argosciv ago

Fucking hell! Fine! Bomb incoming!

Black magic afoot in v/pizzagate, I'm helping as best I can but you need to listen to the music; be vigilant, I ask of your trust while I write an important annex to this thread.

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @cantsleepawink @srayzie @Vindicator @VictorSteinerDavion

argosciv ago

George Philip Gein = Ed Gein's father

Augusta Wilhelmine (née Lehrke) Gein = Ed Gein's Mother

findagrave - Augusta Wilhelmine (née Lehrke) Gein

Family links:

Parents: * Frederick William Lehrke (1840 - 1904) * Amalia Fregin Lehrke (1841 - 1897)

findagrave - Frederick William Lehrke

Birth: Aug. 9, 1840, Germany

Death: Feb. 29, 1904

Frederick/Freidrich Lehrke's parentage is uncertain. He married Amalia Fregin Lehrke.

Family links:


  • Christian Lehrke (1810 - 1897)

findagrave - Christian Lehrke

Birth: Nov. 25, 1810, Germany

Death: May 29, 1897, Wisconsin, USA

findagrave - Amalia Fregin Lehrke

Birth: Jun. 27, 1841, Germany

Death: May 29, 1897

Amalia Fregin Lehrke was the daughter of Friedrich Fregin and Caroline Fruhr and the wife of Frederick Lehrke.

Family links:

Spouse: * Frederick William Lehrke (1840 - 1904)

Children: * Gustave Adam Lehrke (1871 - 1943) * Augusta Wilhelmine Lehrke Gein (1878 - 1945) * Emma Lehrke (1879 - 1963) * Edward William Lehrke (1884 - 1964) * Henry Ernest Lehrke (1886 - 1968) * Bertha Lehrke Benjamin (1890 - 1996)

Friedrich Fregin

Birth: Mar. 22, 1869, Germany Death: Dec. 31, 1945, Randall, Morrison County, Minnesota, USA

Family links:


  • Johann Fregin (1834 - 1905)
  • Christine Annie Marie Knorr Fregin (1834 - 1915)


  • Christina Maria Magdelena Beck Fregin (1871 - 1951)*


  • Amelia Fregin Bonewald (1863 - 1917)
  • Caroline Elizabeth Fregin Bahr (1867 - 1960)
  • Friedrich Fregin (1869 - 1945)
  • Gustave Fregin (1871 - 1899)
  • Carl William Fregin (1874 - 1939)
  • Julius Emil Fregin (1877 - 1957)
  • Florentine Fregin (1879 - 1880)
  • Adolph Martin Fregin (1881 - 1973)


@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @cantsleepawink @VictorSteinerDavion

fogdryer ago

Without folks like you......

Thank you thank you

argosciv ago

Further reading:


"August" and variants...


Time range(s) of current focus

12000(-)BC - 2017(+)AD

Particularly important ranges for the purpose of actionable research include, but, are not limited to:


  • 1600 - 1799
  • 1800 - 1899
  • 1901 - 1910 (1902 - 1905 is seemingly important)
  • 1911 - 1930 (1920 is INCREDIBLY important)
  • 1931 - 1973 (1933 is INCREDIBLY important)
  • 1974 - 1976 (1975 is INCREDIBLY important)
  • 1977 - 1979
  • 1980 - 1983
  • 1984 - 1986 (1985 is INCREDIBLY important)
  • 1987 - 1990
  • 1991 - 2017 (1998 - 2001 & 2012+ are INCREDIBLY important)

Repeating names(and variants) which warrant attention, include, but, are not limited to:

  • Agnus
  • August
  • Wilma/William
  • José/Joseph
  • Maria/Mary
  • Johnson
  • Anderson, Andersen
  • Irma(Emma)
  • Harvey
  • Mitch
  • Emerson/Emmerson (Emry) | behindthename - Emerson
  • Victoria
  • Elizabeth
  • Harriman/Harry/Henry/Henriette
  • Grigori/Gregory
  • Allen
  • Alex/Alexander/Alexandra/Alexandria

Slavery in the colonial United States(1600 - 1776)

American Revolution(1765 - 1783)

American Civil War(1861 - 1865)

Slavery in the United States(ended ca 1865)

Cuban Revolution(1953 - 1959)

Nicaraguan Revolution(1962 - 1990)

1905 Russian Revolution (1905 - 1907)

February Revolution (1917)

October Revolution (1917)

Russian Civil War (1917 - 1923)

Soviet Union (1922 - 1991)

Cold War (~1947 - 1991)

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @carmencita @GothamGirl @Wolftrail7272

Behemoth - Ben Sahar (Live @ Rockmaraton Fesztivál / Dunaújváros - 11.07.2016) [HD]

Thee I cast aside

Fetus divine

Agnus dei

Free ov thy lies

Hearken hosts on high

Fetch me your god

As my ambition prescribes

Challenge the sun

Ascend shall I unto the heavens

Exalt my throne above his celestial display

Sit shall I upon that mount ov congregation

Far toward the north

Hearken dogs ov Nazarene

Linger at St. Peter’s door

Partake from the well ov nothingness

Bite the withered hand ov god

Ascend shall I unto the heavens

Exalt my throne above his celestial display

Sit shall I upon that mount ov congregation

Far toward the north

Boreal hell beneath my feet

Blistering Eden above

With prayer on lips

With freedom bequeathed

Thru fire we walk

With fire in hearts!

argosciv ago

the crux is in the assyria article; A LOT of reading is required.

argosciv ago

carmencita ago

OK I am here and looking into it. I am slow but thorough. Will let you know when done.

fogdryer ago

Carmencita Let me know also with a summary please

carmencita ago

It is very hard to summarize all this in this post. It is all somehow connected by the names that are similar and the bloodlines and how some of it connects to Racine. There is connection with some to the CIA and then there is the pedo ring run by Frank Shelden. The Beer Company is connected to this as well. I will not guess what it all means because I believe that argosciv may not now right now as well. It is just that when you are researching something goes off in your head and a light goes off as well. The names and places start taking you down that road...........

argosciv ago

at this point, it's just reading material and explains the shift that is occurring - though it will no doubt help to connect many many pieces of the puzzle.

carmencita ago

Thanks. This sounds like progress. Any is good.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Gein is one of many from the "Root" of all Evil - Racine and Wisconsin, and there are still serial killers at large in the area.

This is not a coincidence. This is part of the bigger Plan. Racine and Wisconsin are the keys to the real Truth to Save the world before we are all Enslaved for eternity. This is not a war of the present, but a war for all history and all future. This is the ultimate battle of Good vs. Evil.

Racine is the weak link of the entire system. The real Truth and Agenda is much more grotesque and real than Gein, Dahmer and the many other Evils from Wisconsin. There is much more to Wisconsin that the world needs to know. The corrupt and controlling elite know all about it, and Racine, Wisconsin is the only thing that truly makes them afraid of being exposed.

millennial_vulcan ago

Ive seen a few of your posts and am intrigued. WHY is Wisconsin the root of all evil? Not disagreeing but curious.

fogdryer ago

Find the weakest link and push! Like Weiner was a weak link, he just kept messing up in a big way, they pushed on him and he broke

Racine has phenomal errors in public corruption. Caught often.
If we push this weak link, more info will flow

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It goes back to ancient discoveries in Wisconsin that link to Antarctica and biblical prophecy. It is also connected to the immigration routes of various nations and religions, and the hubs of global secret societies that all tie back to Racine and Wisconsin.

It is a global coalition, and Racine is the "Root" and model for the real Agenda that is Global Enslavement through the ultimate lie of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) and the Mark of the Beast enforced through AI and Community Policing. Look into Racine more and you will find it is the birthplace and model for these programs. Racine was the original Chicago, and is the real DC where those who control the politicians meet to determine the fate of the world.

The direct chain of command through Freemasons, Knights of Pythias, Royal Order of Jesters, Pilgrims Society, Committee of 300, Council of 13 and other groups is: Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine, WI)

millennial_vulcan ago

Appreciate the reply, W_I_C...thank you. I will go do some more research. Fascinating.

argosciv ago

Racine being a place or person? (Non-US citizen)

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine, Wisconsin is not merely a place, it is the "Root" of all Evil and the model for Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast.

bopper ago

Racine is a city in Wisconsin.

argosciv ago

thanks :)

bopper ago

@argosciv Antarctica is not a continent. There is plenty of proof for that if you guys want to learn some real truth. Guess what, the earth is NOT a ball, and it does not spin. You "open-minded" people refuse to check this out cause it's so "out there." It's a PSY OP you say!! Give it a look. Be brave.

millennial_vulcan ago

argo, Bopper is nice. They are not trying to antagonize, only help :-)

argosciv ago

Hahaha yeah I was a little defensive there, my bad.

argosciv ago

Don't presume what I am and am not open-minded to. There are people who I will gladly discuss 'flat earth' with, and others who show all the signs of just eating up any bullshit that's fed to them. If there's anything to FET(Flat Earth Theory), then such a truth will make itself very apparent to at least myself, in due time.

I've got other more important things to do at this time in my life, than worry about the shape of the planet(or whatever you wanna call it). When I have more time and am able to contact trusted people about FET, I'll be more inclined to give it an honest ear.

bopper ago

There's no time to wait, and there's nothing more important. What are you up to in your life at this time? And sorry for generalizing and snaring you, didn't mean to. Are you not on a type of spiritual quest?

argosciv ago

Maybe you have or haven't noticed that I've not been on here very much in the last week or so.

My calling has changed, I'm no longer able to contribute to investigations here on this level of things, due to now being required to help others on a physical level, those who are consumed by the same 'beast' which consumed Ed Gein and so many others before and after him.

I am here to slay the beast, the beast expose the true Satan and take the fight to a new level, Satan does not reside here. Just a mass of underlings running around (here and elsewhere) without leadership. They're gonna be pissed and they're gonna start acting out of line, we need boots on the ground, regardless of the shape of the planet.

bopper ago

The shape of the planet and the truth about the cosmos will awaken the whole world when critical mass is reached, this will slay your beast. The beast is of the devil, which "deceiveth the whole world," and has perpetrated the biggest lie of the past 500 years upon mankind and imprisoned us/them. I wish you would check into it.

argosciv ago

Satan(enemy of god) IS NOT: Lucifer, Nergal or Abbadon or even Apep

Perhaps FET will be a catalyst for others, but it is truly irrelevant to me at this time.

The lie is more than 500 years old, I assure you. I also assure that, in due time, I will look into FET, via trusted sources far from (no offense to voaters)

3141592653 ago

I believe FET is a distraction to keep us from investigating pedogate and other global corruption and abuse.

I am an amateur astrophysicist and I definitely think the earth is round!

argosciv ago

here's not the place for that discussion

bopper ago

Thanks for your replies, let me know if you want to explain more, no worries, and good luck.

argosciv ago

Happy to have a less charged conversation in private, sorry if I'm being a bit overbearing.

bopper ago

No not at all, I understand. We'll touch base again sometime.

argosciv ago

I was very very much the same, which is what made me keep Wisconsin in the back of my mind - had a random inkling to look up the origins of 'Leatherface' from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre(think "hide in plain sight"), saw Ed Gein and his area of residence/crime(Wisconsin)... saw lampshades made from human skin, saw August Kreis III, kept digging.... end result above and in comments.

I was skeptical but it checks out in ways I never would have imagined 10 years ago.

millennial_vulcan ago

Thank you argosciv. Yes, I have read a lot of W_I_C's posts and they do indeed check out. Also feel Nebraska is similar in terms of absolute corruption masquerading as a sleepy, innocuous state.


argosciv ago

+1 internet

argosciv ago

@Vindicator, this needs NSFW flare(or whatever the fuck)

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is a very important key. It is a global coalition moving toward common goals, with many layers of control, compartmentalization, contingency plans and influence at all levels.

The central underlying "Root" of it all is Sustainability. Not sustainability for us, but sustainability for them.

The devil's greatest trick was to convince the world he did not exist. This is his greatest ability.


Racine, Wisconsin is the "Root" and model of Sustainability that leads to Global Enslavement, and the Mark of the Beast enforced through AI and Community Policing that Racine is also the model for.

carmencita ago

I have been trying to research Caron Butler. I am convinced he was abused while in Juvenile Homes. He is either a pedophile or has sold out to get his fame. He went to a College (forget name) and was coached by Jim Calhoun who was one of the two that witnessed Jerry Sandusky abusing a victim. He now has dementia. I know that Butler has some kind of Bike Program for Kids and that he rides in Bicycle Events and even one with some Prince that donated a bike. He is linked I can tell, but have yet to find concrete evidence.

fogdryer ago

I posted something on her about him. Did you not find it Or contact me

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Correct. He was corrupted and abused as a child, and has since become a major player involved. He went to UConn (Connecticut), then moved around the NBA for many years recruiting and networking for his handlers.

Most people do not realize how deeply entrenched professional athletes are in the same circles as other corrupt entertainers in the music, art and film industries.

Caron Butler, Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Shaquille O'Neal, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant, and many more NBA superstars are involved. Even white athletes like Tiger Woods and John Elway are in the club. Caron spoke at a Mayors conference with fellow club member and Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson about Community Policing and other parts of the real Agenda, and is closely connected with many elite circles in DC after a stint with the Wizards in which he attended events like the Young & the Guest with Alefantis, Abedin, Podesta, Braverman and many others in the inner political circles.

Now he is trotted around as an inspiration to kids through corrupt charities used to cover up the real Truth with those involved in extreme trafficking, abuse and corruption.

carmencita ago

I have been thinking that Magic Johnson is one of the worst. I read about his contracts with Chicago at the Airport and with the Schools. He gave Emanuel a huge donation and got a huge 80M contract (yeah, I think that's right). These athletes sell out their own poorest of the poor people that hang on their every word. They are evil.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We do not disagree. It is peculiar how the Emanuels are excluded from many various investigations, when they are so integral to the networks in DC, Chicago and Hollywood.

carmencita ago

Ha. Yes, and not to mention his father Benjamin Emanuel. He is a doctor still practicing pediatrician in Chicago. His father was part of a Israeli terrorist group in Israel. I have had a personal dislike for Emanuel since he was with Clinton. That whole family, I believe is involved in this horrible mess.

argosciv ago

Relax, enjoy the ride


argosciv ago

mic drop

Translation: good guys win :)

The end of an empire

Gothamgirl ago

Amazing post again!

millennial_vulcan ago

"mic drop"

love it!

carmencita ago

We shall overcome them