argosciv ago Behemoth - Slaves Shall Serve

Khrevsu tvahyu gradu tore!

Khrevsu kvatro midvhu piedhvro!

Khrevsu Kristo midhvu? vhradro!

Medvro vhtrienn utrah vreghgrho

Father ov Terror!

Aba ol-Hol

enter the pylon

thru' the galleys ov past

catacombs ov night

into the starry womb

slay, slay!

Asar un-Nefer

we have no fear

our time had come

our will is done

dance, dance!

O Mighty One

in the fields ov Aqert

and spit

upon slaves ov death

War God!

trample all weakness

this is your day ov pride

draw Thy flaming sword

cut the umbilical cord

to set me free from eternal sleep

...step by step

Khem: evolution: spiral vibration

can you hear?

can you touch?

can you see?

can you really see?

we charm all jins -

automata, inprinted realities

they creep like snakes

and all we feel

is painful bliss

as we burn forth

like winged globe

like solar disk...

...and penetrate eternity

Slaves shall serve!

Slaves Shall Serve!

Slaves Shall Serve!

Slaves Shall Fucking Serve!

Just ye typical music sign-off

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @carmencita @13Buddha @kestrel9 @GothamGirl

carmencita ago

Yikes! That is Scary. Wait til you see what @cantsleepawink and I have dug up (pardon) on Rigby. Wake to it in the morning. We are not done.

argosciv ago

No no, don't be scared, the song is sung from a 'different' perspective... hard to explain, but read/listen with less fear.

carmencita ago

:) Go To Sleep Now. We shall bother you no more.

argosciv ago

plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead ;)

No but really, I have some energy left in me while I rock out to some tunes and do some reading before sleep(processing) time.

carmencita ago

The Eleanor Rigby connection to Rigby Idaho is amazing. There are too many. Red stone and the sand Gray was carrying. I could go on and on. Oh my head. I will keep at this for a while and then get back to the Racine post.

argosciv ago

Don't overload yourself, there's a lot of good info scattered about now and plenty of eyes on it all; the both of us can afford to gear-down a bit and just casually read/respond/document-for-later

carmencita ago

OK. I just saw the Smart case you mentioned. LDS. William F Rigby founder of the town was LDS. There is a Romney connection to a dedication made regarding WFRigby. Ugh. Another Rabbit Hole.

argosciv ago

Smart case?

Sorry but you're starting to venture into territory I'm not yet familiar with. The Rigby stuff is indeed going to get deep, try to set that one aside for the moment if need be.

carmencita ago

I am reading Slavery. Is this where they want to take us back to? Certainly possible. We are on our way there with sending back the Mothers and Fathers of the Dreamers. This is what they did to the Slaves. They sold off their children and separated them never to be seen. When children are without their parents they are vulnerable. I fear they will separate us. Then who will save us.

argosciv ago

I'm not sure precisely where slavery fits in, but, along the lines of names/times/places and their apparent relations to corruption, etc, I'd say it's worth looking into for any connections/anomalies.

carmencita ago

Thanks. I am trying to read it all but it is hard. Don't want to miss anything.

argosciv ago

Sorry for how much reading is required, I myself am trying my best to get through it all efficiently so that I can pull up the details which warrant further investigation.

carmencita ago

Not a problem. Even though it is a lot. It is necessary in order to understand.

darkknight111 ago

Found some companies based in Racine.,_Wisconsin

SC Johnson and Wax stands out to me.

The Menendaz brothers series is also airing in America (on NBC IIRC).

Other suspicious deaths possibly worth looking into are Tom Clancy (commonly suspected he was murdered, probably ordered killed by Obama) and Robin Williams.

fogdryer ago

I posted something on that Sc Johnson. Rich powerful secretive co Ties to Clinton . As you know the nephew (?) got arrested for rape etc etc Sc Johnson ships overseas being global company. They owe like 3 mill In fines to EPA for polluting the river They have not paid the fine nor stopped the polluting

carmencita ago

SC Johnson just bought Method in Chicago or Chicagoland area. Heard that on the news. I think they make cleaning products too. They are all scarfing up all the companies. We will be forced to only buy theirs. @argosciv

fogdryer ago

didn't know that. this company appears to have been a great success huh? AND the ship overseas.....

argosciv ago

cheers, I wanted to include the companies list in the main post, but hit the character limit again T_T

SC Johnson and Wax stands out to me.


Actually... I'm going to watch House of Wax at some point, just in case...

fogdryer ago

we understand their goal (s). we understand their collusion. what can we do if anything? there is nowhere to go, except 3 countries, it would be kinda senseless to fight since we are so few in number compared to them etc etc. in either case you have done a lot of work, took a lot of time...... thank you so much

argosciv ago

what can we do if anything?

If nothing else, we can keep looking where they don't want us to...

"Look at that natural disaster!"

"No, we want to know what you and your ilk are doing"

"Look at that serial killer/disappearance of an icon/gang violence/rioting!"

"No, we want to know what you and your ilk are doing"

"Look at that terrorist attack and our efforts to stop terrorism!"

"No, we want to know what you and your ilk are actually doing"

there is nowhere to go, except 3 countries

Running away from problems never solves anything anyway. Those who think the solution is to run away to another country, or to isolate themselves in the woods to escape society and etc, don't seem to realize that it does nothing to stop the issues from continuing and moreover, those same issues may very well find a way back to their doorstep anyway.

Whether we know and/or like it or not, we're all in this together.

it would be kinda senseless to fight since we are so few in number compared to them etc etc

Are we really? With respect, I disagree. We sorely outnumber them (made up figures, welcome to the internet:) 10000+ to 1, if (and only if) people begin to unanimously reject the lies and corruption playing out at our expense. Yes, their 'security forces'(police and etc) and other veils do create a proverbial army of sorts at their disposal, but, the control they have over said army, is based on fear and lies.

Spread the truth, embolden the fearful, turn the tides. If we expose what's going on in the background, now that the pedophile magicians are outta the way, more and more good, honest people will surely stand up for what is just.

"Might take a year or ten, generations of men. We've past the point of no return!" Turisas - End of an Empire

Note: Please ignore the "please rate and subscribe" crap, this surely isn't my channel/video, nor do I care for it getting any particular attention in that context.

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @carmencita @13Buddha @kestrel9 @GothamGirl

EDIT: Queue the ad hominem trolling, from accounts made within the last 48h and sleeper/shill accounts created some time prior, for the purpose of supporting said trolling; creating downvoat-capable alts so as to attempt to discourage/derail genuine research.

fogdryer ago

Running away is your interpretation I am physically sick watching what is being down and not having any power to stop it, living with lousy media and people who don't believe. I am physically sick Lost my family and friends over this. Spreading awareness is not enough

argosciv ago

Fair call, I shouldn't have directly implied that you yourself, are trying to run away from this.

I can absolutely empathize with your feeling physically sick from it, the same happens to me occasionally. Spreading awareness isn't enough on it's own, especially in the face of those who willingly look the other way; active research into corruption and initiatives to undo/overcome it, are essential also.

Ultimately, the pressure has to come from a variety of methods and on a massive scale, if those pulling the strings are to be held accountable in some capacity. Awareness is just a start.

fogdryer ago

Ultimately, the pressure has to come from a variety of methods and on a massive scale, yea the media would have helped but now they are out. How to we pressure them. I have only one idea, and I don't think it would get any volunteers so I can scratch that off the list. someone mentioned "getting the blackmailers themselves". would not that be equally fruitless since they all have the goods on each other? I remember reading that when Clinton was in DC Hillbot hired someone to collect dirty information on each and every person for future use.........idk

argosciv ago

I'm at a loss for answers there, getting the "blackmailers" and "string pullers" is definitely a worthy goal, but, forgive the pseudopsychology, we need to think in smaller steps between now and then; a multi-faceted approach which in some ways will include petitioning main-stream-media to stop burying their heads in the sand.

PrettyScary ago

"Look at this...look at that" Kinda what you're doing with these rambling jumbled posts meant to keep people chasing pink elephants instead of actual leads? Where does Wisconsin fit in here? You barely touch on this. They don't get hurricanes either.

argosciv ago,_Wisconsin

Sister Cities

Bluefields, Nicaragua

During United States interventions (1912–15, 1926–33) in Nicaragua, American Marines were stationed there. In 1984, the United States mined the harbor (along with those of Corinto and Puerto Sandino) as part of the Nicaraguan Revolution. Bluefields was destroyed by Hurricane Joan in 1988 but was rebuilt.

+ Nicaraguan Revolution?

The Caribbean: Cuba, Nicaragua, Puerto-Rico, Virgin Islands, etc

American Revolution(+ times, names, places, etc)

Cuban Revolution(+ times, names, places, etc)

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @carmencita @13Buddha @kestrel9 @GothamGirl

argosciv ago

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @carmencita @13Buddha @kestrel9 @GothamGirl

Feel free to ping others, I'm sick of doing it xD

see also:
