argosciv ago

Updated info on upcoming TV-spot regarding the Menéndez murders

I was prompted to look into the Menéndez case after seeing that an 8-part tv-spot(Menendez: Blood Brothers, see bottom) (Law & Order - True Crime (Season 1: The Menendez Murders)) regarding the same, is to be played on Australian TV very soon - air date/time eluded me, sorry part 1 of 8 airs on the night of Monday October 2nd 2017.

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @GothamGirl @cantsleepawink

carmencita ago

I am trying to figure out when the program appears here. I am not doing well this morning. My father fell twice last night and had to be taken to the ER. Not much sleep for me. He is ok now. I am not computing things too well. If someone figures it out let me know what day. From what I can see some episodes have already played? Sigh.

argosciv ago

Menendez:_Blood_Brothers - wikipedia

Menendez: Blood Brothers is a 2017 television film directed by Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato, written by Abdi Nazemian, and starring Courtney Love, Nico Tortorella, Benito Martinez, and Myko Oliver. The film is based on the lives of Lyle and Erik Menendez, two brothers who were convicted of murdering their parents in Beverly Hills, California in 1989.

It aired on the Lifetime network in North America on June 11, 2017.[3][4]

Oh look who it is... Courtney Love

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @carmencita @GothamGirl @13uddah @kestrel9

SoldierofLight ago

I followed this story very closely when it happened. One of the brothers early on in the investigation claimed that their father's media business had ties to "the mafia" and they tried to steer the police in that direction when they were looking for the killers. At the time, I thought it was odd that the brother did that because it would seem an easy thing to verify-- mob ties, or no mob ties. But what if the mob ties were actually pedo ties? I can't recall if the father's media business included porn but if it did...

argosciv ago Behemoth - Xiądz / Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel [Full]

(multiple songs, cbf with lyrics, don't listen if it's not your taste)

argosciv ago

Point of interest: Cuban Revolution

The Menéndez brothers' father, José Enrique Menéndez, was born in Havana, Cuba, and moved to the United States when he was 16, following the upheaval of the Cuban Revolution.

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @LA_Trump @carmencita @GothamGirl @Jem777

carmencita ago

Hasn't it been rumored that Castro is CIA? Don't know if true. The Cubans received money when the arrived here, but not a fortune, so the father sold out, maybe.

argosciv ago

holy shit....


Wait for it, another BIG ONE coming

@cantsleepawink @GothamGirl @Jem777 @millennial_vulcan @Wisconsin_is_corrupt

carmencita ago

How are you finding this stuff? You are a Extra Ordinary Researcher for sure. Am awaiting your next message.

argosciv ago

There is no short answer to this which will be any sort of satisfactory...

No fear, see and hear the abstract.

Don't be afraid to make leaps, to be wrong, to look a little crazy...

Seek within, look to the past, deep and shallow alike - compare to the present...

Think of the abstract methods of communication... names, places, dates... consider distractions and cover-ups... etc.

It's a process... one I can't fully explain, you need to 'be in my head' for it to make sense - even then, it BARELY begins to make sense even though this is like the 5th time researching some of this stuff(over the course of my life)

The queues come from external life too, it's... my life is very weird and my research just as much so... /shrug

carmencita ago

I guess we all bring ourselves into our researching. When I was researching with someone we worked really well together. We are so different in age and backgrounds, but our minds seemed to be in sync somehow. It gets crazy sometimes, I think you will understand. Thanks for your work.

argosciv ago

If we can bridge the generation gap, many will be able to contribute their experiences AND research and how the two intertwine.

Synchronicity is indeed, key to all of this.

carmencita ago

I am confused where is the Castro post? I don't see it on the front page.

argosciv ago

because someone downvoated it, first of the series ;)

argosciv ago

That's definitely a rumor which gets thrown around.

I for one, don't know exactly what connections can be inferred here, but, considering what brought me here... well, there's certainly some sort of fuckery being covered up, despite whatever truth or fiction is in circulation at the moment.

jangles ago

this is good work

argosciv ago

ok, well, uh... yeah i dunno something's either going to happen with a cement truck, or a cement truck is involved in something I'm looking into...

jangles ago

this lead has me hot on a trail

argosciv ago

do you remember the William Gray thing and my involvement in bringing that to light?


assassination attempt


I sound batshit I know, but my gut got me this far lol

cantsleepawink ago

Just thought I'd point out another seemingly random connection:

wealthy parents, entertainment executive José and his wife, Mary ("Kitty")

Hurricane Jose may swipe North Carolina coast, while Maria could become major hurricane

argosciv ago

Settled down a bit, still have a strong feeling cement trucks may be involved with this hurricane thing you now mention though...

carmencita ago

You so roped me into the Menendez Bros, and now I am even more sucked in by the concept of the cement trucks, I do not know where I will find the time to get engrossed in all of these. I will have to pick two. I am really stuck on the Hoffa case and now I am thinking the cement truck info you will come up with will be my interest as well. I am so very convinced there is truth in this concept. I will be waiting to hear what you have found.

cantsleepawink ago

Sorry, I'm short for time. Have you got a link to the video you are talking about?

argosciv ago


THE OPENING FEW SECONDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Birds eye-view of highway: 2 vehicles traveling from left to right, 1 a small black car traveling faster than another vehicle in the lane next to it.

The second vehicle has the shadow of a cement truck, I was looking at the vehicle thinking, no, that looks like a 4WD towing something...

next camera angle is zoomed in on vehicle 2, it IS a 4WD towing a boat.

Cement Truck


Does anyone else have the movie to check? or can it be found? FUCKING!!!!!

argosciv ago

@Enigmatic_Continuum @cantsleepawink

I have a feeling the hurricane(s) and the tv spot(and timing of both) and cement trucks have something in common

carmencita ago

Since this whole mass of hurricanes started, I have had an ominous feeling. I am totally convinced (after reading about Operation Popeye) that they can control these storms. Create? Idk, but control yes, forcing them to become more severe and devastating, even murderous. Idk how the cement trucks figure either, please explain. But possibly combined with this process that they came up in during the Vietnam War, combined with the cement trucks, They have created their Perfect Storms.

argosciv ago

Unfortunately I get the feeling there's a need for me to watch it again in case I missed something...

When I first watched it, I was uh... well let's just call it less mature and less aware of the connections that are now so jarringly apparent.

argosciv ago

Funny Games

Killers definitely based on brothers in some abstract way... not a fun watch, viewer discretion advised

argosciv ago

That's exactly my gut instinct.

I can think of a movie I saw even, which attempts to paint these two as psychotic(implying they were either thinking about or committing murder, during their burglaries), I need to try to find the title. I'm not sure if it was publicly espoused that the movie was inspired by the brothers, but... well... Ed Gein isn't a 1:1 copy of "Leatherface" of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre even though they admit the origin... 'protecting' identities and such, hiding in plain sight, etc etc...

movie title incoming

Jem777 ago

@argosciv you are doing incredible work my friend. The Menendez brothers were brutally raped and tortured by their father since they were little boys with their mothers complicity.

Their rage was obvious from the crime scene. You can look at manner and death of killing and psychological profiles will tell you the depth of fear, sadness, & rage of the shooters towards their targets. This was done in this case with expert testimony determining they were severely abused.

They had made a pact I believe to never let their father hurt them or others again. I am not saying that is the answer at all but the depth of their PTSD was revealed. My hope is through our efforts together we can stop little children like they were at one point from this evil....and rescue some very wounded children soon and help them. To have human beings that take a stand and fight the monsters for them can be incredibly healing.

Children even as tormented as they were can be made to feel safe again and allow healing to occur.

It is possible I have witnessed it....

argosciv ago

We need to act fast, I'll be livid if they spin this against the brothers.

If you read the wiki and further reading articles(just saying), they reveal some very telling details about not only the brothers but the handling of the trial(s); the trial after the 2 hung juries and cameras, was without cameras (unsure of spectators) and with only one jury which emphatically rejected the abuse story...

Apparently the lawyer for the brothers poisoned(as in, attempted to have them deceive deliberations) a juror in one of at least 3 trial(s) too... railroaded?

Jem777 ago

They alphabet lufe sentences right? Are they speaking again.

argosciv ago

what do you mean, sorry?

Jem777 ago

Sorry spell check...I said don't they have life sentences without parole? Are they appealing again?

argosciv ago

correct on sentence with no parole, they've appealed that several times and have also had habeus corpus denied repeatedly, unsure if appealing again to courts... definitely appealing for help though ;)

carmencita ago

My take on this is that they will never win their appeal. There is a huge coverup on the parents, I believe, and they do not want the nasty business of the father being tied to the Movie Industry and their raping of children. They want this can of worms contained. The problem is the Corps of Judges they have put in place that will agree to keep them from ever being vindicated for finally acting out their anger for the years of heinous abuse. I have a feeling the father was still raping them as young men. He had such a hold over them. This is the pattern of some of the families within the Cabal and Royalty. The Movie Industry is no different, imo.

argosciv ago

@cantsleepawink feast your eyes, while I read over what you found? :D

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks. Will read later when I have more time.

argosciv ago

you'll need a lot... I have a morbid feeling you and I will be able to make our rabbit holes meet in the middle...

argosciv ago

@Vindicator are you able to NSFW flare the rest of the threads in my series here?

Vindicator ago

That isn't one of the flairs available in the mod tools for this sub. Maybe an O can?

argosciv ago

Only doing one round of pings this time, those of you pinged, feel free to grab the attention of others.

@Jem777 @bopper @1977345 @srayzie @fogdryer