carmencita ago

That darn rabbit hole. When will it start shrinking? It seems things keep going back and forth. For better and worse. We need to keep going until it gets better. Even though we may not want to discover the truth for we may not like it, it is better to know what we are all up against. Thank you so much for what you are doing.

argosciv ago

Part 2 coming soon, the rabbit hole has deepened yet again.

EDIT: Fuck, it got a bit too deep... need to claw my way back up a bit...

EDIT 2: Found what I needed! May still take a while to compile, but, well... it's kinda funny...

I'll admit now, this one started because of a question from the underside of a beer lid last night xD

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @carmencita @13Buddha @kestrel9 @bopper

carmencita ago

I had a feeling that beer was going to be trouble. Well, I guess it is better to know than not know. I have a little time right now but will be busy til tonight. Send me something I can help with if you can.

argosciv ago

what beer?

carmencita ago

Just kidding. Do what you need to do.

argosciv ago

oooh! I see what I did, forgot to delete the previous comment...

i got lost for a second there.

nah the beer's going rather well to be honest xD

carmencita ago

Whatever works. Strange Combos sometimes become our friends. Just don't over medicate. I had 4 vodka/grapefruit cocktails last night. No I don't drive and had food with it.

argosciv ago

everything in moderation, as they say.

carmencita ago


argosciv ago

Menendez family: deeper relations - Kitty Menendez

Kitty Menendez

Original name: Mary Louise Andersen

Born Mary Louise "Kitty" Andersen in Oak Lawn, a suburb of Chicago in 1941, she was the youngest of four children to Charles and Mae Andersen. - Mae Helen Maloney Andersen

Mae's parents were William R and Mollie S Maloney. Mae Helen Maloney married Charles Milton Andersen in Oak Lawn, Illinois. Charles Anderson owned a heating and air-conditioning company. One of their children was Mary "Kitty" Louise Menendez who was murdered by her sons in 1989. Mae died at the age of 73. - Charles Milton Andersen

Parents are Charles Martin Anderson from Norway and Marie A Niergaerd from Denmark. Siblings are Cora (Balzer), Emma E (Sorensen) and William. Father of Kitty Menendez. - Jose E. Menendez

Although not considered wealthy, his parents were well regarded in the pre-Castro Cuban society. When Castro came into power in 1959, the Menendez family decided to leave Cuba for the United States, and a year later, they emigrated to Hazleton, Pennsylvania, where Jose studied in high school, and excelled in athletics. In his senior year of high school, Jose won a four year scholarship in swimming to Southern Illinois University. In his freshman year at SIU, Jose met SIU senior Mary Louise "Kitty" Andersen. They soon fell in love, and following Kitty's graduation from SIU with a BS Degree in Communications, they moved to New York City, where Jose obtained an athletic scholarship from Queens College. Over the next twenty years, Jose would work in the film industry in Princeton, New Jersey, where his two sons, Joseph and Erik, were born, and then in California, where he joined the Carolco Film Company. The Menendezes were killed in the early evening of August 20, 1989, in their home while watching television.

On August 28, 1987, Carolco acquired television syndicator Orbis Communications for $15.4 million and initiated television production and distribution. They also purchased the former De Laurentiis Entertainment Group production facility in Wilmington, North Carolina,[10] and established Carolco Home Video, with LIVE Entertainment as output partner.

Decline and collapse

Out of the ashes rose a new partnership between Carolco's owner (Mario Kassar) and Cinergi's owner (Andrew G. Vajna) in 1998. The duo formed C2 Pictures and produced Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines and Basic Instinct 2 among other films.

Dino De Laurentiis's defunct studio, De Laurentiis Entertainment Group, along with its headquarters in Wilmington, North Carolina was purchased by Hoffman at Kassar's urging.[3],_North_Carolina#Notable_people

  • Ed Hinton, actor in television series I Led Three Lives; father of Darby Hinton and Daryn Hinton

Edgar Latimer "Ed" Hinton Jr. (March 26, 1919 – October 12, 1958) was an American actor known particularly for guest-starring roles on television westerns. He was the father of actor Darby Hinton (born 1957), who was only fourteen months old, when Ed Hinton perished in an airplane crash on Santa Catalina Island off the California coast.[1]

In 1954, Hinton appeared in some of his first television roles with an appearance on the CBS series Captain Midnight, starring Richard Webb, later of the syndicated series, Border Patrol.[6]

Richard Webb (born John Richard Webb; September 9, 1915 – June 10, 1993) was a film, television and radio actor, originally from Bloomington, Illinois the son of John Renner Webb and Laura Gail Gunnett.

He appeared in more than fifty films, including many westerns and films noir including Out of the Past (1947), Night Has a Thousand Eyes (1948), I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951) and Carson City (1952). Today, he may be best remembered as the star of the 1950s television series, Captain Midnight, based on a long-running radio program of the same name and Border Patrol.


Hindered by a long-term respiratory illness, Webb died of a self-inflicted gunshot on June 10, 1993 in Van Nuys, California.[9]


Webb wrote four books, Great Ghosts of the West, Voices From Another World and These Came Back, about psychic phenomena and the occult, and The Laughs on Hollywood, a collection of anecdotes about the entertainment industry.[10]

Why does that death sound familiar???

Kurt Cobain: Afflicted, possible pizzagate/Wisconsin: Manson Family: Walter Brewing

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @carmencita @GothamGirl @fogdryer @bopper

argosciv ago

@LA_Trump @cantsleepawink @IShallNotFear @icuntstopswearing knew I was forgetting some people :P

cantsleepawink ago

“Hurricane Irma Weaponized: HAARP Weather Warfare” – Neil Keenan Update – 9.7.17

Those in control of the HAARP installation at Clam Lake Naval facility in Wisconsin are responsible.

argosciv ago


HAARP has been left out of the focus for now, but, I'm open minded...

Though, do please look at everything well beyond the hurricanes(and HAARP), it's much bigger than that one way or the other.

EDIT: The current practical focus of the hurricane connection, is the naming, timing and locations, etc and what (if any, seemingly a lot) corruption can be linked up directly or indirectly by these and other factors. Hurricanes are, for the sake of practical investigation, a natural phenomenon which can be (and seemingly are) used in a multitude of ways to assist corruption, regardless of the existence/involvement of HAARP or other proposed means of 'generating' natural disasters.

cantsleepawink ago

I'm open minded too. What has happened with the hurricanes this year is totally unprecedented.

This was posted on 6th September:

List of Geoengineering and Weather Modification Patents :


carmencita ago

I sent a link to info on Operation Popeye to some still asleep Dems and got no response. Evidently their Alarm Clock did not go off, they are still asleep. What will it take to awaken them besides Hard Shaking. Sigh. They are so brain washed by this Resistance stuff I am so frustrated These were people I went to Philly with and they watched Bernie get burned by HRC and the DNC. They swore they would quit the party and now they are even worse than before. How will we convince people of this HAARP stuff and the manipulation of the weather. Sigh and more Sighs.

argosciv ago

definitely interesting to observe. i must stress though, look at the rest of the research. please

cantsleepawink ago

I will. :-)

argosciv ago

@Commoner @Vindicator @quantokitty @jangles it gets deeper still...

argosciv ago - Kitty Menendez

Kitty Menendez

Original name: Mary Louise Andersen

Born Mary Louise "Kitty" Andersen in Oak Lawn, a suburb of Chicago in 1941, she was the youngest of four children to Charles and Mae Andersen.

+ American Revolution?

+ Prohibition, mafia(chicago outfit, etc), Jimmy Hoffa?

Possible WI lead: The Walter Brewing Company; Prohibition

Jimmy Hoffa: Courtney Love: Kurt Cobain: WI root of 'evil'

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @carmencita @GothamGirl @fogdryer @bopper

carmencita ago


carmencita ago

Not convinced the Menendez Bros. killed their parents. They supposedly shot them in the knees to make it look like a Mafia killing. Well I believe it was the Mafia. Their grandfather in Cuba was a soccer star and I believe he may have been Mafia and they were very well off. When Cubans left and came to the US, they received a lump sum payment. Not much but something. They moved to NJ which is another Mafia infested place. When he worked for the film industry we have to know there was mafia involved. Maybe the boys were even MK Ultra, who knows. They never had committed any act of violence either. All of what happened could have been played out by the Mafia and the Movie Syndicate. Maybe the Mother was getting ready to spill the beans about the boys being raped by either their father or who he was pimping them out to. Who knows. It all looks very fishy to me and I agree about how the trial went as well. It just seemed to well oiled. Bang Bam Boom this court and that court and it was all over. All according to plan, imo. Well that is my take so far. I will continue.

argosciv ago

Just for the sake of clarifying, pretty sure the story goes along the lines of a single close-range shotgun shot to the head for daddy-dearest, then mummy-dearest was shot several times with said shotgun as she tried to escape, to the point of barely resembling a human.

At this stage, given their claims of a lifetime of abuse, I'm not ruling out that they're telling the truth and that one or both brothers pulled the trigger; if the claims of abuse are true, it's very clear that the brothers were rail-roaded(or whatever the term) in court.

Whatever the case, what's blatantly apparent to me with regards to the Menendez case, is another high-profile killing(complete with millions at stake in a will) with some on-the-nose hurricane relations, seems to connect to a larger puzzle of hurricanes and corruption abroad - up to and including Mafia connections via Jimmy Hoffa et al.

Interestingly, the only people able to give an account of what happened on the night of José's and Mary's deaths, are the now currently incarcerated brothers, who, again, have been repeatedly denied the right to be heard in court on the grounds of Habeus Corpus...

It's worth briefly looking into the origins of Habeus Corpus, see American Revolution and/or slavery.

carmencita ago

I read so much stuff last night and can't remember where I read it, but one of them said that the Mother sexually abused him as well. That is coming back to me now, but have not seen it anywhere else but in that article. If I find it I will post it. Amazing I had forgotten that. I needed a wake up call. Also I read about there being a porn part of that film col. and it said they sold it off, but I wonder......another think I should look for.

argosciv ago

Also I read about there being a porn part of that film col. and it said they sold it off, but I wonder......another think I should look for.

Funny that you mention a porn connection... something to that effect popped up in my WI research... I'll get back to ya on that one.

The following is not an attempt to disparage consenting adults for engaging in their fetishes, nor should it be considered an act of censorship in any way imaginable. However, something to take note of, is the ever-recurring theme of abuse and perversion(and thus the normalization thereof) portrayed by Max Hardcore's work.,_Wisconsin

  • Max Hardcore, pornographer

Max Hardcore (born Paul F. Little; August 10, 1956) is a pornographic actor, producer, and director. He rose to prominence in 1992 with the film series The Anal Adventures of Max Hardcore,[1] which in 1994 was awarded the X-Rated Critics Organization's award for Best Amateur or Pro-Am series.[2]

Max Hardcore's films generally consist of sexual acts executed by himself, with women, often porn industry newcomers, who act like girls or their upset mothers,[8] with an emphasis on anal sex.[9] All of the actresses used in Little's movies are over the legal age of 18.

Writer Susannah Breslin, reviewing Hardcore's work, has commented: "In Max Hardcore movies – Pure Max, Hardcore Schoolgirls, Don't Fuck Up My Mommy! – the women are verbally and physically degraded in an unprecedented myriad of ways."[14] The treatment by Hardcore of his female co-stars has been described by several critics as occasionally abusive.[9][15] The tone of Hardcore's work has been considered misogynistic.[16] His films and alleged work methods have reportedly made him relatively unpopular in the porn industry.[17]

Based on Max Extreme 4, the city of Los Angeles in 1998 charged him with child pornography and distribution of obscenity. The fact that the actress was over the age of 18 was not disputed; they brought charges based solely on the fact that the actress was portraying a character who was underage. Just before the case was brought to trial in 2002, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled (in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition) that the statute prohibiting adults from portraying children in films and books was unconstitutional. Based on this ruling, the child pornography charges against Little were dismissed. The misdemeanor charge of distribution of obscenity was retained, but the jury failed to reach a verdict. An additional obscenity charge was subsequently levied against him by L.A., again resulting in a hung jury. Little commented after the trial that it "was a frivolous waste of public resources."[18]

n 2007, Little and his company, Max World Entertainment, Inc., were indicted by the United States Department of Justice Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section with five counts of transporting obscene matter by use of an interactive computer service and five counts of mailing obscene matter, relating to five movies[20][21] showing fisting, urination and vomiting.[22] Little was subsequently found guilty on all charges,[22] and sentenced to 46 months in prison.[23] On appeal, the 11th Circuit Court in Atlanta, Georgia upheld the conviction, but remanded his sentence.[24] Little began serving his sentence on January 29, 2009.[25][26]

The jury ordered the internet domain to be forfeited but declined to forfeit Little's house in Altadena, California.[22]

Little was originally assigned to the Federal Metropolitan Correctional Facility in downtown Los Angeles, and then transferred to Federal Correctional Institution, La Tuna in Anthony, Texas, a low security correctional facility for men. He served the final five months of his sentence under house arrest.[27] He is Federal Bureau of Prisons number 44902-112 and was released on July 19, 2011.[28]

Since he has been out of prison, Little stated in a February 2012 interview that he "wants to do good in the world", and has now gone back into the porn industry.[29]

Adult film director Max Hardcore sentenced to 4 years in prison on obscenity charges (UPDATE)

A US District Court in Florida has sentenced "extreme shock porn" gonzo director and distributor Max Hardcore, aka Paul F. Little, to four years in prison over obscenity charges.

In Porn Valley, Little is something of a pariah. The larger, more mainstream-oriented and consumer-friendly adult production companies like Vivid Video and Wicked Pictures pride themselves on turning out adult content that plays by the rules, thereby, they hope, protecting the industry from legal persecution. In contrast, Little and company, other producers believe, put the entire industry at risk by creating content more likely to be targeted in obscenity indictments. (See: The Cambria List.)

In 2005, the Bush administration launched its so-called "War on Porn," forming the Obscenity Prosecution Task Force, a Department of Justice outfit dedicated to pursuing obscenity prosecutions, and the FBI began recruiting for a "porn squad," otherwise known as the Adult Obscenity Squad, focused on "manufacturers and purveyors" of pornography. In late 2005, federal agents raided Little's offices in Altadena, California, but it wasn't until early 2007 that his indictment was unsealed. As it turned out, OPTF Director Brent Ward had found getting US Attorneys to pursue obscenity prosecutions wasn't easy. Consequently, US Attorneys who preferred dedicating their resources to crimes other than obscenity in districts more likely to win the administration obscenity convictions were eliminated.

Late last year, the OPTF's first trial began in Phoenix, Arizona, pitting the US government against a producer of bukkake videos, but the result was an embarrassment, the pornographer slipping out of the government's hands in the courtroom. When it came to Little, prosecutors were gunning for a win. Finally, three years after the OPTF was formed, the Feds got their man.

From Max Hardcore wikipedia page:

After the FBI raid, Little released the following statement:

Once again, the government is wasting tax dollars and otherwise invaluable law enforcement resources to try to force a minority view of morality on all of America. Five of my movies have been targeted by the Federal Prude Patrol. There is no indication of any crime to be alleged except obscenity. If indicted, I will fight to protect my liberty, as well as the liberty of consenting adults to watch other adults engage in lawful, consensual, pleasurable sexual action. Shame on the Bush Department of Justice. I am proud of the movies I make and proud of those who buy and sell those movies.[19]

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @Commoner @GothamGirl @13Buddha @kestrel9

argosciv ago

Personal opinion/deduction:

Paul Little appears(in my opinion) to be trying to advocate the whole "pedosexuality is acceptable" agenda, albeit without being outspoken about such a position...

"I am proud of the movies I make and proud of those who buy and sell those movies", speaks volumes.

Essentially providing material for 'hands-off' pedos, so as to validate and satisfy their urges, whilst simultaneously perpetuating the issue of normalization and/or addiction.

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @carmencita @GothamGirl @13Buddha @kestrel9

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

They are not only pushing the pedo culture for normalization and desensitization, but there is a more sinister side tied to abuse and snuff films much like Hunter S. Thompson was involved in tied to the same groups in Omaha.

They want to normalize Evil, and then claim to Save the world through Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast, where Community Policing pits everyone against each other (while those in control have a pact to maintain their secrecy and control). This is all told in Revelations, brought on by a False Prophet and Great Deceiver.

carmencita ago

I can certainly understand why they would have committed such a crime of hate if they had been abused most of their lives, but why railroad them. Were they deprived of the family fortune? Did someone else profit from it? Possibly that is why they are incarcerated for their lifetime. Could someone have been after that money? I wonder if they receive any of it. I will check on the Habeus Corpus.

argosciv ago

Railroading them was to discredit any accusations made by them against their parents. I'm unsure exactly where the will fits into things, but, apparently one of the brothers(Joseph (Lyle)?) admitted to a friend later, that he had deleted an updated version of the father's will, which had not yet been ratified?

If the allegations of abuse are true, discrediting the case would also discourage/discredit any attempts to connect the parents and the Cuban Revolution(and thus, the CIA) with each other and then on to even broader fuckery.

It's street magic, you're made to watch one hand, while the other picks your pocket without your realizing.

carmencita ago

So possibly the railroad was for the purpose of deterring a connection with the Cuban Revolution and/or the CIA. And maybe the Mafia which was already in control of almost everything in Cuba.

argosciv ago

This is incredibly plausible. Indeed, it almost seems the most logical explanation at this point.

carmencita ago

I am certain this does not surprise you, as it does not me either. It would be interesting to find the names of the parents of Jose Menendez and see if his father was connected as well.

argosciv ago

That's definitely an angle I'm hoping to address at some point, even Mary's parents may have their own involvement or shady dealings, perhaps an 'arranged' marriage of sorts? (just speculating there)

Commoner ago

Okay, I have only read part of this, but this is what I got out of reading so far. Is there anything else to pick up on.

The Menendez bros could have been/ were probably abused

Their dad has ties to Cuba. Is he a CIA op? Was he part of the Cuban Revolution. What plans did the CIA have for Cuba?

Their dad came to the US and became very, very wealthy. How did he do that? Who brought him here?

The parents' names are Jose and Mary, which happen to be the name of two current hurricanes, (up to NJ where they lived). So there may be connections between hurricane names and murdered or missing people.

I did not see a connection between them and Wisconsin. Did I miss it? or do I need to keep reading?

But Wisconisn has sister states, and one of them is Nicaragua where the US has been involved in politics/revolutions

I did see that Tommy Thompson, governor, Bush Appointee, and Clinton Appointee has ties to Wisconsin.

EDIT cont

From your link to wettest hurricanes. Does Wisconsin have sister states that just happen to be at places where hurricanes occurs? Or is (((Wisconsin))) causing the hurricanes. And the like to name them after dead operatives?

Are the current Maria and Joseph Hurricanes, because of association with Jesus' parents, Mary and Jospeh, tied to the Behomoth song which is a corruption of Mary's prayer? Are they foreboding some evil plan to come? Or did their plan fail?

What does the 95 year old lady who died in 2000 have to do with anything?

fogdryer ago

I’m with you totally I don’t get it either What does in sink aerator have to do with this

argosciv ago

just noticed your edit, sorry

The naming(sometimes very abstract, see variations and even different spellings to the same phonetic outcome (eg: hofer, hoffa)) is very important.

Hurricanes(and in some cases, other natural disasters) and the timing/naming thereof, is used as a means to communicate/cover/enact/invoke a great many different things, best summed up as "corruption", think big distractions(morbid killings/disappearances included) as a means to divert attention from truly high-profile, abstractly interconnected/communicated corruption - within the US and abroad.

Are the current Maria and Joseph Hurricanes, because of association with Jesus' parents, Mary and Jospeh, tied to the Behomoth song which is a corruption of Mary's prayer? Are they foreboding some evil plan to come? Or did their plan fail?

Some of this is coincidence( The Behemoth song here and the others elsewhere are mostly just a signature that I'm me posting... but sometimes the lyrics are just PERFECT ;) ), however, the mary/joseph/naming connection is 'solid' and should be noted. This is a repeating cycle/ritual, hence the variations of biblical characters and repeating name variations from Roman times and prior... deep shit, names, important, dates also... it gets batshit and hard to follow, but, if you can try to see what I see, things will make sense in ways that I cannot properly articulate - except through my very leap-prone research.

Underlying factor, corruption is abstract and physical at the same time and it is incredibly hard to piece together unless you're willing to let your mind wander, within reason.

PS: M Fairfax died a few days ago, not in 2000... check the date again.

argosciv ago

You need to keep reading, seriously.

I mean it, read fucking everything, pardon my French.

I'm off to bed, but, you're asking some of the right questions and seeing some of what I see, now.

I have some more pieces to try to fit in here or the next thread, but, I don't have all the answers yet either; try to answer your questions with your own research based on what I've pointed to.

argosciv ago

Just thought I'd point out another seemingly random connection:

wealthy parents, entertainment executive José and his wife, Mary ("Kitty")

Hurricane Jose may swipe North Carolina coast, while Maria could become major hurricane

José & Mary (Joseph and Mary)

Lady Mary Fairfax dies at her Sydney home aged 95 (2017-09-18) Behemoth - Amen

Hail Mary, full ov disgrace

The Lord has fornicated with thee

Cursed art thou among men

And possessed

Cunning as shroud ov Turin

On the autopsy ov god

Damnata Virgo Maria

Credo undone

Bitch ov a sybilline vulva

Usurpress and liar

Witch of broken vows

Centuries wept because ov thee…

Where art thou now in the hour ov trial?!?

Cunning as shroud ov Turin

On the autopsy ov god

Creatio ex nihilo

Credo undone

Wretched is the fruit ov thy womb, Babylon!

Holy mother, mother ov god

Pray for us not, the sinners

Now and at the hour ov our death


@Wisconsin_is_corrupt @carmencita @GothamGirl @ArtificalDuality @Mr_Wolf

carmencita ago

OK I am here. Will read all of this, although I have all along. If you did mostly all this work, I can at least take the time to read it. I am ready to be completely red pilled. I promise to go into it with a completely open mind. Thank You.

argosciv ago

@quantokitty still dunno if you get these pings, but, for your consideration :)

@Vindicator @Commoner and for yours too, I suppose.

13Buddha ago

Excellent! Bravo and Thank You for the work and effort put into this. Will begin reading. What are your thoughts about a timeline with whatever info can be categorized as such?

argosciv ago


12000BC - present day - future???

EDIT: See Ed Gein thread(further reading section)

13Buddha ago

Duh, okay, stupid question. You got me. Just started reading. My apologies.

argosciv ago

shit's deep, enjoy

Jem777 ago

Damn @argosviv this work is incredible.

I have been reading and researching along with you but this is so detailed. This is the big red pill. If you don't believe in God and redemption and know the difference between Good and should ask someone for guidance....this info leads to the pit of hell.

argosciv ago

I take regular trips to and fro ;)

No fear, remember?