told the community that there are issues, check.

Didn't whine about it, check.

Best devs, ever. Not sarcasm.

weeds-in-the-garden ago

Dude, here's a tip.

  1. Have your load balancer pointed at the legacy code

  2. Bring up new code but keep balancer pointed at legacy.

  3. Run tests.

  4. When errors go away

4a. swap what the balancer is pointing at.

4b. Wait for new errors

4c. If shit hits the fan switch load balancer back to legacy revert to step 3

  1. Kill legacy.

curomo ago

normally a good plan, but when the migration includes schema changes... ugh.

when non idempotent schema changes are included, best to isolate that change set from the rest of the code and release it first.

weeds-in-the-garden ago

Usually we take a snapshot of the database, implement a new database location, have new code point at that, run tests, everything looking good then take another snapshot and switch (while kicking users out from making any new actions), and try. But, you are absolutely correct that schema changes are ugly.

10669764? ago

Shut up and take my money ha ha. I don't even understand half of what you said as I am not that nerdy. Thanks for keeping voat running I love it here.

corpusant ago

Recognize, Regroup, rectify, redeploy.

I faith in you. Thanks for all you do.

fizzlebitz ago

No worries, no shame. Shit happens. It's just better when it happens to someone else.

BentAxel ago

You got it up and running. No one is complaining. You do a kick ass job.

idk ago

It's ok Putt, we still love you.

twomoreandatinkle ago

It was obviously Trumps fault!

10669725? ago

Thanks for your hard work

ZX4jBXu ago

Meh, shit happens. It's all good.

uvulectomy ago

"Everyone has a testing environment. Some are lucky enough to have a completely separate environment to run production code in."

RiversOfStars ago

hugs and sympathy

whisky_cat ago

Happy Thanksgiving man! No worries.

MadWorld ago

Damnit I was so fucking excited and thought we were already on ported version:

JohnJones ago

Great! now I have my account back and can keep it.

voats4goats ago

Sounds like you broke the Cardinal rule by doing this ;)

Jokes aside, don't beat yourself up too much over it. Mistakes are just lessons in disguise. Learn and move on.

10673800? ago

I know that feel


flope_de ago

Don't sweat it. The site is still alive and running. That's sort of an achievement on its own.

KikeFree ago

So what were the things that went wrong?

Cantilever ago

You're still my hero. You're a fucking rock star! You'll get it next time

weezkitty ago

I figured we were undergoing the great migration when Voat was either timing out or throwing server errors all day. It's unfortunate that it failed. Was it the same code base that was running successfully on the preview site?

I am kinda curious what kind of database changes were needed for the port.

Anyways, hopefully it will go better the next attempt. This is all part of the pain of being a software developer :P

Oh and thanks for all the time and effort to all the developers and testers!

MadWorld ago

X-D Excellent quote!!

NeedleStack ago

This guy, eh? What a maroon!

Germ22 ago

blame it on @mick
Or @MadWorld. he has been breaking stuff all the time as well.
Let us know if you need more testing done. We are ready and willing to test more.

Mick ago

Yeah imma ban myself for that right this minute. See you in 3 months!

MadWorld ago

Another user passed through the portal and transformed into a ladybug.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Reference to that "ladybug vs ladybird" weirdness?

Germ22 ago

don't leave us :(

MadWorld ago

Oh fuck, I thought I was testing on the ported version here:

X-D All that test for nothing...

Germ22 ago

If i understand it right (i might be wrong) then at time there was the new port running. testing is never for nothing.


Good luck to you. Thank you for every voating thing.

OutragedForNoReason ago

Nah, you did something most of us couldn't even attempt to do. You rock. Thanks for the effort.

Cantilever ago


cynicaloldfart ago

The only shame would be for NOT trying. It'll work when it does. Thanks for all the hard work. Now take a well deserved break and try again another day.

brandnewset ago

Excactly! And taking responsibility for your fuckups makes you a Man.

Tester1027 ago

Thanks for the heads up, I was seriously getting worried about all the missing 0's and 1's and the persistant checking of bits coupled with the potential thought that it may actually be on fire...

Yikes but lol too! good error messages there for the nerves...

Phew, thanks for all you do, I am sure it will all work out in the end.

10669858? ago

Definitely /u/Nadeshda.

Tester1027 ago

I can't upvote, downvote, I can't pm.

I need a complaint card, I am filling out captcha's to wazoo, what is going on in this place? Do we have to try break it?

Hello mister @peacekeeper/seeker madoodle :)

10669950? ago

Yeah the captchas are the bane of my existence when creating new accounts on the preview for testing.

Tester1027 ago

Dang so obvious hey? So what is the modus operandi? I have a few moments here now...

MadWorld ago

Remember on that Stage Vout? We had to solve too many captchas at the beginning. X-D @Mick got really good identifying the roads and cars!

Edit: wait, it might have been LinPg.

Disappointed ago

If you were perfect you'd probably be a prick.

Pop-up-king ago

Its been a while since voat went down like this. It made me realize how much I value this place. Its my number one go to every day. Missed y'all.

BobBelcher ago

Damn that sucks. Good luck man.

heygeorge ago

If there's any shitposting I can do, will be glad to lend a helping hand! :D

PS: Great job writing the patch code on the fly!

10673719? ago

the nice thing about writing patch code is that it's hard to break something that's already completely broken, so you have more YOLO freedom.

markrod420 ago

Voaters. Always ready to shitpost in times of need. Las vagas needs all of our shitposting power today.

heretolearn ago

this is just another learning opportunity. we're patient.

TheBookWasBetter ago

Should we have a badge that says "survived porting appocolypse" ? I think yes.

tcp ago

We can live with downtime. Just work your magic.

10669554? ago

3.2 Year OId account

kitnaht ago

Obviously a shill!

Browngaijin ago

Shake it off. Have a beer. We'll all laugh about it later.

SaveTheChildren ago

Alcohol is degenerate

biaxident ago

What are you a Muslim?

SaveTheChildren ago

Christian. Kjv of holy Bible is pretty close to the word of god (and the heavenly father gives us discernment to deal with the satanist "jews" who screw with it). One thing that has been tampered with , in my opinion, is pushing wine and alcohol and removing references to other drugs like weed and psilocybin mushrooms.

Alcohol is super degenerate. I also have first hand experience with that as a former alcoholic.

If you want to drink, drink, but it's a degenerate drug and society is fucked for supporting it so much.

nothingproud ago

Drinking to excess is degenerate, enjoying a glass of wine, a nice beer or a good whiskey is far from it. Social cohesion is important to a healthy culture - sharing food and drink with friends, family and strangers promotes this. Especially if the food and drink is made with love by those serving it.

Most substances are not degenerate, excess usage or wrongful usage is. E.g. Opiates should only be used as a painkiller in dire circumstances, not as a recreational drug. Cannabis should be processed for medicinal benefits for those that require, but still only occasionally used for recreation. Same goes for mushrooms. Even LSD has its uses.

Unfortunately our society is suffering from a sickness of greed and its symptoms are misery, to which many try to self medicate. I wrote a recent submission to whatever that kind of outlines what I mean by this.

Sullysq ago

KJV is fucked up. King James had the whole thing edited to suit his political ends. Now that's gotta be peak corruption right there.

SaveTheChildren ago

This is why you need discernment.... give examples . Don't just say 'its fucked up'.

Tallest_Skil ago

So list the differences between the Geneva Bible and the KJV and prove they 1. Exist 2. Are political

Sullysq ago

Also for the trap lover @SaveTheChildren.

King James made changes to ensure the role of the monarchy and its clergy in ruling the people. He cited two passages in the Geneva translation where he found the marginal notes offensive to the principles of divinely ordained royal supremacy: Exodus 1:19, where the Geneva Bible notes had commended the example of civil disobedience to the Egyptian Pharaoh showed by the Hebrew midwives, and also II Chronicles 15:16, where the Geneva Bible had criticized King Asa for not having executed his idolatrous 'mother', Queen Maachah (Maachah had actually been Asa's grandmother, but James considered the Geneva Bible reference as sanctioning the execution of his own mother Mary, Queen of Scots). Further, the King gave the translators instructions designed to guarantee that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology of the Church of England. Certain Greek and Hebrew words were to be translated in a manner that reflected the traditional usage of the church. For example, old ecclesiastical words such as the word "church" were to be retained and not to be translated as "congregation". The new translation would reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England and traditional beliefs about ordained clergy.

James gave the translators instructions intended to ensure that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology and reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England and its belief in an ordained clergy.

"The Bible in English: Its History and Influence" -David Daniell Page 439

Altered further at the beginning of the 19th century Benjamin Blayney publishing at Oxford extensively re-edited it removing 14 books of the Apocrypha among other edits. This new version became the most prolific production in the English world.

I could go on but this should set the stage well enough to back up my claim. Do your own research if you want to know each and every one of the verses that were changed from the Geneva translation to the King James version. He clearly made edits for political reasons.

It's your religion, it should be your responsibility to understand it.

SaveTheChildren ago

They want their NIV (non inspired version) with gender neutral language, calling the Christ by the same as they call Lucifer, reversing meanings of passages, removing passages, and written with the majesty of a third grade book report.

DianeKeyhote ago

25% of Jews carry genes resistant to alcoholism due to longer experience with it in MidEast compared to Europeans. It's yet another Jewish industry used as a tool of control.

Im sure you knew that but please drop the "Satanic" qualifier and scare quotes; we need to get used to the idea that they will be held accountable collectively, as they absolutely benefit collectively.

SaveTheChildren ago

Read the Bible the jews are the synagogue of Satan.

kcamstar ago

Sometimes I drink until I see God.... am I doing it right?

SaveTheChildren ago

That's Satan, not god

kcamstar ago

Actually, I very seldom drink and when I do, it's usually two hard drinks max or a couple of beers... I actually agree with you, but it's too bad others don't.

SaveTheChildren ago

I have a lot of haters around here. I don't mind the downvoats

theoldguy ago

I don't mind the downvoats

Sure, buddy, you don't mind at all. Until you do.

ruck_feddit ago

Pretty close to the word of God... Ha.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

all part of the process, keep up the hard work

Andalusian1 ago

No biggie. Glad to have voat

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Thanks for not giving up.

dantheupsman ago

Don't sweat it man, we appreciate the hell out of your hard work.

lakeyosemit ago

As a dev who also experienced something similar recently, I feel you. Keep it up!

vivalad ago

its all good - we luv ya anyway

Mick ago

Oh damn, that's hard luck, Putts. Good luck with getting it sorted, we're behind you 100%.

nobslob ago

shit happens, we'll live.

10669521? ago

Cheer up. We appreciate your efforts!