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argosciv ago

Sorry, but this was just the first of probably SEVERAL connections, that this submission of yours will almost certainly establish/solidify, with regards to my research...

She was a descendant of the Earls of Leicester, Ilchester, and the Dukes of Atholl. She was a first cousin of Lavinia Fitzalan-Howard, Duchess of Norfolk. She was also a third cousin, once removed, of Angus Ogilvy, husband of Queen Elizabeth's cousin, Alexandra of Kent. She was also a fourth cousin, once removed, of Sarah, Duchess of York.[1]

Agnus (see attention to names(and variants) in all areas of my research)

Sir Angus James Bruce Ogilvy, KCVO (14 September 1928 – 26 December 2004) was a British businessman, best known as the husband of Princess Alexandra, a first cousin of Queen Elizabeth II.

Ogilvy is also remembered for his role in a scandal involving the breaking of sanctions against the regime in Rhodesia in the 1970s in the Lonrho affair. In later years, he was heavily involved in charity work.

Early life

The Hon. Angus Ogilvy was born in London, the second son of the 12th Earl of Airlie and Lady Alexandra Coke, the daughter of the 3rd Earl of Leicester.[1] Many of his relatives had close links with the British Royal Family.[1] His grandmother, Mabell Ogilvy, Countess of Airlie, was a close friend and Lady-in-Waiting to Queen Mary.[1] His father was a Lord-in-Waiting to King George V and Lord Chamberlain to Queen Elizabeth (later the Queen Mother).[1] He was a second cousin of Diana Mosley, second cousin of Lavinia Fitzalan-Howard, Duchess of Norfolk, and a second cousin once removed of Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 5th Marquess of Salisbury. He was also third cousin, once removed of Pamela Harriman.

Education and career

Ogilvy was educated at Heatherdown School, near Ascot in Berkshire; and later at Eton College (also in Berkshire). Between 1946 and 1948, while on National service, he was commissioned as an officer in the Scots Guards. In 1947 he attended Trinity College, Oxford, graduating in 1950 with a BA in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.

After university, Ogilvy worked at the Drayton company, later working with the tycoon Tiny Rowland in Drayton's subsidiary, London and Rhodesia Mining and Land Company (Lonrho). The Prime Minister, Edward Heath, criticised the company and described it in the House of Commons as "an unpleasant and unacceptable face of capitalism" on a 1973 court case over the company's management style. His career ended in 1976 after he was criticised in a Department of Trade report into the company's activities.[2]

Commoner ago

You think she was a spy?

argosciv ago

I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at there with Agnus Ogilvy in particular, however, I also notice a Mary...

Agnus(Egypt) strikes up 1933, think rise of Hitler, The Holocaust & World War 2... I have my own un-fleshed theories about Rome and the House of Windsor having a connection, along with a pre-existing understanding that Americans had a hand in Hitler's rise to power...

The diocese was nominally restored in 1933 as a Latin Catholic titular bishopric.

It is vacant since decades, having had the following incumbents of the lowest (episcopal) rank :

  • Havryil Blazhovskyi, O.S.B.M. (1738.09.12 – 1742.12.20)
  • Richard Patrick Smith (1837.02.21 – 1845.05.28) (later Archbishop*)
  • Thomas John Feeney, S.J. (1951.05.10 – 1955.09.09)
  • Paul Nguyễn Văn Bình (1955.09.20 – 1960.11.24) (later Archbishop*)
  • Michel-Louis Vial (1961.02.08 – 1963.12.17)

As a sidenote, "Berkshire" has also showed up a few times in my most recent research - yet to be compiled and submitted though.


George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was the Managing Director of the investment bank Brown Brothers, Harriman from the 1920s through the 1940s. It was Brown Brothers, in conjunction with Averell Harriman, the Rockefeller family, Standard Oil, the DuPonts, the Morgans and the Fords who served as the principal funding arm in helping to finance Adolph Hitler's rise to power starting in 1923.


Commoner ago

Following the death of August Belmont, Jr., in 1924, Harriman, George Walker, and Joseph E. Widener purchased much of Belmont's thoroughbred breeding stock W A Harriman was Truman's Secretary of Commerce, Governor of NY, Ambassador to the Soviet Union and Britain.

Did you pick up on August

argosciv ago

I did not, head's all over the place at the moment lol.

Good spotting, I'm definitely going to keep coming back to this and looking for more.