Jem777 ago

I will look for the post on the Committee of will shock you. The Pope, Queen, Prince Charles, & William, the Saudi Arabian King, Most other European royalty, president Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, all of the Rothschilds, Mikail Gorbachev of Russia, etc. the only ones I did not see represented was Israel believe it or not(some will say that is the Rothschilds) I wholehearily disagree. They are Zionists which are actually Satanists in disguise. The land of Israel was given to Gods people as the promised land from the beginning. Jerusalem is where the Christ will return to rule in the second coming after the Anti-Christ has been exposed.

There is a thousand year reign after the great tribulation of 7 years occurs. This will be the new heaven and I I will descend to the earth with all the gold streets, and nbeautiful music being sang by the angels. You won't ever be afraid again, all your needs will be met, you will experience love from Jesus Christ and God the father that is beyond your wildest imaginations. Peace will fall on your will be glorious.

jangles ago

Great work good citizen!! Thank you for what you do!!!

Jem777 ago

The committee of 300 should help narrow down the evil players in the game. I posted it before and it's direct links with is shocking. They are all planning the world takeover where we will be slaves or martyers.,l

fogdryer ago

Got a link for the 300 ??? Just for my convenience

Jem777 ago

The Queen of England is directly connected to Rome and the Vatican. Her actual last name is not Windsor. They are all Luceferians with the Vatican, and Church of England....

argosciv ago

Let's set aside "Luciferian" for now, remember that worldfuckers hide behind many different religions, some of their own creation, others they simply infect. Also worth remembering is that "Lucifer", among others, have consistently been falsely represented by some religious scholars of modern times and in relatively recent history, as being Satan - these misrepresentations have been, indeed, key factors in corrupting society on an abstract level.

That aside, yes, I firmly believe a connection exists between the Roman empire, the Vatican, royal families across the globe, etc.

fogdryer ago

I posted on Pamela harriman

argosciv ago

@Vindicator @mooteensy @Wolftrail7272 Just in case you're interested.

Mr_Wolf ago


fogdryer ago


argosciv ago

Turisas rasputin live Hämeenlinna 2017 (Boney-M cover)

^ Published on Aug 19, 2017

There lived a certain man in Russia long ago

He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow

Most people looked at him with terror and with fear

But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear

He could preach the bible like a preacher

Full of ecstasy and fire

But he also was the kind of teacher

Women would desire


Lover of the Russian queen

There was a cat that really was gone


Russia's greatest love machine

It was a shame how he carried on

He ruled the Russian land and never mind the tsar

But the kasachok he danced really wunderbar

In all affairs of state he was the man to please

But he was real great when he had a girl to squeeze

For the queen he was no wheeler dealer

Though she'd heard the things he'd done

She believed he was a holy healer

Who would heal her son


Lover of the Russian queen

There was a cat that really was gone


Russia's greatest love machine

It was a shame how he carried on

But when he's drinking and lusting

And hungers of power become known to more and more people

Their demands to do something about this outrageous man

Grew louder and louder

"This man's just got to go!" declared his enemies

But the ladies begged "Don't you try to do it, please"

No doubt this Rasputin had lots of hidden charms

Though he was a brute they just fell into his arms

Then one night some men of higher standing

Set a trap, they're not to blame

"Come to visit us" they kept demanding

And he really came


Lover of the Russian queen

They put some poison into his wine


Russia's greatest love machine

He drank it all and he said "I feel fine"


Lover of the Russian queen

They didn't quit, they wanted his head


Russia's greatest love machine

And so they shot him till he was dead

@Jem777 @13uddha @kestrel9 @cantsleepawink @ESOTERICshade

Mr_Wolf ago

Love the way you move: Rasputin remix

argosciv ago


argosciv ago

(see parent comment)

HAHAHAHAHAH! Don't take the following too seriously, but, well... FUCKING LOL!




RA's Putin

@fogdryer @LA_Trump @carmencita @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @GothamGirl

carmencita ago

RAH RAH Oh now Dear Vladi is Entering The Mix Perhaps a picture of him bare chested on a horse?

Jem777 ago

Vladimir Putin is our greatest hop at this point. He is a Christian who literally cried when he went to Jerusalem. He harshly punishes as all pedophiles and stated on a national stage in his December 25, 2016 speech that the west was taken over by Satanic Pedophiles. He has told Trump unless he names and arrests them Vladimir is going public. He gave the names to General Flynn of the highest level pedo's in the US and he has videotape believe me.

Why do you think the US government, MSM etc are trying to start WW111 with him.

To hide their crimes of course. If we are invaded I would prefer it is the Russians over the Chinese.

Vladimir actually has a heart and loves children (in a good way) and would probably protect Patriots. He hates pedophile scum....

carmencita ago

PS...I will also never forget when he banned the adoptions of Russian children to the US.

carmencita ago

I only meant that as a joke....trying to be funny by calling him Vladi. But actually I was cheering for him Rah Rah! I and a friend of mine have talked and said that if H had won we would rather have Putin. I know also that we possibly were responsible for that plane that crashed around Christmas. I believe I heard it might have been done with a stringer. Also on that plane was a beloved Dr. that did so much for the Children of Ukraine when they were in the hospitals. She was on her way to Syria to do the same there. Yes, I would take Putin in a heartbeat over H and DT if he turns out to break our hearts. I know all too well about the propaganda the US and the UK have spread about him.

Jem777 ago

Of course we are responsible for the plane at Christmas....they were killing Russian ambassadors left and right trying to make Putin blink...he did not

carmencita ago

I remember there were a couple at least. One from Bolivia. How much will he take from us. I think they used stringers from Benghazi. I think Chris Stevens was seeing to that. Will the truth ever come out.

argosciv ago

hahaha relax, if there's any meaning to it, it's a good one xD

have a giggle

carmencita ago

Tee Hee. Tee Hee. I believe there was some funny business going on between Lennon and his uncle whom he lived with. The wife felt odd about the kisses Uncle George gave him and him putting him to bed each night. They lived in Mandip house on Manlove St. Now @UnicornAndSparkles tells me there is a trafficking ring right near Liverpool. Liverpool is a Cesspool and I believe that there was something the Beatles were trying to say with the album and all the people on the front of it. Rigby imo was part of it. It all fits together somehow. I am done for now.

argosciv ago

same, sun's up here n shit, time for others to take over xD